Vessel Therapy Services

Vessel Therapy Services

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Welcome! I am owner and psychotherapist Nanette Farrell, LPC, PMH-C.


What does it even mean to be neurodivergent-affirming???

First, I want to give the disclaimer that while neurodivergence actually encompasses many cognitive conditions that are pathologized outside of Autism and ADHD (you can learn more here --> ), for the purpose of this post I am referring to those particular neurotypes.

ADHD and Autism have long been defined by deficits, limitations, and impairments. Rather than a variation to be appreciated in a beautiful neurodiverse world, it has historically been viewed as an affliction or burden, an illness to cure. Neurodiversity reflects a more holistic view that values differences, emphasizes strengths, and acknowledges the challenges of being disabled.

In my practice of neurodiversity-affirming therapy, managing ADHD, for instance, is more than just executive function “hacks.” While I assist in managing the challenges identified by the clients, whether that means managing sensory overload, burnout, or disorganization, it is just as important to consider how society and neuro-normative standards have marginalized a neurodivergent client. I support clients in accepting and loving their square peg self and help them carve out their square hole in the world—or with whatever shape they identify!

Depending on where a client is on their journey of self-understanding or knowledge of neurodiversity, therapy with me may include:

***Education: Challenging misconceptions and providing different frameworks around neurodivergence.

***Neurotype Assessment: While I may not always be able to provide formal assessments that meet requirements for disability accommodations or medication, there are many other tools to help understand your unique modes for receiving or processing information, expressing and relating to others, experiencing sensory input, and meaningful engagement with people, places and things. This helps inform your needs, values, limits, and boundaries.

***Self-advocacy and adapting systems: Whether you desire to prevent or reduce burnout or optimize your functioning in certain settings, establishing your needs as important and worthy of being accommodated is often challenging for neurodivergent folx. I reinforce their importance and help strategize ways to have them accommodated whether it is through communication with employers or family members.

***Self-Regulation: This can include exploration of sensory profile, budgeting your energy, maintaining basic physiological needs, developing techniques to manage dysregulation, and honing the way you connect to emotions.

***Healing Shame: Exploring early life experiences, family relationships, and current stressors, I help clients identify painful core beliefs and shame narratives to adapt and cultivate compassion and self- acceptance. These pain points can often be deeply embedded in our nervous system and may benefit from a referral to specific trauma processing interventions.

***Clarification of values: One way to dispel the “shoulds” and measure what is “good enough” is by defining what matters through values.

If this approach resonates with you, please reach out! ---->

Photos from Postpartum Support International's post 05/14/2024
Photos from Vessel Therapy Services's post 05/07/2024

Someone had asked me how the newborn phase was for me, in terms of emotional and mental health and I had said something to the extent of "It was absolute hell, but it's supposed to be, right?"

There are realities of the postpartum and newborn phase that are unchangeable. Babies needing attention around the clock, which requires a lot of work. But does that work have to drain mothers of energy, deprive them of sleep, regular meals, and hygiene? Does it have to be hell?

My first was colicky, had reflux, and I couldn't keep up a consistent supply of breast milk. Being my first time experience, I had only the guidance of pediatricians and lactation consultants to tell me what options I had and what I should or shouldn't do, and nothing seemed to work or provide relief. Some older parents shared advice, but I either didn't think it applied to me, it conflicted with the "expert's" advice, or I was too far gone to be receptive.

Now, as a slightly more seasoned mom, a perinatal mental health therapist, and a human not in a constant fatigued fog, there's so much I would tell Me, as a first time mom. There are SO many resources to provide, so many different choice points than I thought at the time, and so many "shoulds" that I could have let go. I didn't know there was specialized mental health support for me then, I didn't know so many other moms struggled with the same issues. Nobody tells you about these parts and so many people have babies every day, I must be the exception, right?

Nope. I'm at least 1 in 5. If my experience resonates with you, you are not alone, and you don't have to do it alone.


Not only is this Sunday Mother's Day, but this week is Maternal Mental Health Week!

I chose to specialize in maternal mental health, not only because of my own challenges and experiences, but because the universality of my experiences that so many other mothers share, behind closed doors. It astounds me especially how neglectful we are as a society to the perinatal period. This time of physical, mental, and emotional sensitivity and vulnerability that sets the stage for the caregiver-child relationship. A pivotal time in development, and a foundational building block of families and communities.

As important as this is, guess what: Mental health conditions are the most common complication of pregnancy and childbirth, affecting 1 in 5 mothers every year in the United States. Su***de and overdose are the leading causes of death in the first year postpartum, and the majority of these deaths are preventable. We need to do better!

I'll be sharing stories via Postpartum Support International and The Blue Dot Project and posting about maternal mental health throughout the week of May, starting with this one.


This is hard to pass up, love their content!


I just finished creating this presentation.

I feel good about it.

It’s got FAR too much info in it.
I actually make no promises to be done in 2 hours. We’re likely to go over time. Especially with answering questions. I love talking to you too much. We may well be there all night. Bring snacks?

The good news is, it will be recorded so if you need to leave or sleep or whatever, you can catch the end up another time. If you’re in a not-Australia-compatible time zone, you can watch the whole thing at a time that suits you.

This webinar is for parents, teachers, professionals. Anyone working with Autistic kids will benefit.

This presentation is brand new, but does include my NeuroWild Shift which I have talked about in a few other presentations. There’s plenty of new stuff as well.

Here’s the link to book.

I’m excited.
Are you coming?!

Em 🌈🌈🌈


I always think of all the untapped skills and talents the world is missing out on and the inaccessible careers and dreams neurodivergent folx don't get to pursue because of the way institutions are shaped and this post articulates this so well

Too often, linear thinkers believe that all people must have a foundation of certain skills in order to "advance" to learn new skills.

This linear perspective has a basis of presumed incompetence. That if a person can't master one skill, then there's no possible way that the person can master another skill that is perceived to be more difficult.

Autistic people specifically are known for "splinter skills." This means we might struggle with some skills and excel with some skills. And it isn't predictable.

This is why we see viral memes about autistic people who can't tie their shoes, but are successful attorneys.

This is also why autistic people who struggle with executive functioning are really great at their jobs but get written up or fired from their jobs because they're often late. Those soft skills may not be there, but their actual job skills are exceptional.

When a linear thinker is trying to teach skills to an autistic person, they have a notion that autistic skills are fragile. That if we can't master a skill, the cups can no longer be stacked. That if we lose a skill, a cup in the cup stacking pyramid is removed, and our entire skill set will collapse. This. Isn't. Our. Reality.

We cannot presume that a person who needs support with certain skills can't master skills that are far more advanced. That's linear (and colonial) thinking.

Because there are autistic accountants who can't hold a social conversation.

Because there are autistic teachers who can't feel when they need to eat, drink, or use the restroom.

Because there are autistic people working far too hard for subminimum wage, who would be making a living wage if people believed in them and empowered them to move past the soft skills and move onto the things they're passionate about.

Because there are autistic people who have absolutely no income, are unhoused, have food insecurity, and they are disqualified from support because they struggle with executive functioning.

Skills are not cup stacking.

Image: turquoise background with red cups stacked in a pyramid. Black text reads: skills are not cup stacking


There is a lot to unpack every year during Autism month, and I'll defer to the eloquence of Neuromess



🤣🤣🤣 YES! YES! YES! 🤣🤣🤣


***Give yourself permission to have boundaries. ***

"Boundaries" is one of those terms, like "self-care," that almost oversaturates conversations around mental health, that it starts to lose meaning. Yet it is still such an important concept in how we navigate relationships and value our own worth. Like last week's permission slip theme on self-prioritization, boundary setting is a practice that can be uncomfortable because it acknowledges the space you occupy in the world, and so many are inclined to making themselves as small as possible.

You have a right to that space, and have the authority to allow and deny admission for others to enter. Even upon entry, you are allowed to set terms for engagement, while sharing that space. Boundaries can be rules or distinctions, between what you will and will not tolerate, between what roles and responsibilities you are obligated to, and in which interactions you will or will not participate.

Since they can be so nuanced, I'll be elaborating on some of the individual "permissions." Next post will be on the permission to leave situations that do not feel safe. (Sounds obvious, but also not always so obvious)

Visit my website for printable versions!

For everyday inspiration and motivation to hold boundaries, I highly recommend following Nedra Glover Tawwab, I was heavily inspired by her to write about this topic!


*** Give yourself permission to be "selfish." ***

There are some basic human needs and wants that I personally consider inherent rights, to be respected and preserved, but we often feel the need for permission to allow ourselves these "privileges." I can give clients permission, but really they need to give themselves permission, so I created some self-permission slips! Like, a BUNCH.

I'll post a new one each week as a gentle reminder of all the things YOU deserve. Each week there may be a loose theme, or may speak to a specific type of person or tendency.

This week is for those of you who live on the back burner, or whose needs perpetually have a pin on them "for now." Those who give and give and give, and are not used to receiving.

For those people, please give yourself permission to be "selfish" (with emphasis on the quotation marks). Because truly being selfish would mean opting for self-prioritization, unconditionally, without consideration of others, and giving yourself a turn at the top of the list is not that.

You can choose to:
- Let others figure things out on their own.
- Say NO to others/say YES to you.
- Accept help from others.
- Enjoy something that is ONLY for you.
- Rest without "earning" or "working for it."
- Be unavailable.
- Do the bare minimum that gets the job done.

You can download a printable of the permission slip to cut up for yourself as reminders to literally keep in your back pocket as needed HERE --->
I have individual slips for each statement, a full sheet to cut out, and the one pictured below.


Happy New Year! I know it's February, but every day is a new year, right? It's been awhile since I've posted, but ideas have been marinating since then, and I intend on sharing them very soon!

1. An Adult ADHD workshop series, which will be expanded from the one I offered last fall, with sessions dedicated to self-regulation, compassionate reframing, and value-based goal setting.

2. A Vessel Therapy workbook that will complement some of the workshop content, from which I will be sharing for FREE. They will consist of planning and organization templates, value clarification exercises, self-compassion prompts, and more!

3. Another try at developing an ADHD moms group - I'm working on casting a wider net and carving out time and space that is hopefully more accessible.

To learn more and be added to a mailing list to be informed of updates, visit my site here ---->

Photos from Vessel Therapy Services's post 11/07/2023

Some savings to go with daylight savings - 20% off of admission to any of my upcoming workshops for sale, from today until 11/13/23, including the discounted bundle for all 3 parts of "Below the Surface of ADHD"!
Learn more about the workshop here --->

ALSO, additional dates have been added if the weekday/mid-day times were a no-go for you. The first part of the series kicks off next week, on 11/14 and 11/18.
Visit my store here --->

Apply promo code FALLBACK23 at checkout


Here's a little more information about my 3-part workshop, Below the Surface of ADHD. Unlike most of my therapy services, the workshop is open to anyone, anywhere. Hope to see you there!

Below the Surface of ADHD:
When: 11/14, 11/21, and 11/28/2023
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
Overview: A neurodiversity-affirming conceptualization of “Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder,” minus the “deficit.” Viewed from a non-pathologizing lens, with emphasis on differences and strengths, but without the toxic positivity.
Target audience: This workshop is aimed towards adults with ADHD who are either late-diagnosed or are interested in a different perspective from the typical medical model of ADHD. Part 3 is geared towards women/AFAB (assigned female at birth), though is open to all genders.

For more information:
Scan the QR code or visit:
Get in touch with Nanette Farrell (contact info below)
Nanette Farrell, LPC, PMH-C
(484) 739-8035
[email protected]

Cost: Each workshop is $40, or purchase admission to all 3 for $100.00.
Tickets may be purchased online in the Vessel Therapy Services store:

Insights of a Neurodivergent Clinician 10/28/2023

All my academic life I've wondered how much I could learn if textbooks were written in infographics.

Oh, hey! neurodivergent_insights

This is such a legitimate means of learning, thank you for making it accessible. McGraw Hill got nothing on you

Insights of a Neurodivergent Clinician Providing up to date research and research on autism and ADHD from a neurodivergent affirming perspective.

Photos from Vessel Therapy Services's post 10/27/2023

A sneak peek at the workshop and group I will be offering in November to December. Still some kinks to iron out, so more details to come!


I've already received lots of input, but wanted to put this out there one more time! I'm hoping to have official details and registration open next week.

I'm developing a therapy group for moms with ADHD, and likely also a workshop, and would love feedback on topics, formats, accessibility (remote/in person/day & time). Below is a link with general ideas, themes, and a google form to give that feedback. The form includes a line to provide your email address so that I can send out updates for when details are finalized, so hopefully more likelihood that the group would fit your schedule and needs! You can also be added to a mailing list if you prefer not to fill out the form.


Photos from Vessel Therapy Services's post 10/18/2023

Some of my guilt free hyperfixations lately have been playing on Canva and listening to neurodivergent and maternal mental health content, so I decided to mix the two by making a coloring page! I've recently "read" (listened via Audible) How to Keep House While Drowning by KC Davis, and I've taken on "Laundry is morally neutral" as a sort of mantra lately.

"Care tasks are morally neutral. Being good or bad at them has nothing to do with being a good person, parent, man, woman, spouse, friend. Literally nothing. You are not a failure because you can't keep up with laundry. Laundry is morally neutral." - KC Davis

It may seem silly, but each basic, seemingly trivial task, have some weight of obligation and responsibility. And just like the laundry or the dishes tend to do, the tasks can pile up and become an overwhelming Mount Everest, making task initiation exponentially harder. Task initiation is hard enough, let's free ourselves of the shame that gets attached to it.

What kind of beliefs have unnecessarily become fused with chores and household maintenance? What was modeled for you, what messages and values were associated with domestic roles and responsibilities?

For extra funsies, I'm also sharing my Halloween-themed coloring job, which was a great outlet for restless energy during an 8 hour training earlier this month. If you would like a copy for your own coloring pleasure, you can download it here:


Reflecting on this past weekend, I wanted to share that my experience participating in the Climb Out of the Darkness event was so rewarding, and filled me with gratitude, so a big thank you to the organizers and Team Delco/Chesco! Despite the effects of a gloomy forecast and strong winds, I was able to learn about such a diverse milieu of local services to holistically support mothers, families, and community mental health. It was also invigorating to connect with other women business owners and see their passionate energy at work, which I hope to emulate in this burgeoning phase of my practice, so shout outs to:

Action Potential
The Center for Confident Parenting
Mindful Motherhood Lactation and Infant Feeding Services
Courtney Batista Eby
The Baby Doulas
Free Mom Hugs- Pennsylvania
Continuity Wellness, PLLC
Sacred Space, LLC
The Postpartum Stress Center

Some of you I didn't get a chance to meet, but hope to cross paths again soon!

Fundraising for Postpartum Support International 10/05/2023

2 more days! Help us get to our fundraising goal!

Climb Out of the Darkness is a program of Postpartum Support International, and is the world's largest event raising funds and awareness for the mental health of new families. The Climb brings our community together to shine a light on a darkness we often don't speak about. Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders are the most common complication of pregnancy and childbirth.

Postpartum Support International (PSI) provides direct peer support to families, trains professionals, and provides a bridge to connect them.

It is our vision that every parent and family worldwide will have access to information, social support, and informed professional care to deal with mental health issues related to childbearing.

There will also be a Climb Out of the Darkness event at which we will be participating on Saturday, October 7. Sleighton Park in Media, PA. 9:30am-12:30pm.

Join us for a great day of bonding, learning, and healing together. All money raised serves initiatives of Postpartum Support International.

Fundraising for Postpartum Support International Join Team DelCo/ChesCous in supporting Postpartum Support International and the effort to raise awareness and provide mental health services to vulnerable families in need!


Vessel Therapy Services is developing an 8 week therapy group to support mothers with ADHD. You can provide input, help shape the group, and be contacted with further updates by filling out the survey linked below:

You can also just message me here on Facebook or email me at: [email protected]

Fundraising for Postpartum Support International 09/21/2023

Climb Out of the Darkness is a program of Postpartum Support International, and is the world's largest event raising funds and awareness for the mental health of new families. The Climb brings our community together to shine a light on a darkness we often don't speak about. Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders are the most common complication of pregnancy and childbirth.

Postpartum Support International (PSI) provides direct peer support to families, trains professionals, and provides a bridge to connect them.

It is our vision that every parent and family worldwide will have access to information, social support, and informed professional care to deal with mental health issues related to childbearing.

There will also be a Climb Out of the Darkness event at which we will be participating on Saturday, October 7. Sleighton Park in Media, PA. 9:30am-12:30pm.
Join us for a great day of bonding, learning, and healing together. All money raised serves initiatives of Postpartum Support International.

Fundraising for Postpartum Support International Join Team DelCo/ChesCous in supporting Postpartum Support International and the effort to raise awareness and provide mental health services to vulnerable families in need!


Welcome to Vessel Therapy Services! I provide individual psychotherapy, couples counseling, and group therapy. I have lived experience and professional specialization in maternal mental health, relationships, adult ADHD, and mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

As a therapist, I practice from a culturally sensitive, compassion focused, and neuro-affirming lens, utilizing cognitive behavioral and acceptance-based modalities, with a systemic and trauma centered lens.

I value social and racial justice, body acceptance, consent and autonomy. I consider myself an HAES-affirming, LGBQTIA+ allied, anti-racist practitioner, aligned with the social model of disability and the neurodiversity paradigm/movement.

As a therapist, I work with clients to repair and heal emotional injuries and relationship wounds, to build an actualized sense of self, allowing for authentic and deeper connections with others. Please do not hesitate to reach out!

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