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Nick Bowie HD Productions

Insectare has as a purpose seeking the replacement of protein in animal feed by using the black soldier fly as a circular, natural and sustainable protein.


The global Black Soldier Fly market research provides predicted growth, salient evaluation for changing market dynamics, market driving forces, constraints, current trends in the target market, and market obstacles. This research provides systematic and segmented analysis gathered from reputable and legitimate sources to meet all of the client’s needs. The global Black Soldier Fly market research study focuses fully on global values for the current year and likely projection.


Black Soldier Fly Market Overview With Demographic Data And Industry Growth Trends 2021-2028 – Energy Siren Black Soldier Fly Market Overview With Demographic Data And Industry Growth Trends 2021-2028 “ The global Black Soldier Fly market research provides predicted growth, salient evaluation for changing market dynamics, market driving forces, constraints, current trends in the target market, and marke...

El francés y el belga que usan en el país una mosca para producir alimento para animales 11/16/2021

El galo Julien Laurençon y su socio François Nolet crearon Procens, un emprendimiento a partir de la crianza y alimentación con desperdicios de larvas provenientes de la mosca soldado negra

“Era un sueño al inicio pero hoy es una realidad”. Con ese sentimiento, el francés Julien Laurençon habla de su emprendimiento Procens, que creó dos años atrás con su socio belga François Nolet.

Con un mismo espíritu, los dos europeos se encontraron a mediados de 2018 en la ciudad cordobesa de Colonia Caroya y decidieron comenzar un proyecto de economía circular. En este contexto, a partir de la crianza de larvas provenientes de una mosca llamada soldado negra, orientaron un emprendimiento alimenticio para animales. El año pasado consiguieron una inversión de US$200.000 y para mediados de diciembre de 2021 terminarán con una ronda de inversión de US$1,5 millones.


El francés y el belga que usan en el país una mosca para producir alimento para animales El galo Julien Laurençon y su socio François Nolet crearon Procens, un emprendimiento a partir de la crianza y alimentación con desperdicios de larvas provenientes de la mosca soldado negra

Circular economy introduction - Overview 11/13/2021

We must transform every element of our take-make-waste system: how we manage resources, how we make and use products, and what we do with the materials afterwards. Only then can we create a thriving circular economy that can benefit everyone within the limits of our planet.

A way to transform our system

The circular economy gives us the tools to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss together, while addressing important social needs.
It gives us the power to grow prosperity, jobs, and resilience while cutting greenhouse gas emissions, waste, and pollution


Circular economy introduction - Overview A circular economy eliminates waste, keeps products and materials in use and regenerates our natural world.

Black soldier flies' 'ferocious eating' turns pig poo into agricultural fertiliser 11/12/2021

Insect larvae are being recruited by the millions to turn dirty and smelly waste from livestock industries, including pork and poultry, into stable and effective agricultural fertiliser.

A trial to feed manure from piggeries, chicken and other livestock farms to the larvae of black soldier flies is showing promising results.

Untreated manure produced by the 500,000 pigs grown in Australia each year is rich in nutrients, but it's not safe to use on all food crops.


Black soldier flies' 'ferocious eating' turns pig poo into agricultural fertiliser Researchers are testing the effectiveness of insect larvae in transforming manure from commercial piggeries and chicken farms into versatile fertiliser.

The cow in the room: why is no one talking about farming at Cop26? 11/09/2021

“The cow in the room is being ignored at this Cop,” says Carl Le Blanc of Climate Healers. “Animal agriculture has been taken off the agenda and put on the menu.”

Le Blanc was one of a number of campaigners who joined climate marches on Saturday in Glasgow to demand action for a new sustainable food system. They fought strong gales to make their point with four giant inflatable animals tethered on ropes above their heads or strapped to the ground.

Each symbolised a different problem of the livestock industry: a 40ft cow for methane, a chicken for Covid and health, a fish for microplastics, and a pig for obesity.
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The cow in the room: why is no one talking about farming at Cop26? Sustainable food systems are a cornerstone to cutting emissions but have been largely absent from the agenda in Glasgow

Does the use of full-fat insect meal in their diets support gut function and growth of weaned piglets? 11/08/2021

Does the use of full-fat insect meal in their diets support gut function and growth of weaned piglets?
The inclusion of black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) in feed for pigs reduced the relative abundance of Lactobacillus in the colon, but did not affect the animal’s overall performance, finds a Norwegian study.

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Does the use of full-fat insect meal in their diets support gut function and growth of weaned piglets? The inclusion of black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) in feed for pigs reduced the relative abundance of Lactobacillus in the colon, but did not affect the animal’s overall performance, finds a Norwegian study.

Ghent students win prize for insect-based pet food 11/06/2021

Two students from Ghent have won a prize at Expedition DO!, the start-up programme of Ghent University, for developing insect-based pet food.
Animal feed is generally made from chicken and beef, among other things, but the two students told VRT that their goal is to find a more environmentally friendly way to produce pet food.


Ghent students win prize for insect-based pet food "Insects are a sustainable alternative to meat and dogs won't taste the difference," say the entrepreneurs. They hope to see their sustainable dog food on shelves in March.


Industrial protein production using black soldier fly larvae - Innovation Origins - Innovation Origins a través de

Thai Union Announces Investment In Insect-Based Pet Treat Firm | ESM Magazine 11/03/2021

The Thailand based start-up produces sustainable pet food and pet treats based on insect protein under the Laika brand.
The insect protein is sourced form black soldier fly larvae, which are raised on a diet of pre-consumed food waste, in line with Thai Union's circular economy principles.

Prior to the investment, Orgafeed took part in Space-F, a global
food-tech startup incubator and accelerator initiative, co-founded by Thai Union in 2019.

According to Thai Union, the investment will support the future growth of its pet care division, now known as i-Tail, and is in line with the business' ambitions to improve the nutritional aspect of its products.


Thai Union Announces Investment In Insect-Based Pet Treat Firm | ESM Magazine Thai Union has announced that its Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) Fund has made an investment in Orgafeed, a producer of insect-based pet treats. The Thailand...

El hidrógeno verde es lo último en tecnología para limpiar el planeta 11/01/2021

El calentamiento global y los compromisos para reducir el consumo de combustibles fósiles están ampliando el mercado para las energías limpias. De todas ellas, el hidrógeno verde se está convirtiendo en la fuente de energía que puede contribuir a descarbonizar el planeta más rápido.

Muchos están familiarizados con las energías eólica y solar, pero pocos conocen en profundidad el hidrógeno, explica Alicia Taylor, quien gestiona inversiones en infraestructura y energía en el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID).
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El hidrógeno verde es lo último en tecnología para limpiar el planeta La electrólisis permite obtener hidrógeno con energías renovables. Su gran potencial atrae inversiones. Ecuador da sus primeros pasos.

Entocycle's insect farm is proof that flies can be bug business 10/30/2021

Insect farming startups were flying high last month as the EU gave the regulatory go-ahead for insects to be used as food for pigs and poultry, unlocking a huge potential market in animal feed. Many expect UK regulators, which permit insects only as pet and fish feed, to follow suit.

The timing is good for Entocycle, Britain’s biggest startup in the sector. It recently converted its London research lab into its first commercial site to start producing grub for the pet industry. It is raising a £22m Series A, of which £5.2m is already secured. And early next year, it will start building a large-scale farm in Scotland to sell insects to industrial animal feed producers in large quantities.

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Entocycle's insect farm is proof that flies can be bug business London-based insect farming startup Entocycle wants to be first out of the gate when Britain allows insects to be used as animal feed

Kennedy: Agribusiness and black soldier fly larvae 10/28/2021

The black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) isn’t particularly glamorous, sometimes described as wasp-like without the sting. But whole factories are being built around the insect to produce a protein-rich feed additive for farm-raised animals and fish.

The latest one, the world’s biggest, will rise in central Illinois adjacent to Archer-Daniels-Midland Co.’s corn-processing complex in Decatur. The owner/operator will be InnovaFeed, a French biotech company that already has two factories devoted to black soldier flies and projects 10 others by 2030.

The Illinois plant will be Innova’s first venture outside France. There, it will grow and harvest black soldier fly larvae to produce dry feed additive, oil additive, and frass, or fly waste, used as a soil fertilizer.

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Kennedy: Agribusiness and black soldier fly larvae The black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) isn’t particularly glamorous, sometimes described as wasp-like without the sting. But whole factories are being built around the insect to produce a protein…

Black Soldier Fly meal proves valuable in shrimp diets - All About Feed 10/23/2021

A recent trial set out to determine the effect of replacing anchovy fishmeal with Black Soldier Fly meal in whiteleg shrimp diets. The results revealed that not only was the Black Soldier Fly meal more cost-effective, but the shrimp performed better, too.

According to Nutrition Technologies, the company headquartered in Singapore and which conducted the study in Vietnam, “This demonstrates the clear potential for commercially-farmed insects to replace traditional animal feed ingredients, such as fishmeal, which are commonly seen as unsustainable.”


Black Soldier Fly meal proves valuable in shrimp diets - All About Feed A recent trial set out to determine the effect of replacing anchovy fishmeal with Black Soldier Fly meal in whiteleg shrimp diets. The results revealed


Some random facts about


On 16 October 1945, the United Nations founded the Food and Agriculture Organization.

To commemorate this day, countries around the world annually celebrate World Food Day on 16 October.

The FAO is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to achieving food security for all. World Food Day has adopted a different theme each year in order to highlight areas that need a common focus.

Many of the themes revolve around agriculture, “because only investment in agriculture, together with support for education and health, will improve the situation.”

One of its goals is to progress toward zero hunger and to highlight the world’s commitment to ending world hunger by 2030.

Destructive insects produce high-value products from biowaste 10/13/2021

European researchers and industries are putting insects to work—from termites that destroy wooden buildings to insect larvae that are star "p**p" composters. Packaging, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and animal feed are just some of the products they are beetling away to make for us.

Destructive insects produce high-value products from biowaste

More people are eating bugs – but is it ethical to farm insects for food? 10/11/2021

Insect farming is a rapidly growing industry, with hundreds of companies worldwide rearing insects at industrial scales. The global value of insect farming is expected to surpass US$1.18 billion by 2023.

Farmed insects, or “mini-livestock,” refers to insects such as crickets and mealworms raised for the sole purpose of being sold as food or animal feed.

These are not the fried tarantulas on a stick hawked to tourists or scorpion lollipops sold as novelties. High-protein insect powder can be used in foods from breads to buns, pasta and protein bars. Such products are already available in countries including the U.S., Switzerland and Finland.

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More people are eating bugs – but is it ethical to farm insects for food? Insect farming is growing in popularity as an alternative to traditional livestock and feed production. A scholar evaluates what that means in terms of trillions of insect lives.


Call it protein on the fly, on the shuffle or on the crawl. Insects are the future of food, offering a choice that is healthy for people and the planet as the world battles malnutrition and climate change.In the insect kingdom, there is something to please every palate.

From crunchy crickets (Acheta domesticus) and tangy termites to wacky mopane worms (Gonimbrasia belina) and glorious grubs, insects are hopping on the global menu as a nutritious food source in an increasingly hungry and underfed world. Insects are credited with delivering higher levels of protein than other animal products.

There is income to be made from insects, too. Smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs in Africa are gathering, processing and farming insects for a new and growing food and feed market.


Yora debuts first cat food with insect protein 10/08/2021

WARNINGLID, UNITED KINGDOM — Yora Pet Foods has entered the sustainable cat food market in the United Kindgom with the launch of its first-ever complete-and-balanced formula featuring insect protein. According to the company, this product contains “the highest insect content of any cat food on the market” today at 62.5%.
The company launched a line of dog food and treats in 2019 and is now extending its sustainable pet nutrition philosophy to cats. The diet, Yora Complete for Adult Cats, is formulated with insect flour from black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae supplied by Protix, an insect ingredient producer based in Holland.

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Yora debuts first cat food with insect protein The company claims the diet has the highest insect protein content of any other cat food on the market.


Like.. for real!!!🤣

Project using black soldier flies to break down food waste set to expand in Tampines 10/06/2021

Known as Sustainability @ Tampines Park, the community-based initiative is a circular ecosystem with a black soldier fly facility, a vertical high-tech farm for vegetables such as lettuce and nai bai, as well as a tilapia fish farm.

Project using black soldier flies to break down food waste set to expand in Tampines SINGAPORE - An initiative in Tampines Park to convert food waste into nutrients for use in vegetable and fish farming is set to be extended to other parts of the town.. Read more at

Fly larvae can replace soybean meal in pigs 10/05/2021

Interest in insects as food and feed has increased dramatically over the last decade. Black soldier fly larvae are potentially a more suitable and sustainable protein source as they can be grown on waste and residual streams from food production, say the researchers at Wageningen University and Research and Leiden University in the Netherlands.

They conducted a trial to determine the effect on pigs fed black soldier fly larvae compared to soybean meal.
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Fly larvae can replace soybean meal in pigs Black soldier fly larvae can replace soybean meal as a protein source in the feed of growing pigs.

Black Soldier Flies Show Potential as Source of Antimicrobial Compounds 10/01/2021

Black soldier flies live in decomposing, bacteria-rich organic material such as manure, and they are a promising subject for antibiotics research because living in a bacteria-rich environment demands a potent immune system.

Daniela Alvarez and colleagues from an international research team from Peru and France based at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia have isolated small amino acid chains called peptides from black soldier fly larvae, and they’ve discovered that several of the peptides had strong anti-H. pylori activity. Their research was reported in December 2019 in the open-access Journal of Insect Science.

Black Soldier Flies Show Potential as Source of Antimicrobial Compounds A study by researchers in Peru and France has isolated four peptides from larvae of the black soldier fly that display antibacterial properties.


FAQs About the regulations regarding the use of in animal feed

Q2: Are insects intended to be used in animal feed considered as feed? What type of feed is it?

Insects intended for animal feed, whether they have been wholly or partially transformed or not, are considered feed. This means that they can be used in animal feed as long as they comply with all the legislation applicable to this type of feed.

According to Article 24 of Regulation (EC) No. 767/2009, the following are considered raw materials for feed:

a) "living terrestrial invertebrates"

b) "dead terrestrial invertebrates"

At the same time, dead insects are considered "animal by-products" for the purposes of Regulation (EC) No. 1069/2009, and must be subject to the requirements established in this regulation before they can be used for animal feed.

Local start-up creates shrimp feed with black soldier flies, sets up pilot R&D site 09/29/2021

A Singapore-based start-up, Inseact, has been leveraging the voracious appetite of the black soldier fly to create protein-packed nutrients for shrimp feed and fertiliser for plants.

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Local start-up creates shrimp feed with black soldier flies, sets up pilot R&D site SINGAPORE - A Singapore-based start-up, Inseact, has been leveraging the voracious appetite of the black soldier fly to create protein-packed nutrients for shrimp feed and fertiliser for plants.. Read more at


Peat is one of the most commonly used potting soil ingredients. Harvesting from peat lands however, has several negative implications to the environment as
this visual by IUCN indicates. Interestingly, research highlights the suitability of black soldier fly (BSF) frass to replace peat in potting spoil applications.


Before business and government leaders convened last week in New York City for Climate Week, the United Nations warned that emissions pledges are falling unacceptably short of the ambition required to avert climate catastrophe. As the natural world reaches irreversible tipping points and we rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic, the circular economy presents an unparalleled opportunity.

Simply put, the circular economy is a model in which waste and pollution are designed out of the system. The idea takes inspiration from the elegance of nature’s cycles and the wisdom of Indigenous worldviews. Put into action, every object we use is either refurbished, disassembled to be reused, recycled into a new high-value product, or composted. When virgin materials are needed, regenerative and sustainably managed resources are prioritized.

Examples of the circular economy are now emerging everywhere: from major companies repairing electronics and individuals mending clothes to buildings designed for disassembly and materials’ reuse.

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UK government urged to develop financial support for insect cultivation.

Tesco WWF WWF España


Very interesting application of for the industry

"Fighting Brettanomyces with Chitosan"


, and impacts of a circular economy up to 2050: A meta-analysis of prospective studies.


, and impacts of a circular economy up to 2050: A meta-analysis of prospective studies


The puzzling mitochondrial phylogeography of the black soldier y (Hermetia illucens), the commercially most important insect protein species.


Bill Gates Predicts That 50% of Business Travel and 30% of Office Life Will Disappear in the Post-Covid-19 Era.


Manure pretreatments with black soldier fly Hermetia illucens L. (Diptera: Stratiomyidae): A study to reduce pathogen content.


The right to adequate and waste-free food
A third of the food grown is lost every year, that is, 1.3 billion tons of food, which would be enough to feed 2 billion people in the world and negatively affect climate change, poverty and trade.


Insect Farming: The Industry set to be Worth $8 Billion by 2030

The farming is set to grow at a rate of 27.8% annually, providing cheap, sustainable animal feed – and even protein for human consumption.


Full-fat BSF larvae meal and paste in extruded diets for Atlantic salmon: Effect on physical pellet quality, nutrient digestibility, nutrient utilization and growth performance


To fulfill the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN requests the catalytic effort of private investment. We cannot fail and we will not fail. We want to do it from science, supporting entrepreneurial projects of impact, betting on a natural diet, believing that is possible.

"Complying with the UN sustainable development goals in terms of sustainable food is what motivates each of the links in the food chain to responsibly manage the resources and food obtained from production, but more than a challenge , has become a necessity.

As the UN points out, if the world population reaches 9.6 billion in 2050, we would need 3 more planets to maintain the lifestyle that we have followed to date.

We understand sustainable food as that obtained taking into account its environmental impact in any part of the process: from animal welfare, to how food is distributed, always promoting local products.

Sustainability is already part of the roadmap of the agri-food industry and in this sense, research takes on a special role. "


The Sustainable Development Goals of the constitute by themselves a roadmap, a common thread that can help us to reestablish the priorities for a sustainable recovery in a historical moment

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