Peaceful Little Yogis

Peaceful Little Yogis

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Yoga and mindfulness classes for children ages 2.5 and up. Offering classes in schools as well as pr

Photos from Peaceful Little Yogis's post 06/02/2020

I have been quiet here for a while as I’ve been focusing on my own children and their varying needs throughout this trying time. As a parent, I currently have a heavy heart when thinking about what the future holds for our children and our country. I have always made it a priority to teach peace in every role I have had as a teacher and parent. The current conflicts that are occurring and dividing our country have made me miss teaching my little yogis more than ever. Sadly, I don’t know when we will be able to be together again but, in the meantime, I wanted to share a couple resources that perhaps you can use with your own children. This is an important time to remember that our children learn by watching us and this is a perfect time to lead by example. I am working hard to keep positive and keeping the faith that love and peace will prevail 💗 ☮️ 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️


Spring is in the air 🌞 🌼🌸🌺💐
Spring brings lots of changes and new beginnings!!It’s the perfect time to enjoy some playful, spring-themed yoga 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️


**Class is tomorrow @ 4:00. Please view or join private group for zoom info**

-We will learn both a calming and centering breath as well as an energizing breath: “cocoon breath” and “bumblebee breath” 🐝
-We will read The Very Hungry Caterpillar 🐛
-We will wiggle around the floor imagining we are caterpillars 🐛
-We will play springtime yoga charades
-We will dance to a butterfly song and imagine what color our butterflies are 🦋
-We will enjoy a caterpillar 🐛 to butterfly 🦋to cocoon yoga pose sequence which will transition us to savasana
-We will enjoy a meditation entitled The Peaceful Butterfly 🦋
-We will explore the idea of the Yama Aparigraha throughout our lesson

Aparigraha-non-grasping, the only thing that’s constant is change. More is not always better. We are not defined by our possessions.


This afternoons class:

We will let go of our frustrations with lions breath 🦁
Get rainy day wiggles out with a fun freeze dance game 🌧
Work on following directions with a game or “Yogi Says” 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️
Bring our energy back down with an empowering “peace warrior” yoga pose sequence ☮️💪
Calm our minds with a guided meditation 😌

**Class starts @ 4:00**


I’ve been putting a lot of intentional thought into what I want to teach in class this week and realizing how much being with my students on a regular basis fuels my creativity in lesson planning, *sigh* 😔 I keep coming back to the what I feel, we, as a society, need as a whole.

Here’s what comes to mind:

*regulating fluctuating emotions
*positive thinking
*a sense of control

Here’s how this will all show up in my classes this week 💗

*A chat about what makes us happy, angry, sad etc.
*”shake it out” freeze dance during which the children will have a chance to explore what it feels like to go from silly and energized to calm and let go of any negative energy they are holding
*Yes I can!!-during this fun game children will have a chance to share something they can do and the class will follow along and try it out!!
*Peace Warrior yoga pose sequence complete with positive affirmations-to give a sense of autonomy and continue teaching Ahimsa
*We will close with a reading of “Moody Cow Meditates” and a singing bowl breathing exercise
*I will be keeping the format and “theme” of this lesson flowing through subsequent classes for consistency for my students ☮️💗🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️

****JOIN ME-Sunday morning @ 10:30 AM***

The Yamas are yogas ethical guidelines of “right living” or code of ethics within Hinduism and Yoga. Ahimsa can be defined as avoiding violence towards others, having respect for all living things.

The sounds generated by Tibetan Singing Bowls are a type of energy medicine that promote healing from stress disorders, pain, depression, and most forms of dis-ease. Healing processes are initiated through entraining our brainwaves to synchronise with the perfect resonance of the bowls.


Is it possible to teach young children the elements of the 8 limbs of yoga?!


**While honoring Earth Day in class this week, the Little Yogis will also be receiving a lesson about the Yama, Ahimsa, as our class will be heavily focused on caring for our planet and treating our environment with respect. Of course, this will be done in a fun and kid-centric way**

We will:
-enjoy a centering activity listening to sounds of nature
-dance to “The 3 R’s” with our recycled instruments and chat about how making something out of what we already have helps protect our environment
-we will play tip toe tree pose-children will be encouraged to imagine they are on a field with lots of flowers and other small living creatures. They will be asked to tip toe around as to not step on and harm any of the imaginary creatures. We will also be working on our body breath connection as we will periodically pause in tree pose for a series of breaths.
-we will build a yoga flow based on celebrating the earths beauty and all the things it provides for us
-we will recognize how this current pause in activity is giving our planet a chance to heal 🌍

The Yamas are yogas ethical guidelines of “right living” or code of ethics within Hinduism and Yoga. Ahimsa can be defined as avoiding violence towards others, having respect for all living things.

A mindful question you can ask yourself or your child- are my thoughts and actions creating a more peaceful and positive world?


This Sunday we will be honoring the earth during our 10:30 AM class!! Perfect time to celebrate Earth Day and acknowledge the healing our planet is able to do during the current pause we are all taking. Hope your little yogi can join us!!
🌎 ☮️ 💚🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️ 🌍


Peaceful Little Yogis is offering weekly classes via Zoom!! Sunday’s @ 10:30 AM
For 3.5-6 year old Little Yogis ☮️💗🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️

Happy Spring! Bunny Breath Meditation Maze Is Here. — Backyard Yoga 04/09/2020

A FUN and MINDFUL Easter related activity 🐰

Happy Spring! Bunny Breath Meditation Maze Is Here. — Backyard Yoga Spring has finally arrived--at least on the calendar!  As the weather works to catch up with the season, sometimes we need to give ourselves a little energy boost.  Bunny Breath is a great, energizing breath exercise that you only need to do a few times to feel the benefit

Photos from Peaceful Little Yogis's post 04/07/2020

Truth be told, my children are not always willing to do yoga with me, but recently they have been asking for bedtime yoga and we end it with candle gazing while we listen to calming music, my boys often choose the song “Colors” by Kira Willey. This is a great focal point meditation that helps to clear the mind of the days thoughts before heading off to dreamland 😴


Happy International Kids’ Yoga Day ☮️💗🧘‍♀️

Here's how to make your own calm down jar or bottle 03/30/2020

Hello Everyone!

Not sure what’s been happening at your house during this “new normal” but the emotions are certainly running high at times in my house. These mindfulness jars are a great option instead of a “time out” to give your children something to do when they need a reset. Help your child to find a quiet and comfy spot, turn on some calming music and give them the time they need to find their calm. If there’s an issue that needs to be addressed with your child they will be more likely to be able to hear what you have to say once they have calmed down ☮️ 💗 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️

Here's how to make your own calm down jar or bottle It's SO easy!

Photos from Peaceful Little Yogis's post 03/03/2020

Since I rarely see the parents of my students at the preschool where I teach yoga, I do a weekly letter so they know what we are working on. Parent/teacher connection and communication is so important to the success of ALL students!! Here’s what we’re doing next, SO excited for this lesson ☺️

Hello Everyone!

Over the next couple of weeks we will be working on regulating our emotions from the inside out. While reflecting on our classes the past few weeks and deciding what is most beneficial for my students to focus on next, I have become present to the realization that there are some big emotions some of these children are working through. Fortunately, yoga is naturally a way for children, and adults, to work through their emotions in a safe and productive manner. My goal for this unit is for the Little Yogis to develop a better understanding of the fact that everyone has big emotions and that it’s OK!! Through our practice, children will also receive a better understanding of their range of emotions as well as tools to work through them. We will have lots of time throughout our classes for open discussions about feelings.
We will begin with an opening question: preschool yogis-how do you feel today? Pre-k yogis-what color do you feel like today? We will then learn volcano breath: the children will be asked to rub their hands together to create heat (since volcanoes are hot just like how our body temperature rises when we are angry) and while they do this I’ll ask them to think about something that makes them angry as we take a big breath in and then we will release our anger as we take a big breath out and use our arms to mimic the eruption of the lava. We will repeat the exercise again but the second time we will think of something that makes us happy and imagine joy and love erupting from our volcanoes.
After our sun salutations, the preschool yogis will take an imaginary roller coaster ride together. Each child will have a turn to lead and decide how fast or slow the roller coaster goes. The pre-k yogis will enjoy a “laughing circle” which is similar to telephone only with laughing. We will take a moment to notice what our emotions are after these games.
We will then transition to our calmer portion of class with “take 5 breath”. This breath is done by holding up one hand and lifting fingers one at a time as you inhale then closing fingers on the exhale.
The preschool children will then do our yoga pose sequence as we read “My Many Coloured Days” by Dr.Seuss and create poses to go along with the animals in the story.
The pre-k children will do a power pose sequence along with affirmations. The children will then enjoy a “rainbow savasana”. As we listen to “Colors” by Kira Willey I will slowly wave colored scarves above the children's heads in the order of the rainbow. This a very calming activity and can help those children that have trouble laying still stay in savasana for a longer period of time.


Great opportunity for your little ones to try out a class ☮️ 💗 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️

Photos from Peaceful Little Yogis's post 02/27/2020

Finding time for mindful moments with your children can be easier than you think 😉

First of all...what is mindfulness?!

Mindfulness-the psychological process of purposely bringing one's attention to the experiences occurring in the present moment without judgement.

One of my favorite ways to do this with my own children is time spent together outside and in NATURE

We are very fortunate to live in a wooded area that is perfect for impromptu adventures!! As we walk, I encourage my children to notice the sounds of leaves crunching under their feet, birds chirping in the trees, how he air feels on their faces. Simple, gentle verbal ques to ground them in the present moment

Why Meditation Should Be Included In the Education of Our Youth 02/24/2020

A little “food for thought” on this sunny 🌞 Monday ☮️ 💗 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️

I have noticed that even my “busiest” little yogis are able to settle and come to enjoy savasana once they are comfortable with me and the routine of class. Children don’t always know they need this time for quiet introspection but once they start to experience the benefits they look forward to this time.

Why Meditation Should Be Included In the Education of Our Youth The practice of meditation in schools deserves serious attention from parents and policymakers. An impressive array of studies shows that integrating meditation into a school’s daily routine can markedly improve the lives of students.


Does yoga really benefit my child?!

All the research that I have done and continue to do fuels my WHY and the fire 🔥 in my belly to share this gift with YOUR children ☺️

There are SO many activities that are competing for our children's (and our) time and attention these days. They all have various benefits. It is my genuine belief that yoga gives children and adults alike, gifts that they can't receive anywhere else.

Yoga is also a wonderful complementary activity for just about any type of athlete. Our fascia (see definition below 👇🏻) tightens overnight while we sleep or are sitting still for long periods of time and needs to be stretched and loosened every day, yoga is a wonderful way to stretch every part of our body while simultaneously improving our mental state of being.

~Fascia is a band or sheet of connective tissue, primarily collagen, beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs.~
....So how can yoga benefit your child....

Yoga helps children learn how to relax, sleep better, improves emotional regulation, increases empathy and improves overall mood.

Yoga teaches children how to be more mindful, engaged in the present moment and increases self awareness and patience.

Yoga improves memory, focus and concentration. Doing downward dog, among other inverted poses, have many benefits.

Here is the science behind how inverted yoga poses improve cognitive function.

~Inverted positions that are assumed in yoga alter the blood flow (including lymphatic drainage) and flow of cerebral spinal fluid. If there is increased blood flow to this area, there will be increased bioavailability of oxygen and glucose—the two most important metabolic substrates for the brain.~

There is always a community section of my yoga classes,a time to connect to others in class. So why is that?!
I have been witness to how building positive one on one or group interactions in yoga class supports positive peer relationships. For children, the entire yoga practice is a social one. My classes typically includes songs, games, and other fun activities that get kids moving together and learning from one another, particularly with partner yoga poses. This creates a positive, engaging environment in which kids can have fun, talk to one another, and learn to trust one another.

Center for Arts and Wellness | Creative Fusion 02/17/2020

Peaceful Little Yogis is so excited to have 4 new class offerings starting next week, registration is up!! I would be honored to teach your little ones 😊

Center for Arts and Wellness | Creative Fusion Dance, Music, Fine Arts and Wellness Center with classes, programs and activities in the MetroWest Area of Massachusetts for art and health enthusiasts and students of all ages. Rejuvenate your Mind, Body and Soul at the Center for Arts and Wellness by immersing yourself in a variety of activities u...


The Heart Chakra

Located at the center of your chest, the heart chakra or anahata is the fourth in your seven chakras. The Sanskrit name translates to “Unstruck” or “Unbeaten”, implying that beneath the hurt of past experiences lies a place of purity and strength. The heart chakra is associated with compassion, affection, and love.


When planning out a unit for my Little Yogis I always have goals in mind, gifts that I want my students to receive through my teaching. This helps me get clear on my intention for my teaching during each unit and every activity is planned around this intention.

This month we are focusing on love and kindness, opening our hearts and, most importantly, loving ourselves 🥰 In every class, we are learning about the body and breath connection as well as self regulation. I have been teaching my students how to find their pulse and we check in with our pulses during various sections of class. This week we had a blast playing a "drum heartbeat" game. I have a big bongo drum and the children LOVE when I bring it to yoga. Their challenge was to jump to the beat, the faster I tapped the drum the faster they jumped. We paused throughout the game to observe how fast our heart was beating, how fast we were breathing and if our bodies were getting warmer. why did I choose this game?

The natural rhythm of children is very high energy to "crashing" or low energy. This type of activity not only gives children a deeper understanding of how their body responds to movement, it allows them to explore their natural rhythm in a safe and controlled way and, as I gradually guided them to bring their energy back down through our heart-opening yoga pose sequence, and eventually to savasana, the Little Yogis had an opportunity to feel the full cycle of this rhythm, and, in turn, get a clearer idea of how to gain control over their bodies. And, wouldn't you know it, all my Peaceful Little Yogis were calm and relaxed on their mats at the end of class ☺️

Photos from Peaceful Little Yogis's post 02/13/2020

I was “mystery reader” in my sons classroom this morning 😊 of course I couldn’t just go in and read without adding in a mini yoga lesson!! I taught the children a simple breath called “hug breath” before we read the story and then we did a hand mudra followed by a discussion about how yoga helps both our bodies AND our brains ☮️💗🧘‍♀️

Photos from Peaceful Little Yogis's post 02/12/2020

Sometimes lesson planning looks like this and sometime it looks like that.....

All lessons for my little yogis are carefully planned with intention and purpose. They have really been enjoying the use of yoga cards when we play “build the flow” but, little do they know, I plan the flow out first at home to make sure it feels right on the mat and hand the cards out accordingly in class 😉

**Using yoga cards have been really beneficial for both my visual learners and the children that have a harder time coming up with an idea when it’s their turn to demonstrate a pose for the class**

The Science Behind Yoga - Documentary 02/12/2020

Though I truly feel the benefits every single time I’m on my mat I also like facts, so in case you’re interested in the science behind it, this is a well done piece in my humble opinion ☮️🧘‍♀️

The Science Behind Yoga - Documentary Discover how Yoga helps us to come to a better understanding of who we really are. There is solid research to back up the theory that yoga brings happiness i...


Peaceful Little Yogis classes are designed to be fun and engaging for little ones while encompassing the components of an adult yoga class in a kid-centric manner. We consistently work on deepening awareness of the connection between body and breath.
Each class will include pranayama (breathwork), asana (movements including yoga games and dancing as well as a variety of ways in which we practice yoga poses) a community building section incorporated into each class and savasana (relaxation portion of class).
Each class begins with a song to greet one another followed by a floor stretch sequence and sun salutations. The opening section of class is the same each time in order to provide consistency for the children. Classes will have themes such as peace, giving, receiving, kindness and caring. Students will be given opportunities to lead a section of class to build confidence, and the community building section will help with collaboration, building connections and positive peer relationships. Every class concludes with time for relaxation and introspection during which children are invited to lay in a position in which they are comfortable and will have some time to “just be” as they listen to calming music and are gently sprayed with “magic mist” (lavender oil and water). This is followed by a guided meditation or focal point meditation.
Children are natural little yogis as they are curious about how their bodies work and opened to exploring how their body and breath work together. They simply lack the knowledge and tools to self-regulate. Teaching children tools to assist with learning how to regulate their energy and emotions are a major component of Peaceful Little Yogi classes. The beauty lies in the idea that children are open and willing to receive all the benefits yoga offers. The younger they begin their practice the more yoga becomes a natural way of being.


Hello everyone! I’m Aimee, founder of Peaceful Little Yogis. I hold a degree in Early Childhood Education from Lesley University as well as a certification to teach Yoga & Mindfulness to Children from ChildLight Yoga in addition to an advanced teacher training certificate through Kidpowerment yoga. I have several years of classroom teaching experience in a variety of early childhood settings. I have been teaching yoga and mindfulness to children consistently for 1.5 years. I also have 3 children of my own ranging from 5-12 years of age.
I have consciously chosen this new career path due to the fact that I have become keenly aware of the extensive amount of outside input and increasingly demanding expectations on today’s youth through my teaching experience as well the needs of my own children. I firmly believe that there is an urgent need to better nurture the “whole child”.
My educational philosophy is centered around emergent curriculum which is guided by the childrens’ interests and abilities, while simultaneously exposing them to new challenges and ideas.
I am consistently researching the numerous benefits to children practicing yoga and mindfulness which has only makes my passion to share these benefits with my students even more profound.
Overwhelming research shows that children who regularly practice yoga-based movement, conscious breathing and mindfulness activities are better equipped to regulate their emotions and manage stressful situations. Yoga and mindfulness promotes a more relaxed state of being which sets students up for success in learning as well as social interactions. It enhances motor-skills and balance as well as focus, concentration and memory.
I strive to give my students this gift through my teaching and have made it my mission to spread the seeds of the many benefits of yoga far and wide. Through many years of classroom teaching experience and experiencing the strengths and weaknesses of my own children, I strongly believe that the deficit between the demands and stresses of today's world and what children can effectively and successfully manage is simply too great. Practicing yoga and mindfulness on a regular basis gives children an opportunity to be present and mindful as well as take the tools they learn out into the world.

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