Honolulu Community College, Honolulu, HI Videos

Videos by Honolulu Community College in Honolulu. Honolulu Community College is the oldest community college in Hawai'i with a strong liberal arts pro

Other Honolulu Community College videos

HonCC's General College Spring 2024
Thank you to everyone who came out to our spring semester General College Meeting, and especially to our guest speakers, the Center For Tomorrow's Leaders and Elizabeth Hartline, assistant professor of ECE, for sharing their expertise. The laulima (community) spirit is alive at HonCC as we work to better our practices as educators through collaboration and sharing our knowledge. Here's to a great semester! 🤙 🤙

Honolulu CC's 2023 Wrapped!
🎉✨ HonCC 2023 Wrapped! 📚🎓 As we bid farewell to another incredible year, it is time to reflect on the amazing journey we've shared together (in 36 seconds)! 🌟📆 To our students, graduates, faculty, staff, and community - here's to a future filled with success, growth, and endless possibilities! #CheersToUs #TealPride #HonoluluCC #HonCC #HappyNewYear

Today is the end of our fall semester! We would like to wish our students a happy, healthy, and safe holiday break! ❤️⁠ ⁠Reminder, no classes until first day of spring semester on Monday, January 8, 2024.⁠ ⁠ #HonCC #TealPride #HappyHolidays #WinterBreak

Kaʻehukai Goin earned his AA in Hawaiian Studies from Honolulu Community College and went on to complete a Bachelor's in Hawaiian Studies at UH Mānoa. Learn more about how Honolulu CC helped him build a foundation and explore the world. Interested in an AA in Hawaiian Studies? Learn more about the program here: https://bit.ly/3ujLOd0

HonCC Constitution Day
Check out HonCC Student Life & Development Constitution & Citizenship Day Virtual Bingo. Monday, September 18, 2023 (2:00pm). Learn about the Constitution & concept of citizenship in America with this educational bingo event!

HonCC: Welding Technology
😎 We spoke to several 1st semester welding students and this is what they had to share! Lisa Canionero (pictured in 1st slide) says, "It's a lot more fun than I thought it would be!" and Kekai Nielsen-Cabagason (pictured in 2nd slide) explains, "I love it. I like working with my hands. The 2nd day of class we were already learning how to cut metal, very hands-on." Interested in joining our welding program? Email [email protected] to start your journey! . . . #Welding #WeAreHonolulu #HonoluluCC #HonCC #TealPride #CareerFocused #JobReadiness #CommunityCollege #HigherEducation #HigherEd #WorkforceDevelopment

Greg Kashigi
REPOST @pauahifoundation After three weeks of intense instruction and collaboration as part of the STEM^2 program at @uhmanoanews, @kamehamehaschools graduate and ‘ōiwi leader Greg Kashigi KSK’92 looks forward to sharing what he’s learned with students in his Native Hawaiian Career and Technical Education and STEM Pathways program at @honolulucc. Mahalo, Greg, for your mana‘o and all you do for our community as a kumu! #PauahiFoundation #KamehamehaAlumni #imuakamehameha #tealpride #honolulucc

HonCC Happy Aloha Friday
Happy Aloha Friday, HonCC 'Ohana! Have a fun and safe weekend, hope you're all having an awesome summer. . . . #alohafriday #summer #hawaiisummer #honolulusummer #WeAreHonolulu #HonoluluCC #HonCC #TealPride

Spring Commencement - Part 2. Congratulations, it's time to celebrate all the hard work that led to this joyous occasion!

Spring Commencement - Part 2. Cheers to all of our new graduates! Best wishes for your future endeavors. Don't be a stranger - keep in touch!

Spring Commencement - Part 1. Cheers to all of our new graduates! Best wishes for your future endeavors. Don't be a stranger - keep in touch!

Honolulu Community College: Spring Commencement 2023
Congrats, grads! We're so proud of all of you. Although we had a rainy ceremony, everyone showed up with big smiles and aloha. . . . #HonCCGrad2023 #HonCCGrad23 #Graduation #WeAreHonolulu #HonoluluCC #HonCC #TealPride #CareerFocused #JobReadiness #CommunityCollege

TRIO-SSS Open House!
To all Honolulu CC students, the TRIO-SSS program will be having an open house. Please consider stopping by if you are not a part of this support program! All students who fill out their application will receive a free hot dog and charging device. All students who are accepted will be granted access to the extensive support and services of TRIO-SSS. Don't take our word for it, take a look at what other students are saying! . . . #trioworks #studenttsuccess #studenttfocused #freeservices #wraparoundsupport #HonCC

STEM Open House
Martina Agbayani and Alexander Anderson recently attended our STEM Center Open House! Our faculty and staff prepared a great presentation and offered the students the opportunity to learn about the STEM programs, meet their professors and discuss on-campus resources and transfer info. Both students are on track to earn their Associate of Science degrees. Martina's goal is to pursue construction engineering while Alexander's goal is a carer in environmental engineering. Have questions? Contact us by commenting below! . . . #WeAreHonolulu #HonoluluCC #HonCC #TealPride #CareerFocused #JobReadiness #CommunityCollege #HigherEducation #HigherEd #StudentSuccess #WorkforceDevelopment

You're not alone! We got you!
We are excited to welcome students to the start of Spring semester today! Nervous? Don't know what to do? You're not alone. Hear from fellow HonCC students and learn how they overcame their fears and discovered all the support and resources we have to offer! . . . #Spring2023 #WeAreHonolulu #HonoluluCC #HonCC #TealPride #CareerFocused #JobReadiness #CommunityCollege #HigherEducation #HigherEd #StudentSuccess #WorkforceDevelopment #Honolulu

Happy Holidays from HonCC!
Happy Holidays from the HonCC 'ohana! We wish you good health and shared happiness this holiday season! . . . #HappyHolidays #WeAreHonolulu #HonoluluCC #HonCC #TealPride

Application Deadline
Applications for Spring 2023 are due by Thursday, December 15, 2023. More info can be found here: https://bit.ly/3Y69mMP Need help? Call us at (808) 845-9129 or Email [email protected]. We hope to see you in the Spring! . . . #Spring2023 #Application #WeAreHonolulu #HonoluluCC #HonCC #TealPride #CareerFocused #JobReadiness #CommunityCollege #HigherEducation #HigherEd #StudentSuccess #WorkforceDevelopment #Honolulu

Your Vote Counts!
HonCC is closed for Election Day. Don't forget to VOTE! . . . #VOTE #ElectionDay