Aaron Schlabach, Grove City Councilmember At-Large

My name is Aaron Schlabach, the At-Large councilmember for Grove City. I am always happy to hear fro


Today is the day. Sworn in on January 6th of 2020, I began my first term in public office. I had a laundry list of ideas and was waiting a few months to really find my footing before I jumped into my proposals, however there was a snag. After a mere 5 meetings, we were sent home for Covid precautions. I would spend the majority of my term, 13 months, in my office which was being redesigned multiple times to fit my growing family. I have done my best to serve with dignity and grace in a trying time, who could have predicted a pandemic during my first term. I have stood strong on the side of property rights and individual liberty consistently, whether that be fighting for the right of a business to simply exist or fighting to stop a fence ordinance that would stop you from fencing in your entire property if you wanted to. During these last two months, I wrote and introduced an ordinance that puts almost $4,000,000.00 towards the stormwater and sewer mitigation that has been a problem for decades in this city and while this will not solve it, this will take a large bite out of the problem.

I would like to highlight what I have done that is more conceptual than physical, I have considered each ordinance and resolution from a place separate from emotion as that is what elected officials should do. We must be passionate about service to our city, but we must be wary of emotion when drafting laws. Every vote that I have cast has been with the belief that it is what is best for this city that I love. I wore an Adam Smith tie, a tie with the image of the founder of economics Adam Smith that was also worn by Milton Friedman, the economic implications of our vote was always one of my main considerations. Another consideration has been unintended consequences, often elected officials makes impassioned votes without considering the unintended consequences of those well intention actions.
"The law must be reason free from passion." -Aristotle

Finally, I would like to thank you. In November of 2019 a great many of my fellow citizens cast a vote for me to represent them. I have done my best to carry those votes with care and to be the best steward of the city that I can be. I look forward to the years to come.

Photos from Aaron Schlabach, Grove City Councilmember At-Large's post 10/30/2021

What an event! Boo off Broadway was HOPPIN! Well done Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce a great success in my opinion. More people than anyone imagined or dared hope and the rain held off.

Photos from 10TV - WBNS's post 10/14/2021

I know our community can help this little girl. If you have any news, please contact the proper authorities.

Photos from Aaron Schlabach, Grove City Councilmember At-Large's post 10/12/2021

Today Jackson Township Fire Department christened a new truck. I was honored to have been invited, especially with my position as chairman for safety on City Council. It was nice seeing all of the Jackson Township trustees, many of their wonderful fire fighters, the mayor of Urbancrest, Chief Little, and State Representative Laura Lanese.

Chief Little took me around the truck and showed me all of the equipment that is carefully situated in the truck in custom cabinets. A great event, my only regret is not spraying the new truck with the hose when offered.


For those aware of the black smoke on the Southside of the city, it seems a car caught fire and was parked by the Grove City Inn and it seemed to catch the building on fire. Fire trucks are on the scene.


Thank you to Light Ohio Blue for sponsoring this photo competition, commemorating and honoring the first responders who lost their lives twenty years ago on September 11th. Witnessing the support so many communities have for their local police and fire agencies has been rewarding and reveals unity. Of course, our win would not have been possible without the immense support from our Grove City community. Thank you to everyone who helped us achieve first place, and hats off to North Ridgeville Police Department for giving us a run for our money!

Westland High School on lockdown after large fight reported 09/22/2021

There appears to have been an incident at Westland High School. The estimates are 100 people involved in a fight, though I hope those numbers decline as the story progresses. There are claims of weapons being used, knives or even guns, but those are unsubstantiated as of yet.


Westland High School on lockdown after large fight reported The fight was reported around 8:20 a.m. Wednesday. Initial reports indicated some people had suffered minor injuries.


Borror Road Between Zuber Road and Hiner Road is now open to traffic.

Timeline photos 08/26/2021

If you see lots of first responders in multiple areas of Franklin County this Saturday, August 28, 2021, DON'T BE ALARMED! IT'S ONLY A DRILL! FCEM&HS will hold a Homeland Security Emergency Response Exercise from 8:00 am-4:00 pm. THIS IS ONLY AN EXERCISE. NOT A REAL LIFE EVENT!

Photos from Aaron Schlabach, Grove City Councilmember At-Large's post 08/05/2021

Forge Biologics, they set up shop in Grove City at the start of covid and have been expanding their operations ever since. In the next year they will be the largest producer of gene therapy treatments in the world, right here on Gantz Road. After a great tour of the facility, all that I can say is wow.

They also had a table set up for Be The Match, to help people who need stem cell therapy find the rare match they may need. I had wanted to do this for a while but kept backing out, finally signed up.

Photos from Franklin County Engineer's post 08/01/2021

Please factor this into your daily travels for the time being. I know that road construction is inconvenient but it will lead to better roads and travel.


Tomorrow we have yet another festival, coming right after the Farmers Market, that should be lots of fun. Swing by and enjoy, but please enjoy responsibly.

Grove City Council OKs Pulte Homes' preliminary plan by 3-2 vote 06/15/2021

Grove City Council OKs Pulte Homes' preliminary plan by 3-2 vote A residential development proposed by Pulte Homes of Ohio will move toward a final development plan, but the developer will work with the city to address traffic and other issues.

Another housing development proposed on State Route 104 - Columbus Messenger 06/11/2021

Housing and traffic is an issue in Grove City. Ever since I was a child I have heard people upset about the growth and expansion in Grove City. I would prefer that Grove City stay the small town that I grew up in and for building to stop. However, building is a necessity. The greater Columbus area is set to expand by some estimates of over one million people. Those people need somewhere to live.

I'm a Realtor and I see the housing issues on a daily basis, it isn't sustainable long term. If we don't grow supply while demand increases we will see an increase in homelessness, joblessness, and the negatives that accompany it. This is a booming area, as much as we may want to snapshot time so that nothing changes, it is an unfortunate inevitability.

I understand that my position and vote on this will upset people, and that pains me as it was not an easy stance to hold knowing this. However, I know that it is what is right for the long term health of our city. That will also include expanding infrastructure to ensure that quality of life is not impacted.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any comments, questions, or statements.
Thank you,
Aaron Schlabach


Another housing development proposed on State Route 104 - Columbus Messenger By Andrea Cordle Grove City Editor Another large housing development could be on the horizon in Grove City. At the June 7 meeting, Grove City Council approved a preliminary plan for a residential development located on the east side of State Route 104 and north of London-Groveport Road (State Route....


This evening I attended a little reception for the artist being featured in City Hall. She is a fascinating woman. Tete is an abstract artist who paints with her fingers. When I asked her how she decided what to paint, she told me she usually just starts with with color and let's the painting come alive on the canvas. I highly recommend stopping in to see her work, much of which can be purchased if you are moved by it.


The Grove City Council is meeting in person beginning Monday, June 7 at 7 p.m. in City Hall. Caucus meets at 6:30 p.m.
• Download the council agenda: bit.ly/gcoCCam.
• Send questions or comments to bit.ly/gcCCcon, prior to the meeting.
• Can't make the meeting? WATCH LIVE bit.ly/gccmtglive.


Veteran's Day is for all those who have served.
Armed Services Day is for those currently serving.
Memorial Day is a particularly solemn day in comparison, it is a day to remember those who gave their lives in service to this nation.

This morning we had the traditional patriotic service commemorating Memorial Day. It was a wonderful experience as it has been every year. What an honor to serve a city that has such a strong respect for those who gave their today's so we could have a better tomorrow.

Enjoy your day and however you spend it, please also remember why we have this "long weekend."


A few weeks ago I asked the public on here if they'd like a meeting of sorts with me, to discuss city affairs. The responses were all in the affirmative that you wanted them. So I have decided that I will hold a meeting online, open to all the last Saturday of the month from now on (of course I am only human so it may not happen upon occasion). There won't be an official agenda per se, it will be a relaxed affair where we discuss issues and concerns. I will be making an event for this and ironing out the details soon.
Thank you.


My disappointment is palpable. I introduced a resolution to move Trick-or-treat/Beggars Night to the last Saturday of October from 4-6pm. It is my honest belief that by doing this it would be a great boon to the city. It would encourage businesses, churches, and community organizations to have themed days for children all day, which would be great economically. This would make it so fewer parents are rushing home at the aptly named rush hour, then having to hurry their kids into a costume and get them out to walk, before getting home again late, feeding the kids and sending them to bed. An entire day of rushing. The biggest reason was safety. If there is light in the sky, children will be safer, it would still be late enough to give the twilight feeling but bright enough to be safe. Many people I spoke to agreed with this.
The points against it were that it would encourage people to come from other cities to Trick-or-treat a second time with us, which they believe the increased traffic would be dangerous (though I find darkness and rush hour more dangerous). That we agreed to follow MORPC and do as they say regarding the event. Or that it could coincide with sports.
While I disagree with the reasons and votes of some of my fellow council members, I am glad to have brought it to the table for the points and lively debate.


For those that desire, today I am presenting my resolution proposal for Trick or Treat changes in the city of Grove City at council. Please log on and listen if you'd like.
This is to set trick or treat as the last Saturday in October and set the time from 4-6 pm. I believe this will increase safety with daylight (but late enough to be twilight-esque) while allowing for families to more easily attend. I also believe this will encourage a community day of festive Halloween fun.

The Grove City Virtual Council meeting begins tonight at 7 p.m. Caucus meets at 6:30 p.m.
The public can virtually attend and comment, by registering for the City Council Webex Event at https://bit.ly/gcWebexMtg or watch live on the City website at http://bit.ly/gccmtglive.
• If you have business with Council please send your questions or comments to members at http://bit.ly/gcCCcon, prior to the meeting.
• Download the meeting agenda: http://bit.ly/gcoCCam.


It is my sincere desire to be accessible and interactive as the Councilmember At-Large and with that in mind I would like to float an idea out there to my constituents. Would you be interested in a monthly meeting, currently virtual, to discuss issues, concerns, your ideas, and anything else regarding the future of our city?


In today's political landscape, hatred has become almost a virtue. Remember that hating those that differ only makes peace impossible.


To my friends in the Jewish community, I wish you a happy Festival of Lights, a wonderful Hannukah.


Ordinance C 58-20

The pre-annexation of 290+ acres of the Sidner farm at Pleasant Corners.

I am not against annexation in general, if someone wants to become part of our great city they are encouraged and welcome. My issue with this is the expansion of a tax abatement almost as old as I am. We just voted for the fire levy when the fire department was having budget issues because we told developers they didn't have to pay them. On top of that one of the biggest issues I heard from residents when running for office last year was the expansion of the city. In addition to that, I grew up at Pleasant Corners, I know the people there and they do not want to be in the city and have lamented city expansion for at least 30 years.
If lower taxes encourage growth, why not consider lowering property taxes for the whole city instead of just new developers?

Photos from Aaron Schlabach, Grove City Councilmember At-Large's post 11/12/2020

This morning I had the pleasure to be invited to the American Legions Service for Veterans Day where they dedicated a tree in Henceroth Park to a man who has served our community for almost 30 years with Grove City and Central Crossing ROTC programs, and even longer serving our country in the Marines. I have known Sergeant Major Bocook since I was 10 years old and he is a man of true honor that we should all be grateful chose to serve our community.

Thank you to all who have served in the United States Military.


Did you know residents are invited to the Virtual Grove City Council meetings? Join council members Monday, Nov. 2 at 7 p.m. Caucus meets at 6:30 p.m.
The public can virtually attend and comment, by registering for the City Council Webex Event at https://bit.ly/gcWebexMtg or watch live on the City website at http://bit.ly/gccmtglive.
• If you have business with Council please send your questions or comments to members at http://bit.ly/gcCCcon, prior to the meeting.
• Download the meeting agenda: http://bit.ly/gcoCCam.
• Download the Monday, Oct. 19 legal notice: http://bit.ly/phn101920.


I have received many emails and correspondence asking about Beggars Night/Trick or Treat tonight. The weather is abysmal and the temperature cold at best. However, it has been brought to my attention that the administration of the city will not be changing the date of Beggars Night to Saturday (also Halloween) because the date has been set and all but 3 communities are keeping it today.
I would personally prefer that it be moved to Saturday, better weather and could be a tad earlier to allow for safety. In fact, I'd like it to always be the last Saturday in October so that parents won't have to always rush home, and so that we could have it a bit earlier so the kids would be safer. The only issue with that proposal is OSU Buckeye football.

You are always welcome to reach out to me, [email protected]

Photos from Aaron Schlabach, Grove City Councilmember At-Large's post 10/16/2020

It was great to attend the groundbreaking for the new Brookpark Middle School. I am glad that we could keep Brookpark in Grove City and make it part of the new development. It will be great for decades to come.

Trailblazer Awards 10/08/2020

If you are or know of someone who is a trailblazer or community leader, please nominate them.


Trailblazer Awards Visit Grove City is thrilled to share the Trailblazer Awards, aimed at celebrating the Grove City tourism community and honoring the people, places, and hard work that make it successful.


TODAY is the voter registration deadline!

Register online in just a few clicks at VoteOhio.gov! 💻🇺🇸


Buckeye Woods, Mrs Woodworth's 4th grade class. It was a normal day, I think. All I know is people started acting a bit differently and many of my friends and classmates started leaving. It wasn't until after 2:30 when I left school that my grandma Judy asked if I'd heard what happened, we weren't told in school. I remember going home from my grandma Judy's house, my mom emotional in the car. When I got home my dad was just sitting on the couch staring at the TV. I saw the news, I heard what happened, but I didn't fully understand. I remember my parents being extra emotional and loving. It took me a while to understand what was happening, my brother in 8th grade at the time watched it live.
What truly impacted me and what I remember most are the following days. When everyone seemed to see things in a new perspective. Please, in remembrance of the terrible thing that happened on this day 19 years ago, be kind and loving to others. Be patient and understanding. Honor those who lost their lives by living to be the best version of yourself.

September 11th impacted all of us, please remember those who lost loved ones that day.


All are invited to the Grove City Virtual Council meeting Monday, Aug. 17 at 7 p.m. Caucus meets at 6:30 p.m.
The public can virtually attend and comment, by registering for the City Council Webex Event at https://bit.ly/gcWebexMtg or watch live on the City website at http://bit.ly/gccmtglive.
• If you have business with Council please send your questions or comments to members at http://bit.ly/gcCCcon, prior to the meeting.
• Download the meeting agenda: http://bit.ly/gcoCCam.
• Download the Monday, Aug. 3 legal notice: http://bit.ly/phn080320.
Councilman Roby Schottke, Ted Berry, Grove City WARD 1 Councilman, Christine Houk, Grove City Council and Aaron Schlabach, Grove City Councilmember At-Large


All are invited to the Grove City Virtual Council meeting Monday, Aug. 3 at 7 p.m. Caucus meets at 6:30 p.m.
The public can virtually attend and comment, by registering for the City Council Webex Event at https://bit.ly/gcWebexMtg or watch live on the City website at http://bit.ly/gccmtglive.
• If you have business with Council please send your questions or comments to members at http://bit.ly/gcCCcon, prior to the meeting.
• Download the meeting agenda: http://bit.ly/gcoCCam.
• Download the Monday, July 20 legal notice: http://bit.ly/phn072020.
Councilman Roby Schottke, Ted Berry, Grove City WARD 1 Councilman, Christine Houk, Grove City Council and Aaron Schlabach, Grove City Councilmember At-Large

Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder arrested in $60 million bribery case 07/21/2020

Though this is state level and not city level I'd still like to say something. First, due process is important so I will not decry guilt as of yet. That being said, he should step down as Speaker and resign his position in the legislature. If he is found not guilty, he can run again and let the voters decide.

All of that being said, I believe that it is important to uphold integrity regardless of association. Too often we ignore the wrongdoings of those who are part of our "group" but that is not okay. It is never okay for a public official to abuse their power for personal gain.


Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder arrested in $60 million bribery case Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder and four colleagues were arrested by federal officials Tuesday as part of a bribery investigation involving the


Regardless of the vote on this issue last night, the Governor handed down this ordinance today. Masks required in all Red and Purple counties, that means us.


Last night Grove City Council read an emergency measure regarding mandatory masks to be worn in all public spaces and businesses. This would levy a three strike rule, two initial warnings and then a fine of up to $250 for being within 6 feet of someone without a mask or not wearing a mask inside a public space.

There were many great and thoughtful comments, but not as many as would have like to have spoken.

I voted against the mandate for a few reasons that I will outline here:

First, I am not against wearing a mask or businesses requiring them. A business can only serve people in hazmat suits as far as I am concerned. I am against the government forcing it on people in a general sense. I do not believe that wearing a mask is a bad idea, at all.

Second, I am not a fan of emergency measures by nature. There were 2 or 3 emergency measures passed at the beginning of this year before the shut down, and I voted for them, however those measures were administrative housekeeping and not a law with a fine levied on citizens with 36 hours notice. (The time between the vote and when it would have gone into effect).

Third, I like to look at all the most recent data and not just what we are being told:
The CDC believes that the actual rate of infected people is far higher than we have confirmed, the confirmed cases have caused some confusion as we see this curve go up from March when it was so low but we must remember that we had very little testing so they were used sparingly until now where they are free.
We know, for a fact, that the virus was here and spreading freely for 2 months before we even realized it was here (January) thereby putting the fatality rate into question.
The CDC also began questioning the ability of asymptomatic people to spread the virus, not saying that they can't but the CDC are not completely sure, and the point of the masks is to not spread it if you are asymptomatic.
The precedent is sets worries me, after all we can all have a virus at any time and spread it without knowledge so should we require masks in all public places from now on regardless? Should we also include gloves? As it can stay alive on objects, like the much used handle to the milk refrigerator at the store.
The lockdown was never intended to stop infections. We were told that it was to flatten the curve, not bring us to zero. Flattening the curve always meant that it would spread the infections over time so as not to overflow the hospital system, and since we had it spreading freely in Ohio for two months before we even realized it, I assume that means that the hospitals can handle it.

You can always reach out to me to discuss any issue. My email is [email protected] and my phone number is 614/989-5676 (Though I will not promise to always be able to answer my phone, I will try).


On Thursday at 7pm we will have a special council meeting to discuss the possibility of legally requiring all individuals to wear masks if within 6 feet of another person in public or inside a business. Please feel free to email, text, or call me with your concerns.



Going to be an interesting night. We will be discussing a mandatory mask ordinance. Please join in and have your voice heard.

The Grove City Council meeting begins tonight at 7 p.m. Attend the Webex Meeting by registering now at https://bit.ly/gcWebexMtg *Click on Council Meeting* or watch live: http://bit.ly/gccmtglive.


Congratulations and thank you to our local businesses and organizations for representing our city so well.

Congratulations to the CityScene Magazine 2020 Best of the 'Bus winners. Grove City businesses/organizations received 10 awards. Read all about it: http://bit.ly/gcCSbb20.
• Best Bakery Capital City Cakes
• Best Boutique The Farm Table on 62
• Best Brewery Grove City Brewing Company
• Best Drink Themed Festival Heart of Grove City Wine and Arts Festival
• Best Farmers’ Market Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce
• Best Happy Hour Grove City Brewing Company
• Best Pizza - A TIE - Tammys Pizza Hoover Rd & Broadway and Zamarelli’s Pizza Palace
• Best Suburban Festival Arts in the Alley
• Best Volunteer Experience Mid-Ohio Foodbank
• Best Winery Plum Run Winery

Want your public figure to be the top-listed Public Figure in Grove City?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.




Grove City, OH

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