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Bergen County Republican Political Party


Dear County Committee
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported, worked and voted for me. Your efforts are very much appreciated.

My sincere congratulations to Jack Zisa on winning reelection as BCRO Chairman.

I stand 100% with all our County and Congressional candidates, Todd, Doug, Ron and Dierdre as well as Billy and Frank.

On To Victory In November!


Dear County Committee
Today is the BCRO Chairman’s election, 4-8PM.

My Team and I are a new direction for the BCRO. A chance to truly unite us.
-Transparent management
-Build the Party from the local level up
-Provide support, training, consulting to the local parties
-Build and fill County Committee seats where none exist
-Make the party more inclusive, a Big Tent.
Please vote for a change of Leadership

Our Party Needs It.
You Deserve It.
Ray Herr and his Team have a Strategic Plan



Dear County Committee
Those of you that have been around a while remember when they were called Absentee Ballots, which were only for voters who could not get to the polls on election day due to illness, work, or being out of town. Now, VBMs are simply a matter of choice and if you want, a simple check box, gets you the VBM ballot delivered forever.

Unfortunately, Republicans have fallen way behind Democrats in VBM totals. They are very proficient at “harvesting” ballots while we are still on a learning curve. Last year’s election proved that beyond any doubt.

VBMs are approaching 20% of the total vote count. Yes - 1 in 5 votes have been cast BEFORE election day,

As involved Republicans, if we can give Republican 1 of 4 and 2 of 4 voters a VBM application and follow up with them we can increase our turnout. Senior housing complexes must also be pursued. That college student away on election day are all potential missed Republican Votes.

When elected I will meet with people experienced in VBM and appoint a chairperson and committee to come up with a specific plan of action and coordinate with all Muni Chairs, campaign managers and county candidates. Items to consider include

-Who should be targeted

- How to get them the applications

-Follow up giving help if needed to fill out the applications and ballots and make sure they are sent in

-Adapt a strategy for individual towns.

Ray Herr and his Team have a Strategic Plan



Dear County Committee
In 2018, Norman Schmelz, the former Mayor of Bergenfield, ran for County Executive. The back BCRO office photo was taken in December of 2018, a month after the election. It shows stacks and stacks of campaign signs for Norman and his running mates that were never distributed!

Those who attended the recent BCRO Unity Event after the Primary witnessed the same practice, again. Assembled signs and still boxed signs littered the area near the windows of the BCRO entrance. It shows a pattern of failure that has resulted with us not winning a County election since 2013! Why didn’t the Chairman call up all the Muni Chairs and tell them to pickup signs for all their CC and club members? 2018 or 2022, same leadership.

The above disgrace is why Norman Schmelz is running on the slate with me. It is time to change the culture of failure!


I pledge that NO Lawn Signs will be left sitting in the BCRO on Election Night. A sign not put out is a waste of our limited resources.


My Team wishes you a Happy 4th of July.

Enjoy this day with Family and Friends

Remember Freedom is not Free We must keep Defending our Country and its Ideals.

Raymond A. Herr​​ - Chairman - Bogota
Judith Fisher - Vice Chairman - Fort Lee
Joseph A Nasso -​​ Deputy Chairman - Fair Lawn
Ann M Carletta​​ - Deputy Vice Chairman - Edgewater
Yehuda Miller​​ - Secretary - Teaneck
Norman Schmelz​​ - Asst. Secretary - Bergenfield
Rebecca Youla​​ - Treasurer- Bogota
​​James L Arakelian​​ - Assistant Treasurer​ - River Edge
Bruce R Young​​ - Sergeant at Arms - Carlstadt

Experience, Dedication and Leadership


Dear County Committee
It’s been a month since the primaries. In that time, you were served ice cream, unity, and more promises than you can shake a stick at. What haven’t you seen?

That’s right. A campaign to win in November for our County Candidates. No fundraiser, no rallies, nothing. Again, like always, it’s all about Jack Zisa and keeping control so he can go about his business of losing year after year and selling insurance to the few Republican strongholds left in Bergen County, Paramus is his latest conquest.

We need real leadership. Real fundraising. Democrat Chair Paul Juliano has already raised One Million plus dollars. Jack Zisa has raised ZERO while he has become “Mr. Softie” serving ice Cream for votes while being the butt of Democrat’s jokes. I am tired of being laughed at, aren’t you?

From day one I will bring honesty and integrity back to our party. We will be taken seriously again. I’m tired of people on the other side laughing at us. Aren’t you?

Please, I’m asking for your vote this coming Thursday. Together, we can rebuild our party to greatness and get our candidates elected in November.
Best wishes,


My Team and I ASKING for your Support
Let’s change direction at the BCRO and get back to our winning ways

Vote for the RAY HERR Team on July 7th


Raymond A. Herr​​ - Chairman - Bogota

Judith Fisher - Vice Chairman - Fort Lee

Joseph A Nasso -​​ Deputy Chairman - Fair Lawn

Ann M Carletta​​ - Deputy Vice Chairman Edgewater

Yehuda Miller​​ - Secretary - Teaneck

Norman Schmelz​​ - Asst. Secretary - Bergenfield

Rebecca Youla​​ - Treasurer- Bogota

​​James L Arakelian​​ - Assistant Treasurer​ - River Edge

Bruce R Young​​ - Sergeant at Arms - Carlstadt

Experience, Dedication and Leadership

Photos from HERR4BCROChair's post 07/02/2022

Dear Fellow County Committee Person,
Ridgefield, is a small community tucked in the Southeast corner of Bergen. We are the only town in the region with a full County Committee, complements to our active members.

Many neighboring towns have ZERO Republican County Committee activity.

Our Committee has a combined experience of over 150 years.

As you know, we are all unpaid public servants and exist purely to represent the best interests of our local Republican residents and the entire Ridgefield community.

Yet Jack Zisa saw fit to condemn us to Column 3 (AKA Ballot Siberia) simply because some of our members did not support him in the last BCRO election.

Instead, he placed a crew of people who have previously shown little or no interest in serving Ridgefield on the main county line.

In fact his choices appear to be comprised primarily of very recently rebranded Democrats, running from the Biden agenda, professional party changers who follow the changing political winds (Carpetbaggers) and so called RINO Republicans who are willing to run with these types for a chance to see their names on a ballot. We believe their main interest is self serving, hoping to get a County appointment.

Is this what our Chairman should be doing?

Should he weaken the party simply out of misplaced revenge?

To boot, we have a Board of Elections Commissioner, from a local city which has a mostly inactive County Committee, who has seen fit TWICE to meddle in our County Committee elections each time in a failed attempt to replace our excellent Committees. In another instance, he joined an outright coup attempt on the Ridgefield Republican Organization. We expect his actions have been out of pure jealousy and recently with the approval of Chairman Zisa. Aren’t Election Commissioners supposed to be neutral?

Our Response to Jack Zisa’s Insidious Plan

We Fielded a group with strong Republican Values, took up the gauntlet and decided to show Jack Zisa what we were made of. In the end we proved that against all odds we prevailed, with a 59% plurality, against a sorry crew of weak and inexperienced campaign wannabes.

So now we are asking our fellow Bergen County Committee Members to join our effort to vote out Jack Zisa on July 7th (4-8PM) at the BCRO and replace him with Ray Herrs's Team.

Thank you,
The 2022 Ridgefield NJ County Committee Candidates


WINs vs Insurance Contracts

Doesn’t it seem strange that the Chairman of the BCRO has not won a County election since taking office, yet he has been very successful in his insurance business. Winning contracts in heavily Democratic Hudson County, with towns such as West New York and Guttenberg and let us not forget Paterson.

He must be quite a good salesman to be the Bergen Republican Chairman and secure insurance business in those Democrat bastions. My Congratulations!

Too bad he’s not as successful in winning elections. I can only assume he is a much better salesman than campaign manager.


I am proud to announce my
Sergeant at Arms
Bruce Young

*Carlstadt and Becton Regional Boards of Education 28 years
*VFW post 3149 Commander
*NJ School board Association Vice President of County Activities
*Member Board of Directors for National School Board Association
*Carlstadt County Committee


I am proud to announce my
Deputy Vice Chairman
Ann Carletta

*Municipal Chair, Borough of Edgewater: 2014-present
*County Committee Member, Borough of Edgewater: 2012-present
*Edgewater Housing Authority, Commissioner: 2018-present, Appointed by Governor Christie
*Legislative Aide District 39, Senator Cardinale: 2014-2021
*Republican Assembly Candidate, District 32: 2017 & 2019
*State of NJ Epilepsy Task Force, Patient Advocate: 2012-2014, Appointed by Governor Christie
*Election work: 1980s-present, Super Board Worker, Poll worker, Poll challenger, Ballot processor, Signature verification of Mail-in Ballots
*Local Campaign work: 1970-present
*Media planning and buying for campaigns: 1985-present


I am proud to announce my
Assistant Treasurer
Jim Arakelian.

*Involved in the BCRO for over thirty years
*Member of the River Edge Municipal Land Use Board 26 years,5 years as chairman
*Former member of Bergen’s Open Space and Preservation Advisory Board
*Former member of Bergen’s Community Block Grant Board
*Former member of the Bogota and River Edge Fire Departments 33 years
*River Edge Municipal Chair
*Former chair of LD38, raised over $20,000 for the LD38 candidates
*Bergen Realtor and serves on the Greater Bergen Board of Realtors Board of Directors
*Serves on the Greater Bergen Realtor Legislative Affairs Committee at local and state level


I am proud to announce my
Rebecca Youla

*Vice Chair of Bogota County Committee, 2016 to Present
*Bergen County Women's Republican Club Officer (BCWRC)
*Assistant Recording BCWRC Secretary, 2019 to 2022
*Recording Secretary to the BCWRC, 2022 to Present
*Member, Bogota Republican Club, 2015 to Present
*Bogota Council Candidate



Raymond A. Herr​​ - Chairman - Bogota
Judith Fisher - Vice Chairman - Fort Lee
Joseph A Nasso -​​ Deputy Chairman - Fair Lawn
Ann M Carletta​​ - Deputy Vice Chairman - Edgewater
Yehuda Miller​​ - Secretary - Teaneck
Norman Schmelz​​ - Assistant Secretary - Bergenfield
Rebecca Youla​​ - Treasurer - Bogota
​​James L Arakelian​​ - Assistant Treasurer​ - River Edge
Bruce R Young​​ - Sergeant at Arms - Carlstadt

Experience, Dedication and Leadership


I am proud to announce my
Assistant Secretary
Norman Schmelz.

*Bergenfield Mayor Emeritus (2013-2019)
*Served on the Planning Board, Library Board and Special Improvement District Board
*BS in Electrical Engineering Technology from FDU
*Manager in a Bergen County manufacturing company
*Married with three children
*Active member of the Elks
*Norman his wife Carolyn are County Committee Members


I am proud to announce my
Yehuda Miller

Teaneck County Committee
Local Small Business Owner


I am proud to announce my
Deputy Chairman
Joe Nasso.

*Fair Lawn Municipal Chairman
*County Committee
Registered Republican since old enough to vote
*Fair Lawn Republican Club member since 1983 (Board member since 2010)
*President Nasso Electric LLC since 1985
*Lifetime Fair Lawn & Bergen County Resident
*Long Term worker on many local and State elections
*Recently helped raise money for our Gubernatorial Candidate
*Worked on a recent Campaign Team for Bergen County Candidates


I am proud to announce my Vice Chair is Judith Fisher.

18 years as Fort Lee Republican Municipal Chairman
Member Daughters of the American Revolution
Former Legislative Aide to Senator Cardinale
Current Legislative Aide to Assemblyman Auth
Business owner
Former BCRO Secretary

Photos from HERR4BCROChair's post 06/23/2022

Why has the Chairman not addressed the issue of “Buying the LINE”?
Text messages were released that detailed an apparent attempt to buy the BCRO line from one of the Chairman’s operatives.

JerseyConservative.org did a story on it March 17th and the Record ran a front page story “Buy the line” on May 27. Yet at no time has the Chairman addressed the County Committee about the actions of his operative!


If he knew about it he should resign immediately! If he didn’t know, it shows he has no control over his own inner circle.

Wait till the Democrats hit us with this in November!


Eight Years since we last won a County Seat
Six since we held CD 5
CD 9 has been Democrat it seems forever

We need new Leadership at the BCRO, let's work together to defeat the Democrats

Raymond A. Herr​​ - Chairman
Judith Fisher - Vice Chairman
Joseph A Nasso -​​ Deputy Chairman
Ann M Carletta​​ Deputy - Vice Chairman
Yehuda Miller​​ - Secretary
Norman Schmelz​​ - Assistant Secretary
Rebecca Youla​​ - Treasurer
​​James L Arakelian​​ - Assistant Treasurer​
Bruce R Young​​ - Sergeant at Arms

Experience, dedication and Leadership


I would like to take this opportunity to give a big Thank You to everyone who signed my petition for BCRO Chairman. It is much appreciated!

It is unfortunate that that many of my signers have been contacted by the “BCRO Establishment“, questioning why they signed the petition?

This is why I am running for Chairman. We need to do away with this type of intimidation.

To all County Committee members it is important to know the Chairman’s Election is a Secret Ballot on voting machines –no one will know how you voted.

Don’t let the Party Boss - Jack Zisa Intimidate You.


Thank You,

Ray Herr


Now, we must unite to defeat the DEMOCRATS in November!


Time For A Change
Eight Years since we last won a County Seat.

Four of those years under the current Chairmanship. Is the BCRO better off? Have candidates “earned” the BCRO Line or have they been blackmailed to “Buy” the line?

The Bergen Record has run a series of articles showing a BCRO operative trying to force CD5 Candidate Frank Pallotta to “Buy” the line, not to earn it from YOU, the county committee. I promise you, under my chairmanship, YOU will have the final say on our Candidates and the line.

The current chairman has endorsed Democrats in the Hackensack municipal election. Donations have been given to other Democrats in North Jersey. Insurance contracts have been awarded to his firm, somehow after donations were given. The BCRO bylaws forbid this.

Loans were given to the BCRO without County Committee approval.

The suspension of the BCRO voting for the Chairmanship was reviewed by a Bergen Superior Court Judge, was declared illegal. New elections were scheduled.

Is this the BCRO you want representing you? Rule by a Party Boss or my chairmanship which will be by County Committee consensus.

I am a lifetime Republican, a 30 year County Committee member, a former Councilman and have a MBA in Finance. Before I retired, I was a Certified Municipal Finance Officer, licensed and certified by the State. I served as CFO in several Bergen County municipalities.

I will be sending you newspaper, NJ Elec reports and trusted web site links showing you how the current chairman has undermined your trust in the BCRO.

I can’t win this without you. Call your fellow CC members and Muni Chairs. I need your support. The BCRO needs real leaders.

My team can do what hasn’t been done in years. We can win. Help me help us. Elect Ray Herr BCRO Chairman with his team.

Thank You,

Ray Herr

‘Buy the line’: Text messages raise questions about Bergen ballots 06/03/2022

Under my chairmanship the line is NOT for Sale. You will have to earn it the old fashion way, from the voting Republican County Committee. https://therecord-nj.newsmemory.com/?publink=3dda7803d_1348493&fbclid=IwAR3CG5bj_5N4ZF7oMdxDUo5PcAYAq6w5uxinm4ixjwN5auiKe8aBRAph14I

‘Buy the line’: Text messages raise questions about Bergen ballots Dustin RacioppiTrenton Bureau USA TODAY NETWORK – NEW JERSEY For any

‘Buy the line’: Text messages raise questions about Bergen ballots 05/27/2022

Is this the Republican's for Responsible Government you as County Committee support?

‘Buy the line’: Text messages raise questions about Bergen ballots Dustin RacioppiTrenton Bureau USA TODAY NETWORK – NEW JERSEY For any


Ray is a proven leader.

Ray is a former Fairview Councilman. He has a Bachelor Degree in Political Science, an MBA in Finance, Certified Municipal Finance Officer licensed and registered. Ray has served as Chief Financial Officer for several municipalities in Bergen County ( Retired ). He is a County Committee member since 1990, currently in Bogota, a D37 town.


Ray Herr is concerned about electing Bergen Republicans.

Judge invalidates June race for Bergen GOP chairman, calls for new election - New Jersey Globe 12/11/2021

No one is above the law.

Judge invalidates June race for Bergen GOP chairman, calls for new election - New Jersey Globe A Superior Court Judge today overturned a June election for Bergen County Republican chairman, forcing incumbent Jack Zisa to face a new election in early


Governor Murphy once again attacks NJ residents for exercising their First Amendment rights. A quote from the Bergen Record, “ You are the ultimate knuckleheads and because of what you’re saying and standing for, people are losing their life. People are losing their life! And you have to know that. Look in the mirror! Look in the mirror!”
Message to NJ residents this statement applies more to Governor Murphy and his executive order relating to nursing homes that caused thousands of grand parents, parents, veterans, brothers, and sisisters to die.
Governor Murphy look in a mirror!

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339 Main Street
Hackensack, NJ

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