Frazor Evangelistic Team

Please pray for us as we are traveling!

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 01/09/2024

We had our second day of chapels here at Westwood Christian in Miami, FL🌴 Please pray as we minister to these teens and children!


Everyone one is back and we are the road! Starting off our spring semester by driving to Florida!🌴


Happy Birthday Misha!! We appreciate all she does for us on team! We got together with some of the Frazor family in Greenville for a little celebration today 🥳

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 11/06/2023

Frazor family!
Jeremy and Kaleya - Football player and cheerleader

Corey - Edna from the Incredibles

Zachary - liberty mutual insurance agent

Misha - Wanda Maximoff

Jayden - Rocky Balboa


We would love to see you tonight‼️

TONIGHT!!! Teens, we've got free pizza, awesome games, and a challenge from God's Word from the Frazor Evangelistic Team.
Open for 7th-12th grade, 5:30-8:30pm. We'd love to see you!

Photos from The Baptist Church of Hadley's post 10/23/2023

Excited to be able to share our travels again after some technical difficulties getting access back into our page! Thanks for hanging in there, and keep following for more continual updates!

We appreciate your prayers and support!

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 10/10/2023

Frazor Team 23/24

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 06/04/2023

April 29 - May 5

~ Santa Maria Adventures ~
~ Jeremy, Misha, and the team went out for a lovely banquet.
~ The Frazor family performed their yearly music recital.
~ The team girls went out for one last pedicure together
~ The team enjoyed lots of fellowship with the Kemlo family.
~ The Frazor family tried boba tea for the first time.

Our week in Santa Maria was incredible! We were excited to go to team member Audrey Kemlo's home church for a week of ministry.
Last year's team also visited First Baptist Church. We ministered in all services on Sunday and held a concert on Wednesday evening.

Monday through Wednesday we held school chapels for all ages at Valley Christian Academy. We were encouraged to see many children recognize and react to their need for salvation. Others received counseling for personal struggles they were facing. It was wonderful to see how, even in our last week, God was still working in the hearts of so many people to draw them closer to Himself.

Tuesday evening was filled with sweet fellowship that made for precious memories. Jeremy and Misha took the team out to a nice dinner. After eating amazing seafood, the team walked around Santa Maria to see the beautiful scenery.

On Thursday the Frazor children performed a recital. Corey, Jayden, Zachary, and Kaley all did an outstanding job! Their teachers were proud to see all the progress they made during the traveling season. Corey played several songs on his cello and the piano.
Jayden and Zachary performed various pieces on their violins. Kaleya serenaded the group with piano and violin. Make sure you check out their phenomenal recital pictures. Thank you Audrey for bing willing to take these lovely photos.

Sadly, our week as a full team had come to an end. Micah left Thursday night to return home The Frazors traveled to Simi Valley, California to prepare for Jeremy's graduation. Karlie and Emily stayed in Santa Maria until Monday so that they could attend Jeremy's graduation from Master's Seminary on Sunday. Audrey is from Santa Maria, so she did not need to leave. Our traveling season was complete. The team members returned to their homes before beginning their summer plans. The Frazors will be ministering this summer at Northland Camp in Dunbar, Wisconsin. Please pray that God would work in the lives of campers and staff members at Northland.

Thank you for tagging along with all of our travels. I, Emily Goldfuss, have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to update everyone on what is happening. Writing these Facebook posts at the end of each week provided a wonderful time to reflect on how great God is.
I will not be returning to travel with the Frazor team next year, but I hope that my ministry will continue as I return to Maranatha Baptist University to pursue my bachelor's in music. Micah will not be returning to the team and will instead pursue further education. Audrey has confirmed that she will be traveling for a second year with the Frazor Team. Karlie will be ministering this summer at Northland Camp with the Frazors.

Thank you for all the support! :)

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 05/22/2023

April 22-27, 2023.

~ Reno Adventures ~
~ Pastor James Tilson showed the team around downtown Reno.
~ The team drove over to California to visit Lake Tahoe with former team member Carrie Rule.
~ Some of the team members went to Scheel’s for the time.
~ The team girls tried a new Indian restaurant.
~ Emily interviewed Pastor Andy Gleiser about leadership.
~ Emily’s mom and friend came to visit for the week.

Wow! What a week we had in Reno. Sickness started working its way through quite a few members of the team at the end of our week in Elko, Nevada. Despite this, we traveled to Reno, Nevada for a week of services. Almost everyone recovered before our service on Sunday. After arriving on Saturday, the team went to Pastor Daniel Kelting’s house for music practice. We were excited to be able to join the worship team for the week. On Sunday, we joined Living Hope Church for their Sunday service. Because of the location, it is very hard to find a meeting space, so the church meets in a public building in downtown Reno. After the service, the team joined Pastor Wess and his family for lunch. The church hosted an evening outreach on Sunday. Daniel and Katie Kelting joined the team members to provide some music for the event. Church members helped set up games and prepare food. It was encouraging to see multiple people from the community attend.

On Monday the Living Hope Church had a game night at Calvary Baptist Church. Amazing food was provided, there were tons of board games, and there were some outdoor games as well. It was a wonderful opportunity to get to know the church members better.

Tahoe Tuesday was definitely a highlight of our week. Since there were no church plans for Tuesday, the team decided to go sight-seeing. Former team member Carrie Rule and her friend Remy showed us around the Lake Tahoe area. We explored, found a yummy place to eat, got souvenirs, and enjoyed messing around in the snow.

Wednesday and Thursday were busy. The team members canvassed for the church in downtown Reno. Some people expressed interest in visiting the church, some people were given the gospel, and others wanted nothing to do with us. While we will not get to see the fruit of this effort, we are praying that the people we met were impacted and will pursue truth. In the evenings we attended Share Groups. A Share Group is a small group from the church that meets together to have fellowship and discuss the sermon they heard on Sunday. We enjoyed these oppotunities to continue to get to know the church members.

On Friday we left Reno, and headed towards California. We loved the time we spent in Reno. May God continue to bless the ministry at Living Hope Church.

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 05/02/2023

Elko Adventures
~ Some of the team went to Gold Strike Mine.
~ Former team member Bekah Miller and her husband drove 3 1/2 hours to visit the team on Sunday.
~ Evangelist Andrew Johnson stopped by Thursday night and parked his trailer next to the Frazors.

After an eventful week in New Mexico, we traveled North to Elko, Nevada. Pastor Jeremy Ehmann and his church family gave a warm welcome to our team. We started off the week with Sunday school and our Sunday morning service. To add to all of the excitement of Sunday, former team member Bekah Miller and her husband came to the morning service. The team enjoyed fellowship with the Millers for part of the afternoon. We held pre-services and evening services Sunday through Thursday. It was a bit of an extended week compared to our normal schedule. We were ecstatic to see two young girls come to Christ during our children’s program. Both girls recieved counseling after the Sunday service. They did not make decisions at that time, but God continued to work in their hearts throughout the week. One evening the girls informed us that they had both accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We are praising God for the two souls added to His kingdom. We are praying for spiritual growth for these new believers and also praying for those who heard the gospel and have not yet responded.

The team had lots of fun opportunities during our stay in Elko. Evangelist Andrew Johnson stopped in to see Jeremy on Thursday. Seeing as how Andrew was traveling a long distance that day, Jeremy and the church arranged to have him park his trailer at the church for the night. We loved getting to know him and were glad that he was able to attend our Thursday evening service. Emily had the privelege of teaching two violin lessons to some teens in the church. She was excited to see young violinists in the church who were using their musical abilities for ministry. On Friday most of the team got to go visit Gold Strike Mine.

We are praising God for a fantastic week of ministry.

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 04/29/2023

Farmington Adventures
~ We celebrated Easter with Grace Baptist Church. Their breakfast food was phenomenal!
~ The team hosted a Cola Wars and School War on the same day.
~ The team chased registration papers around the parking lot when the wind blew them off the table.
~ Emily taught a split session with the teen girls during the school war.
~ Team Member Micah, whose middle name is David, met another Micah David in kid’s group. Little MD got to pie Big MD in the face.

We loved our crazy week in Farmington, New Mexico. After a trip to Colorado, we drove back to New Mexico where we spent Easter Sunday. Sunday kicked off with a yummy breakfast. We were introduced to “mocha punch.” I would argue that it is basically a milkshake with coffee, but the name makes it acceptable to have it at breakfast time. After a fantastic breakfast, we went on to have our Easter Sunday service. We enjoyed being able to minister with some Resurrection-focused music to bring attention to the subject of Easter.

Like most normal weeks, we held our pre-services, evening services, and Cola War. We also did school chapels Monday through Wednesday. Unlike our normal week, we facilitated a school war on the same day as the Cola War. It was certainly hectic, but absolutely worth it. Our school war included three chapel times, games in between the chapels, and lunch. About two hours after the school war, teens returned for a cola war. During the Cola War, we left the registration area to go play games. We did not consider the severity of the wind, which blew all of the papers over the parking lot and field. Team members scrambled to try and collect as many as possible before they blew too far. It was certainly a comical scene and Pastor Joyner made sure to laugh at us and capture a video of the event. We were exhausted but also blessed. The teens had a fabulous time and we were glad to see how God worked in their lives.

Pastor Pat Flores and Pastor Adam Joyner were great encouragements to us. Their heart for the ministry of the church and school were so genuine. Pastor Joyner also helped us find a reputable music store nearby to get repairs on Jayden Frazor’s violin. We were grateful for the time he carved out to bring us lunch every day and help us with any needs we had during our stay.

Testimony from Emily Goldfuss:
I had the privilege to teach the pre-services for the children during our week of meetings in Farmington, New Mexico. I enjoy teaching about Corrie Ten Boom, her passion for sharing Christ, and her selfless love for others. Her life, though filled with tragedies, was anything but tragic because she used it for the glory of the Lord. She saw God’s goodness in numerous ways despite her afflictions. My week in Farmington was marked by a lot of trials in my personal life. It felt like everything I loved was being ripped away from me. The next few weeks continued to be a battle, and I do not think I have yet made it out. During my last night teaching Corrie Ten Boom for the semester, I was explaining to the children how there were fleas in Corrie’s barracks in the concentration camp. Her sister, Betsie, reminded Corrie that in everything, even the fleas, they should be thanking God. As soon as I read that for the children, I knew that whatever I was going through, I had to give thanks. That is God’s will for my life as a Christian. I look at Corrie’s life and see so much brokenness, but it is not a brokenness that pushed Corrie away from God. She drew closer to God because she understood that her plans were not God’s plans. She knew His plan was better in every way imaginable, even if it was miserable, depressing, and scary at times. I hope that this testimony can encourage someone who feels like their life is being marred by tragedies. Do not let these trials lead you astray, let them lead you to the God of the universe, the Lover of your soul, the One who sacrificed His Son for you, and the One who has always, and will continue, to care and provide for you.

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 04/19/2023

~Colorado Adventures~
~ The team visited Black Canyon. If you’ve never been, you must go!
~ Jeremy defended his dissertation.
~ The team attended a pastor’s conference and were privileged to hear Marty Von speak.
~ The team members found a new favorite coffee shop, Jireh Cafe and Bakery.
~ Misha and Emily went out for pedicures.

Our week in Colorado was anything but normal. Instead of a week of services with one church, we did concerts at three churches and attended a pastor’s conference! The change of schedule was certainly fun and we enjoyed getting to meet numerous church congregations. Our first stop was Victory Baptist Church in Montrose, Colorado. We were greeted by Pastor Kassales and his wonderful pastoral staff, church staff, and congregation. Jeremy taught the adult Sunday school and Micah taught the teens. We shared music in the morning service and Jeremy preached while the team taught children’s church. Sunday evening we held a concert for the church.

Monday evening we visited Grace Baptist Church in Montrose, Colorado to provide music for the pastor’s fellowship. We enjoyed our time there and were able to stay for a few of the sessions that Marty Von so expertly delivered. We were excited to return on Wednesday and host a sacred concert for the congregation there. Pastor Shannon and his family were so kind and even prepared a meal for everyone to enjoy afterwards.

Tuesday Jeremy prepared to defend his dissertation. He was met with some feedback that was both encouraging and challenging. The good news is that there is a possibility that he can make the necessary corrections before the due date. The bad news is that it requires quite a bit of time which can be difficult to find while we are on the road. Please pray that he will be able to complete the necessary changes so that he can graduate in May.

On Thursday the team took a beautiful drive to Gunnison, Colorado for our last concert. Pastor Jones and his church provided dinner and a time of fellowship. We stayed late meeting people and then the Frazor’s drove back to Montrose while the team stayed in Gunnison overnight.

After the team returned on Friday, we took a scenic field trip to the Black Canyon. It was absolutely breathtaking and a nice reminder of how unique God’s creation is. The team enjoyed tramping around in the snow. Micah pretended to fall off a railing which caused a great commotion and made certain team members cry. Emily developed a talent for somehow stepping into drifts of snow, sinking down into them, and then losing her shoe. Audrey captured the pretty landscape with her camera. The team enjoyed throwing snowballs off the edge and seeing if they could hear when it hit the bottom of the canyon. These were just a few of the fun memories made at the canyon.

Praise God for yet another week of ministry! As we near the end of our semester, it is so exciting to look back and see what God has done in the lives of believers and team members.

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 04/17/2023

“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us,” Romans 8:31. We are on the Lord’s side. The devil cannot pull us from the sovreign hand of God. No matter what trials we face, we know we have safety in Christ. Our team definitely faced some struggles before we could even reach Emmanuel Baptist Church in Gallup, New Mexico. We were three hours away from Gallup when the semi broke down in the middle of the road. Thankfully, Jeremy was able to pull off to the side and begin working on the semi. After little success and a few hours, we realized that this was not a fix that could be finished that day. The team members traveled on with the suburban and utility trailer. Pastor Kleeberger graciously sacrificed his time and drove a round trip of about 6 hours to pick up the Frazor family.

Despite arriving very late on Saturday night, we were up and ready for services on Sunday. Micah had the opportunity to teach Sunday school for the teens and adults so that Jeremy could have some extra rest due to his late night. God really blessed our week of meetings even though it did not go the way we had planned. One by one the team members and Frazor family contracted the stomach bug. There was a significant amount of adjusting in the kid’s program and special music based on who was healthy enough to be at the church. Despite all of these things, God’s Word was preached and people were responsive to the Word of God.

We were excited to be able to host a nerf battle for the teens in the area. This was the first teen event we have held at this church. We were happy to see some teens attend. Some acknowledged that they were not saved, but did not make any decisions. Please keep uplifting them in prayer with us.

Pastor and Mrs. Kleeberger were such an encouragement to us during our stay, despite facing their own struggles. We are thankful for their act of love by hosting some of our team members and providing meals. Please continue to pray for them and their ministry in Gallup. God has been and is continuing to use them in great ways.

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 04/13/2023

~ San Tan Valley Adventures
~ The entire team attended the youth group fundraiser.
~ Audrey and Emily explored the area and found a new boba tea store and a bakery.
~ Audrey’s brother Kyle was able to come to the concert where Audrey sang her own composition.
~ Former team member Sam Near came to visit the team.

After a restful spring break, the team gathered together in Arizona to begin traveling again. Our first stop was Berean Baptist Church in San Tan Valley, Arizona. We received a warm welcome from the church on Saturday. The youth group hosted a fun-filled night that began with a yummy spaghetti dinner, followed by special music, a raffle, and then an absolutely insane pie auction. The team was shocked to see pies being sold for around $200. It was a successful fundraiser and we enjoyed getting to meet lots of church members before the week of meetings started. We hosted our regular services Sunday through Wednesday. Audrey and Karlie were in charge of the children for pre-services while Micah and Emily worked with the teens. Our hearts were encouraged by the attendance for all the services. God moved in numerous lives that week.

On Thursday the teens came to the church to participate in Cola Wars. It was a smaller group than normal, but that did not change the excitement or competition. Both teams fought hard to win the war. We were grateful for the opportunity to converse with the teens and encourage them to pursue Christ. After Jeremy’s message, everyone congregated outside for some competitive rounds of knock-out.

We feel incredibly blessed by our week with Berean Baptist Church and Pastor Skylar Bernick.

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 03/30/2023

Our last stop before spring break was Desert Foothills Baptist Church in Tuscon, Arizona. We arrived Saturday and were greeted by some church members and host families. The girls went out with their lovely hosts for some awesome Greek food and fellowship. On Sunday we held our normal services. For Sunday school Jeremy taught the adults, Micah taught the teens, and Emily taught the children. Then we held our normal Sunday morning service. We felt incredibly blessed by the congregation and enjoyed a delicious afternoon meal with them. Shortly after the meal we held an afternoon concert. Our fellowship here was amazing. It was hard to leave so soon, but we pulled out Sunday night and drove to Chandler, Arizona, where the Frazors would stay for spring break. On Monday morning Audrey drove to California and Emily flew back to Indiana. Micah and Jeremy left on Tuesday for Shepherds conference. Karlie remained in Arizona and explored the area. Everyone enjoyed their spring break, but we were excited to return to the team and finish the semester together.

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 03/28/2023

~ Round Rock Adventures
~ The team tried Round Rock donuts
~ The team visited the Alamo and walked around San Antonio.
~ There was a tornado warning while the team was enjoying a nice meal at Culver’s with Pastor VanDelinder and his family.
~ On the way to Texas the team counted how many alligators they could see in Louisiana.
~ Some team members experienced In-N-Out and Whataburger for the first time.
~ Audrey and Karlie experienced Buc-cee’s for the first time.

When our week in Jacksonville, Florida came to an end, we headed West. After an overnight stay in Louisiana, we traveled on to Texas. We were greeted by Pastor Jeremy VanDelinder and his sweet family. God provided quite a few opportunities for us to go and enjoy fellowship with them. We held our Sunday services and weekly services at North Hills Baptist Church. The church there was so welcoming, and we enjoyed a delicious Sunday lunch with the congregation. Not only did we get the opportunity to minister to the church, but we were also invited to go minister at a Christian school. For the younger grades, we shared the history and fun facts about different instruments, and we played some sacred music. For the high school students, we shared testimonies and played sacred music.

On our day off we visited the Alamo. It was a sobering reminder of history and all that was sacrificed for freedom. We also enjoyed walking around the San Antonio area. One of the coolest parts was the River Walk through the city.

We are praising God for another blessed week of ministry. Please continue to pray for us, that God would us in the way He sees fit. We would also appreciate your prayers as we travel further West.

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 03/21/2023

~Jacksonville Adventures~
~The girls went to visit a local coffee shop.
~ We hosted an afternoon Cola Wars for the school

We so enjoyed ministering at West Meadows Baptist Chuch in Jacksonville, Florida. Pastor Bruce Armstrong and his wife Kim were so welcoming. Not only did we get to minister in our normal Sunday services, pre-services, and evening services, but we also were able to hold school chapels for all grades. On Wednesday we had the opportunity to do a Cola Wars with the teens during the afternoon. It was incredibly warm compared to the weather we had been experiencing earlier this year, but the teens seemed to have a great time. Florida teens must be built different :). God opened numerous hearts to salvation this week, and others responded to messages with the desire to have a stronger Christian walk.

Testimony of a team member:
While working with the teens during our week in Jacksonville, I had to face some uncomfortable situations. I was distraught over what to do with a certain circumstance. I was trying so hard to figure out what to do, but God convicted me while I was counseling. He told me that the answer was not something that I could come up with, it was His Word. I had been struggling the whole session, so I took a moment to pray and ask for the Lord’s leading in what the right steps would be. God gave me the wisdom I needed in the moment and He worked in the life of the teen I was counseling. Sometimes our focus gets shifted from God to ourselves. In those times it is imperative that we place our minds back on God and rely on His strength and not our own. There was nothing I could have said that would have changed that teen, but it is God’s Word that changes lives. I’m glad I don’t have to trust in myself to help others because help comes from God and His Word.

We are in awe of what God has accomplished this semester. May we never forget that strength and wisdom come from the Lord and not ourselves.

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 03/08/2023

~ Bradenton adventures of the week ~
~ Micah almost got eaten by an alligator
~ Audrey saw an alligator for the first time
~ The team went kayaking with Pastor Nicholson
~ Emily experienced her first Superbowl party
~ Going to the beach

The team was greatly encouraged by our time with the Nicholson family, Community Baptist Church, and Community Christian School in Bradenton, Florida. It was a busy week with Sunday services, school chapels, pre-services, evening services, and teen cola wars. One unique aspect of our week was that we had dinners before the evening services. It created a wonderful space to converse with everyone before we went and worshipped together. We had numerous opportunities to counsel young people about salvation and other spiritual struggles. Praise God for the tender hearts of so many students, and their receptiveness to His Word. Please pray for these students as they continue to pursue the life that God has called them to live.

Because there was no Sunday evening service, the team decided to have a party. Emily and Audrey went shopping for groceries to make food for the party. Karlie helped prepare the food. The team had a good time cheering for the Eagles, except for Emily because she doesn’t know anything about football and cheered for the Chiefs.

On the team's day off they spent some encouraging time with Pastor Nicholson. They went kayaking with alligators, and then went to the beach with the Frazor family. This time of rest was greatly appreciated after our busy week.

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 03/01/2023

~Adventures of the week~
~ Micah got stung by a jellyfish on our first day in Florida.
~ The team went canvassing with a large group of teens.
~ Karlie, Audrey, and Emily went hiking and enjoyed the beautiful Florida scenery.
~The team drove 30 minutes away to see a rocket launch into space, only to discover that it was delayed until the evening during our service. We still enjoyed the nice walk across the bridge, though.
~ Emily was chased by wild turkeys and peacocks on her morning run.

We were very excited to head south of Georgia, and venture into the lovely Florida weather. Because we traveled a day earlier than normal, the team visited the beach on Saturday morning. It was a nice morning off from our busy schedule until Micah encountered the jellyfish.

Our week in Palm Bay at Faith Baptist Church was so enjoyable. We were incredibly blesssed by Pastor Caleb Phelps and his church family.

We provided our normal services, and we also had the opportunity to go canvassing in the area. Canvassing is something our team does to reach the teens in the community and invite them to our Cola Wars on Thursday nights. Our goal is that through this outreach they would hear the gospel, and get in contact with the church. Canvassing also provides an opportunity to the teens in the youth group to build their communicative abilities, and practice building relationships in their community.

God called some new believers to Himself that week. We were excited to see lives dedicated to Him, and some made decisions about their Christian walk. We were so grateful for our time with Faith Baptist Church.

Photos from Frazor Evangelistic Team's post 02/08/2023

We are ecstatic to be back on the road again! The team members flew into Greenville on January 20th. It was so exciting to reconnect with each other and prepare for another semester of ministering to churches. That weekend we traveled to Martinez, GA to hold services at Westside Baptist Church. Pastor Lehn, Pastor Beck, and the body of believers at Westside were so sweet to us! We held our regular Sunday services, pre-services, evening services, and teen event. Instead of our normal Cola Wars for the teens, we switched to an epic nerf war! It was certainly an enjoyable time, but more importantly, God’s word was shared and lives were changed.

Our second stop of the semester was Maranatha Baptist Church and Maranatha Christian Academy in Oakwood, GA. We were encouraged by our time with Pastor Rod Bell and the body of believers there. It was quite an exciting week! Between Sunday services, school chapels, afterschool programs, pre-services, and evening services, we found ourselves rather busy. God really moved in the church and school. We had a lot of children and teens respond to their need for salvation. Others made decisions related to their walk with the Lord. Wednesday was supposed to be our last school chapel, but the team decided to return for chapel on Thursday as well. We are so glad that God moved us to return. Three young men responded to the invitation. We were excited to see those three teens respond to the message, and we continued to pray for those that raised their hands but took no action. After the teens had left the team members stayed behind in the chapel room. A few minutes later a group of teens appeared at the door and announced “We’re ready.” We weren’t entirely sure what that meant, so a team member asked “Ready for what?” One girl spoke up and said “For Jesus!” Lots of tears of joy were shed as we watched the Lord call these young people to Himself. Please pray for these teens that they would continue to pursue God and develop a close relationship with Him.

Two of our team members were able to experience some new opportunities. Audrey and Emily helped teach a music class at Maranatha Christian Academy. Emily demonstrated how the violin and cello work. She was able to highlight the differences between them. Audrey played the ukelele for the class and explained how even though the ukelele is a stringed instrument, it is incredibily different than the violin and cello.

The team celebrated Jayden Frazor’s 14th birthday last week. We went out for a special birthday dinner, played knock-out and soccer, and then opened gifts. We are so grateful for Jayden on this team. It would not be the same without his bright personality and sense of humor.

The past two weeks have been fantastic. We cannot wait to see what God has in store for the team this semester.

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Videos (show all)

Frazor Team update
Corey Recites John 3:16




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