Jesus Is Love Ministries

Welcome To: Jesus Is L❤️ve Ministries...experiencing Jesus. Word-based, Salvation Teaching for A Triumphant Heart. Welcome to JESUS IS LOVE Ministries.

God's heart is that His will becomes our reality. Core Message:
+In The Beginning God...(Genesis 1)
+The Lord Is Our Shepherd...(Psalms 23)
+Thy Kingdom Come...(Matthew 6)
+For God So Loved...(John 3)

Our Services have changed from Saturdays to Sundays! Our Services are now:
2 Sundays per/ea. month
From 11AM to 12Noon

It's Just That Simple. For dates and location(s):
*Check FB page posts weekl


Fifth Sunday, Fall Break this Sunday September 29th.


Message: LOVE BY DEFAULT by Bro. Carl Little, DDS, High Point, NC
Sunday, September 1st, 2024

Song: Thank You Lord

Dr. Little's Message:

“If we love our Creator first and above-all, then we love by default.

There cannot be hate, dislike, dishonor, distrust, or any of the other “disses” I can't think of at this moment .

Deuteronomy 6:5 ESV says
‘...[5] and thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.’

If we spend our time loving Him and truly putting our minds, bodies, and souls into that alone, [then] how can we produce a negative thought towards ourselves or towards others; especially towards others?

Today we see a lot of people just angry at life, and [angry at] what's going on. It's easy for the devil [the opposition] to distract us; and not let us focus on what we should at all times. The bible tells us that if we focus on Him then you [we] just can't go wrong in everything we do. [Isaiah 26:3].

Even if we let little things like a flower pot coming up missing from the front of your building - that can distract you, and make you [think or] say, 'Awww man, why me?' Yet, everything happens for a reason. Maybe that's a test. A small test to remind us that we just have to stay focused on Him at ALL times.

Here's an example of in my life: When I'm doing a simple tooth extraction, I've found that if I just say a simple prayer, 'Lord please, come get this tooth so I don't have to.’ That thing will just jump out of their head [lol'ing response]. I won't have any problems with it. But, if I forget that simple prayer before I start, the smallest, the simplest of extractions can become extremely difficult.

Even to cut the grass out there, two weeks ago, my lawn mower went out. I said,

'Lord, what am I going to do? The [riding] lawn mower went out, now, I've got the rest of this field to cut?'

Instead of focusing on the rest of the field to cut, I could have been focusing on,

'Lord, come help me. Give me the strength to push the [push] lawn mower to get the rest of it done.’

So that's what I did. I changed my mind from, 'Oh, the lawnmower broke,' to
'Lord, give me the strength to push the little small section of this field to cut, so it will look good on Monday. '

If we just focus on Him in every little thing that we do, it's going to work out. And, I'm finding that life will distract you in so many different ways, and pull you from Him if we allow it.

When we got all that rain a couple of weeks ago, the corner up there , the spackling of the ceiling started coming down and even the walls started to bow. I said, 'Oh Lord, what am I going to do? What if something's falls in?' Well, if He wanted it to fall in, it would have fell in. Why am I worried about something simple, when that can be addressed and fixed later?

When the devil [the opposition] tries to distract us from our intentions, we truly have to just stop and say, 'Hey, OK. That's just a little setback. It's alright.' Focus on God and what He wants us to do. And it will just always work out.

Everything little thing that's been going on with me the past five (5) years of my life, to me has been big things. But when I look back on those 'big things,' I've always come out on the other side [Amens].

He's always carried me. And, what I'm learning now is to keep my eyes on the prize. If I stay focused on Him, and not the things going on in my life, that there's an inner peace that just can't be taken. 💦

You just gotta stay focused. Sometimes it gets real hard. But as long as we remember that He will always carry us through it, we'll be just fine.

This assignment given to me...has had me to do..."

Bro. Dr. Carl spoke about dental school, having to read so much for his studies to get through it, to the point of not liking to read for leisure anymore. He pointed out, how that's the case with any educational endeavor undertaking, one has to 📚 read in order to learn something.

He spoke of trying to get A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) to help with his writing, yet saying how, "...nothing came out the way I truly intended it; and the way I wanted to express to you guys, but the big thing [message] here to me is: We've got to stay focused on Him in every little thing we do.

And with what's going on in the world, I don't see our leadership, I don't see a lot of people falling back on His [God's] guidance, His leadership, and just basically, just The Love He puts out for us. I think that's why we have a lot of the problems in the world we have today, because not all of us are looking for that inner peace and that love, we're looking for what we'll have for show, or for the rest of the world. If we would all just stoooop, and focus on God all the time in every little thing we do.

I even hear my mother...'Even when we go to the bathroom, we need to say, Thank You Lord. '

The little things, if we start there, letting Him come in on that, it will allow us to exude [display] Him; to just let Him take control; to just let Him guide us in everything little thing we do. That's where I am in my life right now, every little thing I do, before I put my feet on the floor, l just say, 'Thank You Lord. ' Once I put my feet on the floor and my knees and my ankles go, pow-pow-pow, I say, 'Thank You Lord for my breathing...Thank You for getting me out of the shower safely. Thank You for getting to work safely.'

If we focus that way and keep Him wholly in us at all times, [then] it's going to be so much better; everything's just going to be so much better.

If we focus on our prayer...

In 1 Peter 1:8,9, (ESV)
'....[8] Though you have not seen Him, you love Him. Though you do not now see Him, you believe in Him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with Glory...'

How simple is that?
How simple is that?
How simple.
How quick it is for us to forget it too.

If we use [allow] Him to, to just carry us, our lives will be so much easier. And this I've truly learned in just the last couple of months of my life. We've got to just completely surrender. That's the only way for it to truly, truly work out for you.

The big thing that I wanted to express to you all today is, just know that He Loves us; and, we gotta keep Him in the simple things in life. By keeping it simple, by keeping Him right there, we can’t do any wrong. You're going to end up loving the people that you hate; just by default. If you love your Creator, our Creator, the way you’re supposed to, you cannot dislike, you cannot hate, you cannot distrust, you can’t be any of that. So I pray today for the Lord’s blessing upon us that we can truly find Him in every little thing we do and not forget that. That's all I've gotta say..."

Amen. And so much was said in so little time in this message: LOVE BY DEFAULT. There’s no-thing faulty about that.

So much was said and shared, before and after this message. So much revelation and encouragement was given by Sister Davis and Brother Coley. To God be the Glory.

God bless you Dr. Little in an extraordinary way for allowing this easy Sunday morning 🌄 message to arise like the noonday sun.

God has "Loved By Default" infinitely.

And, yes, Loving God by Default is having a spirit, heart, soul and mind to focus on God with a heart of thanksgiving. This is how we praise Him. This is how we bless Him, and make Him happy.

Loving God automatically, 'by default' allows us to purposefully focus on Gratefulness, Praise, and Thanksgiving.

What a Message to usher us into the Autumn/Fall/Thanksgiving season.

We appreciate this end of summer breeze message at the beginning of Autumn 🍂: "Love By Default"

To do this is to select love automatically. AND….to set, to preselect, an automatic, customized, standard of LOVE, is A LIFE, WELL-LIVED.

JESUS LOVED & LOVES US BY DEFAULT. Now that's Amazing❤️.

Please forward and share this message to anyone needing to know that today they're automatically loved.


by Pastor Antoine Dargan
11am, Sunday, August 18th, 2024

Song: You Are My Strength (by William Murphy) sung by Psalmist
L. Bittle

“Today we're going to be talking about FRIENDSHIP. What is FRIENDSHIP? I think it's something that we all need to understand [the meaning of FRIENDSHIP], why we have each other in our lives, so that we can glean more from each other…”

Pastor Dargan spoke of certain ones, God has placed in our lives noting communication, not always agreeing, yet still being able to communicate, appreciating one another.

Scripture Proverbs 27:17
“Iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.”
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man gains influence from another.”

"We gain strength from each other. In my weak areas, my friend may be strong and in their weak areas, I may be strong."

He spoke about how friends influence one another, and one person may be stronger in certain areas than others.

Pastor Antoine, noted God’s Kingdom is about building Godly “Friendships…Friends sharpening one another.” He spoke of Jesus doing that very thing whenever He went on the cross and died for our sins. {What influence Jesus’ had on the idea of friendship, laying down His life for us. Giving us the relationship He has with the Father}.

Pastor Antoine spoke of how Jesus had to stay focused on what the Father wanted Him to do, which influences, encourages, us to stay focused on what God desires us to do; meaning good Godly friendships are encouraging and influential, influencing us to do the right thing, even when we may not feel like it. He spoke about staying focused on the reason why Christ came here, while at the same time not getting caught up on the natural aspect, but spiritual aspect of friendship, such as being in prayer for one another; allowing the Holy Spirit to come in and rule in our lives.

He talked about friends knowing what’s going on in our lives, that others may not necessarily know about; so that friends can pray for one another; lifting each other up in Spirit & in Truth [John 4:24] so that we will have an encouraging factor in each other's lives [a brotherhood and sisterhood] knowing that someone cares and is praying for us.

He said, “We all need somebody to care for us. We all need somebody to take time for us, listen, and to pray for us and to say, "Hey, I’m your friend…I’m here for you.”

Pastor Dargan said that, “You know, sometime you may not want to hear what a friend has to say, but [if you don’t like it] you shouldn’t wear it on your shoulders, … if they are your friend they should be able to come to you…come to you and encourage you on how to live…on how to walk upright in God’s eyes so that you can have the abundancy that God wants to give you, because God wants to give you so much [Jeremiah 29:11; 2 Peter 1:3]...We as humans…we have to always remember that the bible says, ‘knock and the door shall be opened’ [Matthew 7:7-12]... The Bible says always pray without ceasing [1 Thessalonians 5:16] and so to me praying without ceasing means praying all the time [Minister Bittle saying, “Without a pause.”] and so when you’re praying all the time, you’re not just praying for yourself, but for others in your life.”

Pastor Dargan mentioned the prayers that went up before service, for attendees and friends, healing, to be set free. He spoke of us praying the Word of God over people, as God’s word does not return to Him void [Isaiah 55:11] and that, “ If we are praying for one another and we're trying to lift each other up in the Spirit and in Truth, then we're doing those things God’s called us to do.”

He spoke of how the enemy doesn’t like ministry for God, people coming together for God’s Glory [yet we as believers know God is Greater 1 John 4:4]. He spoke of how we must keep moving forward, following God’s instructions, doing His will. He noted people in attendance (Sis A. Bittle), commitment (Sis J. Redfear), and so forth; noting people being observant, men especially, as protective measures. He spoke of trusting in the Lord, “being worried about nothing, like little children who's supposed to be at ease. We shouldn't be stressing out about nothing - nothing. We shouldn't worry about no [any] bills…”

He spoke of His wife teaching him according to the scriptures in Habakkuk 2:2 to write things down, encouraging the Saints towards God’s plan and vision for us, saying,

“The Bible says to write it down and make it plain…So I had to learn those things. Like even today, I'm still learning things. I don't know everything, but I do try. I do worship. I’m thankful that God's in my life. And, I thank Him, I thank Him, I thank Him every day that He's a part of my life because look at me y'all, I ain't supposed to be here. I cherish that I'm here, and I don't take it for granted. That's why I wanted to talk about friendship today, because you know everybody ain't going to be your friend…”

Pastor Dargan elaborated on negativity and positivity amongst people, not being able to befriend some people due to the levels, etc.

Next Scripture read was John 15:13
“No greater love than this that someone would lay down his life for a friend.”

He gave personal examples of him and his wife, family, etc. He said, “I don't take things lightly, I am very appreciative of what God is doing in my life and that's for real y'all.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 was read
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down one can help the other up….A cord of three strands is not quickly broken” Pastor Antoine spoke of wilderness/cold weather survival training skills of two people having to keep each other warm even [Doesn’t this make us think of Jesus being led in the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, who kept Him on track? Mark 1:12-15].

The next scripture read was 1 Corinthians 15:33
“Do not be fooled, bad company ruins good character.”
“Do not be deceived, bad company ruins good morals.”

Pastor Dargan said,
“So don't let people see you, saying, ‘…well I'm your friend,’ and try to be with you and take what you got because that's what a lot of people out here are trying to do, to take what you got and so that's what it's saying don't be deceived.”

[Pastor Dargan is so right, because that good character in 1 Corinthians 15:33 and morals are spiritual fruits of love, joy, truth, excellency, and so forth].

Pastor Dargan continued,

“If you question yourself about someone, then you don't need to be around them, you know, because they don't want {a} true friendship, and some people, they are so naive, they’ll leave the door wide open for others. They’ll be able to walk right in and take what you got …you know, just walk right in and take what you got…You think they care about how you feel about it. They don't care about how you feel about it. It means nothing to them.”

On a Good note, the next scripture read was 1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as in fact you are doing.” NIV

Pastor Dargan elaborated on the scripture, giving a personal example of Brother Bittle encouraging him about keeping his strength up, not really even knowing him long, but that he knew he was dealing with a lot of things, and encouraged him that everything's going to be okay, saying, “...that's what he told me it's going to be okay… he said, 'you just keep your strength up man… you keep going to the gym, keep working out, doing what you're doing.' You know that's what he told me; and I was like man this man cares…I really didn't [even] know his name [at the time].”

He spoke about his wife caring and so forth.

Next scripture read was Proverbs 27:9:

“Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.”

Pastor Dargan spoke of the good Godly counsel of a friend is that friend walking in Christ’s love, as well as receiving good counsel from a friend. He noted how we cannot do anything on our own without the Lord: breath, wake up, get out of bed, get dressed, etc.
“You gotta include Jesus Christ the Lord of your life in everything that you do…”

The next scripture read was Proverbs 16:28

“Gossip is spread by wicked people; they stir up trouble and break up friendships.” GNB

“A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.” NIV

Pastor Antoine said,

“That's what's so important that we know who we are in Christ - that
Jesus Christ is The Lord of our life in everything.” [Read at your convenience John 17:20-23].

Next Scripture read 1 Peter 4:8-10:

“Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multifude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaint. As each one has receive a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks , is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in ALL things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs The Glory and Dominion forever and ever. Amen.”

In summary, Pastor Antoine spoke,
“So we got to be good stewards of everything: our finances, our households, our friendships - everything. I look at the things that Jesus did…We always got to be encouraging one another through everything we do. That's so important in our life, not to be so downcast with one another, don't be so hard ....”

He spoke of his issue with staring, staring ‘right through people’ and that people might get offended {later when asked why, he spoke of his trying to determine levels of trust in others due to past experiences.} [Yet as believers, when we recognize that we cannot trust people, but only the God in them, we don’t have to determine other’s trustworthiness, we can let God determine].

Pastor Dargan said, “I don't mean no harm, but it's just something I do because of what I went through in my childhood, but now I know that I'm aware of it now, so now I've been praying to God about it, so that I can be set free from it. There's always things in our life that we need to pray about. There’s a word that I want to say that we can close the service out and that word is: Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. I said it five times. So that means we got to stay [walk] in love with one another always. Father God, I thank you for this opportunity to speak to your people…”

Pastor Dargan went onto close in Prayer

As Ecclesiates 3 reads, there’s a time and place for everything, and in all things, being led by The Spirit is best. As there are times when we’re simply to cast our cares on Jesus, knowing that He cares for us. [1st Peter 5:7]

Then, alternatively, sometimes there are situations and things so harrowing for people, that they need more than a listening ear and prayer. They need True Divine, Intervention, Godly Wisdom and Counseling. [Proverbs 11:14].

Another scripture about Friendship is Proverbs 17:17, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother\sister is born for adversity.” This is where “the rubber meets the road.” Who’s there in your day(s) of adversity?

Isn’t it great, that no matter what, if we are making ourselves at home in Jesus’ love [John 15:9-10 MSG], if we know that we are in God’s Heart Pocket, then we know that even if a person, a human being cannot be fully there for us during our day of adversity, Jesus can, and He will?

God will show up on the Mountaintop as He did with Moses to give directions and instructions. Jesus will show up in the fiery furnace, as He did in the book of Daniel with the young three men. The Holy Spirit will show up and put the Lion’s to sleep in the lion’s den as done with Daniel. Jesus will show up at the well as He did with the Samaritan woman. Isn’t it good to know that daily, we can behold it, perceive it, understand it, and acknowledge it, that Jesus stands at the door of hearts and knocks to come in and commune with us [Rev 3:17-20]? Doesn’t this put a smile on our face to know that Jesus Himself like the character sung in the film is saying, “You’ve Got a Friend in Me…?”


Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed this message, a reminder of the importance of FRIENDSHIP. Such a good message and subject to increase our understanding (Proverbs 4:7).

Jesus Is Lord, Love, & Friend.


By Minister Psalmist L. Bittle
Sunday @ 11am, August 4th, 2024

Prayer by Pastor Dargan

Song: Worship Him Christ Our Lord


First Scripture Read

John 9:1-5 GNB

“...As Jesus was walking along, He saw a man who had been born blind. 2His disciples asked him, “Teacher, whose sin caused him to be born blind? Was it his own or his parents' sin?” 3Jesus answered, “His blindness has nothing to do with his sins or his parents' sins. He is blind so that God's power might be seen at work in him. 4As long as it is day, we must keep on doing the work of him who sent Me; night is coming when no one can work. 5While I am in the world, I am the light for the world…”

Minister Bittle spoke,
“That is very powerful. The disciples wanted to know who sinned? What sin fell upon this man, that caused him to be blind? Was it his parent's sin, or did he himself sin, that caused him to be blind? And, Jesus let them know that neither he nor his parents had sinned, he was blind, in other words, so that God could get the glory out of this situation.

God wants the glory [the wonderous recognition] out of every situation out of every situation in our lives. The man had lived in darkness all his life being blind. At some point in our lives we were all blind; not physically, but spiritually blind. We walked in darkness, until Jesus came bringing sight and light into our lives just as He did for the blind man. Amen?

That brings me to my topic this morning. My topic this morning is, “Walking In The Light.”

Jesus said, ‘I must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day. The night cometh when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.’ And we all know that Jesus right now is seated at the right hand side of the Father [Eph 1:20], waiting for His return one day to rapture the church.

[Question:] So how does His light illuminate today through this darkened world? How does Jesus’ Light illuminate through this darkened world?

[Answer:] Through the life and light that was ignited through you and I, when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. That’s how His Light is illuminated in this dark world right now. He’s at the right hand, seated beside the Father. But, it is up to you and I to let our light shine so that a dark world, a sinful world will know that Jesus died on the cross for us and there’s New Life through Him.”

[Next Scripture John 8:12]

“Then, ‘12Jesus spoke again unto them saying ‘I am The Light of the world,” He said. “Whoever follows Me will have The Light of Life and will never walk in darkness.’”

Minister Bittle said,

”When you receive Jesus, you receive Life. When you receive Life, you receive Light. Praise God. Light represents God’s presence and favor in our lives. We were literally walking in darkness, living in a world of sin…but at some point in our lives we accepted Jesus Christ into our life and made Him our Savior; and that’s when Light came in.

The Bible says, ‘When you see The Light walk therein. Once your eyes are opened, then you are to walk in The Light. You are to repent, and you are supposed to turn from your wicked [distorted, unhealthy, twisted] ways and walk in The Light. And as we know today, the world is so dark today, there are so many things going on in the world, that Light needs to shine. The Word says that, ‘Light is shining, and darkness cannot even comprehend it [John 1], darkness can’t cover it. When your light is shining, when my light is shining, there’s not enough darkness out there that can smother or cover up our light, as long as we are walking in Christ Jesus.

Matthew 5:14 Let’s us know that, ‘Ye are the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden,’ We ARE The Light of the world, this is what The Spirit gave me, ‘We are the light of the world,’ that’s what the scriptures says. It says, ‘We are a city, that’s set on a hill, that cannot be hid…’ No matter where you go, your light cannot be put out; and, WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. WE ARE NOT THE LIGHT OF JUST THE CHURCH…Our light has to illuminate beyond these four walls. We have to go out into the world and teach the word of God, and preach the word of God; and bring people who are in darkness into The Light. Because we were once in darkness until we came into The Light, and it’s our job to go out and get them and bring them into The Light. We must get beyond the walls of the church [building] and take The Light out into a dark world. Amen?”

Minister Bittle said,

“I want each and every person here to ask yourself a question. Ask yourself, ‘In this dark world, world of darkness, if your [my] light was the only light that others saw, how bright would your [my] light illuminate for others to see?’ [Again] ‘If your light, or my light, was the only light that people saw, whether at work, in a grocery store, at the beauty salon, at the nail salon, at restaurants…if your light was the only light that other people saw, how far would it illuminate?’ In other words how bright would you shine? Would your light be bright enough to lead others to Christ? That’s a question we should all ask ourselves…There should be something inside of us that illuminates Christ, that when people see us, they say, ‘Oh, there’s something different about you.’”

Minister Bittle begin to talk about her personal experiences in the grocery store for example. People noticing and acknowledging the difference The Light of Christ can make in the life of a Believer. She noted that when others notice the difference, “That’s The Light of Christ in our lives, in this dark world.”

She went on to say, “Matthew 5:16 tells us, ‘Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify The Father, which is in Heaven.’ So your light is supposed to shine so bright, that when people see you, they want a piece of it…[asking] ‘Can you tell me what can I do to shine the way you’re shining? What can I do to walk the way you’re walking?’ When you accept Christ into your life, everything is suppose to change about you: the way you think; the way you act; the way you walk; the way you talk; the way you carry yourself; even the way you dress as a woman [or] even some men…

We’re supposed to look like children of God. We’re supposed to look like we are in The Light not in the [unGodly] world, because the word of God tells us, ‘... to be in the world but not of the world.’ [John 17:16] That says [paraphrasing], ‘I got you in this world. There’s light and there’s darkness in this world at the same time, but I don’t want you to partake in it. I don’t want you to partake in the dark part festivities of this life. I want you to walk in The Light. I want you to let your light shine so bright so that when people see you, they want a part of The Heavenly Father that changed your life, because people are real good for saying, ‘I remember when…’

She talked about people loving to “go down memory lane on your life,” with condemning tactics of recalling and recounting sins, errors, and mistakes. Minister Bittle said, “People will remember those things, but God said, He threw them into the sea of forgetfulness and He’ll never pick them up again. [Micah 7:19]. He [God] won’t bring it up to us again. But He tells us to be in this world and not of this world; don’t partake in everything.”

Minister Bittle spoke of personal experiences, and telling herself, “You can’t be on the scene of everything.” Even when it comes to familial relations. She said, “You cannot be on the scene of everything that’s about to happen, or everything that’s about to 'pop-off,' because you already know the situation, what they’re going there for…things that may be involved to even make them have a good time.”

She spoke of light and darkness having no fellowship together. She noted the difference between fellowshipping with darkness in order to let your light shine, rather than joining in and partaking…She spoke of not being on the scene of everything is not good.

Again, she read, “Let your light shine so that man will see your good works and Glorify your Father, which is in heaven.” Jesus was letting them know that as long as it is day, we must work the works of Him that sent us. Minister Bittle said, “It’s still day. It’s day. We have life and light in our bodies. So, it’s still day. And that can mean so many different things that ‘when night-time comes no one can work’” She expounded upon what the nighttime might mean, then encouraged the saints to work while it’s still day and while there’s, “breath in our body…[helping] to transform others, tell others about our risen savior; to be a light in this dark world, bringing the hope and peace of Jesus to those who we interact with…” Emphasizing her previous sentence by repeating it, she noted that we as believers know that this world is not it for us, but that we have another home, because Jesus told us that.

She said, Jesus said, “I go and prepare a place for you [John 14:1-5]...So He’s prepared a place for us, and we have to live a holy and acceptable life in order to go to that place that He’s prepared for us. Holiness is a lifestyle. We have to be separated from the crowd. In the bible, light has always been a symbol of holiness, goodness, knowledge, salvation, wisdom, grace, hope, and God’s revelation. That’s what Light represents. In God there is no darkness.” She asked what led the Shepherds to Jesus at birth, and of course it was the star of Bethlehem, the light. She noted that it was always light. She spoke of the starlight leading others to Jesus in the manager, just like our light is supposed to shine like a star to lead others to Him.

In conclusion she said, “So the question for us today is: Are we walking in The Light of Christ? When people see us, what do they see? Do they see goodness coming? Do they see hope coming? Do they see wisdom and grace coming? Or, do they say, “...oh, here they come?’ She said, she “hopes they see light, brightness, salvation and goodness when they see us coming.”

She spoke of growing up with the mothers of the church. Fearing them and our elders, by respecting them and the Lord. She spoke of the disrespect going on in the world, yet believers being “that beacon of light … shining through.” She recalled growing up in the body of Christ the song that used to be sung, “Walk in The Light, beautiful Light, come where the dewdrops of mercy shine bright. Shine all around us by day and by night, Jesus the Light of the World.”

The assembly began to sing.

She spoke of not knowing what the song really meant as a young person, but now she knows as an adult. Minister Bittle said, “And if I can leave anything with you all, with the body of Christ this morning, I just want to encourage you to:


You are no longer in darkness. Christ has freed us from darkness and from each and every one of us being blind, so walk in The Light and let your light shine so that men may see your good works and glorify the Father.”


Such a direct and solid message for the world that God SO LOVES [John 3:16]. Thank you Minister Psalmist L. Bittle for encouraging us and reminding us to allow our light to shine for God’s glory. God bless you for letting Jesus’ Light shine through your life journey.

How awesome is it that when Jesus’ Light is shining through us, nothing, NO-Thing can cover it up. Amen! What an awesome Greater Work we have through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior to be the light of the world God so loves, that He wants no one to be condemned or perish, but have everlasting life in Christ. This Good News brings Joy to the heart and soul, that only He can give.

We are so blessed that despite past errors, failures and mistakes, we are able to receive this Light of saving grace, allowing it to shine.

We hope this message has “illuminated,” brightened, shined knowledge and wisdom into this part of your day, and will help you in allowing the Light of Christ to shine in your life even more.



"No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven" (Matthew 5:15-16).

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Videos (show all)

Previously Recorded WATCH HERE of 2
PARENTHOOD SEASON MESSAGE 5 OF 5“…And all we know is [that] what the Bible says; what this Word says, about how we’re su...
PARENTHOOD SEASON MESSAGE 4 OF 5“When you do your ‘level-best,’ [then] that’s the best you can do. And, you’re ‘only doi...
PARENTHOOD SEASON MESSAGE 3 OF 5Title of this Good News Message: “I’M ONLY DOING WHAT I KNOW.”[Scripture]“In Proverbs 22...
PARENTHOOD SEASON MESSAGE 2 OF 5“…And, not just for my children, but God has blessed me to have many children.  What I w...
PARENTHOOD SEASON MESSAGE 1 OF 5“As we transition from rules to relationships Jesus is The Way, the outer court, that fe...




Rajshahi Division

Opening Hours

Tuesday 12:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 16:00
Thursday 12:00 - 16:00
Friday 12:00 - 16:00
Sunday 10:00 - 12:00

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