Summit Drive Elementary, Greenville, SC Videos

Videos by Summit Drive Elementary in Greenville. Summit Drive Elementary is located in the North Main Community in downtown Greenville. This element

Other Summit Drive Elementary videos

Summit Drive had its own Olympic Games today as we wrapped up a fun month of learning and laughter at Summer Reading Camp! We are so thankful to our dedicated staff and to Stone Academy for hosting us while our building is under construction. #summitshines #summergames

If you look up student leader in the dictionary, you will see these three young men! They went to Mrs. Woody with a vision and were prepped and ready. They met multiple times to solidify the plan and it turned out great! The students and staff loved the basketball tournament these young men planned for them! Great way to start the day! #studentleaders #amindtodesign #basketball #summitshines

We could all take a tip from Ms. Arnold and her amazing class on how to start the day off right! Love their daily mantra! Keep Shining Eagles! #summitshines #affirmation #motivation

Students enjoyed The Holiday Shop preview today! Don’t forget students can shop Wednesday- Friday this week! Thank you to our PTA for the amazing set up! #summmitshines

Morning mantra is used in several of our Summit Drive classrooms. We are creating students who are learning to believe in themselves through many challenges.

Learning “how-to” writing. Ms Williams followed the students’ writing on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Learning why it’s important to be specific and add details.😂☺️

We had a fabulous turnout for our annual SDE PTA Bingo Night, we hope everyone enjoyed themselves! We want to extend a HUGE thank you to all that donated and volunteered to make this event a success!!! Thanks for coming out and spending time with your SDE friends and family! 💙💛💙#summitdriven