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How to create a multivendor ecommerce website


Recognizing the thin line between kindness and obligation is crucial.

In a world where kindness can often be mistaken for obligation, it's important to recognize and address the entitlement mentality.

A story was told of a beggar who received $2 every day from a kind man on his way to work.

This daily act of generosity went on for months until the man decided to save money to help his son buy a house.

For three days, he passed by the beggar, greeting him but not giving the $2.

On the third day, the beggar grabbed his arm and asked, "How's everything going with you, man?"

The man replied, "I'm fine, just busy and rushing to work."

The beggar blurted, "I think you forgot to give me $2 these past three days!"

The man smiled and explained, "Oh, I'm saving to help my son get a new house since he got married."

The beggar retorted, "Really, you're thinking of buying him a house with my money?!"
I learned from this that "not all acts of kindness will be appreciated, as some may see them as their right".

Keep being kind anyway.

We must be cautious not to fall into the trap of entitlement, where we start expecting and demanding what others graciously offer.

Appreciate the kindness of others and strive to be self-sufficient, recognizing that no one owes us anything.

To Your Success.


Evening vibes


Doctor: what's your problem, sir?
Husband: Tired of work & routine pressure.
Doctor: What is your job, sir?
Husband: An accountant in a bank.
Doctor: What is your wife's job?
Husband: Don't work just as a housewife.
Doctor: Who wakes you up and your children and makes breakfast for you and them in the morning?
Husband: My wife because she's not working.
Doctor: When does your wife wake up and when do you wake up in the morning?
Husband: My wife is at 5 in the morning and I am at 7 because she is getting the kids ready for school and making us breakfast.
Doctor: Who drives your kids to school?
Husband: My wife, she's not working.
Doctor: What does your wife do after dropping the children to school? And what do you do?
Husband: Returns and prepares lunch, washes clothes and tidy up the house
And she waits for the return of her children, she is jobless and does not work. !! And I go to work till 3 pm.
Doctor: In the evening when you come back from work, what do you do sir? And what does your wife do ??
Husband: Take a rest after lunch after a hard day's work.
My wife: recalls with the children their daily chores and then wakes me up to have tea together.
Doctor: What do you do next and what does your wife do in the evening ??
Husband: I browse newspapers, watch TV, and world news.
My wife makes dinner for me and the kids then she does the dishes cleans the house and gets the kids ready for bed.
Right now, Who needs a psychiatrist
You or her sir?

And who needs relief from work pressure you or her sir!!!?

Is the wife's daily routine from early morning till late night called 'not working'!!!?
And without a job!!!?
Then you complain about work pressure!!!?

Greetings and appreciation to all Mothers in the world.

Photos from Duruvic's post 07/12/2024

Testing your mom's patience 😀😂


I left the UK and returned to Nigeria to start my career in March 2013. Most of the Nigerian international students I went to uni with had already returned since 2012.

Nearly all of us who came back started planning to escape from Nigeria in 2016. There was only one thing that changed in Nigeria between 2013 and 2016. We know what or who it was.

But yeah, "GEJ was a terrible president." If you keep repeating it to yourself 9 years later, despite being mocked by all the data in existence, that will somehow make it true 👍🏿

Me, I don't care who has any investment in maintaining this gigantic untruth because none of you feeds me, and I will speak freely - "GEJ must go" was a foreign intelligence operation run out of Washington DC by the US State Department, whose doctrine interpreted Nigeria's economic growth and growing partnership with China as a strategic threat to American economic and military interests on the continent.

The Obama administration repeatedly interfered very directly and blatantly in that election cycle. Barack Obama recorded and posted a video urging Nigerians to "vote for the next chapter." Michelle Obama involved herself in , which was itself merely the 'Big Idea' within the larger marketing campaign that was "Jonathan must go." John Kerry travelled to Nigeria and met with the opposition.

The local players on the ground who took part in the marketing and political campaign to oust Goodluck Jonathan and replace him with the Illiterate were merely useful idiots - yes, that includes you reading this with your guilty conscience. If the shoe fits, I am definitely referring to you. You were nothing but a pawn in a geopolitical tussle between 2 of the Countries That Actually Matter.

Because you lack wisdom, insight and especially humility, you really thought you were doing something historic by removing an incumbent president - a trick you have not been able to repeat ever since, because the US State Department - which actually runs Nigeria - had no problem with 8 years of The Illiterate, and definitely has no problem with another 8 years of the Drug Dealer whom it actively protects.

You idiots thought that you were empowered, politically awakened people, when you were just chess pieces on a board being pushed around by forces you were too stupid and egotistical to recognise. Now your GDP has effectively HALVED in just 9 years, and a whole generation of high-quality human capital has been lost to the US and its allies.

And they didn't bring back your girls!

Stupid f***s.

- David Hundeyin


I could remember how my my mother's sister came to the village and told my mother that her friend needed someone who would live with her to take care of her children and other house chores.

And she came to take me and promised that they would take care of my academic needs.i was very excited that I would be moving to the city for the very first time in my life and continuing my education was what I ever wanted because my parents could not afford to register me in school due to our poor status.

Few days later,we headed to the city,I must say,living and serving my madam wasn't a difficult one because she and her husband treated me so well but as you all know,no one would treat you better than your parents.

There were many challenges that,sometimes I would wished to go back to my parents but when I remember my education,I pick up myself and stay put.

Years later when I was about writing my senior waec,my madam's brother came to stay with us. He was doing his youth service.

My madam and her husband are travellers,so they hardly stay at home. One night,I was at the bathroom having a cool shower and coming out from the bathroom,I met my madam's brother sitting on my bed and I was na.ked,I quickly ran to take a towel covered my body and then asked him why he was in my room,he told me he came to check if I was with the television remote,which I said no and then he left immediately.

Ever since then,he started making advances of me,one Saturday night,he tried to force me to sleep with him but I turned him down. Other times,he would try but I warned him to stay away from me that I'm not ready for anything as such as I wouldn't want to get pregnant and my education is very important to me.

Few days later,he came to me to apologise for what he did and I forgave him. Hmm he started being nice to me,he would help me to do some of the house chores and also buy me gifts.

One night,he came back with one fancy nylon and handed it over to me,inside the nylon was juice and ice cream,he asked me to step it down and enjoy myself before the kids wakes up and sn**ch it from me and which I did.

A month later,I started feeling so sick that my madam took me to the hospital and several tests was conducted on me and I was confirmed pregnantđŸ„ș on that day,I was the definition of 'SHOCK' because I became so shocked and at the same time speechless,immediately the doctor spoke out this word,the sickness left međŸ„ș

My madam took me by my ear and asked me who got me Pregnant,I told her that I can't be pregnant because I have never met with any man in my entire life. She gave me a sla.p and the doctors and nurses there held her and tried to calm her down.

Everyone who heard of it would ask me who got me Pregnant and my answer would be 'I don't know because I have never opened my legs for any man'

I cried my eyes out,I was lost in thoughts,the pressure became much,I told my madam that I have never met with any man except his brother who tried to force me on the days when they were away but I didn't let him.

She and her husband called her brother to ask him if he did anything with me,but upon asking him,he denied ever trying such and then warned me never to mention his name. He even went further to tell them that he has caught me with different men in several occasions but I begged him not to report to them about that.

At this point, my madam and her husband became so ma.d at me and they didn't even allow me to say anything againđŸ„ș immediately,they told me to pack my things and she took me back to my parents and told them my condition.

My mother pleaded with her,but she said she can no longer live with me since I'm pregnant and I refused to say who's responsible for it.

My mother and every other person asked me who got me Pregnant,but I sincerely do not have answers to that question since I can't remember ever making out with any man.

I suffered pains and sha.mes,people would mo.ck me and call me names,some calls me Mary the second, pregnanted by the Holy spirit.

My mother would shout at me and call me names,use.less and stu.pid.they brought several old suitors to come and marry me but I refused.

I keep asking myself,who could this be,what really happened to me,was I ra.pped unaware,did any spirit slept with međŸ„ș it was as if my whole world was coming to an end.

Everyday,my stomach keeps coming out,I was getting sick and when I talked to my mother about my health,she would warn me never to disturb her,since I can't provide the man responsible for the pregnancy.

Some days,I would wish I sleep and never wakes up.one day,a friend of my mother came and spoke to her and she changed and started treating me better.

I was taking to one midwife and she started helping me out. Fast forward to when I gave birth,it was twin boys.

On the arrival of my kids,I started receiving favours from people. One day when my kids were 5months old,my mother told me to look at both of them and tell her who they look like to see if I could remember who got me Pregnant.

Looking At them,I can see a familiar face and tears dropping down my eyes but I can't seems to lay my head on anyone.

Seeing my tears,my mother said,it's okay,I'm sorry for asking. She wiped my tears and gave me words of encouragements.

Ten years on,one hot afternoon I and my mother was coming back from the farm,getting to our house,we saw two cars parked,before then,my sons has ran up to us and told us that some group of people have been waiting for us at home.

Coming closer,I could recognise some faces,it was my madam, her husband and her brother with some other people i dont know. I was still wondering with my firewood on my head when my madam's brother came close to me and knelt down with tears in his eyes and saying I'm very sorry,I should find a place in my heart and forgive him.

Then I asked,forgive you for what? What's happening because I don't get it. He said he is the one that got me Pregnant and then I asked him how?

He said because I refused to grant his request about making out with him,he added a sleeping pill in the juice he bought for me on that night and when he noticed I've slept off,he then had his way and also noticed it was my first time but after everything,he cleaned me up and made everywhere look as though nothing happened and when I became pregnant,he had to lie against me about bringing in men so that no one would suspect him.

At this point,I was already socked in tears and everyone around was begging on his behalf.
He also confessed how hard life has been to him and this is because of his actions towards me.

He got married but no child after several years that his wife have to leave the marriage because she discovered that it was his fault.

Everyone pleaded that I should forgive him as his ready to do the necessary things as tradition demands.

What I'm I gonna do pls??





When you are sitting in a moving car, it is easy to feel you are one with your vehicle.

But in reality, you and your car are two separate objects moving in the same direction, at the same speed, through space.

Now, if you hit a vehicle or other obstacle, your car will stop.

You, on the other hand, will continue to move forward until another object stops you.

(For you science minds out there, it’s just the law of inertia — or an object’s resistance to changing its speed — at work.)

If you are not wearing a seat belt, that object might be a dashboard, side door, or windshield

Even colliding with an air bag might cause severe injury if you’re not on seat belt.

If you are buckled up, however, the object that slows you down is your seat belt.

See, with a safety restraint on, you are no longer separate from the car.

Instead, the crash forces of the vehicle spread up through the seat belt and connect with the stronger parts of your body (chest, rib cage, etc.).

That way, your momentum is absorbed by the car instead of by the windshield or pavement 30 yards down

Please always wear your seat belt..


Once upon a time in Igboland, everyone was a landlord; there were no homeless people in any part of Igboland, as age grades would team up together to start building houses collectively for one another, free of charge.

In the olden days, life was so easy. NdĂ­gbo lived a communal life. When a man reached the age of ịpỄ obi, his age grade would contribute to building a house for him for free. He would also do the same for others.

No one got paid for doing so; it was free of charge. Community development was an important role and duty of pre-colonial Igbo society.

Everyone joyfully helped one another to stand as a man and have a shelter over their heads.



1. Financial Wealth ( Money and Possessions)
2. Social Wealth ( Status and Popularity)
3. Time Wealth ( Freedom)
4. Physical Wealth ( Health and Vitality)
5. Spiritual Wealth ( Peace of Mind, Self Respect)

Be careful of JOBS that lure you in with 1 and 2 but rob you with 3, 4 and 5.

God bless you đŸ™â€ïž




1. Build a home earlier. Be it rural home or urban home. Building a house at 50 is not an achievement. Don't get used to government houses. This comfort is so dangerous. Let all your family have good time in your house.

2. Go home. Don't stick at work all the year. You are not the pillar of your department. If you drop dead today, you will be replaced immediately and operations will continue. Make your family a priority.

3. Don't chase promotions. Master your skills and be excellent at what you do. If they want to promote you, that's fine if they don't, stay positive to your personal.

4. Avoid office or work gossip. Avoid things that tarnish your name or reputation. Don't join the bandwagon that backbites your bosses and colleagues. Stay away from negative gatherings that have only people as their agenda.

5. Don't ever compete with your bosses. You will burn your fingers. Don't compete with your colleagues, you will fry your brain.

6. Ensure you have a side business. Your salary will not sustain your needs in the long run.

7. Save some money. Let it be deducted automatically from your payslip.

8. Borrow a loan to invest in a business or to change a situation not to buy luxury. Buy luxury from your profit.

9. Keep your life,marriage and family private. Let them stay away from your work. This is very important.

10. Be loyal to yourself and believe in your work. Hanging around your boss will alienate you from your colleagues and your boss may finally dump you when he leaves.

11. Retire early. The best way to plan for your exit was when you received the employment letter. The other best time is today. By 40 to 50 be out.

12. Join work welfare and be an active member always. It will help you a lot when any eventuality occurs.

13.Take leave days utilize them by developing yr future home or projects..usually what you do during yr leave days is a reflection of how you'll live after retirement..If it means you spend it all holding a remote control watching series on Zee world, expect nothing different after retirement.

14. Start a project whilst still serving or working. Let your project run whilst at work and if it doesn't do well, start another one till it's running viably. When your project is viably running then retire to manage your business. Most people or pensioners fail in life because they retire to start a project instead of retiring to run a project.

15. Pension money is not for starting a project or buy a stand or build a house but it's money for your upkeep or to maintain yourself in good health. Pension money is not for paying school fees or marrying a young wife but to look after yourself.

16. Always remember, when you retire never be a case study for living a miserable life after retirement but be a role model for colleagues to think of retiring too.

17. Don't retire just because you are finished or you are now a burden to the company and just wait for your day to die. Retire young or whilst energetic to enjoy waking up for a cup of coffee, enjoy the sun, receive money from your business, visit nice place that you missed and spend good time with family. Those who retire late, spend about 95% of their time at work than with their family and that's why they see it difficult to spend time with their family when they retire but end looking for another job till they die. If they don't get another job, they die early.

18. Retire at your house than at government accommodation so that when you retire you can easily fit into the society that raised you. It's not easy to adjust to live in a location after spending more years at company house or at government house.

19. Never let your employment benefits make you forget about your retirement. Employment benefits are just meant to make you relax, get finished whilst time is moving. Remember when you retire no one will call you boss if you don't have a viable business.

20. Don't hate to retire because one day you will retire either voluntarily or involuntarily.



When you visit people, no matter how close you are to them, be sensitive and don’t do any of these things:

–Don’t walk into their house with your shoe unless they asked you to do so. It’s always more respectful to remove your shoes at the doorstep especially if you didn’t come with a car(if you must enter with your shoe, make sure you use the doormat correctly)

–Don’t sit on the one-sitter sofa. In most houses, the one-sitter Sofa is usually the favorite of the owner of the house. Instead, sit on the 3 sitters' sofa. 3 sitters are for everyone.

–Mind your leg. It’s very annoying to march on the sits of your host. Some of you are used to carelessly putting your foot on whatever chair you are sitting on. This is the most important of them all. Keep your foot on the floor or top of your other leg. If you don’t comport yourself, don’t feel embarrassed if your host tells you to bring down your foot. If everyone marches on the chair that way, you would be the first to tell how dirty your host's sofas are.

–When they offer you bottled water, ask for a cup if you know that you won’t be able to finish the full bottle. If you drank directly from the bottle, ensure you leave with the remaining water. Don’t open, kiss, and leave the rest behind. No one would drink it and your host won’t be happy throwing it away. This one annoys me the most. I hate wasting water and food and it’s not about the money. Some people don’t have good water to drink or food to eat.

–If your host is a bachelor and you have access to his kitchen. Whatever you dirty in the kitchen, clean it up. Don’t mess up his kitchen and leave it behind like that. Who’s going to clean it?

–Whatever you touch, ensure you keep it the way it was. I don’t like my house being disorganized. Everything has its place. Don’t get over-familiar with your host and disrespect his or her house. Make your host want to have you around longer than wish you should leave immediately. This is one of the reasons why I leave alone. I don’t want to come in and see the pillows of my chairs on the floor or the books on my bookshelf turned upside down. At least, not until I get married and have kids.

–Lastly, don’t make videos in people's private houses without their permission. A guy that used to leave with me would wake up early in the morning and start video calls with people I don't know and even capture me on boxers. Ha! He would walk from one end of the house to another with his camera trying to impress his girls. Such madness.

Be sensitive. Be mindful. Be composed. Don’t walk into people’s houses and forget yourself. Feel at home doesn’t mean you should become a masquerade.


My wife usually cheats on me with my security man, while am on the dinning doing my job. She and the gate man will be in the room mating unknowingly to me.

The first time I noticed that some thing was wrong was when I finished dressing our bed and upon going to sleep on the bed it was scattered.

I know my wife don't role while sleeping, so how come was the whole bed scattered. Also I noticed that she took her bath before sleeping but she was smelling sweat like.

I wanted to ask her how possible these things came to be but I can't rest my suspicions upon assumptions.

One day after working at night, I decided to retire to bed. Upon entering the room I heard a crank sound by the window.

I walked straight to it but only saw the compound ladder placed by the window. When I returned to my wife she was wet by sweat even though the AC was on.

My suspicions got intensed but I didn't wanted it to look like I don't trust my wife so the next day I invited Jeff ,my best-friend, over and expressed my concern to him.

Jeff asked me to sneak into the room as soon as my wife enters and I should check up on her from time to time.

The next night I did exactly as Jeff told me but still no results. She was always sleeping but in different positions when I returned to check up on her.

I began to feel guilt as I thought she was innocent of my suspicions. But things where about to get more worse.

While I was about to sleep I noticed something wet on my bed . I touched it and smelt it. To my surprise it was slimy and smelt like bleach.

"This is the exact discription of s***m" I said to myself inaudibly.

The very next day I told Jeff about my findings, Jeff kept looking over my shoulders and then pointed towards the direction. That was when I noticed a camera was placed at my working space.

The next night I refused to stay at my usual spot to work. And immediately my wife walked into our room, 5 minutes later I walked in too.

Immediately I opened the door and caught sight of them s3xing, my security man ran towards the window and climbed the ladder but it slipped and threw him to the floor.

When I and my wife ran down to check him he was de@d it seems he wiped his neck on the fence. Guys what should I do to my wife?

đŸ«ŽÂ©ïž Missing pen


“There was a time in the industry when everyone wanted to sl££p with me and it was like, ’Yemi, if you don’t do this, you won’t have that’ , going down with men was like a bridge I had to cross to get on some platforms, get some deals and even awards. When I made my decision never to engage in sxxual activities for gains, lots of opportunities were automatically blocked for me. Ask yourself why Yemi Alade who is the most viewed and most subscribed Nigerian female artiste on YouTube gets almost no recognition from award shows year after year. Even during twitter debates, no one mentions Yemi Alade as one of the biggest female artistes in Nigeria. They really blocked everything for me. But I’m glad coz I have my dignity, I have my life, I’m making cool cash and above all, I have fans who love me so much...” ~ Yemi Alade


“The brotherhood is proud of him” ~ Fans react as Falz smartly saves himself from a trap of embarrassment.

The music star met Symyply Tacha during an event and when he tried hugging her, Tacha quickly blocked the hug with her hands giving out the impression that Falz wasn’t qualified enough to hug someone like her. Seeing this, Falz quickly used his fingers to grab his nose giving out the impression that he had just perceived a horrible smell from Tacha’s bodyđŸ€Ł!

All these happened on Camera so Falz couldn’t afford to be disgraced like thatđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł

Follow DurDuruvic


After paying 2 years rent for an apartment I just got. I moved in and discovered my landlady is my ex girlfriend.

We dated for two years before we had a breakup. And her husband is abroad.

I have no problem with she being my landlady.

My problem is. She spends over 5 hours of her time in my apartment everyday.

Her kids now prefer watching there zee-world program in my own apartment as a result of there mums frequent stay in my apartment.

She washes my dishes and does my laundry most time .

I hardly cook because she brings me food morning, afternoon and night.

she frowns at every female visitor that comes around me.

The worst is she still calls me babe.

The closeness is just too much for my liking and I don't know how to end it.

Each time I try to stop her from doing all that she would turn Sober and I would just let it go.

Pls I need your advise
I haven't been here up to 3 months and I already paid for 2 years .

Your advice is needed pls




1. Eating too slow😳
2. Eating too quicklyđŸ€€
3. Eating too muchđŸ€Ł
4. Not finishing foodđŸ€ž
5. Eating and talking😱
6. Finishing your food and scrapping your plateđŸ€«
7. Refusing to eat😋
8. Eating food prepared for visitorsđŸ„Ž
9. Looking at visitors while they are eating😭
10. Crying while being beaten😘
11. Not crying after being beatenđŸ”„
12. Crying without being beaten đŸ„ș
13. Eating at neighbors houseđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


😂 The cat was like "When did that one start"?

Photos from Duruvic's post 04/04/2024

One day I went to buy some items at the store, I grabbed one of these , threw it into my shopping cart, like I knew what it was.

After shopping, went straight to the checkout and paid. On getting home , I called my wife to help bring items out from the car, we brought the items into the house.

My was was in the process of putting out the items in the kitchen compartment, she saw this very container and she screamed “ ARE YOU FINALLY BUYING US A DOG” !!!!

Me- which dog

Wife - you bought a dog snacks

Me - which one is dog snacks

Wife - ahh look here, this is a dog snacks

Me - jezzz , I thought it was something I can munch on.

From that day, I made it compulsory to read every label of any item I buy. Dimpka was at the verge of dining dog snack with chilled fanta.

People will now be asking , what happened to him? Reply: Otara biscuit nkita .


Photos from Duruvic's post 04/01/2024

Finally, I've seen the end of this story... đŸ€Ł

Photos from Duruvic's post 03/13/2024

This is a lot.

So heartbreaking 💔


Actor Van Diesel broke up with his partner for 3 years, but when they separated, he did not take her out of his house, he was afraid that she would live in a lower level, so he left her the matrimonial home and went to live near her.

Not only this, but he was sent weekly bills for her and her daughter, as well as paying all the monthly internet, phone and electricity bills, and completely refusing any media to interfere or publish anything about their separation.

After 6 years, his partner had an accident while returning from a shopping trip and he had a photo session, and the moment the news reached him, he stopped the photography and flew to the hospital, stood by her side and donated his blood to her, she needed blood and when his partner recovered, they got back together. 💙

- Bottom line: Either we live together in love with pure and humble hearts, or we separate, but love and respect remain between us, and we keep our precious memories together and respect each other no matter what happens .. To understand what true love is and human sacrifice is.



just in case you missed it or dstv didn’t show it
Or you just want to relive the moment
Here’s the full clip from yesterday penalty shootout

Give all the players their flowers đŸŒș
They deserve it

Ladies and he I present the finalists to you


After the death of Ananias and Sapphira


Peter :


You will never speak to anyone as much throughout your life than yourself in your own head.

What you whisper to yourself carries more power than what comes out of your mouth.

Support yourself.


Our purpose in this life is to help others.

If you can't help them, at least don't hurt them


When you find a good partner, hold them tight, there is nothing else in the street better than what you have now.

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😂 The cat was like "When did that one start"?
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