Grace Church Greenville, SC

Grace Church Greenville, SC

Exists to make mature followers of Jesus Christ. A family of local congregations in the Upstate.


In September, Inspire Coffee House will be offering Two-for-One Tuesdays! Stop by and purchase your favorite drink and get another one for free. Some of the new fall flavors they are excited to offer are a Raspberry Chai Latte, Toasty Pumpkin Spice Latte, S'mores Latte, and Cinnamon Roll Latte. To learn more and stay in the know, follow them on Instagram!


Although Ruth is in the midst of hard circumstances, she takes initiative and steps out in courage. Yet she also knows she will need God’s favor. Boaz, who is in a prospering season, aligns himself with Ruth because he sees her depleting herself to bless Naomi. He perceives that God is doing something extraordinary through Ruth's faithfulness, and he wants to be a part of it.

We will all experience seasons of being full and seasons of being empty. If you are empty, how can you look to God for favor? If you are full, how can you align yourself with what God is doing in the world and pour out your resources for others?


National Assisted Living Week is coming up September 8-14 across the country, and Grace Church is excited to encourage the staff and residents of our Senior Honor partners. Each of our campuses partners with an assisted living community in close proximity to care for and serve staff and residents in various ways, and this week will be a special time to show them the love of Jesus!

Campuses will be sharing specific ways you can support our Senior Honor partners throughout National Assisted Living Week. To find out how you can get involved at your campus, check your campus newsletter, campus page, or reach out to your campus admin.

Photos from Grace Church Greenville, SC's post 08/27/2024

Gratitude is essential to our growth as believers. It is a pathway to faithfulness by reorienting us to God's sovereignty and helping us surrender control of our lives, even in dark moments. While Ruth has experienced great loss, her faith is honored by Boaz, and ultimately by God, for her steps of obedience. In the midst of tragedy, she still recognizes the grace of God in her life and expresses thankfulness.

As we see throughout Scripture, God is a rewarder of faith. He sees small moments of obedience and responds with even greater faithfulness to us. In your current life circumstances, how can you cultivate the discipline of gratitude? Spend some time reflecting and expressing gratefulness to God now.


In this episode, Scott and Whitney sit down with Matt and Ashley Gaymon who are members at our Pelham campus, lead high school student groups, and are parenting teenagers of their own. They share stories of their successes and failures as parents and reflect on how Scripture, community, and the local church have shaped their approach to discipling their children.

Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform or at 🎧


"When I think about this summer, I think of the goodness of God. I've learned that his goodness is on display each and every day—I just have to open myself to seeing it. It is shown in simple ways and big ways, and I can see him at work in the lives of our camp staff, our kids, and their parents."—Jessica Poore, Front Porch Housing Staff Member

Front Porch Housing summer camp began as a way to meet a tangible need for parents by creating an accessible, safe environment for their children during the summer so that they can continue to go to work. Through camp, not only have we been able to create safe spaces for children, but we have also had the opportunity to share the gospel with them.

Many of our members from Grace Church volunteered consistently to help run summer camp. During the school year, there is always a need for volunteers to help with Front Porch’s after school program, and they will need more volunteers to help run spring break and summer camps next year! We are so thankful for the ways God is working through these opportunities and to be part of what he is doing through Front Porch Housing.


Ruth's story paints a beautiful picture of hesed—steadfast, loyal, unfailing, faithful love; this is God's lovingkindness and covenant love with his children. In her fierce loyalty, Ruth displays this kind of love to Naomi. And while Naomi feels cut off from God's blessing and unsure of what the future holds, he is still working in her life, and she is actually on the cusp of a season of fruitfulness she cannot even imagine.

Those of us who believe in the gospel live with hope rooted in this kind of love. Even when we cannot imagine how God is working in the midst of our circumstances, he still is moving and preparing a way for us. Take some time to reflect on times when you have seen God at work in your life in the midst of difficult circumstances. As you pray, thank him for his sovereignty, and ask him to give you eyes to see how he is working in your life now.


As you start making plans for this season, consider what it looks like for you to be growing and learning in the context of community. All of our campuses have different studies and groups being offered this fall! Click below to find opportunities for discipleship happening at your campus.

Photos from Grace Church Greenville, SC's post 08/20/2024

In the opening chapter of Ruth, a scene of great tragedy unfolds—loss of homeland, a spouse, and children. Yet even in the midst of her grief, Naomi believes in the power of God. She speaks God’s blessing over her daughters-in-law, and she moves towards a small glimmer of hope. Though this is not the end of Naomi's story, we get a glimpse of God’s ability to infuse hope into darkness.

We all will face times of darkness and despair, and we will have a choice to respond in faith. In those moments, are we willing to see the hope God provides and move towards it? Whether you are in difficult circumstances or know someone else who is feeling despair, how can you move towards hope or encourage someone else?

Photos from Grace Church Greenville, SC's post 08/19/2024

We started a new teaching series at church this weekend! Swipe to learn more about the main characters in the book of Ruth ➡️


Join us this weekend as we start a new teaching series in the book of Ruth! Ruth’s journey takes place in the shadow of decades of hostility between the Israelites and the Moabites. She carries layers of shame—widowhood, childlessness, and alienation. Yet she is fiercely loyal not just to her mother-in-law, but to her new family identity. And as the story unfolds, we see God’s hand at work, weaving a narrative of inclusion, redemption, and fruitfulness that is much bigger than anything Ruth could imagine. May we encounter God in new ways as we explore this compelling story of his covenant faithfulness.

Visit for service times and locations!


The idea of reversal is integral throughout Scripture: death to life, suffering to glory, and brevity to eternity. Jesus both models this idea and calls us to follow him.

Those of us who find our shelter in God rejoice that the in midst of the evil in this world, God is bringing about a final reversal, where his Kingdom will be fully realized. Think about how you've seen reversal play out in your life, and thank God for his power to make all things good.


Calling all college students or anyone ages 18-22! We are excited to announce the NEXT Retreat is happening on September 13-15. We expect God to use this time together as a catalyst for life change and as a launching pad for involvement in the local church. Click below to find out more information and to register, or share with a college student you know!

Photos from Grace Church Greenville, SC's post 08/13/2024

The psalmist recognizes the challenge of living in a broken world where evil and injustice seem to be winning at every turn. Instead of being paralyzed by worry and anger, we have freedom in Christ to both cultivate goodness in our world and find shelter in God in times of trouble. Waiting on God in these times involves actively releasing control to him and believing in his sovereignty.

What does it look like for you to find shelter in and wait on God when you face difficult or uncertain situations in life?


In different seasons of our lives, we may find ourselves struggling with difficulties and realize that we need a little help to press on. As an equipping church, Grace Church views the struggles of our lives as discipleship opportunities for us to grow even in the midst of our pain. In providing different care ministries, we seek to create environments where you can not only find the strength “to make it” but to move forward to a better place in your life and relationship with Jesus. Whether it's grief, divorce, chronic illness, recovery, or caregiver support you need, we want to help you find a biblical community to walk through these things. You can visit to view all Care & Recovery offerings at our campuses this fall 🤍


A lifetime of obedience becomes a display of God’s faithfulness to future generations. As we age, we also gain a deeper appreciation of God’s mercy and kindness, which we can in turn pass on to the next generation through prayer, encouragement, and example.

What are ways that you can be a source of God's love and wisdom to the generations coming after you?

Photos from Grace Church Greenville, SC's post 08/07/2024

We have so much to celebrate from mission Lowcountry this summer! Here are a few highlights from BridgeBuilders camp in Hampton county:

-80 campers registered for the program, and several more were waitlisted.
-About 290 students and leaders served in Hampton County this summer.
-Seven paid Junior Staff members from the Allendale and Hampton communities and six local student volunteers gave up their summer to help make BridgeBuilders happen.

We saw campers take steps of faith this summer; please join us in praying that their faith continues to grow throughout the school year!

"While campers were being picked up at the end of the day, the pastor of Varnville First Baptist Church was able to hang out at camp and get to know campers' families and make connections with people in the community. We are so thankful and hopeful that the children and families who were involved at BridgeBuilders will be able to build upon these relationships and seeds planted with Varnville First Baptist Church staff to become more involved in their local church. The Lord was faithful this summer, and we have so much to be grateful for!"—Margaret Middleton, BridgeBuilders Director

Photos from Grace Church Greenville, SC's post 08/06/2024

Psalm 71 offers wisdom for both the young and old. Small steps of faith throughout our lives lead to a bigger, more robust faith later in life. Which season are you in right now? What steps can you take to invest in a life of obedience so you can impact the next generation?


We 💙 our interns! Kairos wrapped up last week, and we are celebrating a great summer! Pray for this group as they head back to school or enter into work—that they would continue to grow in their faith and the Spirit would continue to guide them as they process and respond to all that they learned this summer.

Photos from Grace Church Greenville, SC's post 08/02/2024

This year at Ascend camps we had a total of 74 kids attend who are experiencing various forms of grief and hardship. With the sacrificial care of our amazing leaders and volunteers, the kids and students experienced fun, connection with other kids in similar situations, and the love and hope given to us by Christ. One of our Ascend volunteers from our Pelham campus, Robert Hall, had this to say about the week:

"As I worked with the kids and heard their stories and some challenging questions, I was reminded that despite the brokenness of our world today, Jesus has redeemed us and will one day return to make our world one of perfection again, without sadness, fear, anger, or death. That is a comforting truth to hold onto!"

We hope you will join us in thanking God for the way he has and is continuing to work through Ascend!


As power transitions from David to Solomon, the psalmist pleads with God to give the king a heart for justice in Psalm 72. For when a king embodies the heart of God, the vulnerable will flourish and the blessing of his kingdom will extend across nations and throughout generations.

Jesus fulfills the ultimate vision of godly kingship, and we can rejoice that he will come back to reign with justice and compassion. What would it look like for you to live in anticipation of God's Kingdom coming to earth?


Calling all parents—don't forget this weekend is Grace Church Kids promotion. Make sure to get to church early to check in your kids and find their new classrooms. If you have questions, you can find a GCK team member for help!


Every summer, high school students from our church have the opportunity to serve in the Lowcountry. This summer, we were excited to partner with Varnville First Baptist Church in Hampton County for BridgeBuilders—a summer camp focused on bridging gaps in our relationships with each other and with Christ. Come along with Camp Staff intern, MaKayla Fenters, as she gives us an inside look at camp!

Photos from Grace Church Greenville, SC's post 07/30/2024

As believers, we are called to live out God’s Kingdom on earth—to model Jesus’ life of hospitality, giving our time and resources freely to others even when it makes us vulnerable. What would it look like for you to orient your life around creating pathways for the vulnerable to get the care and access they need?


We have a team in Colombia right now exploring new mission partner possibilities. Please join us in praying for their safety as they travel and a fruitful trip 🤍


God provides for us in both good times and difficult times. In the weakest moments of our lives, God’s love and mercy are looking for an opportunity to break through. When we are in these moments, we can find comfort in the truth that our Shepherd is more powerful than whatever we think has us in its jaws.

What kind of season are you in right now? How can you grow in dependence on God?

Photos from Grace Church Greenville, SC's post 07/24/2024

This summer, a team of 12 adults and 10 students traveled to Kenya to support our partners in OVC Kenya, a program that provides sustainable support and promotes long-term relationships with orphans and vulnerable children in Kenya. Through our partnership with Bernard Kabaru and local churches in Limuru, Kenya, we are helping expand an existing program that provides physical, academic, and relational support to children in need within each church’s local community. To read about how God moved on this trip, click below to view the full We Choose story!

Photos from Grace Church Greenville, SC's post 07/23/2024

Knowing God as our Shepherd only makes sense when we see ourselves as sheep. When we acknowledge this reality, we will experience rest in both green pastures and dark valleys. Take some time to think about your fragility and need for a Savior. How can this knowledge strengthen your relationship with God as your Shepherd?


This team of eleven adults and five students is currently in Puerto Rico working with our partners at on construction projects. Please join us in praying for them:

-That they would have safe travels home
-That there would be fruit from the seeds of faith that were planted in the hearts of the people they encountered this week
-That God would continue to bless the construction and rebuilding work in Puerto Rico

Photos from Grace Church Greenville, SC's post 07/19/2024

We've got some news—we're hiring!

If you think working with us might be a good fit, we invite you to look at our available job openings and apply! Do you know someone who might be interested in one of our open positions? Share this post with them! Swipe to see just a few of the roles we are hiring for and use this link for more information on all of our job openings ➡️

Want your place of worship to be the top-listed Place Of Worship in Greenville?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Ruth | Provision in the Fields
Grace Church Members Podcast | Parenting Students
Wisdom from Psalms | Shelter in Him
Wisdom from Psalms | Aging Faithfully
Wisdom from Psalms | Prayers for the King
BridgeBuilders Camp Tour
Wisdom from Psalms | My Shepherd
To be like a “weaned child,” we must be willing to release our desires to God. And because we have a Creator who cares f...
Becoming intimately familiar with God’s Word takes time, practice, repetition, and commitment, and we all can struggle t...
Self Made | Loneliness and Anxiety


2801 Pelham Road
Greenville, SC

Other Non-denominational Churches in Greenville (show all)
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9 Beth Drive
Greenville, 29609

We Believe: If You Change Your Mind, You Can Change Your Life! We Teach Life!

Grace Christian Church Grace Christian Church
121 Prescott Street
Greenville, 29607

Grace Christian Church is a congregation of diverse disciples growing in faith. We believe that God is good, His Word is true and it works in our lives!

Numinous/Greenville - Intentional Community for the Spiritually Inquisitive Numinous/Greenville - Intentional Community for the Spiritually Inquisitive
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Greenville, 29607

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Outreach Church Outreach Church
1500 W. Parker Road (Monaghan Baptist)
Greenville, 29617

Our Sunday services are held at Monaghan Baptist Church (1500 W Parker Rd)

Grace Bible Church Grace Bible Church
3203 Old Easley Bridge Road
Greenville, 29611

Grace Bible Church is an assembly of believers who seek to glorify God through fulfilling the Great Commission both toward our members and toward the world.

Faith Alive Church Faith Alive Church
31 Stevens St
Greenville, 29605

Jesus asked his disciples "will I find faith on earth" when I return? (Luke 18:8) He will find it at Faith Alive!

Trang Chính_Hội Thánh Đức Tin_Hoi Thanh Duc Tin Trang Chính_Hội Thánh Đức Tin_Hoi Thanh Duc Tin
2 Ivydale Drive
Greenville, 29609

Chúng tôi là một Hội Thánh Tin Lành độc lập, quản nhiệm là Mục sư Đoàn Anh Tuấn

Firebrand Global Firebrand Global
Greenville, 29615

An Apostolic and Prophetic Center where disciples are forged. A place of Training, Equipping, and Activating you for your Assignment. We meet Monthly in Greenville SC

Renovation Church Greenville Renovation Church Greenville
506 Edwards Road
Greenville, 29615

Part of the Renovation Church Family Building disciples to go make disciples in Greenville, SC! Join us on Sundays at 9 or 10:45 AM!

ICrave Church ICrave Church
716 East Fairfield Road
Greenville, 29605

As a culturally diverse church, we are committed to being strictly about the Kingdom of God.

Water of Life Christian Church Water of Life Christian Church
710 Lowndes Hill Rd
Greenville, 29607

Come and Thirst No More!

Greater Faith Outreach Ministries Greater Faith Outreach Ministries
1105 Woodside Avenue
Greenville, 29611