
Ohana - The spirit of Aloha & the power of Ikaika


👉🏽During these days we will be presenting the different ⛩️IKJO Masters🥋 who will be at the International Gathering in Portugal🇵🇹 in May 2022.

👉🏽Today we present the 8th:



Now is the time🥋🌎⛩️



KENJU... Un nuevo arte marcial❓
Una nueva organización❓
Un nuevo fundador❓
Un nuevo Gran Maestro?❓
➡️La respuesta es NOOOOO

Aquí te explico lo que es KENJU International🥋⛩️ :

KENJU es una metodología de enseñanza de las artes marciales que enseño, centrada en mi experiencia diaria de 40 años en el Tatami, aprendiendo, compartiendo y como docente.
Digamos que una forma de entrenar, aplicar y entender la parte práctica y útil, tanto física como mental.

A todo esto, tenemos que añadir la experiencia que con los años, han ido adquiriendo todos nuestros cinturones negros y demás estudiantes, en sus estudios y profesiones, de esta manera, KENJU-PRO STUDIO & LAB, es un soporte para profesionalizar nuestro método, en el que contamos con expertos en Psicología , Educación Física, Fisioterapia, Sanitarios, Comercio Internacional, Profesionales de la Seguridad, Pedagogía, etc.....

Entonces la Metodología de Enseñanza de nuestras artes marciales, el apoyo a nuestros Docentes y Escuelas, tanto a Nivel Nacional como Internacional, consigue actualizarse y adaptarse a la sociedad actual, con un pilar de base muy importante:

Así conseguimos que nuestra enseñanza sea útil a la demanda de cada persona. Unos necesitan mejorar sus habilidades y condición física, otros se centran en la competición deportiva, otros mejorar sus conocimientos y recursos en el campo de la seguridad privada, superación personal, etc...

Así desarrollamos KENJU en varias Áreas o Pilares Especificos:
1)Preparación Física Aplicada.
2)Artes Marciales Tradicionales
3)Artes Curativas y Saludables
4)Especialización en Bullying /Acoso Escolar.
5)Empoderamiento y Defensa Para la Mujer.
6)Defensa Profesional (para los cuerpos de seguridad)
7)Deporte de Competición.
8)Entrenamiento Adaptado e Inclusivo.

Cómo veis, nuestros 8 pilares del OCTÓGONO se adaptan a las necesidades y la sociedad en la que vivimos, centrándose en la salud y felicidad de las personas. De esta forma conseguimos cumplir el objetivo para el que se desarrollaron desde antaño las artes marciales.
LA SUPERACIÓN ANTE LA ADVERSIDAD que es uno de los dos significados de la palabra KENJU.
Pero eso queda para otro post.

KENJUst Life 😉🥋


Today a legend has passed away, Sifu Taky Kimura, one of Bruce Lee's original students.
Kimura was the first assistant instructor in the first Bruce Lee kwoon in Seattle.
Our respects and condolences. Rest in peace.

Photos from Ohana's post 12/19/2020

[EN] 1939 Mokuroku delivered to Professor Estes by Professor Okazaki, as you can see, the arts of Kenpo already appeared in Mokuroku and also before 1939.
KODENKAN was the first mixed martial arts school in Hawaii.
Okazaki was the key to open trainings of various systems in the West.

[ES] 1939 Mokuroku entregado al Professor Estes por el Professor Okazaki, como veis, en el Mokuroku ya aparecían las artes del Kenpo y también antes del 1939.
KODENKAN fue la primera escuela de artes marciales mixtas en Hawaii.
Okazaki fue el hombre que abrió la llave del entrenamiento de varios sistemas en Occidente.

Photos from Ohana's post 12/15/2020

[EN] 30 years ago, the first funeral of FSGM Ed Parker was in Hawaii, with the presence of these Great Hawaiian Kenpo Masters. The Spirit of Aloha.

[ES] Hace 30 años el primer funeral del FSGM Ed Parker fue en Hawaii, con la presencia de estos Grandes del Kenpo Hawaiiano. El Espíritu de Aloha.


[EN] In Memory of FSGM Ed Parker, 30 years after his passing.

[ES] En Memoria de FSGM Ed Parker, hace 30 años de su fallecimiento.

Photos from Ohana's post 12/11/2020

1922- Jiujitsu in Hawaii
1951- Kenpo - Jiu jitsu Kara-te Methods
1951- Professor William Chow was 5th Dan
1952- Jiu jitsu - Kenpo - Kara-te Methods
Professor William Chow was designated 6th Dan
1959- Hawaii is proclaimed as the 50th state of the United States of America.
*In the late 1951, this photo was written with names and degrees many years later and it is wrong. In that picture, Professor Chow was 5th Dan, and Keawe, Yamaguchi, De la Cruz, Oshiro, Lowe, Joe and Adriano Emperado were 1st Dan.

1922- Jiujitsu en Hawaii
1951- Kenpo - Jiu jitsu Kara-te Methods
1951- Professor William Chow era 5°Dan
1952- Jiu jitsu - Kenpo - Kara-te Methods
Professor William Chow fue designado 6°Dan
1959- Hawaii es proclamado como el estado n°50 de los Estados Unidos de América.
*Finales de 1951, esa foto está escrita con nombre y grados muchos años después y no está bien, en esa imagen, Professor Chow era 5°Dan, y Keawe, Yamaguchi, De la Cruz, Oshiro, Lowe, Joe y Adriano Emperado eran 1°Dan.


[EN] Hau Oli La Hanau, Professor Arnedo.
Professor Arnedo is one of Masaichi Oshiro's oldest sempai. He accompanied the Professor as Senpai in classes and seminars.
Happy Birthday Professor Arnedo🌺🎂

[ES] Hau Oli La Hanau, Professor Arnedo.
El Professor Arnedo es uno de los sempai más antiguos de Masaichi Oshiro. El acompañaba al Professor como Senpai en las clases y seminarios.
Feliz Cumpleaños Professor Arnedo🌺🎂


1941/12/08 El día después.
El día más triste de la historia del Hawaii moderno, después de que el día anterior los japoneses atacaran Pearl Harbour, el día que miles de personas lloraran a sus seres queridos y que muchos cientos de miles, desde el continente, vieran la tristeza de esta gran tragedia. Una tragedia que cambió el rumbo de la historia, de las armas y de las guerras. Ese día los japoneses despertaron a las bestia americana,que decidió así entrar de lleno en la IIWW.
Ese día empezaron dos cosas, por una parte la ciencia militar, a buscar una forma de inflingir un gran daño al enemigo, que se vería hecho realidad en las dos Bombas Atómicas que fueron lanzadas sobre Hiroshima y Nagasaki.
Ese día un nativo Hawaiiano de padres Japoneses decidió alistarse en la guardia territorial. Ese hombre era James Mitose.
Aquí, si digo aquí, empieza también Mitose a plantearse enseñar artes marciales. El día 8 cubre su solicitud para la Guardia Territorial que es aceptada el día 10. Varios meses después fue lincenciado. Es ahí ya en 1942 cuando en la Misión Beretania se empieza con las clases del grupo de James Mitose.
Algunos dicen y escriben que enseñó en Hawaii desde el 1937/38,y también al Rotc, esto no ha podido ser verificado. El Rotc se fundó en Hawaii en el 1936 y no hay ningun documento que pruebe la existencia de estas lecciones,en sus archivos.
Antes de esto, en Hawaii ya se enseñaba Karate Kenpo,y en la escuela de Okazaki ya existía un sección del mismo. De ahí la razón de que Mitose usará el termino Kenpo Jiujitsu.
Antes de 1942, no existe ningun documento, archivo o testimonio que haya dado veracidad a que anterior a esa fecha exista alguna historia del arte de James Mitose.


Okazaki dojo Kodenkan.


[EN] Professor Tommy Morita, Masaichi Oshiro's Kenpo student, with Shoshin Nagamine, Grandmaster of Okinawa Kenpo Karate

[ES] Professor Tommy Morita, alumno de Masaichi Oshiro en Kenpo, con Shoshin Nagamine, Gran Maestro de Okinawa Kenpo Karate


El Espíritu de Aloha siempre unió a los grandes Maestros y personas.
*Olohe Solomon Kaihewalu "Hawaiian Lua"
*Senior the Seniors Professor Paul Yamaguchi "Hawaiian Kenpo Jiujitsu".


Clase del Professor Sam Luke Sr., Hawaiia Old School


Una bonita imagen, el espíritu de Aloha.
Ming Lung, Joe Halbuna, Tony Ramos, Al Novak


Happy Birthday to Professor John Chow-Hoon. Professor Chow-Hoon was one of the Co-Founders of Jujitsu America.

Martial Arts Bio:
Born March 5, 1927 in Kipahulu, Maui, Hawaii, the youngest of 13 children born to Hoon Chow and his mother Lily Malualani Kiha. Professor John (Ah Chin) Chow-Hoon got his first taste of the martial arts after his family moved to the island of Oahu, to a house on Queen St. in the town of Kakaako, close to a Japanese school. This school offered judo and kendo to any student who was interested.

Every chance he got he would watch those classes and became more and more interested with the martial arts. Finally, a friend and school mate asked him to join in. Being small for his age, he was placed in the judo class. His instructor at that time was Yukiso Yamamoto. Eventually, they both heard about Prof. Henry S. Okazaki’s dojo, where they would train on Saturday mornings. The rest of the time he was sent to train at the Kaheka dojo under the supervision of Bing Fai Lau and Sig Kufferath.

Along with regular classes, Prof. Chow-Hoon was sent to study long-life massage at Prof. Okazaki’s Nikko Sanitarium. There were several people he admired that were skilled in long-life massage: people like John Cahill, Jerry Turatani, Moses Pang, Bill Costa, Boyd Andretti and others.

While studying Danzan Ryu Jujitsu at the Kaheka lane dojo, Prof. Chow-Hoon was also studying the art of Koshoryu Kenpo with his brothers William and Frank. When his brother Prof. William (Kwai Sun) Chow graduated from James Mitose’ school of Kenpo Jujitsu, he opened his dojo at the Chow home. When Prof. Chow-Hoon’s father left Hawaii to go back to China, Prof. Chow took everything out of the house and knocked down a couple of the walls, including a piano shop next door in order to transform their home into a regular dojo. William would later open up schools on Young Street, at the Kapahulu Japanese school and latter on at the Nuuanu YMCA.

Prof. Chow-Hoon received his shodan in Kenpo in 1943 along with Prof. Simeon Eli and several others. In attendance at his promotion were his friends Charlie (Prof. Toru Tanaka) Kalani and Arthur Lyman both of whom would later become famous in the entertainment business.

Many good students came out of the Kenpo school at the Nuuanu YMCA, Bill Chun, Manuel Dela Cruz, Paul Yamaguchi, Bobby Lowe, Harry Pang, Boyd Andretti, Woodrow Mckandless, the Emperado brothers Joe and Adriano (Adriano would latter on with others form an eclectic form of self-defense called Kajukenbo), Ed Parker (Parker would latter bring Kenpo Karate to the mainland) “brother” Abe Kamahoahoa, Ralph Castro and many others.

Prof. Chow-Hoon received his shodan from Prof. Okazaki in 1945, the day before he was inducted into the U.S. Army. After entering the military in 1945, Prof. Chow-Hoon was assigned to camp Roberts, Calif. For basic training, from camp Roberts he was sent to the Philippine Islands.

While in the orient, the Prof. used to moon-light as a professional wrestler. He ran across many of the top wrestlers of the day including the “Masked Marvel”, who was the father of Dave Castoldi, a well known martial artist from the Boston area.

Prof. Chow-Hoon returned to Hawaii and was assigned to the Military Police Division. He was selected to become the instructor at the Military Police School for Self-Defense. Besides the military police he also trained the police for the Hawaiian National Guard, several members of the Honolulu Police Dept. and also members of the F.B.I. Next, Prof. Chow-Hoon spent a tour of duty in Korea where he worked out with Yudo (Judo) and Tang So Do clubs.

Once again Prof. Chow-Hoon returned home to Hawaii. While there he would train at the Kaheka Lane club, which was one of Prof. Okazaki’s many clubs teaching the Danzan Ryu system. Some of the individuals who came out of this club were people like John Kaneakua, Joe Holck, Sam and Bill Prestridge, Michael Chong and Sam Luke Sr.

During the middle of the 50’s, Prof. Chow-Hoon along with Prof. Francisco Limbago taught at Schofield barracks, Hawaii where he was selected as one of the Judo coaches representing Hawaii. This team took 1st place at all military games. His heavyweights were Prof. Toru Tanaka and Larry Price. Price would later go on to become the football coach at the University of Hawaii.

During this period the military used to have an “All Army Show”, a kind of talent show. Prof. Ramon Ancho was selected as the best of the show. He would perform “Board Breaking” using multiple boards using his fingers. During one of these shows Prof. Chow-Hoon and Prof. Limbago pulled a trick on Prof. Ancho. Prior to his portion of the show, both the Prof’s wet a couple of the boards without telling Prof. Ancho. He had to hit the boards more than a couple of times in order to break them. He knew they had pulled a trick on him for they both had a great big smile on their face.

Prof. Chow-Hoon got stationed in Japan, where he was able to train at the Kodokan . Out of respect he started out as a white belt, but by the time he left Japan in 1962 he was ranked as a sandan (3rd degree black belt).

At the end of 1962 Prof. Chow-Hoon was stationed at the Fort Ord in California as a drill sergeant. This is when he first started to teach in the Monterey area. He ran across another Okazaki student Prof. Toru Tanaka. Whenever Prof. Tanaka would leave to go off to wrestle, Prof. Chow-Hoon would help out and run the class. And when he could not be there due to military obligations Cal Avila and Joe Takayama would stand in.

In 1964, Prof. Chow-Hoon was transferred to Alaska but still managed to work out and teach in anchorage. In 1965 he was assigned to Viet Nam. There he taught martial arts at the police station in Tien Nin.

Prof. Chow-Hoon retired from the military after over 20 years of service. He decided to settle on the Monterey Peninsula in the city of Pacific Grove, after retiring from the Army. Prof. Chow-Hoon worked as a P.E. teacher at the Del Mar elementary school in Marina, California. It was here that Prof. Chow-Hoon was approached by Mr. Art Clark to teach the martial arts in the community of Marina. Prof. Chow-Hoon taught at three elementary schools until 1968 when the gym at Los Arboles School was built, and then he combined the three clubs into one big class. Then in 1973, he started yet another club at the Pacific Grove High School, where he acted as Sensei and Advisor for his remaining years.

Back in 1978 Professor Chow-Hoon was one of the leaders instrumental in founding the organization of Jujitsu America for which he was very proud. It was an organization such as his own life, one of Kokua and Ohana. Everyone who walked the path of the martial arts with Professor experienced real joy of celebration and excitement in learning from this most gifted man.

– Professor James Muro

Photo: Goshin-Jitsu Chow-Hoon Ohana

Photos from Ohana's post 11/21/2020

Hau Oli La Hanau, Senior Professor W***y Cahill
Una de las grandes leyendas vivientes de las artes marciales Hawaiianas.
Jujitsu /Judo.
Es el único que está vivo de los fundadores de Jujitsu America, primera organización fuera de Japón, fundada en Usa por Carl Beaver, John Chow Hoon, Wally Jay y W***y Cahill.
En la imagen vemos a los cuatro magníficos e inseparables amigos, John Chow Hoon, Wally Jay, Sig Kufferath y W***y Cahill, ellos son la base y sentido de esta Ohana, ellos fueron ñps grandes difusores del espíritu de Aloha y Ohana.

Photos from Ohana's post 11/14/2020

Professor Bobby Lowe,uno de los cinturones negros originales de Hawaiian Kenpo Jiujitsu del Official Self Defense Club y el primer Uchi Deshi de Mas Oyama fuera de Japón.


The World Ohana for All

The World Kenpo Family IKJO®️⛩️
Make the Difference🥋
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All Kenpo / Karate & Jiujitsu styles✔️


Hawaiian Karate, Professor Bobby Lowe y Professor James Miyagi entre otros.


Otra imagen para la historia. En ella podemos ver al Professor Navarro, Professor Joe Halbuna, Mangisuru Mike Inay, Professor Richard Van Dock, Professor Lyle Ho, Professor James Muro, Professor Hans Ingrebetsen, entre otros.


Ohana, Professor Sig Kufferath, Professor James Muro and Professor Russ Rhodes.
Hawaiian Kenpo Jiujitsu 🥋
🌺The spirit of Aloha 🌺


Professor Masaichi Oshiro, de la segunda generación de Black Belts de Kenpo en Hawaii, era de origen Okinawense. El fue el primero en buscar razones y el origen del Kenpo que fue llevado a Hawaii. Encontró en el Goju Ryu, la base que enriquecía el aprendizaje del Kenpo.
En la imagen cuando llevó al Gran Gogen Yamaguchi a Hawaii. Hay que destacar que Chojun Miyagi en su visita a Hawaii en 1936, visitó el Dojo de Kaheka de Okazaki en el que se colocó una foto de Miyagi.

Photos from Ohana's post 10/22/2020

Professor Freddie Lara.
Cuando Frank Chow dió sus primeras clases al GM Ed Parker, lo llevó para que avanzase en su entrenamiento a la escuela de su hermano, el Professor Williams Chow.
El Professor Freddie Lara era uno de los asistentes del Professor Chow y también fue el encargado de las primeras lecciones de Kenpo a Ed Parker.
En la foto de grupo de pie en la fila superior de izquierda a derecha, vemos los siguientes graduados de Mitose.
Bobby Lowe, Freddie Lara, William Chow, James Mitose (uniforme negro), Manny de la Cruz, Paul Yamguchi y Masaichi Oshiro.
De esta fila, en la actualidad la única persona viva es el Professor Paul Yamaguchi, vive en Kauai.
El Professor Freddie Lara falleció el 03 de Abril de 2019 en Hawaii.


Professor Fred Imperial, fue también alumno de Kenpo del Professor Chow, pero definió su línea posteriormente dentro del Goju, cómo Masaichi Oshiro.
Otro de los grandes de Hawaii.


The Spirit of Aloha


Adriano Directo Emperado, Vince Blanck y Brother Abe Kamahoahoa. Professor Abe enseñaba un sistema hawaiiano de defensa personal Ai Pilau.


Kenpo Jujitsu Old School, Professors with the Senior Professor Dai Shihan Sig Kufferath.
James Miro, Lyle Ho, Russ Coelho, Hans Ingrebetsen, Russ Rodhes and Gerald McKenzie.


Agosto de 1933, Kenpo Karate en Hawaii, concretamente en Kona, por los Maestros Mizuho Mutsu y Kamesuke Higashionna.
Posiblemente en el libro de estos Maestros, así como en el de Okazaki, Motobu y otros, se encuentran muchas de las claves del origen del Kenpo en Hawaii. Curiosamente los libros de la época todos llevan como título o subtitulo, Kenpo Karate Goshinjitsu


Hawaii, Kenpo Goshinjitsu, Teken Jutsu Kai. Professor Masaichi Oshiro y Tommy Morita.
Ymca Nuanu 1958.

Photos from Ohana's post 09/21/2020

20 de Septiembre de 1987. IN MEMORIAN of
"Professa" William Chow.


Have a nice Sunday 🌺OHANA🌺
John Chow Hoon, Wally Jay, Sig Kufferath, Steve Heremaia, Gilbert Tenio.
Juan Eliab, James Muro, W***y Cahill, Richard Bunch.
The true essence and Aloha Spirit🤙🏽🥋


Hoy es un día muy triste para el Kenpo y el Kungfu. Ha fallecido el Great Gran Master Sifu James Ibrao. Compañero y el primer cinturón negro graduado por Ed Parker.

Sifu James Ibrao has passed away. Many respects and blessings to the memory of this most significant and legendary martial artist.
Here is the chapter I wrote on Sifu James Ibrao for the Kenpo Continuum, Vol. 2, in 2012. I co-edited this book with Amy Long.
James Ibrao: Kenpo Pioneer
By Dr. Carl Totton
Grandmaster James Ibrao was born in 1937 in Hawaii. A naturally gifted athlete, Ibrao studied some judo and played many sports but excelled in basketball, quite a feat since he was only 5’, 9’’ tall. After moving to the US mainland, in 1956 he had the opportunity to witness Ed Parker teaching a kenpo karate class and he was amazed at what he saw. Mr. Parker’s speed, power, and sheer presence were astonishing and he enrolled the very next day.
Ibrao immediately took a great liking to this deadly art form and found his body rapidly responding to Mr. Parker’s innovative teaching style. His speed, power, and self-confidence seemed to increase exponentially with each workout and he quickly rose through the ranks and has the distinction of becoming Ed Parker’s first black belt! What’s more, he accomplished this singular feat in only nine months on training, setting yet another unbroken record.
Ed Parker was later to comment that among all of the many students he taught, James Ibrao was the most naturally gifted martial artist he ever met.
Mr. Ibrao was present for the formulation of many of the techniques, sets, and forms which have become standard in kenpo, and he helped Mr. Parker with the creation of many of them. Ibrao in fact accompanied Mr. Parker on a trip to San Francisco in 1960 where they observed many Chinese kung fu stylists and were especially impressed with the skills demonstrated by Grandmaster James Wing Woo. Woo would move to southern California where he helped Mr. Parker with the writing of his second book, Secrets of Chinese Karate, and helped to develop some of the early kenpo forms, leading Parker to even begin referring to his art as Chinese Kenpo for a time.
From 1962 to1964, Ibrao was recruited onto the global basketball demonstration team the Harlem Globetrotters, yet another testimony to his impressive athletic skills. He traveled around the world demonstrating his incredible ball handling skills with them, and when he returned, he decided to continue his study of the Chinese martial arts with James Wing Woo. He studied many forms of kung fu and tai chi chuan with Woo and eventually began teaching his own students these ancient art forms. Today he continues to innovate and has put together a system allowing others to progress in martial arts under his guidance.
James Ibrao was one of the crucial contributors to Al Tracy’s first Gathering of the Eagles event in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1999. Indeed, the four legends who signed my certificate of participation were the esteemed grandmasters James Ibrao, Al Tracy, Tino Tuiolosega, and Ralph Castro. Ibrao’s command of kenpo’s unique history and innovations made for an especially powerful learning experience which was appreciated by all who participated.
Mr. Ibrao has remained committed to preserving kenpo’s unique history by continuing to teach many of the original kenpo sets which have fallen into disuse today. These include the Book Set and Tiger-Crane forms which he sometimes teaches at workshops to a newer generation of kenpo practitioner, as well as to older generations who want to learn the forms as they were originally taught. Having learned many of these forms directly from Woo, he is in a unique position to offer them in their pure and unadulterated state.
Today, James Ibrao is often found presenting at martial arts seminars, or teaching and training at his home in South Pasadena, California. He continues his own study and research into the Chinese martial arts and continues to train and refine his skills with Grandmaster James Wing Woo. He is a highly sought after consultant for his encyclopedic knowledge and ability in the martial arts. And in spite of the many systems he has learned, James Ibrao always credits Ed Parker and kenpo karate for giving him his start and providing the principles upon which he has been able to grow over the years.
Beyond his obvious skills in the martial arts is James Ibrao’s personal warmth and extremely caring and respectful personality. In his presence, old and new friends alike immediately feel welcomed and respected as he is the very embodiment of a perfect gentleman, scholar, and warrior. At age 75 he continues to astonish with his speed, power, knowledge, and skills as a modern martial arts warrior-scholar-teacher who seems to have stepped out of history to give current generations a glimpse of the distant past to show how to innovate by returning us to our roots.
James Ibrao lives in South Pasadena. He can be reached at www.jamesibrao.com
Dr. Carl Totton teaches martial arts in Southern California. He can be reached at www.taoistinstitute.com


Have a nice weekend, OHANA 🌺🌴🤙🏽👊🏼🥋


¡OHANA! John Chow Hoon, Wally Jay, Sig Kufferath y W***y Cahill.
Una imagen para la historia.

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