ELITE Performance Sports Psychology

I help people overcome Anxiety & Build Confidence so they can reach their full potential. I am a wife and a mom of 3 kids.

I am a competitive runner (anything between 1 mile to an Ultra Marathon). I absolutely love coaching and watching athletes grow and strive to their very best. They have participated in softball, baseball, soccer, dance, swim, football, track and cross country, and water polo. We are a very athletic family so I have a ton of experience observing every kind of athlete on the playing field. I serve a


From a study: Mental Toughness "Enables you to cope better than your competitors with the demands of performance leaving you to remain focused determine confident and in control."


"What you think about is what you become." What do you tell yourself everyday?


One of my basketball/soccer players finished my program last week.

Here's what she had to say- "Before the program, I couldn't focus, I was stressed, panicked. Now I have a completely different mindset. I feel healthier, I feel less stress and I take risks."

I don't want to think about how her experience could have been different without tools and strategies she learned.

I'm so proud of her and can't wait to see how she'll continue to grow as an athlete and a person.

~Greatness is in all of you. I'm here to guide the way so you can see it.


I never believed I was good enough

I judged myself

I thought I wasn’t fast enough, small enough, pretty enough…all because I compared myself to others…..

It’s interesting when I hear my kids talk about their school experience and they have to do projects or write papers…….

✓Tell about a time you were proud of yourself for XYZ
Create something that represents what you are good at….

✓Write about a person who was a positive influence…..

✓I remember feeling blinded. I could see any good in ANYTHING when I was young.

I really thought everything was against me in this cruel game called Life

I did, however, always believe I was strong —I just didn’t say it out loud

What was the big change for me??
Practicing saying to myself, “I am good enough”

I realized that what we THINK about is what we BECOME

I realized that I have to love & care about myself before I can do this for others

I realized, my strength comes from standing back up & doing it again–EVEN IF I FAIL

People develop their mental strength in different ways but initially– it comes down to how we feel about ourselves.

I want to show kids that they are great in what they’re doing (I don’t care what others are doing)

I want to have kids see their own worth and value in themselves

I want kids to come away from an experience saying “I’m proud of myself because I did the best I could.”

Yes, I talk about my business a lot– but it’s because when I write this and I think about how many people experience the same emotions I had—I want them to know THAT IS NOT THE ENDING TO THEIR STORY.

Greatness is inside of each and everyone~ sometimes you just need a little help being shown the way :)


Launching my New ReTrain the Brain program this weekend. Sent 7 emails. I have room for 3 more athletes!! Who's interested?

Free 5 Day Challenge: Peak Performance Blueprint: Unveiling the Power of Sport Psychology 01/03/2024

How in the world was Michigan able to make that come back in the last 2 minutes of the 4th quarter at the Rose Bowl?

Mental Strength ~Belief in self and team~ Belief that the Game was NOT over!

How many people do you believe thought that they game was over because it seemed like the team was unraveling in the 2nd half?

If you were in the situation, what would your thoughts be? How would you respond in such a large facility, at a huge championship, with tons of people?

Many athletes I have observed, supported, trained.....had a similar mindset too.....

"There's no way we have time to win this game"

"This team is better than us anyway"

"Look how fast they are"

There's so many thoughts that go through an athlete's mind. Sometimes it's hard to gain the control back once it spirals

This is where Sport Psychology is KEY

*Manage pressure
*Manage thoughts
*Manage emotions

Today was Day 2 of my 5 Day Challenge- Peak Performance Blueprint: The Power of Sport Psychology

You have nothing to lose learning ways to elevate your game.....Michigan's Football team could have had a vastly different outcome- Sport Psychology is the game changer

Free 5 Day Challenge: Peak Performance Blueprint: Unveiling the Power of Sport Psychology This is a 5 Day Challenge here to help athletes reach their Peak Performance Blueprint: Unveiling the Power of Sport Psychology. Parents can use this to help their athletes when obstacles occur. Coaches can use this challenge to build resilience.


Being at your best doesn't mean it's going to be easy

In fact, it's hard!

There's going to be things that come your way that

-Challenge you
-Scare you
-Make you wonder if you're doing it right

Have you been there? I have!

Your brain will do everything in it's power to get you to stay in the COMFORT ZONE

But.....That's NOT how we improve!

✔️We improve by Taking Action and doing the small things everyday
✔️We improve by doing the things that make us say "Am I sure I want to be doing this?"
✔️We improve by reminding ourselves that we are capable of tough things!

You are stronger than what you think you are. Keep going!

Free 5 Day Challenge: Peak Performance Blueprint: Unveiling the Power of Sport Psychology 12/31/2023

Why is Sport Psychology the game changer in athletics?

Does your athlete have a BIG DEAL dream?

How can it help my athlete as a person?

How can I get an edge on my athletics?

I will show you the answers to these questions in my 5 Day Challenge- Peak Performance Blueprint: Unveiling the Power of Sport Psychology.

Greatness is in all of you. Turn your GOAL into a REALITY.
Learn game changing strategies for FREE!

Sign up today!

Free 5 Day Challenge: Peak Performance Blueprint: Unveiling the Power of Sport Psychology This is a 5 Day Challenge here to help athletes reach their Peak Performance Blueprint: Unveiling the Power of Sport Psychology. Parents can use this to help their athletes when obstacles occur. Coaches can use this challenge to build resilience.


I'm doing a case study that is geared to help athletes reach their potential.

I can only take on 10 athletes. My goal is to teach the skills they need in 8 weeks.

It will be a combination of 8 live coaching sessions, 4 individual sessions, and recorded courses- plus unlimited support.

The skills include developing unshakeable confidence, how to effectively set a goal set, create pre-competition plans to reduce athletic anxiety, and implement focus & concentration in practices & competitions.

Here’s an application that can give me more info on your athlete so I can provide the best coaching possible (in the comments).

The application is completed, I can send an email with more info as well. Feel free to always reach out with questions.

Photos from ELITE Performance Sports Psychology's post 12/30/2023

One of the benefits in improving mental strength is that athletes find their joy and happiness.

They discover what the true meaning of "success" & "failure" means which allows them to take the pressure of "winning" off of them.

When an athlete loves their sport and is happy, they WILL EXCEL.

New Mental Strength Program begins Jan. 7, 2024. You never regret finding joy.


I'm looking for 10 athletes who want to achieve improvement & skill development in 8 weeks for my Case Study Mental Strength Program.

Comment below 👇or DM "interested" for more information


I can get over my barrier on my own....I don't need help

The classic saying. I know it because I lived it.

Asking for help or seeking guidance was seen as weakness to me.

What really happened, is I became stuck.

I didn't improve

I stopped placing

I stopped feeling like I had value on the team

The fact is, I really did need someone there to have a fresh perspective. They helped me process my irrational thoughts and had me reach a level I never knew was possible. They allowed me to dream big.

Anything is possible, sometimes you just need a little guidance :)


5 Myths about Mental Strength
Here are somethings that people believe about their own mental strength:

“I can get over it on my own.”

“If I quit, I’ll stop feeling this way.”

“If I work with someone on my mental strength, I’m weak.”

“Mental strength is not as important as physical strength.”

“No one else is working on their mental strength, why should I?”

I guarantee, when an athlete works on Mental Strength, they will see:

1- increased confidence
2- develop new skills
3- reduce their level of nervousness
4- find happiness & gratitude
5- learn life long skills to overcome any barrier

You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose

Photos from ELITE Performance Sports Psychology's post 12/24/2023

Mental Strength can be the difference between where you are....and where you go.

Mental Strength can bring to light the confidence you needed to push outside your comfort zone.

Mental Strength teaches you to be comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Here's just some of my athletes I work with and how they feel and their parents' observations.

Mental Strength is the game changer.

12 Week Mental Strength Program begins January 7, 2024.


We regret the chances we didn't take


Friends!! I wrote a Workbook to help athletes. This can be a workbook for athletes to work on their own or coaches can make copies for their team.

Please check it out- leave a review--or buy!



The Crucial Link Between Relaxation and Athletic Performance

Athletes can tap into their hidden potential for improved performance by applying relaxation techniques

Let’s take a journey on what happens to an athlete when relaxation is not practiced:

📌The mind has a tough time staying calm. There’s a lot of overthinking–”what if I mess up? What if I don’t get my time? What if something bad happens?”

📌Nervousness is more prevalent. Because the mind has not had a moment to relax, there’s a feeling of lingering nerves that many athletes cannot pinpoint.

📌Muscles become tight. When muscles are tight, it is more difficult to move them the way we want to move them causing small mistakes to happen in athletic performance.
*Cortisol is released into the body when stress is present causing lethargic movement & fatigue, which presents itself as “laziness” while athletes are competing.

So here are 3 ways your athlete can begin to practice relaxation to reach their potential:

✅Take Deep Breaths. When we’re stressed, it is natural to hold the breath or shorten breath (muscles need oxygen in order to perform well). Taking deep breaths also allow the activation of the Parasympathetic nervous system, which can relieve anxiety.

✅Practice Meditation. Sit or lay down for 2 minutes, set a timer. Practice not thinking but just observing how thoughts travel in and out….there’s a ton! The more you can practice letting go of thinking, the more control over your mind you’ll have.

✅Progressive Muscular Relaxation is a must. Isolate small groups of muscles and as you breathe in–tighten the muscles. Breathe out–relax (loosen) the muscles. This is teaching you what it feels like when muscles are tight and how to relax them. This is important in moments of stress during a competition- keeping that relaxation.
Relaxation is good for the mind and body. Notice the difference you feel after a week of practicing these 3 things.

Enjoy the Relaxation!!

P.S. Want to know more on "The Champion Mindset: Sport Psychology Secrets for Athletes?" I’ll be doing a free Webinar in my Facebook Group this Thursday at 7pm EST.


Athletes & Coaches

Break is coming up but this doesn’t mean we take a break from athletics


This Thursday-
7pm EST

I’ll be doing a Webinar to help Coaches and Athletes reach their full potential-

"The Champion Mindset: Sport Psychology Secrets for Athletes"

I will tell you 5 Ways Sport Psychology can help develop a championship mindset!!

It will be in my Facebook Group- ReTrain the Brain

Here’s my secret: Although I teach these components to athletes–It has made me a better coach as I practice what I preach!

Who’s coming with me? See you Thursday!

Mindset Workbook: How to Reach Your Goals: Practices to ReTrain Your Brain to boost your performance and build resilience 12/18/2023

Friends!! I wrote a Workbook to help athletes. This can be a workbook for athletes to work on their own or coaches can make copies for their team.

Please check it out- leave a review--or buy!

Yay!! This is so great!

Mindset Workbook: How to Reach Your Goals: Practices to ReTrain Your Brain to boost your performance and build resilience Mindset Workbook: How to Reach Your Goals: Practices to ReTrain Your Brain to boost your performance and build resilience

Photos from ELITE Performance Sports Psychology's post 12/16/2023

I'm so proud of my athletes in my programs! So many great things are happening where athletes and parents are noticing the changes!!

My new 12 week program begins in January 2024.

If you are interested, send me a DM and we'll connect!
It's about making a difference

Photos from ELITE Performance Sports Psychology's post 12/16/2023

I'm so proud of my athletes in my programs! So many great things are happening where athletes and parents are noticing the changes!!

My new 12 week program begins in January 2024. If you are interested, send me a DM and we'll connect!

It's about making a difference


I never called him COACH

He was my coach, but I never felt like he cared about me…which is what I considered a coach SHOULD DO—CARE

The person who gave me workouts made me believe that I was capable of anything, like:

*losing weight since I was the BIGGEST one on the team with a 12% body fat (we had to do body fat testing)

*I could continue to train through pain

*that I was a machine and not a person

I ended my high school career with an eating disorder & hurt

I convinced myself based on what he said, that if I just had a “slim fast” for lunch, I would achieve the weight that would make me FAST.

I would run in the morning, sometimes at lunch (1-2 miles), at practice, and then directly after dinner (that’s right–4x a day)

I told him I thought something was wrong with my leg…..his response…...

“Look at the girls over there, are they complaining?” I said no.

“Then why are you here?”

I realized at that moment my pain must have been manifested in my mind. So I trained, and I ran.

At the end of my season, I ran my fastest split in the 3200m relay but couldn’t physically walk after.

I went to the doctor who stated, “you have a stress fracture so back you almost broke your bone in half.”

I was so mad that I had to take time off of running.
It took me YEARS to not have the voice inside of my head to limit my eating or run right after I ate.

BUT I made a promise to myself


✓I will be the coach that cares

✓I will be the coach that someone needs when they don’t have someone in stands to support them

✓I will be the coach who will go above and beyond to make sure each athlete reaches their best

✓I will be the coach to lead by example

✓I will try my best, to the be the coach that gives them the best experience when they train with me

That is my promise

Life has taught me a lot of who I don’t want to be

And I’m so grateful for the lessons.

I believe, every day, I am being the best coach I can be & hope athletes look back at their experience with happiness, self love, and knowing they gave everything they had in their sport in a safe way.

I share this story because I was running yesterday and saw 2 alumni runners….who are still running. One alumni turned around so he could just run with me. We continued to run and chat.

I’m so grateful I have created connections

I’m so grateful my athletes can come back and not feel threatened or hurt by me but can feel comfortable enough to keep running with me….

I am grateful to be a coach!

Photos from ELITE Performance Sports Psychology's post 12/14/2023

So proud of Emma! Great ending to a great season!

Sports is like the game of Poker 12/12/2023

Sports is like Poker eh? I love this podcast! Let's think about going "all in" in our athletics instead of waiting until Championship Season. Enjoy!

Sports is like the game of Poker Why don't we go "all in?" Why do some athletes play it safe? Let's start the process now of learning who we could be and not wait until later.


Sports can be like playing a game of Poker

You are an athlete that can play it safe (just throwing in a few chips at a time)....not really noticing much of difference in the result


We make moves (sometimes putting all the chips in)

To make these big….gutsy moves….you’ll need a couple of things:

1- the ability to be okay with whatever result happens
(With each & decision you make, it is your opportunity to learn & grow)

2- Take a deep breath and go for it
(Deep breathing activates your Parasympathetic Nervous Systems which allows you to de escalate your anxiety)

3- instead of thinking your WORST CASE SCENARIO, think BEST CASE SCENARIO
(A positive mindset will take you farther than a negative one)

4- “You miss 100% of the shots you never take” so take the shot
(Overcome fear by doing the thing that scares you)

5- If you’re ALWAYS playing it safe….are you ever growing?
(Growth is how we succeed)

No matter what, there’s going to be a result of an action. You will either learn and grow with 1 action
You’ll take no action, which is still action, and you’ll live in regret wondering what it would be like to give it everything you have.
Practice putting all your chips in- in the end- be proud knowing you gave it everything with NO REGRETS.

If you agree, Comment ALL IN 🙂


Successful behavior increases confidence and leads to further success.

True or False?

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185 44th Street Suite E
Grandville, MI

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