Blessed Sacrament Parish Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, MI Videos

Videos by Blessed Sacrament Parish Grand Rapids in Grand Rapids. Welcome to the page of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Grand Rapids, MI. We're glad you found us

ASA’s Tuition Angels program is only possible through the generous donations from their Tuition Angels. These individuals give donations, even as little as $5, to support their program. Today’s video clip from their Tuition Angels video highlights just one of the families who is directly impacted by their donors. Consider donating today by texting asagr to 56651 or visiting

Other Blessed Sacrament Parish Grand Rapids videos

ASA’s Tuition Angels program is only possible through the generous donations from their Tuition Angels. These individuals give donations, even as little as $5, to support their program. Today’s video clip from their Tuition Angels video highlights just one of the families who is directly impacted by their donors. Consider donating today by texting asagr to 56651 or visiting