CRC Do Justice, Grand Rapids, MI Videos

Videos by CRC Do Justice in Grand Rapids. Do Justice is a conversation starter for justice in the CRC.

Did you know that we now offer a monthly round up of all our great Do Justice content? See the latest edition here:

And if you want this variety of authors and topics in your inbox subscribe here:

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Other CRC Do Justice videos

Did you know that we now offer a monthly round up of all our great Do Justice content? See the latest edition here: And if you want this variety of authors and topics in your inbox subscribe here:

We'd love to come talk with your church, Sunday school group, and more!

Find worship resources for CRC Social Justice Sunday on Feb 12 (or any Sunday) on our website at

Thank you for joining us in weekly Do Justice prayers this year.

It’s not too late to sign up for 2022 Advent devotions! Take time to reflect on what it means to “prepare the way for the Lord” in the midst of injustice, conflict, and creation that groans. Sign up to receive reflections from writers with CRC ministries around the world every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Advent at (link also in bio)

Free Advent Devotion: Prepare the Way. Join World Renew, Resonate, and CRCNA Social Justice as we reflect on what it means to “prepare the way for the Lord” in the midst of injustice, conflict, and creation that groans. Sign up to receive reflections every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Advent. Go to to sign up.

This Advent season, join World Renew, Resonate, and CRCNA Social Justice as we reflect on what it means to “prepare the way for the Lord” in the midst of injustice, conflict, and creation that groans. Sign up to receive reflections every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Advent at

Spotted at Holland Highschool! Where are you sharing the message that immigrants are blessing?

Advocacy matters! When we speak out, we reflect the biblical call to work towards a just world in which structures and institutions give all of creation the opportunity to thrive. This online workshop can help you talk with your elected officials about the issues you care about. Find it at

Joyce and Katie join us again to talk about what shaping worship justly has looked like in their contexts as well as practical suggestions for ways worship leaders can shape justice and worship in their own congregations.

Ahem ahem. Do we have your attention? We’re so excited to announce the release of Faith In Action, an online advocacy workshop designed to help you get your most effective message in front of your representative. Find the US and Canadian versions at

Claudio Carvalhaes has sat at tables with people around the world, listening to their communal expressions of joy, lament, and doubt in worship. From these experiences he shares ways to lead worship in solidarity with communities experiencing suffering in this episode of the Do Justice podcast:

Jacqui Mignault is one of the writers behind weekly Do Justice prayers. As a pastor, she talks about what it’s like to practice bringing current events before God. If you’ve ever wondered how to acknowledge current events in worship, this is the episode for you.

Isaac Wardell with The Porter's Gate and Peter Fargo with ClimateVigil join us for this episode! We have a great conversation about ways churches in North America can think about their relationship with creation in a new way through the music offered in the Climate Vigil Album.

We're thankful for all the people who joined us at #crcInspire to spread the message that immigrants are a blessing (as the Bible teaches us!) and to bring about concrete policy changes. Join us! Find current advocacy opportunities here: Calvin University

In 1995, Jonathan Maracle, a Mohawk from Tyendinaga Territory in Ontario, Canada, decided not to sing Amazing Grace at the Sacred Assembly in Ottawa, as he had been asked. What he didn’t know was that listening to the Spirit in that moment would inspire a band and ministry that would shape the rest of his life [and the church.]

We welcome Dr. Kenny Wallace to the show. Kenny is an African American Choctaw Pawnee from the United States living in Canada. He teaches nationally and internationally about multi-ethnic worship with his organization Kingdom Reflections Multi-Ethnic Worship Ministries and today he unpacks with us how multi-ethnic worship can shape our spiritual imaginations.

Here are 3 reasons Andrew and Eric are excited about leading a Restorative Practices training August 9-10. (And why you should join them!) Learn more and register:

We were delighted to meet with some bright minds recently. They wrote legislators to remind them to care for God's creation! These notes would brighten any mailbox and we'll be praying that legislators think to the next generation as they develop policy.

In the final episode of Season 4, Edgar Aguilar, senior researcher with La Asociación para una Sociedad más Justa, or the Association for a More Just Society in Honduras. Edgar shares how organizations and communities advocating for Covid-19 vaccine equity have resulted in increased vaccination rates in Honduras. Chris and Edgar also talk about running—(Edgar likes running to be present in the moment; Chris likes running to the fridge for pizza)—and how work toward increased integrity in the energy sector can help meet both immediate and long-term needs for people in Honduras.