InitiativeOne, Green Bay, WI Videos

Videos by InitiativeOne in Green Bay. Leadership isn't what you do. It's who you are.

Many of us deal with imposter syndrome. Flip your script. Start having high-level, conversations with yourself about your infinite worth, that you belong where you are and deserve good things, and that you can change!

#personaldevelopment #professionaldevelopment #iamenough

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Many of us deal with imposter syndrome. Flip your script. Start having high-level, conversations with yourself about your infinite worth, that you belong where you are and deserve good things, and that you can change! #personaldevelopment #professionaldevelopment #iamenough

No one has it all together, in fact, we all have stories of regret. Don't live in the past but get present to how every obstacle is a learning opportunity and a chance for growth and has shaped who you are today. #growthmindset #dothework #noregrets #leadership #personaldevelopment

You are of infinite worth. Does hearing that make you uncomfortable? Limiting beliefs can be so powerful that we get uncomfortable hearing the truth! Believe the truth, you have a powerful purpose in life. #iOne #iLead #limitingbeliefs #personaltransformation #professionaldevelopment #growth Fred Johnson

Don't let others use their arsenal of self-doubt against you. Leadership transformation or mentorship gives you the tools to compete in a world that wants to see you fail. Rise up! #iOne #iLead #leadership #mentorship #podcast

Every meeting has two agendas: the one that’s formally discussed and the unspoken thoughts that linger in everyone’s minds. As a leader, take control of the conversation. Guide your team to confront those unspoken concerns and grow stronger together. #iLead #iOne #Leadership #TeamGrowth #LeadWithPurpose #TeamSuccess #Podcast Stephenson National Bank & Trust - SNBT

Listen to your team’s thoughts and emotions to understand where they want to go. Take their vision and guide them toward achieving it. Tune in this Episode of The Leadership Initiative with special guest Greg Salmen, President of Stephenson National Bank & Trust. #iLead #iOne #Leadership #TeamSuccess #Inspiration #Podcast

Exchanging ideas with your team fuels success, especially when you're lifting them out of tough times. To lead effectively, you must first clear your own mind and emotions of doubt. #iLead #iOne #Leadership #Teamwork #OvercomeChallenges #LeadershipMindset Stephenson National Bank & Trust - SNBT

Change can feel unsettling, even when it’s small. But trust that you’re exactly where you need to be. Don’t let a worried mindset take control—embrace confidence instead. #iLead #iOne #Leadership #EmbraceChange #SelfAssurance #PositiveMindset #Podcast Stephenson National Bank & Trust - SNBT Greg Salmen

As a leader, it’s natural to feel the urgency to step in during times of confusion, even when you’re not needed. But when another leader emerges within your team, it’s essential to step back and allow them to lead with confidence and strength. Trust in their abilities and give them the space to grow. #iLead #iOne #Leadership #TeamDevelopment #Empowerment #TrustTheProcess #LeadersWhoLead #LeadershipGrowth #TeamSuccess #Podcast Stephenson National Bank & Trust - SNBT

Our CEO and Transformation Leader, Tracy Johnson took the seat to conduct this interview with Greg Salman, President of Stephenson National Bank & Trust - SNBT Step into your team's shoes. Think back to what you needed from a leader during your toughest and most successful moments. Use those experiences to anticipate and provide the support your team might not ask for. #iLead #iOne #Leadership #Empathy #TeamSupport #InitiativeOne

Surround yourself with those who will be honest with you, and always be honest with yourself. This is essential for personal growth and achieving your goals. #iLead #iOne #Leadership #SelfImprovement #GrowthMindset #Honesty #GoalSetting

Take the time to truly understand yourself. Let your strengths guide you on your mission. Julie Gile’s inspiring journey shows the power of knowing your direction—follow her advice and “clean your compass.” By understanding yourself, you’ll find the right path forward. #iLead #iOne #Leadership #SelfAwareness #PersonalGrowth #MissionDriven #Inspiration

Trust is the foundation that holds a team together. When trust is strong, collaboration thrives, and success follows. Invest in building trust with your team—it's the most powerful tool you have. #iLead #iOne #Leadership #Teamwork #TrustMatters #StrongTeams #Success

Honesty isn’t always easy to hear. Receiving negative feedback can be tough, but it’s a crucial step toward growth. Those who care enough to give you the truth are your greatest allies—they’re the key to reaching new heights. #iLead #iOne #Leadership #GrowthMindset #Success #HonestyMatters #LevelUp

We’ve all experienced failure—no one is exempt. The real difference lies in whether you’ll pull yourself back up or let yourself sink. The key to rising above failure is using your wisdom and knowledge to keep moving forward. #iLead #iOne #Leadership #Resilience #MindsetMatters #OvercomeChallenges #RiseAbove #podcast Julie M Gile Photography

Building genuine relationships might seem small, but it’s incredibly powerful. Strong connections inspire trust, and trust is the foundation of success. #iLead #iOne #leadership #buildingconnections

Let's recap the powerful experience from our 2024 leadership conference. If you missed out be sure to save the week of June 9, 2025. More details to come in the upcoming weeks regarding our second, annual conference! #iLead #iOne #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #personaltransformation

Adversity the Separator of Champions - that was our theme at the July Think Tank and Dr. Fred Johnson and @ai_xlv break it down here for you.

“Lets be great together.” So many moments of gold with Alec Ingold! @ai_xlv #iLead #iOne #leadership #begreat #teamwork #podcast

Knowing isn’t enough. Leadership is about applying what you know. @ai_xlv talked with Dr. Fred about how to translate lessons on the field into life. #iLead #iOne #leadership #podcast