Karinwisemancollection, Garland, TX Videos

Videos by Karinwisemancollection in Garland. Jewelry Studio, Custom Jewelry, Home Decor, Vintage, Clothing, Mens Grooming, and Gift Shop A little

Other Karinwisemancollection videos

The Wine Walk is Rain or Shine! Join us this Saturday, May 13th, for wine tasting, live music, shopping and enjoying downtown Garland! Downtown Garland The Frocksy Infinity Arcade Intrinsic Smokehouse & Brewery Dos Banderas Bee Hippy Alstons Antiques Heritage Crossing - City of Garland Garland Central Library Painting with a Twist Bakers Furniture Baruti - A Hair Removal, Skincare and Makeup spa Mrs. J's Heav'nly Delights https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/spring-wine-walk-2023-tickets-608779805787?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1

Kelli from Melt Botanicals

Tonight is the night!! It’s Episode 2 of the Karin and Trayc Online Extravaganza!!! We are going live on our Facebook Group tonight at 6pm Central time. Don’t miss out on the shopping and fun! Tommy Time and the Go Go Dolls will be there! And two special guests...... See you tonight!

Stuff on Stuff on Stuff on Stuff
Stuff on Stuff on Stuff on Stuff

KWC/The Frocksy Shenanigans
Watch for yourself...

Choose your own color palette earrings

Gypsy Bells at Karin Wiseman Collection

Karin Wiseman Colection

Its Saturday!!!