Dominican Sisters Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, MI Videos

Videos by Dominican Sisters Grand Rapids in Grand Rapids. Dominican Sisters Grand Rapids, Michigan Emboldened by faith, serving with

Joy and antics at Blythefield Country Club as all enjoyed another Dollars Fore Dominicans golf outing supporting the mission and ministries of the Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids!

Other Dominican Sisters Grand Rapids videos

Joy and antics at Blythefield Country Club as all enjoyed another Dollars Fore Dominicans golf outing supporting the mission and ministries of the Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids!

Last night we welcomed seven new Dominican Associates into our Dominican Family. We give thanks for their commitment to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ with full inclusivity and in the spirit of Saints Dominic de Guzman and Catherine of Siena. We look forward to working with them as together we seek truth and continue to serve others with joy.

This Pentecost day, the Source of Light has enlightened the minds of all disciples by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. May the wondrous flame which hovered over the disciples cleanse our hearts from every evil and permeate us with purifying light. We pray...

We opened our General Assembly last eve with a blessing ceremony for our new home and motherhouse at Marywood. Sisters and Associates gather annually, for several days of meetings, prayer, and discernment of congregation directions. Enjoy and join the Sisters in song led by Sr Justine Kane: All are welcome in this place.

We opened our General Assembly last eve with a blessing ceremony for our new home and motherhouse at Marywood. Sisters and Associates gather annually, for several days of meetings, prayer, and discernment of congregation directions. Enjoy and join the Sisters in song led by Sr Justine Kane: All are welcome in this place.

On Sunday, February 13, during Mass in Dominican Chapel/ Marywood, Sisters surrounded a wooden cross placed in front of the altar at the last Eucharist the community would celebrate in this sacred space.

Thresholds Choir in St. Francis of Assisi Sculpture Garden for Prayer and Meditation on the grounds of Marywood in Grand Rapids. Threshold Choir Grand Rapids brings comfort through song to bedsides of those on the thresholds of life and death in.

Service Day for HELP Pregnancy Crisis Center