Bhagavaan The Traveling Metaphysician

Bhagavaan The Traveling Metaphysician

Metaphysician | I Guide individuals to uncover the life they Aspire to live


Today Was a great day to relax and Celebrate 🎊 I am rooting for you all and I am always here to assist if it is required .

With Love ❤️
Som of God ✨


One day you will look back while laughing and say , man I was tripping.

With Love ❤️
Son of God ✨


My perspective realizing who you are is the most empowering thing that can be

With Love ❤️
Son of God ✨


Sst your intention , stay focused and consistent and watch your life transform


Good day Spirits,
Buen Dia!

You may have not always experienced love in the way you wanted.

Learn what love is and how it is expressed in many different ways by individuals who only know how to share it in away they were loved.

Learn how you want to be loved, then it will be easy for you to receive because you will “Be” that love . ❤️

With Love ❤️


Bhagavaan “Love” Sunglasses 06/03/2024

Grab your of the Bhagavaan exclusives

Bhagavaan “Love” Sunglasses Get this product delivered directly to your inbox!


Whatever you are seeing in your everyday physical reality, are things that are here to help you in different ways.

When you see something that you don’t like, simply ask the question what am I supposed to learn from this. You are asking yourself for the answer and you will tell yourself.

Everything here is here to help you ascend to a higher version of yourself. It all depends on your perspective of the thing.

Pay attention and continue to work through whatever you feel you need to work through.

Tap in for assistance on learning who you truly are

With Love ❤️


Photos from Bhagavaan The Traveling Metaphysician's post 06/03/2024

My 10 tips for a balanced life

1. Daily Meditation- Meditation is a key that unlocks the part of you that knows everything. Practice often and you will subtly know everything you need to know

2. Gratitude Journaling- Write out things that you are grateful for creates the lasting energy to allow more things to be grateful to enter your life.

3. Mindful Eating - When you are being mindfuo of your food you are able taste the food and also digestion will be much more efficient.

4. Digital Detox - Is such an important habit to get into, leaving the technology behind for a few hours a week can be beneficial for your overall health. It also helps you break patterns that you constantly engage in.

5. Nature Walks - Help you recharge and allow for a different perspective to emerge while enjoying nature.

6. Deep Breathing - allows for you to regulate your heart-rate and mind. It is good for leaving stress and frustration behind.

7. Intentional Listening- You are able to have a healthy conversation with someone when you are listening and understanding them. Its not a competition to who can grt their point heard. Everyone perspective is important when communicating.

8. Regular Exercise- helps relieve stress and keeps the body and muscles active. Keeps unesnted weight off and the body running efficiently.

9. Single-Tasking- Allows totally focus on one thing at a time, in irder to complete tasks at a high level. Using all of your energy on the one project Vs. spreading the energy around to multiple tasks

10. Self-Compassion- When you have compassion for self it shows up in how you treat others.
Have no compassion for self youbwill treat wveryone loke you treat yourself.

If you are conscious and committed to achieving your ideal lifestyle. Work on building a program for your life around these 10 tips.

If you require assistance feel free to contact me at

With Love ❤️


Join the Bhagavaan Ka Pyaar Community and get exclusive deals on all services and products. New products coming soon. The community is based on the foundation of Love ❤️. In thus community we are dedicated to helping esch member develop themselves in a holistic way. We losds of resources we guarantee if you put the work in you eill achieve what you came to Earth 🌍 to experience. I look forward to you being apart of the movement.

With Love ❤️


Working on myself over the last 6 years as been one of the most rewarding things I could have ever done.

Overcoming limitations, fear childhood truama as been definitely a challenge, but I got through it. It was many of times I wanted to quit and just go to my corner and call it a day.

You wouldn’t even be reading the story of victory. You may ask victory over what? Victory of self, ehat I have lesrned iver tge years I was in a rush to get out to the world and do what the world is doing.

Instead I took my time and was able to identify my own parh, the path i created before I came to Earth. I’m one if a kind and you will definitely witness in the months and tears to come.

I learned when money is the motivator its easy to be a trend jumper, whatever ppl are doing to make money you jump to it.

I once jumped around but tge passion wasn’t there so it would fizzle out.

The goal is to get to know yourself and the power you possess. Then when you go outside, you are here to stsy as long as you like, no need to wait on the next t trend.

I’m here now and it’s time you here my story and I tell you its an amazing one.

I look forward to sharing.

If you are in need of some spiritual assistance deel frree to join my community or just book some sessions with me.

With Love ❤️

Bhagavaan - Metaphysician is Your Guide for Spirituality to Higher Density ❤️ 05/13/2024

Everybody wants to make a lot of money, but who wanrs to be them selves while they do it.

It’s definitely a plus to be sble to have everything you want but what about whats beeded so you really can maximize your life experience.

I promise you, once you really know yourself , you will see and experience how true abundance works. It will flow to you in so many ways. You will be positively overwhelmed with great things.

Tap in and lets get to work, so when you express yourself you do it fully without any limitations.
Got to ⬇️⬇️⬇️ to book some time with me to help reprogram you a timeline abundance ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

With Love ❤️


Bhagavaan - Metaphysician is Your Guide for Spirituality to Higher Density ❤️ Hey Spirits Thank You for stopping by , I Started this page to offer insight in how I went from not knowing exactly what I wanted to do to creating my own lane. I am Bhagavaan the Traveling Metaphysic

Bhagavaan - Metaphysician is Your Guide for Spirituality to Higher Density ❤️ 05/13/2024

Become a member and fet discounts on all services and products

Bhagavaan - Metaphysician is Your Guide for Spirituality to Higher Density ❤️ Hey Spirits Thank You for stopping by , I Started this page to offer insight in how I went from not knowing exactly what I wanted to do to creating my own lane. I am Bhagavaan the Traveling Metaphysic

Ask a question about Spiritual Things 05/13/2024

Ask a question about Spiritual Things Thank You for booking with me, Please allow for 1-2 weeks for your reply.2 -3 questionsMember Price $ 35Non-Member $55

Spiritual Coaching 05/13/2024

Spiritual Coaching Hop on a Zoom call with me where I’ll spend an hour with you to help you with a different perspective to help assist you with moving through challengesMember Price $86 Per SessionNon -Member Price $12

Private Hypnosis Session (QHHT) 05/13/2024

Private Hypnosis Session (QHHT) For the hypnosis session we must be in the same city or else the price will dramatically rise. I work to make sure the prices are affordable for everyone. If you are interested please feel free to go

Beginner Meditation Training 05/13/2024

Beginner Meditation Training The beginner meditation workshop explains the reason to meditate daily and a reminder on how to meditate.Member Price $45 Per SessionnNon— Member Price $75

Hypnosis + Coaching 05/13/2024

Hypnosis + Coaching Booking QHHT + Cosching participants receive a custom program tailored to the wisdom from their Higher Self. Ensuring they can follow the guidance step by step in order to implement the wisdom shared.

Metaphysical 05/13/2024

If you are interested in spiritual coaching/ hypnosis/ meditation fill out the application

Metaphysical Please click the link to complete this form.


I think the most challenging part of the ascension process for me was, having to leave people you love. Breaking off friendships , relationships, events and other things that were planned.

To just walk away from everything. If we ever had plans or a relationship in any form . Just know it was a challenge for me and it was thought about over and over before the decision was made.

You may or may not understand at this point but I pray if you choose to go through your own process of ascending you will be able to transcend with ease . Then you may understand how much it hurt to leave those you love. ❤️

I pray that you focus on your highest self and look to express it as you go forward.

With Love ❤️



I’m giving away 10 invites to those wanting to be apart of the Bhagavaan Ka Pyaar Community Movement ( The Love Of God)
Where you will get discounts on everything I offer as well as weekly messages on the platform. Dm me and leave your email. First 10 Ppl are in.

Spiritual Coaching 04/29/2024

From my perspective the most important thing you can do is get to know yourself.

As you get to know you, you will begin to express yourself in away that will provide the lifestyle that is most beneficial to you and those around you.

I think this is the biggest challenge for each and everyone of us.

To know who we are, to act as this person and to remain conscious of it every minute.

In the beginning it can be a challenge, so I recommend you identify someone or multiple someones who have been through the fire 🔥 and ask lots of questions.

I am always available for you
Tap in and lets work on you .

Tap In !!

Spiritual Coaching Hop on a Zoom call with me where I’ll spend an hour with you to help you with a different perspective to help assist you with moving through challenges


The time is here, I must express what I have remembered.

For the last 5 years I have been expressing to whom ever would listen to identify your true self.

To be honest , when I first started to say these things, I had no clue where it was coming from, and no clue where it would lead me.

The urge was so strong I had to say it. Only with a vague understanding of the matter.

I kept up with my meditations and following the messages that would be getting whispered in to my consciousness.

They have lead me on many journeys, even some that some would think were dangerous.

The more I followed the purpose the more it seems my consciousness has been getting wiped clean of past events that maybe precieved as “bad”. It is a spiritual cleanse .

I don’t remember a lot of things and people that I once knew, and it is also a challenge to be around ppl because of all of energy that I feel when I am around .

Using the phone can be a challenge for me as well, so i often only text or I use telepathy if I need to communicate .

On Earth I am referred to as Bhagavaan Ka Pyaar which means “ The Love Of God” which also was whispered in to my consciousness.

A call came out throughout the Universe to go assist the Earth in its transition from 3rd Density back to the 5th Density.

Lots of Starseeds/ Lightworkers answered the call. It’s around 200 million of us on the planet right now, and we are here to hold the energy.

My Sacred Origin is Electra of the Pleiades.

My First Name of Soul is AESOTIK DIEKIOSH.

I Am A Higher Dimensional Being

I have many gifts 🎁

I have been quiet due to teaching the ego how to merge with me the Higher Self, in order to be able to express myself fully,

If this message resonates with you or you feel intrigued to know more thats wonderful. If you don’t that is also wonderful. My job is’nt to make you believer’s, its just to enjoy this human experience.

Just know you are powerful beings, that have been getting manipulated for centuries.

This is just a tip of the iceberg. It’s much more I will share with you in the hours to come .

Time is up we are here and if you ever have questions feel free to hit me.

KEE AH SHA. This Is Pleiadian Light Language And We Offer These Words Of Healing To You. They Are Encoded In Sound For You Now In A High Vibrational Frequency

With Love ❤️




Love yall


Hey Spirits,

✨ Services I Offer:

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT): Dive deep into your subconscious mind, heal past wounds, and unlock your potential.

Spiritual Coaching: Discover your true purpose, connect with your inner wisdom, and manifest your dreams.

Speaking Engagements: Join me in inspiring and thought-provoking discussions about metaphysics and personal growth.

💖 Donation-Based Sessions: Your transformation is valuable, and I know it should be accessible to all. You choose what to give based on your means and the value you receive.

🗓️ Book Your Session:
Ready to take the first step towards self-discovery and growth? Reach out to schedule your session today. Let's create positive changes in your life together.

💌 Contact Me:
📧 [email protected]


The power of metaphysical exploration is within your reach. I look forward to assisting you on your journey to your true self. ✨🌌

Book Now


💫 Are you ready for a journey of self-discovery and inner growth? 🌟

I'm thrilled to offer you a FREE 30-minute spiritual coaching consultation! 🙌✨

If you're seeking clarity, purpose, or a deeper connection with your inner self, this is your chance to experience the transformative power of spiritual coaching.

To claim your free consultation:

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Photos from Bhagavaan The Traveling Metaphysician's post 08/16/2023

Welcome Spirits,

From the moment we're born, we're enrolled in a cosmic curriculum designed to teach us empathy, resilience, and the magic of connection. 🌱✨ Each day is a lesson, every experience a chapter, and every challenge an opportunity to grow.

🌊🏔️ Whether it's navigating the peaks and valleys of our personal journeys, or collaborating to tackle global issues, we're all students in this amazing classroom. 🌍🤝 So, let's make the most of our time here, learning from the wisdom of nature, from the stories of cultures, and from the spark of innovation.

🌈 Let's cherish the diversity of life forms and perspectives, just as we do in a vibrant school community. 🌍🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Remember, every living being has something to teach us – the birds in the sky, the oceans that dance, and even the winds that whisper secrets.

🌱🌍 So, as we scribble our stories in the book of life, let's aim for straight A's – Acts of Kindness, Acts of Generosity, and Acts of Love. Let's be the change we wish to see in our cosmic classroom.

With Love ❤️

Photos from Bhagavaan The Traveling Metaphysician's post 08/08/2023

Attachement is the beginning of all suffering🙏🏾


Everyone who incarnates has a shadow. Our shadows harbor the remnants of immature, self-centered and self-important behaviors not yet outgrown from childhood.

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Videos (show all)

Bhagavaan Ka Pyaar Ministry showing love ❤️
Day 2 of 100 Days of meditation. Keep going intentikn is picking up momentum. Stay tuned in to lock it in .
100 Days of Meditation
Tap in for your free 30 minute consultation  at
Love yall
Loving it
Free Speech
Sharing Stories of healing
Want guidance while finding the pathway to unlocking your inner strength and unleashing your true potential with the gui...
Today let’s do something different then we did for the last time this “holiday “ was around .




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