Isaac White For Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Chief

This campaign is for the people of Akwesasne. The interests of Akwesasronon and Akwesasne are the motivation for this effort. This is the People's Platform.


Congrats to the successful candidate. So it didn't turn out the way we had all hoped but it was well worth the effort. The work doesn't stop here, we can keep working to effectuate the change that is needed. I'll be out there making sure that more people get to know me which was something I knew was going to be hard for me in this campaign. I'll never give up and never stop working to do everything I can to help Akwesasne. Thank you again to all the people who voted for me. We'll be back.


Will all Akwesasronon who are voting tomorrow consider doing our community a favor? Think of what is best for Akwesasne. I've pledged my commitment to open and full transparency. Who is the candidate you have seen and heard that you feel will look out for the future of Akwesasne? Who is committed to hearing the voice of the people and then have your voices and thoughts direct policy that affects Akwesasne? Who is actively working to ensure our elders are heard and respected? Who has made ensuring our children have a safe space to keep them engaged in positive activities a priority? You will make that determination tomorrow and I'm happy that this is in the hands of our community. I will be elated and thankful if you choose me to serve Akwesasne. Collectivism is something I believe vital to our future and tomorrow, no matter the results, I will continue to work on strengthening our collective. It is YOUR voices that are most important so make them heard. I thank all of the people I've talked to personally and all who watched meet the candidates last night. I want to acknowledge and thank all of the people who have worked so hard to start and keep growing this movement based in community consultation and consensus building. This entire campaign process was truly done with many Akwesasronon contributing their minds and voices. I can't express how beautiful it has been to see it come to fruition. We made this happen together and we'll keep it going for change that benefits all of Akwesasne. Niawen Kowa.


Just so everyone knows I take notes on my phone. I swear I wasn't playing games. I had a great time tonight at meet the candidates night. Everyone did a great job and thank you to Akwesasne TV and for everyone who came out and watched live. June 4, 2022 vote Isaac White SRMT Tribal Chief.


Infrastructure is a frequent concern raised as I've been out talking with the community. When I say infrastructure I'm not only speaking of physical infrastructure. The strength and foundation of Akwesasne starts with a council who is in touch with the community. The belief of the community in the ability and willingness of council to build a strong relationship of trust with the community is a major part of our infrastructure. I'm committed to rebuilding that foundational trust and belief in the council. I've also heard and understand that the community wants to see our physical infrastructure strengthened. I believe that within the SRMT there are people working who have the skill and expertise to repair and strengthen our physical infrastructure. We must support those employees with the resources needed to get the jobs done. I have full faith in those folks. I will show the community that I'll put in the work, through resource allocation and communication with those experts, to get our physical infrastructure to community satisfaction. Not just satisfactory but to go beyond their expectations. I'll also show the employees of the SRMT who will use their skills to do the work that I have their back. To community members reading this just know that I've heard your concerns and they will be addressed. To the SRMT employees in all departments, I want you to know that I will support you in your service to the community. It is the understanding I have that both relationship infrastructure and physical infrastructure are critical why I ask you to choose me for council.


Community consultation and communication is a cornerstone of the campaign for my bid to join the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council. I wanted to make this post regarding a situation that occurred recently. I think we can all agree that social media is an excellent way to keep in touch and share information. Social media can also lead to misunderstandings and negative feelings about another person. When that happens, we may find ourselves losing out on opportunities. Opportunities for future working and personal relations that benefit not only those involved but may also benefit our community.

The other day I saw a comment on social media that I understood was about me. This comment caught me off guard because I believed this person and I had a great conversation while I was on the campaign trail. Instead of taking it personally or making assumptions, I reached out to them. We exchanged messages and though it was in written form, I learned the intent and true meaning of the comment. The air was cleared and I learned there was no animosity between us. We both agreed that we had a wonderful talk prior to this situation. We sorted the issue and agreed that no matter the results of the election, we’ll continue to have personal dialogue. From potential animosity there was understanding.

A mutual respect was maintained and strengthened, because we communicated directly, openly and respectfully. No middle man, no social media environment that doesn’t lend itself to nuance and context, and no assumptions about the other person’s intentions. If I hadn’t reached out I may have lost the chance to solidify that relationship and continue discussions with a strong and brilliant Akwesasronon.

As I have said throughout my campaign I pledge to have open and honest communication with all of Akwesasne. What happened recently only strengthened my belief and dedication to this commitment. As I remind myself, I also encourage everyone in Akwesasne to keep the lines of dialogue open with each other. When we see or hear something said about us and we don’t understand where it is coming from, we must communicate and clarify. These are healthy behaviors, and they make our community stronger. When remaining committed to direct and respectful dialogue, every interaction is an opportunity to build or strengthen relationships and understanding. Let’s keep each other strong by talking with one another. Let’s build up unity and our collective through direct, respectful dialogue. Niawen.


Early voting today June 1 and tomorrow June 2 from 6-8 p.m. at the Tribal Building 71 Margaret Terrance. Please get out there and show your support for change and collectivism by voting for Isaac White.


So let's talk about change. I was alerted that a candidate is of the opinion that change is used too frequently in regards to our political campaigns. Guess what? I agree in part. I'll tell you why I agree to a certain extent. When we're talking about change for the SRMT and Akwesasne it is often times said by those who have never shown any inclination or intent to make true change. Why am I different? Because I've already shown through my actions that I'm truly looking to make substantive change. My reporting caused true change in SRMT actions. The MMJ Biopharma deal led to a CHANGE because the deal entered into with a convicted felon for fraud by the SRMT and Tewatahonni was terminated. The secretive manner of giving two acres of land while in the middle of covid was CHANGED because the community was made aware of this action by the reporting I did which informed Akwesasne it was happening. This led to an outcry from the community and that deal was terminated. That is a CHANGE in policy. The SRMT was seeking to enter negotiations with NYS on off territory Cannabis sales. Through the voice of the people that referendum was canceled. While it wasn't my reporting that led to it, I participated in the objection to this idea and saw the power of the people CHANGE this referendum from going forward. That is what I can put forth as proof that when I talk about change, it's not just a convenient clichéd talking point. I've done it and I have done the work I have to help our community. I've not done any of this for personal gain, only in service to our community. The change that matters is what leads to unity and return to collectivism for Akwesasne. I can say I'm looking to make change and back that up with proof. With the work. Let's show the status quo that there is CHANGE coming.


In my travels out campaigning I am frequently asked how much money is paid to the towns and counties from our casino revenue. According to Open Book New York, From The Office Of The New York State Comptroller, I'll share some information with you. This represents the amount we paid to Franklin County, St. Lawrence County, Town Of Massena, Town Of Bombay, and Town Of Fort Covington in 2016-2018.

County Of Franklin
2016 - $2,500,908
2017 - $2,547,323
2018 - $2,554,898
TOTAL 2016-2018 = $7,603,129

County Of St. Lawrence
2016 - $2,429,139
2017 - $2,531,259
2018 - $2,576,172
TOTAL 2016-2018 = $7,536,570

Town Of Massena
2016 - $619,785
2017 - $632,815
2018 - $637,793
TOTAL 2016-2018 = $1,890,393

Town Of Bombay
2016 - $620,207
2017 - $626,083
2018 - $644,068
TOTAL 2016-2018 = $1,890,358

Town of Fort Covington
2016 - $620,208
2017 - $626,084
2018 - $644,068
TOTAL 2016-2018 = $1,890,360

Total Monies Paid Out From OUR Casino To These Entities From 2016-2018 is $20,810,810.

The people wanted information and the movement that is this campaign has provided that. Let's hear what you think about it. I promised I'll be your investigative journalist on the council and this is just an example of what I'll bring to the community.

Also, this wasn't just my effort. This was also worked on by another community member. Grassroots movement means grassroots working together


So I was out knocking on doors earlier and had some great conversations. One thing that I continue to see as a running theme is that there are people who don't want to get involved in our politics because they don't think council listens to them and they don't feel that they're being informed properly. When I heard that it wasn't surprising but I thought of something. I asked if they had heard about the MMJ Biopharma deal that council and Tewatahonni entered into. Right away I saw a light in eyes and they said, "That was you who wrote that article?" I answered yes and the reaction was amazing. I was told I have votes from people who normally don't vote and it's because I have already committed myself to informing Akwesasne what is going on through my writing and they truly believe I will continue that if I'm chosen for the council. I will continue my proven track record of being transparent in a way that quashes the worries of the community they aren't being consulted or informed of what is going on with the SRMT. I urge everyone in Akwesasne who wants to have a sit down to get in touch with me. I'm going out again here in a little while so I hope to chat with as many Akwesasronon as I can. True change can happen if we make it together.


I had a visit with a community member this morning. That conversation reminded me we need to talk about thinking outside the box more often. We have seen the council and many of their trusted advisors stay within the bounds of the box that has led to Akwesasne looking for permission to do things for the community. Why do they do this? I'm not going to speculate because there are a myriad of reasons I can give but does that do anything but keeping us pointing fingers and furthering entrenchment of the box? Let's break outside the box and explore new ways to approach how we think and move away from the strictures that are frequently self imposed. Perhaps you have an idea but don't bring it forward because it's not lockstep with current policies or you think you'll be labeled as too progressive. Let's break that cycle. Be bold, think outside that box, and share your thoughts with me and the people. You can be the catalyst for change, for helping to break our people free from a stagnant policy. I'm very thankful to have had the meeting this morning because I was reminded to encourage Akwesasne to think outside the box. Let's go big, let's share our thoughts and pull free from ways of doing things that don't progress Akwesasne.

Stay connected, stay informed 05/19/2022

Just a couple of days ago I brought to the community's attention the removal of documents from the SRMT Tribal Members Portal. I've let Akwesasne know that consultation, transparency, and access to information for the community are foundational principles for my campaign and will continue to guide my approach to how I conduct myself if I'm chosen for council. Due to the recent revelation that under the leadership of this council information has been denied to Akwesasne, I feel I can prove that consultation and transparency, as well as commitment to sharing information is not a taking point for me. I have made that commitment prior to this run and that is with my reporting. For those who haven't read my articles, I started a journalism site, Footnotes For First Nations when I looked into a deal the SRMT entered into with MMJ BIOPHARMA. I first was alarmed at the proposal the council made to give our transfer station to a non-native for a ma*****na grow. As I did my due diligence and research I uncovered that the man who the council, along with Tewatahonni, made this outrageous deal, is a convicted felon for fraud. In my attempts to get answers from council and tewatahonni, I was stonewalled. Information was withheld by council and Tewatahonni that should have been forthcoming to the community. My message to you today is that I want you to see I am incredibly committed to sharing with the community Information that is critical to our lives. We are seeing yet again the tendency by council to withhold Information that rightfully is the community's. I pledge to you I will conduct myself in terms of transparency and dissemination of information to the community, the way I write my news articles. Out in the open and fully transparent. If you have a question or are seeking out Information, remember that I have shown already my commitment to making sure that Akwesasne has the Information they not only want, but that is rightfully theirs. Consider that I will be your investigative journalist on the council. Knowledge is power and the people are empowered when they are not kept in the dark. I will shed light on the issues you care about. Let's get this done.

Stay connected, stay informed All the news from Akwesasne


I just learned some new information that Akwesasne should be made aware of today. Just a few minutes ago, I made a post about the land claims. In that post I made reference to a document that was shared on the Tribal Members Portal which appeared to show a willingness by council to settle our land claims. Before making the post I went on the Tribal Members Portal to look at the document again. It wasn't there. I just got off the phone with the SRMT communications department. In that conversation I was told that the aforementioned document was removed from the Portal. I was told it was for security reasons. I was also informed there are other documents which have been removed from the Portal. I naturally asked what was removed and was not told what was taken from the Portal. The reason we were told the Portal was so important is so we, as Akwesasronon, could access information. Now we are being denied a chance for easy access to information. Who makes these decisions? Why are the people having more barriers put in place for us to access information? Transparency and Community consultation are issues I have made foundational to my campaign. I'm telling you, the people, that we are now dealing with even more lack of transparency because information that is rightfully ours to access, is now not available as it should be on the portal. This is not what the people should have to endure when the Portal is constantly being touted as a way for us to access documents and information. Look at this Akwesasne, this is why there must be change in this election. I will share absolutely everything with you. It's your right, it's the way we should be treated and respected as the people. I'm very concerned this situation could be used as an excuse to expand the barriers to information accessibility. We need change and I am committing myself to being part of that change.


Let's talk land claims. Following the decision by the U.S. District Court affirming there was indeed a violation of the Non-Intercourse Act, the SRMT Council issued a document to the community which appears to show an interest, by council, to pursue a negotiated settlement for our land claims. In my conversations with community members, the council is not in touch with the feelings and concerns of the community. The people want our land back. I want our land back. I'm ready and wanting, to fight for our land to be returned to our people. I'm looking to hear from more of the people. Do you want the land back or do you want to settle for something that doesn't benefit Akwesasne? We have to stand up together and tell the world we will accept nothing less than our land. I'm not interested in making concessions. My interest is in the will of the people and thus far, the people overwhelmingly want the land back. In order to have that position represented in council, we need a new perspective. This isn't only about a fresh voice on council. It's about the voice of the people truly being represented.


This is a message for the people, specifically our young Akwesasronon. I recently talked with someone who pointed out that most candidates seem to focus on speaking with our elders. Now, I am very close with a lot of totas and I have a good number of supporters who are elders. I've also made it a point to reach out and connect with young people. I'm 40 which is relatively youthful. Lol. While this message is focused to our young people, this campaign is about building a movement of the people as a whole. No substantive change will come unless we join together as a collective to effectuate that change. I want the young people to know that you're a vital part of this movement. The elders who support me tell me all the time they want to see young people come out and make their voices heard. Take action, be bold, be part of something that isn't the status quo. I'm going after the cookout on Saturday from 1-4 p.m. at Beulah Terrances to have a chat with my 16 year old son and his friends. I'm not concerned they can't yet vote. What I'm concerned with is they become informed and engaged with our local affairs. They need to know how the systems work. They need to be taught and encouraged to be involved because they will some day need to take care of these matters. For the people, for our community. Just know that I'm here to talk with everyone and young people are crucial to the future of Akwesasne. Let's keep building this movement back to a collective. I hope to see you all on Saturday.


There will be a cookout from 1-4 p.m. on Saturday May 14th at Beulah Terrances. Please come on out, eat, and have some good conversations. Everyone is welcome and we'll see you on Saturday.


I am incredibly thankful to Andria Cook and Sharon Thompson for nominating me to be a member of the SRMT Council. I've served this community while at the Tribal Court and I've always served and helped in any way I can when called upon. The man I am today has been wholly shaped by my family and this community. I've been nurtured, loved, told to smarten up when I needed to be put on the right path, educated, and encouraged to use my voice and my mind to work for the people. Without the guidance and love Akwesasne has provided me I would not be able to tell you all that I am ready, able, and most of all want to serve our community in the council. This effort and desire to serve you is to give back to the people for all the help I've received on my journey, who is thankful to all of you for shaping me into someone that has received more from the people than I could give back in ten lifetimes. If chosen by the people for this opportunity to serve, it is the people and their voice who will guide me to bringing us back to unity, to the collective of who we are. This campaign is my reciprocation of the love, respect, and gratitude for all of you who have helped me in my journey. Niawen Kowa and let's get it. The time is now for the changes so many are calling out for and I continue my pledge that my only agenda is the people's agenda.


For those in the community who I've spoken with over the past couple of months, I've made it known that the health and well-being of the employees of the SRMT is incredibly important to me and the people who support the campaign. As a Tribal Court employee for five years, I had personal work experiences in the last year of my tenure that were just terrible. There were other employees who shared with me while I was still at the court their stories of a work environment that was harmful to their lives. When I left the court I was approached by other Akwesasronon who had incredibly traumatic experiences. This is a running theme that you in the community know is true. It's not discussed openly because employees are just trying to make a living and keep their jobs. It hurts my heart to have heard so many of these stories and it's unacceptable this culture is ongoing. I'm ready for the refutation of the words I'm writing in this post by some. What I want employees of the SRMT to understand is that I know what too many of you go through in your workplace. I want you to know that if you choose me to be part of the council I will work tirelessly to change completely the work culture and environment. If I'm on the council you will see me regularly. I will go to every department and I will not only focus on speaking with directors or managers. I want to know what is going on for all employees in terms of their job satisfaction and how they view their work environment. You will have no need to worry about sharing with me the things that cause you unhappiness or trauma at work. I will protect and advocate for employees every day. I've been where you are and I stand firm on my pledge that if you choose me for council, we will make a work environment where you find great joy coming to work. I commend all of you for the incredible work you do serving Akwesasne and I say Niawen to you for your commitment to the community.


What do all of you reading this think of having a town hall type gathering for the community and I to discuss the issues important to you? We can continue the movement back to a collective and I'd like to have an open forum that encourages consultation. Together is the way to effectuate change.


I'm writing to share something with the people about my campaign. The people will begin to see campaign signs and flyers and newspaper ads and hear radio ads soon from other candidates. I want you all to know that you will likely not see much of that from my campaign. It's not because I don't want to us because my campaign is completely grassroots. I don't take money from anyone because this campaign is from and FOR the people. Akwesasne does not have to wonder who is funding my campaign because I am not funded by anyone. I've had people offer me funds already and I've politely declined because I want the community to know I have done this with only the people behind me with no monetary interest. Only the voice and will of the people. I also want to show the community that money isn't a requirement to serve the people. I've already let you all know that I will give back to the community the entirety of the major raise the current council has received. That is the spirit of who I truly am as a person and I sincerely hope that you all recognize that. I have let the people who have shown their support for me know that if they wish to make signs or any other sort of campaign information that is ok but with the understanding that I want nothing from them but their support and for their voice and mind to join with me in this effort to make change in Akwesasne. I've been out in the community a great deal in the past couple of months and I will continue that even more going forward. Just know that if you don't see the typical campaign promotion it's not that I don't wish to do that, it's because all I need is your support. If I'm chosen to be part of the council you can rest assured the people will be my allegiance. As a supporter said to me yesterday, "Let's get it."


Let's talk with each other. That's a foundational principle of not only my campaign, but in my life outlook. At the April monthly meeting, I made a motion, that was passed by the people, to extend new business time for future monthly meetings. First, I would like you to know that I put this motion forward with a great deal of consultation with a number of community members. From these conversations with Akwesasronon it became clear there are many community members who feel the time afforded them to speak with council at monthly meetings is very restricted by the format of the monthly meetings. I was asked if I agreed. I did and TOGETHER it was decided I would put forth a motion to address the problem. At this week's work session I heard some consideration of extending the time for new business at monthly meetings. That is a start. I continue to believe that a small extension of time will not be nearly enough. So in my pursuit of more community consultation I will do something different. If chosen by the people to be part of the tribal council, I will hold, at minimum, weekly open forum meetings with the community. We will utilize SRMT spaces for these meetings to facilitate more dialogue between the council and the community. The meetings will not have a format that is restricted by the discretion of council or any other procedural hurdle currently in place at the monthly meetings. These meetings will be free flowing discussions to enhance communication and to give the people more input and transparency. It is my hope that the other council members would take part in these meetings. I think we can work out the issues facing us together, with a mind of unity. The collective is key and I will encourage that if chosen by you to be in the position of SRMT Tribal Chief. This is about, and for, the people.


Just a reminder that we're having a meeting for the community at Cedar View from 5-7. I hope to see you all there. The change can happen with all of us together.


If I'm selected by the people to be part of the council the community will know that I love, respect, and trust our people. Earlier I was a bit disheartened to see some comments from srmt officials that were unkind and accusatory against our people due to the "leak" of information to a reporter about the land claims. My heart was uplifted just a few minutes ago. I was talking to a young Akwesasronon, my cousin in fact, and his attitude made my day. He was so positive in his belief in our people and the goodness of our community that the negativity I saw earlier just melted away. He even said that he wants to engage in tribal meetings and learn how things work in our politics and affairs. I now have a young person who is going to accompany me to meetings and is committed to our future. I'm so proud of this young man's uplifting attitude and willingness to get involved. I'm also incredibly thankful that he helped bring my mind back to a good place. You never know when, or who, will bring hope and light to your day. I'm thankful to be Akwesasronon, grateful to live in Akwesasne and be surrounded by our people.


Although I think it would be preferable for people to not share internal information I would like to share some information with the community. At this point the people don't know how the internal information regarding the land claims got into the hands of the journalist who published the article concerning the Tribal Councils strategy going forward on the land claims. What I want you to know is that there was a non-member in attendance for the members only meeting regarding the decision of the court concerning our land claims. When attending meetings I take notes and when in Zoom meetings I always look at who is in the meeting. I made a note to ask why this non member was in the meeting. In doing my due diligence, I spoke with that individual and they confirmed their attendance in a tribal members only meeting. I ask you all to consider that there are numerous possibilities as to how the information was disseminated. There are also a number of individuals who have access to the information on the portal. I understand the concern of our private information being shared to non members. I have spoken with a tribal council member a bit on this issue and it appears there will be an investigation into what happened. I just want to inform the people there are many people with access to our information and we must not descend into finger pointing or punitive actions. The goal of my campaign is to unify the people and instead of seeking to cast a suspicious gaze amongst ourselves, let's bury those ideas to never be dug up. More important to me is that we, as Akwesasronon, discuss the strategy for the land claims TOGETHER. We can show our strength and our commitment to the land and our future generations with consultation and community input.

We respectfully remind individuals that the Tribal Members Portal was created to enhance transparency and communication with membership. The information made available on the portal is meant solely for tribal members; so we kindly ask that you respect its sensitivity by not disclosing, copying or sharing with media/reporters or non-members. For any questions pertaining to its content, including suggested additions, please contact the Communications Department at (518)358-2272 or email [email protected].

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