Moments with Monica

Hi! It’s Monica! I hope you will take some time to enjoy some of the best of life’s moments with me!


…happy midnight Face, or whatever the time is you find yourself reading this..❤️ heads up, this baby is loooonnnggg…🥺

If I said it’s been a rough week, that would kind of be an understatement….Re-opening the death of my niece, questioning my life’s choices and so much more-you could imagine it’s been a rough week…but God is so faithful to reveal, to comfort and to help…

So pretty much everyone knows my niece was murdered in November of 2022 and I became guardian of her precious baby girls, which has been a huge blessing to my life. Challenging, of course, exhausting, you bet, mothering and fathering four girls certainly isn’t for the weak…I stand firm on that! 💕

…but if I’m going to be transparent with this life God has blessed me to share-friends, I have been everything but strong these last few days…

…you know as we drove to Las Cruces, I prayed and cried at the sight of God’s beautiful mountains…and as we sat down for lunch, I couldn’t help but cry again because I knew that this part of the girls lives would soon come to a close. It was a good feeling, but it was also one of wonder, like what’s the purpose God? Surely this wasn’t your plan for my Vanessa, but was this your plan for me? It’s in split seconds of questioning that you can so lose focus and think thoughts that were never meant to be thought….

…reality kind of sunk in, am I truly capable of being a single mom to four girls? Are you sure this is the right life choice-to get divorced and possibly never marry again? Is this really what you have for me God?

…I cried while eating unlimited salad and breadsticks, which served no purpose as I barely had an appetite-bruh, what a waste. 🤣

…and then we headed to the courthouse…where we were met by the amazing Lea County Sherriff Department’s detective, the FBI agent and the Federal prosecutors who have represented Vanessa.

…because Tony cyber bullied Vanessa, (text her God awful texts and threatened to murder her numerous times) her murder was able to be tried in a federal court, being that those are federal charges-not mention Tony was a felon.

…so with that and basically a confession of murder, (which Tony claimed was an accident) a plea deal was given to him and a trial was not necessary. Which I’m so thankful for, even though I wanted a trial in the beginning…

Fast forward to the courtroom…

…we entered and Tony stood there, dressed in a green prison jumpsuit…it was hard to recognize him right away bc he had aged so much!!! I’m talking about dude looking like he was about 50 when he is only like 38!

…his thick glasses hid his eyes and I don’t know of anyone being convicted or murder ever really cracking a smile…so needless to say-I never saw him smile, he looked down most of the time and as the judge opened up the court proceeding….we were given the opportunity to speak to Tony.

…my sister went first, shocking me to my core as she told Tony she forgave him but would never forget what he’s done to her daughter, the one who made her a mother…🥺

…and then the one who made Vanessa a mother went up and spoke…my precious An’Niaha. It was as if the Lord was speaking directly to Tony…her and I had so much of the same things written down to share…so I immediately asked the Holy Spirit to give me different things to say-Niaha had taken my script…🙊

“I forgive you Tony and God loves you Tony, just like my mom would always forgive you and take you back because she loved you…”😭😭😭

I think I may have burst out crying-Montes words could have been spoken about Vanessa and Tony’s relationship. She most certainly always took him back….was it a true love, of course not…but nonetheless it was some type of love….🥺

…and then it was my turn.

And as I reached the podium I asked the judge if I could turn and look at Tony, why, I have no idea until the Holy Spirit all but slapped me in my face with a vision of life…as I spoke and said how I had forgiven him immediately and prayed for him and wished he’d find forgiveness even with himself, I was drawn to his cuffs, his chains and where he’d go back the moment this was all over…

The Holy Spirit said, “You know, you don’t have to be in prison, or in cuffs and chains to be bound by thoughts, sin, and confusion…”

….and I lost it. I knew immediately that I was there not so much to give my should to Tony but to receive from the Father….his timing is perfect!

Fast forward a bit more…

Tony received 25 years in a federal prison for the murder of my niece. He will serve at least 85% and he has no chance for an appeal.

…not to talk bad on my state, but I’m so glad he got a federal sentence over a state sentence because you and I both know how that goes…😔

…I will leave the person who told me this nameless, but they pulled me aside and said, “Monica, I don’t mean to sound heartless, or to make this sound callous, but Tony will more than likely die in prison. Federal prisons are hard, they’re not like the state. They suck the life out of those prisoners through sickness, su***de, and just hard times…it’s not going to be pretty, and 25 years is a long time in federal prison…”

….I was again, left thinking wow, that’s heart breaking…federal prison is no joke-but so are these thoughts that I’ve allowed to suck the life out of me….🥺I knew I had so much to think about on my drive home…

…anywho, at the thought of him dying, I encouraged Tony to repent, to get right with God before Jesus returned and that one day, him and Vanessa could truly be together just as they had always tried and wanted to…but this time as brother and sister in Christ…❤️

Fast forward a lot more…

One chapter of the girls and my life came to a close on March 20th, 2024….and a new one opened! And let’s just say this one has started out with LOTS AND LOTS of questions-which through patience and obedience I’m confident I will receive answers to.

…I’m thankful for God’s goodness, I’m thankful for his mercy and I’m thankful he sent Jesus to give prisoners, captives, thinkers, sinners, single moms, single dads, motherless children, fatherless children, addicts, liars, cheaters, and even murderers, second, third and unlimited chances to be set free through.

You don’t have to be in prison or in handcuffs and chains to be bound by the enemy friends…

But the choice to be free is yours…

I pray that like Tony, you too we’ll find forgiveness in God, forgive yourself and live the abundant life Jesus paid for you to have…❤️

…this concludes my report on not just Tony..but myself as well…


…it wouldn’t be Christmas without a Christmas story right? 🎄☺️❤️

So the other night my husband and I set out to get a few last minute Christmas things, like bows, boxes, LARD, lol-and unknowingly, a much needed Christmas lesson…❤️

As we each shopped for the things we needed from Dollar Tree, I ran into a friend much like I always do and struck up a conversation. Well it was during my conversation that this little boy kept poking his head around the corner and smiling, while waving at me! He held a light up ball in his hands and bounced it occasionally, and looked at me each time he caught it, as if to say “did you see that ma’am?” Lol, I indeed saw and of course as soon as I wrapped up my conversation with my friend, I made my way to the little boy. 👦🏽

By this time I was joined by my husband who immediately struck up a conversation with this little boy as well. We quickly learned his name was “Cheekies!” ☺️

His mom was a few feet away and said, “Get ready to hear our whole life story!” LOL! Little did she know I love life stories and I could listen to them allllll day! ☺️

Cheekies went on to tell us how he thought he might not make it to the good list bc he had been bad this year, lol, and at the asking of my questions-he shared with us that he believed in Jesus Christ and went to Chooselife! He told us he was sad though bc his sister got to go on the bus/van to church but he wasn’t old enough-he was only 4. 🥺

After about 5 minutes of conversation I asked Cheekies if we could bless him with that ball and a few other things he’d like from the store. His response was “heck yea,” and he quickly told his sister, “these people are going to buy me some stuff!” -so naturally, we invited her to shop as well. I took Cheekies by the hand and told him to pick out a few things and he knew exactly what he wanted as he led me to the cars and car tracks! 🚗🏎️

The little girl couldn’t believe that we wanted to bless her, and didn’t even know what she wanted! So I said “You go to kids church right? Maybe a journal and some pretty pens and highlighters to take notes with at church?” ☺️

And she said “How do you know I go to church?”
I responded, “Cheekies told me! And I’m super excited about it bc we go to the same church!” 😍

“You guys go to Chooselife?”😳
“Yeah!” 😍
….her eyes got big, and she smiled at me and she said, “So I’ll get to see you again?” 🥺❤️
(If there was evER a moment that going to Chooselife meant more than anything to me-it was this one.)
“Yes, you will see me again!” 🥰

….they shopped and about 5 minutes later, we guided them to the register and paid for their things, and while waiting in line, we listened to Cheekies talk about how he had on new Chonies bc he had pooped his others the night before…😂…his Dad is bald and he doesn’t know why his oldest Brother’s friend says the same thing over and over….🤣😂

Scarlett, the sister, politely asked if she could get some things for her mom and added them to hers. After cashing out I took them to a corner and prayed with them to have a memorable Christmas and for protection over them and their families, I didn’t want to leave them without covering them with prayer. 🤍

…when it was all said and done, about $20 bucks later, a few tears, and a big smile from my husband-I hopped in my truck and said, “Thank you God for a little boy named Cheekies and a young girl named Scarlett, who you sent to remind me about what Christmas is all about…”🥺❤️

Christmas is about giving…First and foremost the most precious gift we could have ever been given, Jesus….and second, giving to others. No amount, no expectation, not self seeking, nothing. Just giving.⭐️

Making a determination not to max out credit cards, overspend, or feel the need to go above and beyond this Christmas was very hard for me. I’m usually the Mom who makes most of the Christmas list happen…however this year, I wasn’t doing it!! 🙊and part of me was a little sad about it….until Cheekies and Scarlett showed up….❤️had I maxed out cards or been concerned about the gift not being good enough-I would have not been satisfied with giving them Dollar tree gifts…but God changed that so quickly that night…

…there’s no amount of money or gift that compares to making someone happy at Christmas! The gift of love is the most precious one you can give…whether it’s loving your kids, your spouse, your pets, yourself, and especially strangers, I encourage you to love someone out of the ordinary today and tomorrow!

However you’re lead to show that love, do it!
You’ll be so glad you did!! 🎄

Merry Christmas everyone!



Honestly, I don’t think I give myself enough credit for cooking-in fact, I always clown myself for the way I cook! BuT dinner still get’s eaten…☺️

…howeveR, this Thanksgiving I’m doing the conversating AND the cooking! 🤣

What are you doing!?
Cooking? 🥧🥔🦃
OR conversating? 🗣️🎙️
Tell me! ❤️

Happy Saturday Face!


…yo! ☺️hi Face!
I Hope you guys are enjoying the cold weather!
It’s been a week hasn’t it? Orrrrr is that just me!? 😳

….anywho-I feel like this week has lasted foreveR! 🙈
Could I have possibly become someone who lives for the weekend?🤔
…hhhhmmmm, I don’t know, ask me aftER I’ve completed Bible school! 🙊

…not only has this been a long week at work, but it’s been a week period. 🥺

So in preparation for something my family and I are planning this weekend, I went looking through mad digital notes that I took last year-only to keep scrolling and coming across a “Dream” list that I had made in 2019….I opened up the note and couldn’t believe what I was looking at…☺️

Not only was I looking at a place where I was in 2019 but a place where I am 4 years later-and let me tell you how good it was to say wow…I’ve actually accomplished not one, or two but several “dreams” from this dream list! 💕

1. Obviously losing weight was top priority and I’m so thankful I finally sought help to achieve that dream!
2. So I’m not the most physically fit, but I’m way fitter than I’ve ever been and to me, that counts!
3. I haven’t ran one yet-but it’s made it’s way onto my vision board and let’s just say it’s gonna happen! 🏃🏽‍♀️
4. I can now run and not get tired! Seriously so you know how great this is? Soo great! Running comes in handy at softball games, lolololol, and of course when we have so many emotions that you just want to let them out with a good run and yell after you’ve hit your fastest speed eveR! Now I’m not saying I’m a runner, but dream accomplished yo! I can run! 🎉

5. Haven’t started a non profit-but I’m not knocking it off the list!

6. …teaching? Wellll, I’m working on that! ☺️

7. …write a book? Wellll if I told you I was stuck on Chapter 3 of a book I started writing in 2013-would ya believe me…🥺it’s so true, I’ve known God has called me to write not one book, but books! I’ve got stories for daYs bro!

8. I bought a home in 2020! 🥰
9. …podcasting? 🙊 that’s coming soon too!

10. Encouraging my daughter and niece is what I do on a daily…😍especially now!

11. …encouraging my husband is something I have to remind myself to do, but I do it! Like who encourages themselves to encourage their husband…lol, me! 🙊

12. Start a girls Bible study, we’ll do Ari and Miaha count because if so-dream come true! ☺️

13. Starting a women’s Bible study? I may have overachieved on this dream, starting not just a women’s but men’s and women’s book club, not once or twice but three different times! 😆…let’s just say I’m done with that dream for a minute….🤭

…I honestly wondered what I would write about today being that it’s National “I love to write day!” 🥰….like really? Was I going to pass up such a day? …ehhh-nah, not even. 🙂

Stumbling across this dream list wasn’t a coincidence today! I believe God is telling me, or better yet reminding me of the power that comes in having a vision and writing things down….❤️

Habakkuk‬ ‭2‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ //MSG‬‬👇🏽

“And then God answered: “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time.”

‭‭…at the right time is so important! ⏰⌛️

Soooo, Do me favor, actually do yourself a favor and write after you read this, make you a dream list! Seriously , just do it! 🙂

…as silly as it may be to type out “get married” orrrr “lose weight” orrrr “buy a new car”-it’s only going to happen when you put something to it…and the first step is, well, casting the vision for it!

Write it down, making it plain and looking at it often-now YOU have a reason to write on “I love writing day!” ❤️

Okayyy, Goodnight my fellow dreamers! 😴🙂





…SO, are you doing and being who and what God created you to be and do..?

…Umm who opens up their blog with such a question?
Me. I did. 🙂

And If it took you a moment to answer yes, you are probably, not even probably-you are absolutely correct.

If it took you less than a moment to say no, you would also be correct.

…or maybe you’re reading this thinking, well, I really don’t know, and you are also correct.

So many times, as humans-we wander through life unknowingly going through so many emotions, circumstances and situations that cause us to question our place, our purpose and even our existence.

A recent study of People who classify themselves as Christians, revealed that 27% of them believe that God determines what happens to them. This is a very alarming percentage. So Basically, 1 in 4 people believe they are exactly where they are or give credit for what has happened in their life, to God.

Now that can mean anything. It’s a belief that God has placed them in the city they’re in, given them the career they possess, blessed them with the spouse they are married to, and given them the life they’ve experienced. All of course, at the hand of God. To this 27% of Christians, nothing happens that God didn’t determine, to them that is, remember that.

And while no one is entitled to question anyone else’s reasons nor should they require validation of someone’s belief…it makes me wonder, what about the other 73% of people? What about the other 3 of the 4?

Are they questioning who or what has them where they are? Do they they question their place at work, or choice in employers? Do they regret being married to their current spouse or know whole heartedly their spouse was sent to them from God himself? Of these 3 people, what is it in their life that would keep them from saying “I believe that God determines everything that happens in my life?”

The answer is their free will. ❤️

You see, so many times, WE determine where we are at in life based on economic status, our place on the corporate ladder, our marriage status, our ability to produce children, our past and even our future. Of our own free will we choose to be who we are. We chose to marry that man after 3 months of dating, (true and now pay consequences for marrying a stranger! WE chose to make that career move that now requires us to work some weekends, some evenings and holidays, (another true story)…and WE chose to have children out of wedlock, (yet anotheR true story!) and WE will continue to make the choices we make out of our own free will…as long as we continue to be a part of that 73%…

Almost a year ago, tragedy hit my life in a way I would have never expected. Don’t get me wrong, none of us are above experiencing trials or tribulations, but with my whole heart I never thought something could happen that did.

A tragic life event, left me the guardian of not one, or two but three beautiful girls. It brought new challenges to my already somewhat challenged marriage. It brought more financial expenses to a monthly budget that was a little faulty to begin with, it brought new circumstances to have to work my career around, but more importantly, it brought questions out of my heart that I never even knew I had on the inside of me…

God, am I capable of doing this? Am I even who you want me to be right now? How can I be who you want me to be and still deal with all of these things?

I would be lying to a broad audience if I said I had it all figured it out! You see most days I did! Most days were filled with confirmations and prayers of peace, but then on some days, I would run out of energy to take the girls to the park, or didn’t remember to buy milk for cereal, or had to call into work because one of the girls were running a fever. Most days I had a handle on the stress that cooking for a family of six after a 9 hour work day brought! And some days I felt such condemnation for feeding my new babies ramen noodles! Some days were heavenly, as my husband would teach the girls a new skill or sport in the backyard, and other days were awful to hear him yell at them for ruining a new tool of his or myself when they spilt a drink all over the place…

You catch my drift right? Some days you feel or know like everything in life, including your place, and your call is great and everything is hunky dory.. (I know that’s not really a word!) …but what about the days when you question, what on Earth is going on? Who am I right now?

…friends, I have been one of the 3 of those 4 that didn’t know, but I have also been the 1 who knew for certain that where I was and who I was, was absolutely determined by God.

Let me share how I moved in life from being one of the three to the one.

I acknowledged that I was here on Earth for such a time as this. ❤️

*Esther 4:14
“For-if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

…the timing of your birth is very telling. God wanted you on planet Earth in 2023 to use you for a grand purpose! Can you imagine the creator of the universe forming you and saying, “Now this one, I want for this community, doing this job, at this time…”🥺

It’s so tender to me how individual we are all created…❤️
The gifts and talents he places in each one of us to make where we are and what we do, is so, so special! Ya know, it’s almost like he created us in our mother’s womb or something…😉

*Jeremiah 1:5//NLB
“ I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

Secondly, I acknowledged that the choices I had made were exactly what I had wanted to make-some led by peace, or a knowing/confirmation by God and some totally spur of the moment! It’s a little too late now to go back on some of those decisions! LoL! However I truly believe this is where it gets so, so good-when you recognize that you are truly content in life, because you realize that God has and will always have more for you, you remain open to that still small voice that says if they are the same ones for the future, the best is sure to come.

Second part 2-LoL☺️ me, the absolute best Part of being content in life is remaining open to the better or best…
Praying over the people and places, or positions where you currently are and asking God to build upon those or remove them. Sometimes he answers quickly, and sometimes it takes time for him to open new doors bringing new opportunities! It’s never rushed though, and sometimes doesn’t make a lick of sense, but that is where the trust in him comes. Trusting him feels good! There’s peace with the people who he designed to be in your life…there’s peace in that workplace, there’s peace in that position and overall, there’s trust…in God of course. Learning to be at peace and content in every stage of life brings better…Paul said so himself!

*Phillipians 4:11//ESV
“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.”

Lastly, I put him first. You’re probably wondering how do you put him first? Well, it’s easy to do…

Do you attend church regularly? Hearing his word is hearing him. Getting acquainted with the Bible gets you acquainted with how he speaks, God is his word and he never changes! He is speaking through his word, every moment and every minute of existence!

Do you pray? When we pray we offer up our basic needs, concerns and desires to him! You know, the Bible says he’s faithful to hear our prayers, of course when we are in him, and pray according to his word! There is a process that a devoted follower must follow and prayer is one of the most important parts!

Do you desire what he wants above what you want…🥺this is a hard one, because God knows there are things I want, that I know aren’t from him, and saying no is so hard sometimes. Our flesh is weak…however, our spirit is willing!! Oh so willing! 💕

*Matthew 6:33//ESV
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

….being who God has created you to be is a lot easier than some think! I want to encourage you today, to get alone with the Father! Pray about where you are at in life! In your workplace, in your relationship, in your role at home, in your everyday decisions…the list goes on and on!

Being where you are supposed to be and who God has called you to be, ultimately starts with salvation…so my ending question is, are you saved? If you died immediately after reading this, would your spirit be at peace? Would we meet up in heaven at the biggest party we will ever experience? 😃

If you confidently answered yes then you’re ready for more…and if not, you might want to pray this simple prayer…💕

Father God,
I believe with my heart and I confess with my mouth that your son Jesus is the Lord and Savior of the world and that he died on the cross to save my life and forgive me of my sins…Thank You for saving me Jesus! In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

….in conclusion, I guess I can end with answering yes, I am being who God has called me to be…☺️ I am his child most importantly, seeking him in all I do as a wife, a mom, an auntie mom, a daughter and sister, an employee and a friend.
Am I perfect-God No! But above all, there’s no question that where I’m at and what I’m doing is exactly what and where he desires me to be….knowing that he has more for me….in every one of these areas….in his timing…💕

I love you and I hope you are encouraged to soul search as you read this!

…a heads up for the next moment…we’ll dive into purpose a little more-because that my friends is worthy of a looooong moment with Monica! ☺️

Jesus loves you, So so much!
Be blessed!



Hi Facebook!
Happy Saturday! 🙂

Soooo I’m hoping you’re wondering how on Earth you started following moments with me, instead of Rogo Sno!

Well, in a nutshell, I’m great at writing! ✍️
And to be honest, I’m not so great at running a summer business with a full time job! 🫣

…we said goodbye to Rogo Sno in September!
And I said hello again to a desire I’ve pushed away for several years. That desire is of course, writing!

…turning 40 will do something to ya!
Or well at least it should! ☺️

I gifted myself the final idea of, “Who cares who will approve of what I say-because there are those who will enjoy every single word God has deposited in my heart!” Not just that they’ll care, but some will actually need it…❤️

Annndddd soooo-I turned Rogo Sno into Moments with Monica. 👏🏽💕🙌🏽

I am excited to share the peace, hope and most importantly love that Jesus Christ has so generously shown me throughout life in so many precious moments! Hence…moments with Monica, lol!

Be blessed friends and prayerfully-you will take the time to read my blog and be encouraged in each moment…

I love you guys!



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