Greeneville Parks & Recreation, Greeneville, TN Videos

Videos by Greeneville Parks & Recreation in Greeneville. The Greeneville Parks & Recreation Department offers youth and adult sports and many special events

Other Greeneville Parks & Recreation videos

Friday Morning Gym Renovation Update: First roll hitting the floor this morning

Today is the last day to get registereed for : Beach Volleyball Registration has started today for the following leagues: Registration Deadline is June 5th. Youth 5th-8th -$35.00 per player Bring your own Team High School Girls -$35.00 per player Bring your own Team High School Boys - $35.00 per player Bring your own Team Women's Competitive 2v2 - $100.00 per team Women's Intermediate 4v4 -$200.00 per team Women's Rec 6 v 6 - $300.00 per team Men's Competitive 2v2 - $100.00 per team Men's Intermediate 4v4 -$200.00 per team Men's Rec 6 v 6 - $300.00 per team Coed Intermediate 4v4 -$200.00 per team Coed Rec 6v6 -$300.00 per team The season will begin in Mid June and play at minimum 10 games plus an end of season tournament. League rules can be found online at Registration can be found online at For any questions, please call 423-638-3194

Beach Volleyball Registration has started today for the following leagues: Youth 5th-8th -$35.00 per player Bring your own Team High School Girls -$35.00 per player Bring your own Team High School Boys - $35.00 per player Bring your own Team Women's Competitive 2v2 - $100.00 per team Women's Intermediate 4v4 -$200.00 per team Women's Rec 6 v 6 - $300.00 per team Men's Competitive 2v2 - $100.00 per team Men's Intermediate 4v4 -$200.00 per team Men's Rec 6 v 6 - $300.00 per team Coed Intermediate 4v4 -$200.00 per team Coed Rec 6v6 -$300.00 per team The season will begin in Mid June and play at minimum 10 games plus an end of season tournament. League rules can be found online at Registration can be found online at For any questions, please call 423-638-3194

Stay Tuned: Beach Volleyball Registration begins on Tuesday, May 23rd. We will be offering leagues for : 5th -8th Grade 4v4 High School 2v2 Mens 2v2 4v4 Women's 2v2 4v4 Coed 4v4

The Christmas Lights at Hardin Park will begin on Friday, December 9th at 6:00 PM. This is a drive thru event only. The lights will run from 6:00pm -10:00pm each night through December 30th.A donation box will be located at the exit of the park that will help with future light displays and figurines.