Steadfast Chiropractic, Hilliard, OH Videos

Videos by Steadfast Chiropractic in Hilliard. We are steadfast in our mission to bring health and wellness to as many Columbus families as possible

People might think the most common complaint we hear in patients is back pain or something similar, but the reality is, the NUMBER ONE “issue” we help adults and kiddos with in our office is SLEEP!

Quality sleep is an essential part of overall health (but you know that!)

And the National Institutes of Health agrees... In fact, they report inadequate sleep can increase your risk for long-term health and cognitive problems.

Not getting enough sleep can impact your metabolism and your heart, respiratory and immune systems.

If you struggle to get enough sleep consistently, try this:

✅ Stick to a consistent sleep routine and schedule
✅ Create your hibernation station with white noise, total darkness, and a temp around 68.
✅ Wear blue light blockers, turn screens to dark mode, and put screens away by 8 pm (try reading before bed)
✅ Get adjusted regularly

Our patients have reported significant improvement in their sleep quality after receiving consistent care.

And, according to an article published in the journal Spine, 40% of the approximately 34,500 chiropractic patients surveyed reported better sleep after treatment.

Describe your sleep situation in emojis- this should be fun to decipher. 🤭
Are you on the schedule? Call 📲614-664-3710 and we will get you sleeping better in no time.

 #holisticmarketinghub #healthysleep #bettersleep #sleephelp #sleepdeprivation #sleeptips #sleephabits #sleepbetter #sleepsupport #sleephealth #nightcleanse #insomniaproblems #cbusmoms #plaincityohio #grovecityoh #hilliardohio #grovecityohio #plaincity #hilliardoh #choosehilliard #columbusmoms #upperarlingtonoh #614moms #columbusoh #upperarlingtonohio #gallowayohio

Other Steadfast Chiropractic videos

People might think the most common complaint we hear in patients is back pain or something similar, but the reality is, the NUMBER ONE “issue” we help adults and kiddos with in our office is SLEEP! Quality sleep is an essential part of overall health (but you know that!) And the National Institutes of Health agrees... In fact, they report inadequate sleep can increase your risk for long-term health and cognitive problems. Not getting enough sleep can impact your metabolism and your heart, respiratory and immune systems. If you struggle to get enough sleep consistently, try this: ✅ Stick to a consistent sleep routine and schedule ✅ Create your hibernation station with white noise, total darkness, and a temp around 68. ✅ Wear blue light blockers, turn screens to dark mode, and put screens away by 8 pm (try reading before bed) ✅ Get adjusted regularly Our patients have reported significant improvement in their sleep quality after receiving consistent care. And, according to an article published in the journal Spine, 40% of the approximately 34,500 chiropractic patients surveyed reported better sleep after treatment. Describe your sleep situation in emojis- this should be fun to decipher. 🤭 Are you on the schedule? Call 📲614-664-3710 and we will get you sleeping better in no time. 
 #holisticmarketinghub #healthysleep #bettersleep #sleephelp #sleepdeprivation #sleeptips #sleephabits #sleepbetter #sleepsupport #sleephealth #nightcleanse #insomniaproblems #cbusmoms #plaincityohio #grovecityoh #hilliardohio #grovecityohio #plaincity #hilliardoh #choosehilliard #columbusmoms #upperarlingtonoh #614moms #columbusoh #upperarlingtonohio #gallowayohio

One day from the next can be so different through pregnancy! But one thing we know is that you don’t have to deal with these challenges on your own! Nervous system focused prenatal chiropractic care can help support you through your pregnancy and postpartum. Not only will we help you through the ups and downs that come with pregnancy, but we will help prep you for labor and postpartum as well! Our Insight Nervous system scans will give us a deeper look at how you’re functioning overall and how we can support your growing family! We aim to go above and beyond for you with Webster Technique plus so much more to keep you functioning and feeling your best! So many of our amazing mamas are experiencing: ✨Better sleep ✨Less pain and discomfort ✨Improved emotional regulation ✨Better digestion ✨More space for baby to get head down ✨Less pubic pain ✨Improved round ligament tension You are not alone, we are here to help! Send us a DM or follow the link in our bio to schedule your scans! And we want to know, so comment below! 🩷 girl 🩵 boy 💚 surprise baby! #cbusmoms #plaincityohio #grovecityoh #hilliardohio #grovecityohio #plaincity #hilliardoh #choosehilliard #columbusmoms #upperarlingtonoh #614moms #columbusoh #upperarlingtonohio #gallowayohio #pxdocs #icpa4kids #webstertechnique #prentalchiropractic #holisticpregnancy

When it comes to ADHD, parents face these main questions. 👆 And our team at Steadfast Chiropractic won’t stop until we help you find those answers! One resource we have for parents is Neurological INSiGHT Scans. These scans serve as an actual “test” and provide measurements for our doctors that uncover the root cause of neurological dysfunction and imbalance that can drive ADHD. With these valuable tests in hand, we can formulate a drug-free action plan and care plan tailored to your child’s unique needs. It’s all about getting them back on track, especially heading into the upcoming school year! 💪 Want to learn more about INSiGHT Scans and ADHD Testing? Click the link in our bio to find the answers to these three questions. For more information, sign up for our NEW On-Demand Webinar which releases at 12 Noon CST on August 12th! Reserve your spot at the link in our bio NOW! And whenever you need anything, DM us! Our team is always here to help! 💚 #pxdocs #ADD #behaviorstruggles / How to diagnose ADHD / How to test for ADHD #cbusmoms #plaincityohio #grovecityoh #hilliardohio #grovecityohio #plaincity #hilliardoh #choosehilliard #columbusmoms #upperarlingtonoh #614moms #columbusoh #upperarlingtonohio #gallowayohio

If your baby is experiencing episodes of excessive crying, fussiness, and apparent discomfort, but is otherwise healthy and well-fed, they may be struggling with colic. 😳 Colic typically occurs during the first few months of life and can be a challenging experience for both the baby and the parents. So what’s causing this?! One often overlooked factor is the birth process. 🔹 Birth itself is beautiful for both mom and baby! It’s one of the most athletic events you will experience, which can have a profound effect on your baby too. If you experience a challenging or prolonged labor, vacuum, or forceps delivery, it could lead to nervous system dysregulation. 🔹 The mental and physical journey experienced during birth can impact your baby’s ability to self-regulate and cope with sensory stimuli, contributing to colic. Our team uses nervous system scans to help detect the function of your nervous system. When your nervous system is stuck in a stressed out state, it won’t be as adaptable. With each adjustment, we are reducing the stress and tension in the nervous system and creating a more optimal environment for it to function! If you and your baby are struggling through frequent crying/fussy episodes, reach out and our team can help! #holisticmarketinghub #chiroforkids #chiropracticforkids #chiropracticforbabies #babychiropractor #infantchiropractic #newbornadjustment #birthtrauma #birthtraumarecovery #babysleep #babysleephelp #colic #colickybaby #cbusmoms #plaincityohio #grovecityoh #hilliardohio #grovecityohio #plaincity #hilliardoh #choosehilliard #columbusmoms #upperarlingtonoh #614moms #columbusoh #upperarlingtonohio #gallowayohio #pxdocs

Nursing your baby can put a massive strain on your neck, shoulders, and upper back. To ease the tension, here are a few tips: 👶 ✔️ Recline 20 to 30 degrees if possible and always have lumbar (low back) support ✔️ Alternatively, walking during feeding may put less stress on your back ✔️ Stretch! (Some keywords to look for (many stretching videos are on YouTube!): stretches for the trapezius, rhomboids, levator scapulae, chest opening, upper back, etc. ✔️ Regular chiropractic can not only help alleviate the pain but prevent it from happening in the first place. Moms (especially #newmoms) don’t have time to be in pain 😉 #nursingmom #nursingmama #nursinginpublic #nursingmothers #breastfeedingmama #breastfeedingsupport #breastfeedingjourney #breastfeedinginpublic #breastfeedingproblems #breastfeedingisbeautiful #breastfeedingtips #breastfeedingmommy #neckpain #neckpainrelief #backpainrelief #headacherelief #holisticmarketinghub #cbusmoms #plaincityohio #hilliardohio #grovecityohio #hilliardoh #columbusmoms #upperarlingtonoh #614moms #columbusoh #upperarlingtonohio

When it comes to making a baby registry it can be a bit overwhelming! We often think of all the material items that are needed with a new baby. While some of these things are essential, what if we changed the way we view a registry? What if we made this season of change easier for a family? How could we create a community of support for mom, baby and the rest of the family? Let’s be real, it takes a village! We are so lucky to have so many AMAZING resources in Columbus! At Steadfast Chiropractic we want to help support you through the transition into parenthood whether it’s the first time or the fifth. No matter what your needs are, we are here to support you, empower you, and help you find the right fit for your family! Need a recommendation? Shoot us a DM! Ready to see how perinatal chiropractic care can support your pregnancy and postpartum? Call 614-664-3710 to get started today! Experience your family thrive #plaincityohio #grovecityoh #hilliardohio #hilliard #grovecityohio #plaincity #hilliardoh #choosehilliard #columbusmoms #614moms #upperarlingtonoh #columbusohio #grovecity #columbusoh #upperarlingtonohio #gallowayohio #cbusmoms #pxdocs #prenatalchiropractic #postpartumchiropractic #perinatalchiropractic #webstertechnique

If you have any concerns about your baby’s development, trust your mom and dad gut and click the link in our bio to read more. Most importantly, know that you are not alone! Our team would love to hear from you and is always rooting for you and your family! 💚 #pxdocs // #autism // #specialneedsmom // #autismmom // #autisminkids // #pediatricchiropractor // Signs of autism // Autism Awareness Month // Special needs parenting #plaincityohio #grovecityoh #hilliardohio #hilliard #grovecityohio #plaincity #hilliardoh #choosehilliard #columbusmoms #614moms #upperarlingtonoh #columbusohio #grovecity #columbusoh #upperarlingtonohio #gallowayohio #cbusmoms

If only healing was as easy as popping a pill or doing a quick workout... Instead, it sometimes feels like a full-time job with no vacations and working holidays with multiple meltdowns in between!!! 🥵Right when you feel like you’ve experienced some progress, you may see that your nervous system is still in the “release” phase, continuing to unwind from everything that has been stuck in stress for so long. 😣 Neurological healing travels through three stages: 1️⃣Release 2️⃣Rebuild/Reorganize 3️⃣Restore 
It’s okay to be a little bit frustrated with your healing journey. But also give yourself grace and know that the nervous system takes time to heal. Healing isn’t linear. 💚We’ve been there, it’s never perfect, but the other side sure is worth it. DM us if you’re stuck right now and need a word of encouragement. We’re always rooting for you! 👏 #pxdocs // #pediatricchiropractic // #regulatenervoussystem // #nervoussystem // #biohacking // How to regulate my nervous system // Tips for regulating nervous system // #vagusnerve // #breathingtechniques // How to heal my nervous system // healing isn’t linear #plaincityohio #grovecityoh #hilliardohio #hilliard #grovecityohio #plaincity #hilliardoh #choosehilliard #columbusmoms #614moms #upperarlingtonoh #columbusohio #grovecity #columbusoh #upperarlingtonohio #gallowayohio #cbusmoms

When there is too much stress on the nervous system, the brain and body start to become overwhelmed and exhausted, leading to a wound-up and worn-out teenager! It’s hard being a teen in general, let alone when you’re running on E! ⛽️ So what are the next steps?! At Steadfast Chiropractic, our doc team specializes in finding where the nervous system is dysregulated and where to start when it comes to increasing body battery! 🔋With neurologically-specific scans and a customized care plan full of chiropractic adjustments, your teen can be back to conquering all of the homework, extra-curriculars, and still have the energy to love on their family! ♥ #pxdocs // #pediatricchiropractor // #exhaustedteens // Why is my teenager so tired // #adrenalfatigue // How to reduce screen time // How to help my child get more sleep // #stubbornteenagers #plaincityohio #grovecityoh #hilliardohio #hilliard #grovecityohio #plaincity #hilliardoh #choosehilliard #columbusmoms #614moms #upperarlingtonoh #columbusohio #grovecity #columbusoh #upperarlingtonohio #gallowayohio

Take a deeper look at our INSiGHT nervous system scans and how they can give us information on how you or your child's nervous system is functioning! #columbusoh #choosehilliard #hilliardohio #614moms #columbusmoms #PediatricChiropractic #nervoussystem #dysautonomia

You are the most selfless human beings on earth. You are the glue that holds the family together, and keeps the ship from sinking. You’re constantly putting others first and yourself last. Well, here is your sign to take care of yourself too! As a mom, you run “air traffic control: for the family. Keeping school schedules, sports schedules, doctors appointments, homework, and everything in between constantly organized and getting done. And since the nervous system acts as “air traffic control” for your health, hormones, happiness, sleep, energy, and more, so often we find that as moms try to keep up with everything else in life, they forget to keep up with their own health and well-being too. This leads to constant exhaustion, neck and shoulder tension, anxiety and worry, gut issues, hormonal imbalances and more. But here’s the good news mama! We can help! Here’s what other moms report after they get adjusted and begin chiropractic care: - way better sleep and far more energy - way less neck pain, shoulder tension and headaches - far less anxiety and improved stress management It all starts with getting the nervous system checked, which is exactly our specialty at Steadfast Chiropractic! We use some incredible technology that tells us where the stress and tension are stuck within your nervous system. From there we start making the most incredible, energizing, stress-relieving adjustments, turning your constant exhaustion into more energy! Experience your family thrive #momlife #family #columbusmom #columbusmoms #hilliardmoms #614moms #cbusmoms #hilliard #columbusohio #hilliardohio

Steadfast’s mission is to create a space where you and your family feel supported and empowered. We specialize in pediatric, prenatal, postpartum and family wellness chiropractic care. Your nervous system is the master controller of all functions of the body and our goal is to make sure that you are functioning as best as possible. Experience your family thrive #everykidcounts #pediatricchiropractic #prenatalchiropractic #pregnancy #postpartum #everykidcounts #hilliard #columbus #columbusmoms #cbusmoms #614moms #614

We hope you feel empowered and supported at Steadfast Chiropractic! We love loving on our families! Experience your family thrive #columbusmoms #614moms #prenatal #cbusmoms #hilliard #hilliardohio #columbusohio #prenatalchiropractic #pediatricchiropractic #nervoussystem #vagusnerve

The nervous system has 2 parts: 🔸The gas pedal 🔸The brake pedal These are the two “controls” that determine how your child perceives and reacts to the environment around them. The gas pedal is our sympathetic nervous system: 🔹Great for fight or flight mode when confronted with danger 🔹Threatening to the nervous system when stuck on for too long 🔹Too much gas pedal can lead to: ADHD, sensory overload, gut issues, poor immune function 🔹 These symptoms can turn into: brain fog, low energy, fertility challenges, and trouble sleeping in adults if not taken care of The brake pedal is our parasympathetic nervous system 🔹Great for rest and digest mode to calm the nervous system 🔹In charge of moving food through the digestive system 🔹Responsible for regulating the immune system 🔹Slows blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate to promote relaxation and healing in the body Today, most of the world lives with their foot on the gas pedal. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Children can be more adaptable to stress around them. To learn more on how we can help your child, join us for our next FREE Perfect Storm workshop on Thursday August 10th at 6:30pm! Save your seat below! Experience your family thrive #nervoussystem #columbusmoms #614moms #sensoryprocessingdisorder #cbusmoms #hilliard #hilliardohio

Feeling like your kiddo goes from 0 to 100 real quick? All gas and no brakes? We see you, we’re here for you! Are you struggling with things like: 🔸ADD/ADHD 🔸Lack of focus 🔸Meltdowns and tantrums 🔸Chronic sickness 🔸Sensory sensitivities 🔸Behavioral challenges 🔸Anxiety All of these are signs that your kiddo is stuck with the gas pedal on and in that chronic stress mode. Their nervous system is not only stressed but EXHAUSTED too. To learn more about how to help them activate that brake pedal and move out of a state of stress, join us for our Perfect Storm Workshop! Thursday August 10th at 6:30pm right here at Steadfast Chiropractic! We will dive deep into how they get stuck on the gas and most importantly, HOW TO HELP! Seating is limited and we don’t want you to miss out! Save your seat here ⤵️ Experience your family thrive  #columbus #columbusohio #columbusmoms #franklincounty #614moms #cbusmoms #hilliardmoms #upperarlingtonmoms #dublinmoms #adhd #sensoryprocessingdisorder

We say it all the time and it’s just so true, you can’t pour from an empty cup. And if you're anything like the majority of adults out there waking up exhausted, counting down the minutes until your next cup of coffee, just to experience that afternoon brain fog. We have 3 easy “life hacks” just for you! 1️⃣ Avoid the AFTERNOON Caffeine This one can be a toughie and it might take some time to wean yourself off of, but that afternoon cup of coffee has to go! The reason why is the quality of our sleep is affected by caffeine within 8 hours of bedtime. This makes it difficult for your brain and nervous system to shutdown and can even keep them working while you’re asleep. 2️⃣ Limit alcohol and eating close to bedtime (2-3 hours prior) Just like with caffeine, when you eat or drink (alcohol) your liver starts to metabolize it. Even when you fall asleep, your digestive system is hard at work when it should be resting. This also has an impact on your hormones and can lead to less melatonin production, which can prevent you from reaching that deep sleep that your body needs. 3️⃣ Do things that turn on the parasympathetic nervous system. This is the side of the nervous system that tells your body to rest, relax, restore, and refuel. The stress that you experience throughout the day actually does the opposite, it turns on your sympathetic nervous system which means your stress response is stuck ON! Chiropractic adjustments have been proven to help the body to shift between the stress and relax side of the nervous system with ease! If you want to find out what side of the nervous system your body is favoring we’ve got some good news for you! We have technology that can give you the answers! To schedule your own nervous system scans call us at (614) 664-3710 or click the link in our bio! #columbusohio #columbusmoms #614moms #cbusmoms #hilliardohio #hilliardmoms

Shoutout to all the amazing moms out there! Y’all are rockstars (especially mamma Paxton!) and YOU are why Steadfast is here! Come follow along and experience your family thrive #choosehilliard #columbusohio #hilliardohio #614moms #columbusmoms #614family

We are so excited to share more information about the technology we use at Steadfast Chiropractic! Follow us to find out more as we take a look at each one more in depth! #hilliardohio #hilliardmoms #chiropratic #pediatric #perinatal