Start Dreaming Today inspires hope through Daily Inspirational Posts by Nan Riddle; Speaker, Pastor, Teacher, Life Coach & Retreat Keynote. How did I get there?
I am a Life Coach, Pastor, Speaker, and Spiritual Director passionate about the incredible potential inside of everyone. As a CERTIFIED LIFE COACH, I help adults of all ages in discovering their gifts and potential, so they can put hands, feet, and voice to their hopes and dreams. I help each client clarify a clear picture of their preferred future and unique purpose in life, and take defined step
s to make it a living reality. As an ordained pastor with the Christian Church Disciples of Christ, I have a love for all people and a desire to meet each person where he or she may be. I believe that everyone is filled with amazing potential, gifts, and talents. My life has been a miracle. I was abandoned at birth, later adopted, and then found by some of my biological family. My life experiences have taught me unconditional love and the incredible value of every individual. My engaging INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKING and MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKING are shared through the lens of the miracle that my life has been. As your next SPEAKER at your event or retreat, I will make sure your group experiences refreshing energy and has an encounter of transformation with hope, new beginnings, miracles, purpose, and the power of possibilities! I learned very early that something was in control of my life besides myself, and that I needed a Power that was and is supreme over anything I could do or accomplish on my own. I know, it's heavy isn't it? I was an orphan. Abandoned before I was even born. Due to brain injuries so significant at my birth, the doctors determined I should have been aborted. Like, that's not such a great start in life. And there's much more to my story...a miracle at every turn. But, I can assure you today, something beyond myself was and is the author to my life story. I was later adopted, and today I am meeting you here, on this page, with accomplished Graduate Master's Degrees in two fields. I'm not bragging on me. I'm bragging on God. From an abandoned, seriously brain injured infant, to the "me" today, is not something I accomplished on my own power! If you are ready to journey into deeper relationship with God, I am a SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR that will listen and ask the questions that will cause you to journey into that sacred place of your soul in which you can have living encounters with your Creator and Light, and deepen your connection with the Divine. You have dreams that will impact the world, and I can partner with you in making them a reality. Be sure to check out my inspirational E-book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble: "Water to Wine...Discovering the Wine of the Divine In All Your Circumstances", and listen to my albums on Amazon, iTunes, and Pandora! It's time for me to say thank you for reading through all this, and I look forward to moving forward with you! Please message me with your interests/needs and Start Dreaming Today! Nan Riddle I am Nan Riddle, and thrilled you've found my page! Thank you! I am excited to share life's journey with you here, and to walk into each new day together! I am a Certified Life Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Pastor, Preacher & Spiritual Director. I know, that's a lot! There's more, but you get the idea! I have an amazing LOVE FOR PEOPLE and THEIR PURPOSE in this world, that shines through my MIRACLE LIFE beginning as an unwanted orphan and later being adopted! I am excited to help you move forward, as your LIFE COACH, with your dreams into NEW BEGINNINGS and purpose, ENERGIZE YOUR GROUP with enthusiasm and HOPE through my engaging INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKING, help you design and KEYNOTE your next EVENT or RETREAT, share in the journey as your SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR to DEEPEN your RELATIONSHIP with GOD, and share DAILY INSPIRATION that gives you NEW PERSPECTIVES and LIGHT for YOUR JOURNEY on THIS PAGE. There's so much good stuff on this page! You will also find RELAXING MUSIC, MEDITATIONS, and GIFTS to purchase to INSPIRE OTHERS or fill your home with beauty and positive energy. I am passionate about PARTNERING WITH PEOPLE in IMAGINING their future of NEW BEGINNINGS, and then helping them develop the GOALS needed and implementing them to get their DREAMS OFF THE RUNWAY and into the air to SOAR. In all areas, I am an AMBASSADOR OF HOPE and an UNRELENTING VOICE that TODAY IS NOT THE END OF YOUR STORY! What are you waiting for! LIFE COACHING Sessions are done BY PHONE, so you can live anywhere! Just MESSAGE ME WITH YOUR INTERESTS on this page, or at and START DREAMING TODAY! I have specially designed fee packages to meet your needs. FOLLOW THIS PAGE, SHARE THE POSTS, SHARE THE HOPE!