Unitarian Universalist Church of Houlton, Houlton, ME Videos

Videos by Unitarian Universalist Church of Houlton in Houlton. 61 Military Street Houlton, Maine (207) 532-9269 www.uuhoulton.org

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UUHoulton Support Page May 15, 2021 While we sometimes find ourselves complaining about the status quo and the predictability of routine and business as usual (in spite of all of its shortcomings) it does provide a normative and stable structure for us to go about our daily lives; we know what time the buses are going to run, we have our regular work schedule, we can stop at the deli on our way to the museum. But when the unexpected happens, all of the norms and the assumptions we usually make are suddenly “up in the air” and they may or may not hold true anymore. This disruption can be an unsettling and disorienting experience especially when you don’t really know how long it may last or how things may be different from before, after it’s all over. We have been living this experience for fifteen months now as Covid-19 and the pandemic has up-ended life as we have previously known it. Today’s talk is on “the unexpected.” How does it affect us and how do we handle the unsolicited changes? Have a great week-end everyone and I hope you can join us for the UUHoulton weekly service. The recorded service will be available to view at 10AM on Sunday morning and archived so it can be watched later at your convenience. I will send out the service link to YouTube later today and the link will be live on Sunday morning at 9:45AM (in case you want to come to the service early). If you subscribe to our YouTube channel you can locate it automatically on your YouTube home page under subscriptions. The 10AM service will be followed by a Zoom coffee hour and check-in at 11AM for those who are interested in discussing the service or just want to check in. I’ll send the Zoom links out later today. Practice patience and kindness. In Ministry, Dave Virtual Offering Plate If you would like to send in your pledge or donation (we still have to pay the bills) simply drop an envelope in the mail. The address is listed below. Thank you for your support! UU Churc