WESD Gifted Education, Glendale, AZ Videos

Videos by WESD Gifted Education in Glendale. The Washington Elementary School District (WESD) Gifted Services department provides gifted services to students and families in each WESD school.

Welcome back from your WESD gifted teachers! We are so excited to have you back in our classrooms. We missed you!

Other WESD Gifted Education videos

Welcome back from your WESD gifted teachers! We are so excited to have you back in our classrooms. We missed you!

Nanoscientists in gifted summer school are engineering Rube Goldberg machines (chain reactions) and tiny brush bots mazes. So much fun!

ALTS Gifted Students competed in a Future Phoenix Competition with the help of local engineers. Check out this spotlight of the energy friendly cities they imagined 100 years in the future!

Check out this classroom spotlight from Ms. Davis' students at Lakeview Elementary!

Check out this Classroom Spotlight from Mr. Blair's Gifted Classes at Acacia Elementary School!

Check out this classroom spotlight from Lookout Mountain LEAP Gifted Classes.

Welcome back gifted teachers and students!

WESD Gifted Summer School was a blast! Check out our video of Astronaut Academy!

Check out this Classroom Spotlight on Ms. Dacey's gifted class at Abraham Lincoln Traditional School.

Check out this classroom spotlight from Mr. Blair's Advanced Math Class at Acacia Elementary.

Check out this Classroom Spotlight on Ms. Davis' Gifted Classes. What a fun and creative project!

Check out this classroom spotlight from the Flex Program at Cholla Middle School!

Welcome back from your WESD Project Potential Gifted Teachers!