Grandville Avenue Arts & Humanities, Grand Rapids, MI Videos

Videos by Grandville Avenue Arts & Humanities in Grand Rapids. GAAH operates the Cook Arts Center and the Cook Library Center on the SW side of Grand Rapids.

¿Estás de acuerdo con lo que dijo este vecino? “Con más gente en el camino, no tendré ningún problema de seguridad. Será un lugar seguro para caminar. No habrá nada que ocultar. Se sentirá como si fuera tuyo. Eso es maravilloso.”


Do you agree with this neighbor’s comment? “With more people on the trail, I won’t have any safety concerns. It’ll be safe place to walk. There’ll be nothing to hide. It’ll feel like it’s yours. That’s wonderful.”

Other Grandville Avenue Arts & Humanities videos

¿Estás de acuerdo con lo que dijo este vecino? “Con más gente en el camino, no tendré ningún problema de seguridad. Será un lugar seguro para caminar. No habrá nada que ocultar. Se sentirá como si fuera tuyo. Eso es maravilloso.” #oxfordconnects Do you agree with this neighbor’s comment? “With more people on the trail, I won’t have any safety concerns. It’ll be safe place to walk. There’ll be nothing to hide. It’ll feel like it’s yours. That’s wonderful.”

One neighbor’s hopes for Oxford Trails: “I want to unite people, whether that’s through jogging, biking or just exploring the different neighborhoods of Grand Rapids with this trail. So many different neighborhoods are connected to it.” What are your hopes for the trail? #oxfordconnects 🌿 🏘️ Las esperanzas de una vecina para los senderos de Oxford Trails: “Quiero unir a la gente, ya sea corriendo, en bicicleta o simplemente explorando los diferentes vecindarios de Grand Rapids a través de este sendero. Muchas vecindades diferentes están conectadas a él”. ¿Cuáles son los suyos?

Cuando uno de nuestros vecinos reflexionó sobre el rediseño de Oxford Trail, compartió estas sabias palabras: “Estás en una comunidad donde el mundo puede ser un poco pequeño debido a los desafíos del transporte. Así que un camino como este no puede abrir el acceso de forma económica al zoológico o a un evento divertido con los niños y al ejercicio” #oxfordconnects 🌿 🫶🏽 When one of our neighbors reflected on the Oxford Trail redesign, they shared these words of wisdom: “You're in a community where the world can be a bit small because of transportation issues. So a path like this can open up access inexpensively, to the zoo or to a fun event with the kids, and to exercise.”

How did you first hear about Oxford Trails? “The first time we heard of Oxford Trails was when we were on Jefferson, and there’s a sign that says Oxford Trails and an arrow that says 1.8 miles or whatever. It wasn’t very specific. Eventually, we figured out what it was, and now we go pretty regularly even though it’s not really in our neck of the woods.” #oxfordconnects 🪧🌿 ¿Cómo se enteró por primera vez de los senderos de Oxford Trails? “La primera vez que oímos hablar de los senderos de Oxford Trails fue cuando estábamos en Jefferson, y había un letrero que decía Oxford Trails y una flecha que decía 1,8 millas o lo que sea. No fue muy específico. Con el tiempo descubrimos qué era y ahora vamos con bastante regularidad, aunque no está muy cerca de donde vivimos.”

Sobre el futuro de los senderos de Oxford Trails, un vecino dice esto: “Me gustaría ver que los senderos unan a la comunidad. Para acercar a la comunidad, (el plan) suena bien”. ¿Qué tal tú? 🫱🏿‍🫲🏼🫱🏾‍🫲🏼 #oxfordconnects 🫱🏾‍🫲🏿🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 About the future of Oxford Trails, one neighbor says this: “I would like to see the trails bring the community together. For bringing the community closer, (the plan) sounds good.” What about you?

Is this an experience you’d like to have, too? “It wasn’t until recently that I found out that Oxford Trail connected all the way over the river. I decided to explore it with some friends. It was summer, and the sun was setting when we started out at Oxford Street. It was really comforting, having a space to talk awhile and just enjoy the nice weather.” 🌿 🌊 🌆 #oxfordconnects ¿Es esta una experiencia que a ti también te gustaría tener? "Hace poco descubrí que Oxford Trail conecta a través del río entero. Decidí explorarlo con algunos amigos. Era verano y el sol se estaba poniendo cuando salimos en la calle Oxford. Fue genial tener un lugar para charlar un rato y simplemente disfrutar del buen clima”.

Did you know our neighborhood is getting a new design for the Oxford Trail? GAAH is working to support neighborhood leaders as they get the word out and collect ideas and feedback. What would YOU want to see on the new trail? 🌿🌳💚 ¿Sabías que nuestro vecindario recibirá un nuevo diseño para el Oxford Trail? GAAH está trabajando con los líderes vecinales mientras les collectan ideas y comentarios. ¿Qué te gustaría ver en el nuevo sendero?

Winter programming wrapped up last week with showcases at the Cook Arts Center and Cook Library Center. Students shared their artwork, danced, walked in a fashion show (featuring their handmade designs!), led activities with neighbors, and even set up a one-night-only cafe selling refreshing drinks! What is your favorite program memory from this winter...or any past session?

Dance is one of our favorite ways to express and share joy!💃🏽 How do you share joy? Support our Dance & Movement students with a gift today!

#throwbackthursday A couple of years ago, we filmed our staff reading stories from one of our creative writing classes at the Cook Arts Center. It was so fun celebrating the creativity of our students this way! Shoutout to all the past and current GAAH staff in this video who helped our students' stories come to life! #hotdogmassacre

Our partners at the Wege Foundation are hosting the annual Wege Speaker Series 2022. This year they are welcoming Dr. Beverly Wright, award-winning environmental justice scholar, advocate, author, civic leader and professor and founder of the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice in New Orleans. Please register by May 25, 2022 at:

COOK ARTS CENTER Winter 1 Classes are almost here! Classes start January 24th, 2022. Registration opens, today, January 10th. Scan the QR code or follow the link in the image to register. Feel free to visit or call the Cook Arts Center if you need assistance with enrollment or have any questions at (616) 742-0692 between 12:00 to 5:00pm Monday thru Friday ESPAÑOL ¡COOK ARTS CENTER Clases de Invierno 1 ya vienen! Clases de Inverno 1 comienza el 24 de enero del 2022. Registracion comienza el 10 de enero del 2022. Escanea el codigo QR para registrarte o sigue el link en la imangen. Visita el Cook Arts Center o llamanos si necesitas ayuda con inscripcion o si tienes preguntas al (616) 742-0692 de 12:00 a 5:00 pm lunes a viernes.

Enrollment for Winter 1 classes start soon. Check back on our social media pages and website on January 10th for the registration link! Español Inscripcion para clases de Invierno 1 comineza pronto! Regresa a nuestras redes sociales y pagina de interenet el 10 de enero para obtener el link de registracion!

Regalo de libros Gratis! En el Cook Library Center 1100 Grandville ave Grand Rapids MI 49503

Free book gift away! We are at the Cook Library Center 1100 Grandville ave Grand Rapids MI 49503

Ever thought about volunteering for Girls Rock Grand Rapids but didn't think you were the right fit? Check out this video from Kate and Vanessa about the kind of volunteers we need for camp in August. The video starts in English and has all info in Spanish at 2:36. Sign up to volunteer here:

The Cook Library Center Courtyard and Summer Closet are READY!! All neighbors welcome! Stop in if you need to use a laptop or to checkout a book to enjoy outdoors!! Thanks so much to Thrive Outside GR, The Outdoor Gear Library and @sam_turtle_truby for lending us all this cool gear to outfit our space!!

Take walk down Grandville Ave SW and stop by to say hi to our newest Cook Library Center members!! These chicks were raised by staff and students at the Cook Library Center and they’ll be around for a couple more weeks before they go to their forever home with ! 🐥 🐥 🐥

Congratulations to the winner! Please contact us to claim your prize. Thanks everyone for participating. 🌞 *This contest is for those that shared our event page and followed the ALL the rules.

Congratulations to our second giveaway winner! Please contact us to claim your prize. * this is for the people that commented in our Facebook and YouTube. Thanks for participating. 🌞