Our Daily Temple

This is Sacred space for Daily practice of All things medicinal, Metaphysical and Magick.


What does your altar look like?
The coffee cup usually isn't there.... but I'm having coffee!


Interesting perspective. Which are you?


If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.

Paulo Coelho 🧡


Defy all rules and labels and turn your coping mechanisms into artworks. Write. Paint. Dance. Sing. Perform. Use your camera and record life. Make blankets. Tell stories.

In fact, turn all your life into an artwork. Make good food. Walk in the forest. Save trees and polar bears. Teach your children how to be good humans. Read books to them. Believe in magic.

Get out of the tranches of life and allow not to be defined by psychiatry books and narrow-minded descriptions of the human condition. You are not what and who you are told to be.

You are not only flesh. You are also soul. And soul knows the stories of the past and the future. Lean on the knowing of soul and turn your coping mechanism into artwork to be witnessed. Artwork to inspire and declare your point of view on life and existence.

There is no other way for us, beloved Soul Deep Women. Turn your perfectionism into perfect peace and your people pleasing into nurturing and sacred service. Your achiever tendencies into being your authentic true self and your fear of not belonging into being a citizen of the world.

These drastic times call us to be all that we can be. The earth is beautiful and self sufficient. And so is every human being. It is the structures we created that hurt the earth and humans.

Find your way in the labyrinth of life. We cannot lose hope as we lose the ancient permafrost. We cannot lose peace as we lose trees to paper.

Like-minded souls must gather with each other and tell stories that are true. Not lies. Truth must be currency to communicate with each other. Make poetry. Read your poems to others. Sing and dance your way to your inner world.

Uncertain times calls us all to turn our coping mechanisms into artwork. What will you make? What will you do? How are you going to show up and teach us the way of your wisdom?

Gatekeepers, wayshowers, poets and storytellers of all sorts must cast spells so humans awaken from the hypnotic trance of social construction of illusion.

Defy all rules and labels and turn your coping mechanisms into art work. It is how you make an impact. It is how you live true to you. It is how you live your purpose. .............................................
Reflection by Archaeology for the Woman's Soul
Corina Luna Dea

Photo: Art by Fred Wessel


“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist, 1987.

Clare Mcallister (b 1988) - Sphinx Moth Moon Garden.


Be grateful for your life, every detail of it,
and your face will come to shine like a sun,
and everyone who sees it will
be made glad and peaceful.

Rumi ❤️


Nothing can dim the light
that shines from within.

Maya Angelou

Art ~ Diane Leonard

Photos from Our Daily Temple's post 08/26/2023

Midnight Warrior "She Who Rides the Cracks Between the Worlds" is a Medicine Name given to me years ago by my Earthly Shamanic Guide.
While I do this every time as I Am Reading the Akash, the energy of Riding these Cracks in recent days has made its Way into the Everyday life now. It's Presence is being felt more profoundly now that the Blessed Lion's Gate has Opened.


Who else is feeling the Feeding of their Gifts? Who's choosing the Embodiment of the Blessed?

Its a New day. A New Moon. And I'm feeling good....


An intellectually gifted woman rarely considers the idea that her giftedness may have become the very thing holding her back as she strives to create a new phase in her life.

Her whole life, she has had a feeling inside her that tugs and pulls her along.

A feeling she is meant to do something big. Something great. And sure, she’s done some very cool things.

But… that huge impact she craves to have? Those dreams she doesn’t dare tell hardly anyone?

These terrify her almost as much as they relentlessly demand her attention.

Her big brain rides to the rescue with new great ideas and planning processes.

Except that this time, all the new ideas start to pile up around her as unfinished projects, discarded debris of unfinished dreams that deeply demoralize her spirit.

Her deepest fear actually is of never understanding and actualizing that secret true potential inside her. Of wasting it.

Meanwhile, her spirit has been speaking more loudly to her, alternately inspiring her and causing despair as she tries to ride the ever wilder waves of new cosmic energy currently stirring up and breaking down all the old ways of society that have deeply damaged the planet and humanity.

She may get her only joy now from focusing on these spirit sides of life.

But they don’t seem to connect in with her brain and with the various Muggles world circumstances she would like to see shift along with her heart.

She is out on the edge not just of giftedness but as a spirit being here to lead the way to a brighter expression of Earth and humanity.

She is here to make some big things happen and there is no more time to screw around with whatever this recent experience of being held back is about.

No more time or patience for the way in which she starts but doesn’t complete on the most important things.

No more time for the way in which she retreats from the pain of unfilled inner soul potential by:

• numbing out to binges of Netflix and wasted hours on social media or doing online “research” on her ideas that yields no actual progress;

• overeating/drinking/spending;

• constant redesign of external circumstances (maybe she moves, maybe she redecorates, maybe she goes on a special retreat or vacation) that only briefly appease the inner pain.

A gifted woman craving to express her full genius in the world but getting stuck in the process needs an entirely new way if she expects to break through.

A new way that carefully weaves together science + spirit / research + magic.

She needs to develop and optimize her craft of self starting with mastering her neurobiology, understanding the truth of its connection with her spirit, and how to properly weave these together.

She needs support in unplugging old energetic directives that have prevented her from moving past an invisible inner ceiling, an inner ceiling that has nothing to do with the glass ceilings put in place by society’s dysfunctions and fears of her female gifts and powers.

She needs to understand the ways in which everything she has been told about productivity, about rhythms of doing, about what is possible, about work/life “balance” are entirely false and, where supported by scientific research at all, are based on research that does not account for her brain’s atypical nature.

By definition, she exists at a fringe, at the outlying edge of the bell curve of intelligence distribution.

Her spirit understands that she choose certain circumstances for herself for this life. That big brain of hers was one of these.

She has perhaps told herself that the gift of that brain was to help her survive certain childhood or early adulthood challenges. Certainly it likely helped her overcome many challenges.

But that was not the whole reason for it.

The experiences of the gifted brain are the beginning access points to the embodied integration within her current lifetime of the deep inner metaphysics of a divine expression of her cosmic self.

The way in which she can get lost for hours or days in an amazing fun topic/project and accomplish in one day what would take others a month if ever?

This is the beginning muscle memory of what it is like to be outside of time’s denser levels of expression, to float and skim and dance through time in a manner that is playful and fun and not at all like the heavy density of time as the diabolical mob boss it usually seems to most humans.

The way in which she reinvents herself over and over throughout her life as she moves up and across corporate ladders easily or happily engages in serial entrepreneurship or explodes across various domains as a professional creative talent?

Each of these phases is a portal through which she has been bringing through aspects of her cosmic self, lessons, and magicks from other lives.

Each progressive shift, whether from intentional and premeditated foresight or through disruptive unexpected personal cataclysms, reminds aspects of her being about who she TRULY is and what she is really here to do.

And now she feels the demand of that soul mission as a relentless thrumming inside her being.

She cannot compromise on this any longer.

She can no longer laugh it away as delusions of grandeur.

She is designed to bring BEAUTY and LIGHT and massive change for GOOD.

She CRAVES her own MAGIC which is her birthright.

This lifetime is about finally doing something that has never been done before.

It is about fully expressing her cosmic self while embodied as a human. The BOTH: AND of her physical human form and her soul.

Her actualization of that expression into its fullest form in the material world is what will bring her the deepest joy and pleasure.

It is also the way in which her light can have its greatest positive effect on the world.

There is no more time to waste in making that happen.

She needs to expand her awareness and her skillfulness for this NOW.

I am just like this too. We are sisters in this journey.


Someone asked me what I wanted in a relationship. At first, I couldn't even think. I sat there thinking I don't know what I want. Then it started to flow out like water:

I seek unconditional love. Giving and receiving. No judgement. I seek someone who has a life of their own outside of me and one who encourages me to be my own person as well.
I want a wholehearted relationship with clear communication. I want to be able to speak and listen without fear or condemnation.
I want a rock solid Spiritual Connection. Manifesting the 5D into the 3D. I want to walk side by side developing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in ourselves as well as each other, as we travel this Earthly plane and beyond.
I want public displays of affection. I want passionate, unbridled lo******ng whenever and wherever our hearts lead.
I want a partner who knows they are safe with me and makes me feel safe. A partner who shares passion in mutual interests.
I also want someone who desires my encouragement and offers the same.
I want a partner who's not afraid to tackle the hard times. IN COMPLETE COMMUNICATION AT ALL TIMES, good or bad.
I want honesty and integrity


We are created as Divine Love.
In the Image of Divine I AM.
I am Love
Our Creator did not leave Any of us out.
But we listen to demons who trick us into believing otherwise

What is a demon? A demon is anything that holds you back from your purpose.
Your Divine spark.
A demon is anything that keeps you conformed and confined.
Keeps you blocked.
Keeps you in a form of conditioning and a concept. Keeps you frozen.

Our Divinity is our Protection from negativity. From the demons we battle daily.

Pick up your Sword and fu***ng swing it. Hard.

Tell each of your demons that you no longer require their services.
They are free to go.
No longer are you enslaved.
No longer are they.
Release and transmute them to Love. Its all they really wanted in the first place.


" Speak in such a way that others
love to listen to you.
Listen in such a way that others
love to speak to you."

~ The Buddha ~



"Rosemary opens the heart and allows the warmth of the midday sun inside where there is grief, anger, hatred and bitterness.”

-Elizabeth Brook, A Woman’s Book of Herbs

"Folk Names: Compass W**d, Dew of the Sea, Elf Leaf, Guardrobe, Insensier, Libanotis (Greek), Polar Plant, Sea Dew

Powers: protection, love, lust, mental powers, exorcism, purification, healing, sleep, youth

Magical Uses: Rosemary, when burned, emits powerful, cleansing and purifying vibrations, and so is smoldered to rid a place of negativity, especially prior to performing magic. It is one of the oldest incenses.

When placed beneath the pillow, rosemary ensures a good sleep and drives away nightmares. Laid under the bed it protects the sleeper from all harm. Rosemary is also hung on the porch and door posts to keep thieves from the house and is carried to remain healthy. Placed in the bath it purifies.

A chaplet of rosemary worn, aids the memory, while the wood, smelled often, preserves youthfulness. To ensure the latter add a rosemary infusion to the bath water.

Rosemary has long been used in love and lust incenses and other mixtures, and healing poppets are stuffed with rosemary to take advantage of its curative vibrations. Rosemary infusion is used to wash the hands before healing work, and the leaves mixed with juniper berries are burned in sick rooms to promote healing.

If you wish to receive knowledge or the answer to a question, burn Rosemary on charcoal and smell it’s smoke. Rosemary is also grown to attract elves, and the powdered leaves wrapped in linen cloth and bound to the right arm dispel depression and make the emotions light and merry.

Rosemary is generally used as a substitute for frankincense." (1)

“The shrubby plant (rosemary) has long been cultivated for its fragrance and tonic properties. It enjoyed a reputation for aiding the memory, as in Shakespeare’s memorable ‘Rosemary, that’s for remembrance’, although this refers more naturally to mourners remembering the dead, as rosemary was a common funerary plant. Like many other strongly aromatic plants, it was credited with the power to protect the household where it grew. The medieval ‘Stockholm Herbal’ manuscript states that if a man or woman bear a staff or stalk of this plant, it ‘kepyth hym fro thresse’ perhaps an echo of Old English ‘pyrs’ (‘malicious or dangerous supernatural being’). It is likely that in Old English tradition the ‘pyrs’ was responsible for female ailments.

Another use of the plant was in horsemen’s drawing mixtures, used to calm fretful or troublesome mounts.

Wild rosemary (ledum palustre) has been used as an incense in shamanic rituals, and for flavoring beer. In high dosage the volatile oil released by the plant into the drink would cause frenzied rage, which may have been exploited by warrior cult groups such as the ‘berserker’. Even at low dosages, the plant adds potency to any brew.” (4)

Rosemary was a symbol of remembrance, and hence was used both at marriages and at funerals, the memory of the past being equally appropriate in both rites.

"Rosemary was anciently supposed to strengthen the memory, and was not only carried at funerals, but worn at weddings :

'Rosemarie is for remembrance
Betweene us daie and night,
Wishing that I might always have
You present in my sight.’” (2)

Rosemary’s folkloric uses and beliefs were mentioned in Shakespeare's work:

"Rosemary. This plant was formerly in very high esteem, and was devoted to various uses. It was supposed to strengthen the memory, hence it was regarded as a symbol of remembrance, and on this account was often given to friends. Thus, in "Hamlet" (iv. 5), where Ophelia seems to be addressing Laertes, she says:—

'There's rosemary, that's for remembrance.'

In the 'Winter's Tale' (iv. 4), rosemary and rue are beautifully put together:—

'For you there's rosemary and rue, these keep;
Seeming and savour all the winter long:
Grace and Remembrance be to you both,
And welcome to our shearing.'

Besides being used at weddings, it was also in request at funerals, probably for its odour, and as a token of remembrance of the deceased. Thus the Friar in 'Romeo and Juliet' (iv. 5) says:—

"Dry up your tears, and stick your rosemary
On this fair corse."

This practice is thus touchingly alluded to by Gay in his ‘Pastorals'—

'To shew their love, the neighbours far and near
Followed with wistful look, the damsel's bier:
Sprigg’d rosemary the lads and lasses bore,
While dismally the parson walk’d before.'

Rosemary, too, was one of the evergreens with which dishes were anciently garnished during the season of Christmas, an allusion to which occurs in "Pericles" (iv. 6)—'Marry, come up my dish of chastity, with rosemary and bays.”'(3)

1) Cunningham, Scott; Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (2012); Woodbury: Llewellyn Publications. Pg 218-219
2) --STEEVENS, Notes on Hamlet, a. iv. s. 5.--Douce (Illustrations of Shakspeare, i. 345)
3) Folk-lore of Shakespeare, by T.F. Thiselton Dyer, [1883]
4) Pollington, Stephen; “Leechcraft (Early English Charms, Plantlore and Healing” (2011); Cambridgeshire: Anglo-Saxon Books. Pgs. 151-

Photo credit: https://adventuresincooking.com/rosemary-simple-syrup-with-vanilla/



For magickal purposes, we can use scent and aromatherapy to induce a particular state of mind, whether it be happiness, focus, relaxation, and many more. It’s up to you to decide which scent ignites a particular feeling, but here is a list of common essential oils, including both their magickal and practical uses:

Anise - Psychic awareness, clairvoyance, purification, calming
Balsam Fir - Energy, strength, courage
Basil - Relaxation, happiness, peace, prosperity
Bergamot - Peace, relaxation, happiness, restful sleep, relaxation
Camphor - Purification, cleansing
Cedar-wood - Spirituality, meditation, self-control, healing, cleansing
Chamomile - Calming, relaxation, meditation
Cinnamon Bark - Warmth, energy, protection, psychic awareness, prosperity, healing, comfort, love
Clary Sage - Euphoria, calming, dreams
Clove - Healing, memory, protection, courage, energy
Cypress - Healing, blessing, consecration, meditation
Dragon’s Blood - Protection, purification, love
Eucalyptus - Healing, purification
Frankincense - Spirituality, meditation, relaxation
Geranium - Happiness, protection, energy
Ginger - Energy, love, prosperity, courage
Grapefruit - Purification, joy, energy
Hyssop - Purification
Jasmine - Love, calming, peace, spirituality, sleep, psychic awareness
Juniper - Relaxation, calming, restoring
Lavender - Healing, love, peace, relaxation, balance
Lemon - Energy, happiness, balance, healing, love, purification
Lemongrass - Psychic awareness, purification, energy
Lime - Purification, physical energy, protection
Lotus - Spirituality, healing, meditation, opening, elevating
Marjoram - Peace, sleep, calming, relaxation
Mugwort - Psychic awareness, psychic dreams, astral projection
Musk - Prosperity
Myrrh - Spirituality, meditation, healing
Nutmeg - Energy, uplifting, warmth
Orange - Happiness, joy, energy, love
Oregano - Purification, comfort, warmth, energy
Patchouli - Prosperity, energy, love
Peppermint - Healing, purification, meditation
Pine - Healing, purification, protection, balance, energy, prosperity
Rosemary - Memory, love, healing, purification, energy
Rose - Love, peace, happiness, beauty
Sage - Memory, wisdom, prosperity, purification, meditation
Sandalwood - Spirituality, healing, purification, relaxation, meditation
Spearmint - Healing, protection, purification, balance
Tangerine - Joy, energy, well-being, happiness, balance, purification, relaxation, inspiration
Tea Tree - Harmony, peace, healing, meditation
Thyme - Purification, cleansing, mental clarity, balance, uplifting, empowering
Vanilla - Love, energy, warmth, happiness
Vetiver - Protection, prosperity, uncrossing
Wintergreen - Protection of animals, good luck, prosperity, uplifting, energy
Wormwood - Clairvoyance, spell-breaking, love, divination
Ylang Ylang - Love, peace, relaxation


Oh heart
What is your excuse for all these blunders? Such loyalty is offered by the Beloved yet so much treason comes from you.
Such kindness is offered by the Beloved yet so much defiance and resistance comes from you.
Such grace is offered to you by the Beloved yet so much failt and failure comes from you.
Such attraction is offered to you by the Beloved with sweetness and generosity yet such jealousy comes from you with so much doubt and suspicion.

Rise up from your doubts and admonishments and let your human self be loved. Be kind to your heart. You may believe it to be weary from doubt and distrust. So much heartbreak and so many agonies yet still it beats. It persists with unquestioning allegiance to life. What a grand Heart. It is this Sacred Heart of yours. How can it be worthy of anything other than tenderness, gratitude, acknowledgment and appreciation.
Do not plague your heart with falsehoods and expectations of some disembodied Perfection. The Perfection of your heart is that it loves still even if you try to stop it with some notion of self-protection from future hurt through doubts or fear.
Still it loves. It is Perfection. That it hopes even after despair. That it holds compassion even after experiences of fear.
Let your heart be honored and loved by you.
Imagine that you can crack open a window in the dustiest chamber of your own heart Temple. Let the light of the Divine in.



June 21, 2023
Solstice Update

Dear Friends,

Solstice in Cancer is Wednesday, June 21 at 8:57AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

The solstice is all about light, celebrating the external light in the Northern Hemisphere and the inner light in the Southern Hemisphere. This time frame opens our sensitivities, emotions, intuition, insight and clarity to the priorities that are important. If something is no longer aligned with you or if it was never yours to begin with, gift it to the past. The Solstice marks a transition time from one state to another, creating a portal where new intentions can harness the power of the light. Trust the intelligence of your heart, shed the layers that keep you from showing up fully, and do something new and different and adventurous.

This is also a restorative time so honor what you need in the area of self-care and be open to the nurturing available to you from others and the sources that support you. Celebrate the solstice in a way that makes sense to you and pay attention to what is leaving and what is coming in without resistance, judgment, guilt, attachment or expectation.

Copyright © 2023 The Power Path, All rights reserved.


We learn to live in the moment with dogs. The dog I am blessed with now is named Tutu. Actually that's her nickname. Her real name is Today. And for the only reason that is self-evident.
Dogs teach us to live, today.

“Dogs, lives are short, too short, but you know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you're going to lose a dog, and there's going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with her, never fail to share her joy or delight in her innocence, because you can't support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There's such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware that it comes with an unbearable price. Maybe loving dogs is a way we do penance for all the other illusions we allow ourselves and the mistakes we make because of those illusions.”
Dean Koontz - The Darkest Evening of the Year.

Amy Kathrine Browning - Lime Tree Shade,1913.


New Moon And Solar Eclipse In Aries – A 2nd Chance
Astro Butterfly
Apr 20

On April 20th, 2023 we have a New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 29° Aries.

The Solar Eclipse is Hybrid, starting as an Annular Eclipse in the Indian Ocean and then changing to a Total Eclipse before reaching the land. Hybrid eclipses are even more rare than total and annular eclipses, taking place only once every 10 years.

The eclipse is the 2nd lunation in Aries. In March we had a New Moon at 0° Aries, at the beginning of the sign; this New Moon is at 29°, at the very end of the sign.

We are coming full circle.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries is a North Node eclipse, so it may stretch you outside your comfort zone. It may feel unnatural to just BE, to go with your gut, to get out there, to make a stand.

But a North Node Eclipse is a nudge that the time has come. You’ll never feel 100% ready. So what? The future is for those who dare.

Occurring at a final, anaretic degree, the eclipse makes a strong statement. If the previous New Moon awakened us to the possibilities of living our life on our own terms, the Eclipse is a strong push forward. “Now I understand”. “I got this”.

We can only have two New Moons in the same sign when one New Moon is at 0° and the other at 29° of the sign. Two New Moons in the same sign are very rare, and they only occur about 3% of the time.

2 New Moons in the same sign are rare. Second chances are rare. The New Moon Eclipse in Aries is truly a unique moment in time when the sky aligns to give you all you need to birth something that’s important to you into existence.

Having a 2nd New Moon in the same sign is our second chance to bring something important into existence.

Ruled by Mars (now in Cancer) the Solar Eclipse in Aries asks a very important question: what is it that you want? Let your deepest desire drive your actions.

Just like the sprout naturally comes up out of the ground in spring, whatever comes from a place of truth and authenticity will eventually find a way to come into existence.

Pay attention to any messages that come your way. If something - however insignificant - happens when there’s a Solar Eclipse, it happens for a reason. Don’t forget that Eclipses are times of alignment. What is meant to be will be, what not, falls away.

At a North Node Eclipse, you want to LISTEN and you go with the tide, rather than against it.

Solar Eclipse In Aries Square Pluto
This Aries Eclipse is a dynamite Eclipse exactly square Pluto at 0° Aquarius. No more half-truths, no more living half-lives. The North Node Solar Eclipse in the last degree of Aries square Pluto is a call for total authenticity.

This Eclipse is a call to live fully and truthfully, without holding back or living halfheartedly.

A square is considered a dynamic, tense aspect. For two planets to be in a square, they have to be 90° away from each other. Buildings are square. Squares are a man-made thing. You can’t find them in nature.

Squares, and the number 4 represent an “intervention”. Squares are 4D. Unlike in the 3D (3D is an abbreviation for the 3 dimensions: breadth, height and width), in the 4D we also have the element of time. 4D means that something evolves over time.

When we have a square, something happens - in the environment - that changes the status quo. This change doesn’t happen from within ourselves.

An opposition for example, it’s a much more personal aspect. When we have an opposition, there are two aspects from within ourselves that ask for a reconciliation, or a superior understanding. When there’s an opposition, nothing factual may actually happen. When we have a square instead, something does happen.

The New Moon Eclipse in Aries is square Pluto (now at 0° Aquarius).

At the New Moon in Aries something from outside ourselves will require our attention. The Eclipse may come with an earth-shattering event OR with a more subtle invitation. When Pluto is involved, fate is knocking on our door.

Given the nature of the square (an event that feels unnatural and contrary to our purposes), our first temptation may be to shut the door.

But a different - better - approach is to pay attention and listen. There’s a reason why fate knocks at your door twice. It has something very important to deliver.

Mose - Offering ft. Alexandre Lora & Matia Kalli 04/18/2023

Mantras are powerful vibrational chants in the world of Kundalini Yoga. As you start your practice, you will come across the Gobinday Mukanday mantra. Offering clarity of the subconscious and the ability to cleanse yourself of past mistakes, this is one of the most popular mantras you will learn.

Read this simple guide to understanding the Gobinday Mukanday mantra. Here’s everything you need to know and how you can get started with it yourself.

Gobinday Mukanday Mantra Meaning
Also known as the Guru Gaitri mantra, the Gobinday Mukanday mantra is one of the most powerful and popular practices in Kundalini Yoga. The words of the Tenth Master ring out in truth and give those who utter it a sense of freedom, calm, and the order that they have been looking for in their lives.

If you are ready to use the Gobinday Mukanday mantra, learning about its meaning is the first step in your journey. Since no one walks a path free from challenges, this mantra is a must. The mantra helps you conquer the obstacles in your way so that you can find the freedom in your stride. Here’s a direct translation:

Gobinday = sustaining
Mukanday = liberating
Udharay = enlightening
Aparay = infinite
Hariang = destroying
Kariang = creating
Nirnamay = nameless
Akamay = desiring
As you chant the Gobinday Mukanday mantra, it’s worth meditating on each of the parts and their individual meanings. When you speak each of the words, they have the power of their meaning. By putting all of your attention on that, you can ensure that the Gobinday Mukanday mantra is as effective as possible.

Gobinday Mukanday Mantra Benefits
The Gobinday Mukanday mantra has a deep and unshakeable meaning. This Kundalini Yoga chant encourages feelings of forgiveness, compassion, love, clarity, and purification. It is for that reason that the Gobinday Mukanday mantra is held up as one of the most sacred and well-loved chants of the practice.

Bringing natural balance to your energies and helping you regain any control that you may have lost, this Kundalini Yoga mantra has a wealth of benefits within it. Before you get started with this mantra, it’s worth understanding the rewards that you will reap when you use it. Here are the highlights:

Eliminates past errors
Helps unblock your creativity
Brings a sense of balance to the mind
Encourages feelings of compassion
Gets rid of karmic blocks
Clears the subconscious minds
Creates a feeling of order and calm
Banishes feelings of fear or anxiety
There are plenty of ways to use the Gobinday Mukanday mantra in your Kundalini Yoga practice. You may find that it’s easy enough to integrate it into your daily personal practice. You can engage in this mantra for 11 minutes to start to gain some of its benefits and see its effects ripple through your everyday life.

Taj Geet Kaur

Mose - Offering ft. Alexandre Lora & Matia Kalli Access the full masterclass to see how I made this track: https://masterclass.mosemusica.com/ The release of this new track “Offering” comes at the end of a ...

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308 E Pearl Street
Granbury, 76041

Gordon House, Langdon Concert Hall/Chapel, Rock House, and gorgeous grounds! Book: https://lakegranburyconferencecenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Dora-Lee-Langdon-Cultural-and...