121 Community Church, Grapevine, TX Videos

Videos by 121 Community Church in Grapevine. Leading People to Live for Jesus Christ. Sunday Services: 8, 9:15 and 11a www.121cc.com

Other 121 Community Church videos

When it all comes down to trust, how are our actions revealing areas where our trust needs to grow?

Just as our own dignity and value originates from God, the reason we treat each other with dignity, value and respect is because we are ALL created in the image of God - that's it.

The Creator designed us with a work-rest rhythm in mind, but the idea of a Sabbath can easily be lost in our faith practices. Understanding this rhythm helps us to be refreshed. During the Sabbath, consider receiving encouragement, repent where needed, worship, increase normal spiritual rhythms, disconnect from devices, reflect on God’s workings from the week prior, enjoy family and friend time, get out in God’s creation, read and sleep.

Our summer Bible study starts this Tuesday! Visit this link to see more information and sign up to join us in this study! We hope to see you there! https://121cc.com/event/summer-bible-study-isaiah-rebellion-rejection-and-redemption/2024-06-04/

Whose image are you being shaped into? Gods? Or yours? There’s no competition.

Please listen to this quick message from Travis. If you're interested in joining our Worship Prayer Team, please email Travis at [email protected]

As we prepare our hearts for worship this Sunday, please listen to this message about Travis. Here's a link to the songs we'll be singing. http://tinyurl.com/39ph6stk

Here’s this week’s worship preview! While we are continuing on in our study of Titus, we will be singing, “Oh the Cross,” “To the one who is seated on the throne, “ How He loves,” and “Gratitude.” You can visit our Spotify playlist to hear the songs by clicking here: http://tinyurl.com/85ss3tsz

As we prepare our hearts for worship this Sunday, listen to this message from Travis to get a sneak peek of the songs we're singing. Plus, you can listen to the playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6Wsahc3UAoRh3OwtGGxiqN?si=bUK_0wqMQ1eFPp-mOEdLPA&pi=u-bZFJduwcTV6K&nd=1&dlsi=b6c14d266a394c44

The Importance Of Truth
There are so many false ideas of God in our culture, understanding and articulating truth is critically important.

An Unlikely Conversation About Genuine Worship
If it is true we are all worshippers, then what is real and genuine worship?

121 Community Church 11am Broadcast
121 Community Church 11am Broadcast

121 Community Church 9:15am Broadcast
121 Community Church 9:15am Broadcast

Here's a quick message from Travis about worship on Sunday AND a playlist to all the songs we're singing. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0hZcr8YCgv2N8BMsyCxGJX?si=3ctrQzSqSQGd7IjubIe1dQ&pi=u-3VLJ9icEQSma&nd=1&dlsi=14fc19ded35740ce

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is a class to help you develop a more intentional discipleship that makes space to connect with God, and love others well. See site to register: https://forms.121cc.com/ehs2024

121 Community Church 11am Broadcast
121 Community Church 11am Broadcast

121 Community Church 9:15am Broadcast
121 Community Church 9:15am Broadcast

Christmas Under The Stars
It is good to ponder and linger and think on what we will do with the the simple truth of Jesus having been born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, died on a cross, and rose again on the third day.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the 121 Giving Tree! 42 families in our community were blessed today!