Boudry Therapy and Rehab, Germantown, WI Videos

Videos by Boudry Therapy and Rehab in Germantown. Providing the next level of care in the convivence of your home or daycare setting, specializing in a unique whole person approach to improve participation. Serving pediatrics and adults.

Other Boudry Therapy and Rehab videos

Drop the word BREATH below for a free quide! #boudrytherapyandrehab #breathwork #nasalbreathing #myo #myofunctionaltherapy #myo #orofacialmyology #ribmobility #posture #occupationthetapy #occuationaltherapist #pediatricot #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #ribcage

Sometimes we get in this habit of enabling anxiety and stress without even realizing that we’re doing it. Really knowing who is the story it is helps to reduce and be aware of any enabling that may be happening. This commit to kids and teens, identifying with anxiety and truly believing that they cannot overcome it and they need to accommodate for it. #anxiety #reducinganxiety #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #mentalheathot #occupationaltherapy #occupationaltherapist #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #pediot

Less is more! Baby equipment with all the stuff; doesn’t allow the baby to develop. 👶🏼Bassinets that provide stimulation to baby don’t support proper attachment and bonding by parents thinking that it is the bassinets job to sooth,not theirs. Additionally, babies learn and make crucial brain connections that help support development of co-regulation and self regulation, these bassinet inhibits and delays both. 🙌🏾Midline skills are crucial for state regulation and integration of your Moro ( startle ) reflex. They are also crucial in developing motor praxis for reciprocal movement ( crawling) and for bails tasks (cutting, writing, opening containers). When babies arms are restricted in swaddles with arms outstretched it supports the retainment of reflexes. #babydevelopment #infant #developmentaloccupationaltherapy #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #ot #secureattachment #babyequipment #babyregistrymusthaves #babyregistry

Tantrums happen ( at all ages!) be prepared when they do! The first step is understanding why it is happening; kids don’t have the words or the cognition to process things in a way relay that to an adult. Combine this with sensory systems that are hyperactive or delayed language skills and you can observe more extreme tantrums that they are showing you what they feel inside. Consistency, understanding, and validation are key to helping reduce the length of tantrums and creating safety and co-regulation. #ot #developmentalot #occupationaltherapy #occupationaltherapist #mentalhealthot #mentalhealthoccupationalthetapist #family #attachment #secureattachment

Proprioception can be a sensory preference or a dysfunction when it gets in the way of completing everyday tasks and interests. The good news is that there are strategies to help! #occupationaltherapy #ot #meuroot #occupational_therapist #infantandfamilymemtalhealth

Add this one to your tool box! #ottoolbox #dysregularion #managingstress #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #occupationaltherapy

Is it right for you? Find out more in my bio! #safeandsoundprotocol #therapeuticlistening #occupationaltherapy #ot #pediot #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #missinglink #holistictherapy #holisticapproach #nomedication #improvingfunction

Having boundaries and clear expectations is key to building responsible and resilient kids. #boudrytherapanarehab #occupationaltherapy #ot #pediot #neuroot #mentalhralthot

Calm down Hack! Take over your body and help it adjust to stress! #parasympatheticnervoussystem #ot #occupationaltherapy #pediot #mentalhealthot #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #nervoussystem #regulation #stateregulation

What you need is different for each situation and what you can tolerate each day is dependent on your threshold that day. Next time you are available to help someone calm; ask them these three questions. 🗝️The key is the follow through. If they need space; give it to them without needing to dig deep and find reasoning. If they need help problem solving; help them to solve with open ended questions and wondering and swirling about their thoughts and ideas. If they need someone to listen. Truly listen, no questions, no comments, no opinions. #brainstates #helpingtocalm #regulation #occupationaltherapy #occupationalthetapist #infantandfamilymentalhealth #pediatricoccupationaltherapist #boudrytherapyandrehab #strongrelationships # building relationships #attunement

We don’t need to hyper focus on what our kids are feeling to teach them coping and resiliency. Our own life and modeling will teach them core values and will guide them to success. Meltdowns are normal. Anger is normal. Sadness is normal. Scooping ourselves up off the floor and moving on is normal. We don’t need to teach our kids these things. We can normalize, be present, model, and let them struggle. Because within a struggle comes great wisdom and strength. #emotions #normalizelife #boudrytherapyandrehab #resilience #parenting #parenthacks #ot #occupationaltherapy #pediot #pov #pediatricoccupationaltherapy

Modeling conversations and feelings can help your kids learn how to express their own feelings. Ultimately the more they see it/hear it it will be party of their subconscious mind that guide their actions. Apologizing without blame. You can apologize for making the mistake and even state what you should have done. This builds coregulation and your and your child’s ability to repair by creating a safe space that both can share. #occupationaltherapy #ot #pediot #mentalhealthot #myofunctionaltherapist

Resting tongue position matters! I can’t say enough how the tongue resting on the roof of the mouth is crucial for facial, jaw, and airway development , proper and safe breathing and air flow; and posture. #myofunctionaltherapy #orofacialmyotherapy #myoot #ot #occupationaltherapy

Relationships matter!

Holding the hope of the season, no matter what personal season you are going through. #merrychristmas🎄 #boudrytherapyandrehab #holidaysarehard #holidayhope #christmashope

ALL behaviors are communication….Adults have a hard time communicating; we do we expect our children that don’t have the life experiences, social maturity, and executive functioning skills to communicate with words? Instead of demanding words, reasoning, and apologies; what would happen if we were present? What would happen if we showed compassion to BIG emotions? What if we didn’t try to “fix” those BIG emotions and used them as growing tools? I wonder what shifts we would see in relationships. It’s not them, it’s us. #boudrytherapyandrehab #pediot #mentalhealthot #infantamdfamilyot #infantandfamilymentalhealth #occupationaltherapy #occupatonaltherapsit #parenting #gentleparenting

The more brain body connections we can make the safer and more regulated we become. #boudrytherapyansrehab #coregulation #occupationaltherapy #occupationaltherapist #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthot #pediot #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #safety #safepathways

Big emotions mean we the adults need to be detectives that meet the BIG emotions with compassion, understanding, love and an open heart. #boudrytherapyandrehab #occupationaltherapy #mentalhealthot #coregulation #compassion