Josh TV Show

Free mowing for poeple!


Family struggles to maintain lawn after family member died


She thought I was CRAZY til she REALIZED there's a SIDEWALK there
I had to knock on this door when I saw how overgrown and dirty this lady's driveway and walkways were. I got pretty far into the job and realized that there was a sidewalk buried under inches of dirt going along the side of her house! I spent about 7 hours uncovering this sidewalk and the neighbors and homeowner thought I was CRAZY until they realized that there was actually a sidewalk under all that dirt.


She BROKE DOWN in TEARS when she found out it was FREE!
This yard caught our attention immediately when driving past because of how overgrown it was. I thought to myself surely no one lives there but to my surprise when I walked up to the house there was a man standing on the front porch. He was skeptical at first because we don’t charge anything but then opened up and told me about his medical issues that won’t allow him to do keep up with the yard. He said he has gotten multiple warnings from the city so we are going to get this property back in decent shape for everyone around. Now about half way through the yard his sister came home whom he lives with and was extremely thankful, but then when she found out we were not going to charge them she broke down in tears.


NOBODY would mow this NIGHTMARE of a yard for this KIND lady SO I DID FOR FREE!!!
So this yard was completely out of control. Let me give you a little back story. The Landlord could not find anyone to mow this NIGHTMARE or a yard before this WONDERFUL kind lady moved in. So She was looking for someone to mow it for her and plenty of people checked it out and then wouldn't call her back to do the work because it was SO OUT OF CONTROL. She found me and messaged me so I of course saw it and had to do it in typical AL BLADEZ fashion... FOR FREE!!! lol. I just love helping people out, its the best... try it some time 😉 😂.. I wanna let all y'all know that I love y'all! thanks so much for all the support and hope you enjoy the video.


FREE Public NUISANCE yard Transformation IN THE HOOD [SUPER OVERGROWN]I have never seen a yard with a PUBLIC NUISANCE NOTICE from the city until we passed by this yard one the way to big worms BBQ. This yard was completely out of control. It was TALL, THICK, and I got stuck a few times. The neighbor came by and told us something pretty spooky so stay tuned for that!!!


We drove past this yard and noticed it was super overgrown so we thought we would stop and see if someone lived there so we could mow it. It looked abandoned at first but after we went and talked to the neighbor she told us someone actually does live there. He just works so much he doesn’t have time to mow so now it has got beyond what his push mower can handle. We told her we would take care of it for free and then she warned us that we might change our mind when we see how bad the backyard is. As always we are up for a challenge and we are excited how this one came out. He is going to be absolutely shocked when he gets home and see’s his yard!


I was Driving around all day looking for someone to Help out with a free yard makeover and Found this house. Actually I couldn't see much of The house because the TALL GRASS, Pepper Trees and Oaktree that was taking over the front yard. The reason the the yard was neglected is because there last lawn care guy just went MIA. So I knocked on there door and asked them if they wanted a little help with there yard and ill leave the rest a surprise 😊


NEIGHBOR said we were CRAZY when they saw THIS on the driveway...


CODE ENFORCEMENT called me to HELP this young WIDOW recover her YARD!
I recently got a call from a local code enforcement officer to ask if I could help this nice lady out. He warned me that this was probably one of the most overgrown yards we’ve seen and he was right! After speaking with her on the phone I found out that her husband had recently passed away and she was left with this massive task and the yard was full of debris. She also said she had attempted to pay someone else to do it and they skipped out on her so we were more than happy to step in and help! This job took multiple days and I was running solo on the first day so you will see the boys join me for days 2 and 3. The homeowner is actually currently out of town for work but we managed to get all of the before and after photos sent to her so she could see the final look! She was too excited and thankful.


Homeowner STUNNED at How WIDE the Sidewalks Are
Today you will see me tackle one of the most overgrown lawns that I have worked on.
I was mowing for an elderly man across the street (future video) when I saw this house and how overgrown the grass was. As I was finishing up, I flagged down the homeowner when they were walking to their car. We got to talking and I asked them if I could mow and edge their yard for FREE. Little did I know this would take me 3 full evenings…





This homeowner FREAKED out and is now Trying to sue me after ive been at her property for 4 days straight free of charge!!! So this video was supposed go be a fun video of me and AP collabing on this awesome yard that was super neglected and had a CRAZY overgrown driveway that took the majority of the day to makeover BUT THERE WAS A BAD TURN IN THE PLANS. We mowed most of the yard and only had the sidewalk left when I got a ALERT on my phone of this homeowner threatening to sue me!! She gets very heated and I tried to defuse the situation which I usually can in most but she wasn't having it and wouldn't even give me a chance to talk then kicked us off the poperty. On the other had this Yard is a amazing transformation and I one rotten apple don't ruin the good deed that was done and hope y'all enjoy.. I LOVE YALL VERY MUCH!! thanks for all the love and support!!!




She thought I was CRAZY until she realized there was a FULL SIDEWALK under there!
She thought I was CRAZY until she realized there was a FULL SIDEWALK under there!
I found the longest overgrown sidewalk and had to stop when I realized how many weeds and dirt were covering it up. She was stunned when she realized how much extra sidewalk was buried underneath all the weeds, dirt, and roots. We spent 3 days uncovering this sidewalk and it went from a Tiny path to a FULL SIDEWALK.


SHE thought I was Crazy till she realized there’s a SIDEWALK under there!!!
The Neighbors thought I was wasting my time and DIDNT even know there was a SIDEWALK here in the 15 years she lived in the neighborhood!!! Id have to say this is the Worst sidewalk that ive seen being transformed on YouTube! let me know what you think. it was a fun project that took me a little over 10hours to complete and the next day my back a seized up from all the shovel work but well worth it when you see how it turned out. It was a fun one but I did run into some difficulties on the way, summers in full effect and the heat index was anywhere from 101-104 degrees in this video and my camera overheated a few time and id be lying if I didn't say I over heated a few times lol. I have to take a few water breaks on this job. during one of my breaks a neighbor came over to me and told me she thought I was crazy because she had no idea there was a sidewalk there lol.. well I hope y'all enjoy, love yah and thanks for all the love... PAY IT FOWARD.


These are my favorite Free Mowing Channels.
Which one do you like the most?


She was TERRIFIED of how DANGEROUS her yard became - VERY EMOTIONAL!!!


It was a RISK mowing this yard with NO permission WHILE HOMEOWNER WAS INSIDE!!
I saw CODE ENFORCEMENT leave this house so I KNOCKED on the door and there was no answer. I left to find another potential yard and didn't find one so I came back to this yard to try again. I knocked again with no answer. As I was walking to my truck the neighbor called me over and told me this yard gets mowed once a year and code enforcement is there often. I told him I was going to just go ahead and mow it to help this homeowner out and hopefully stop him from getting citations. the neighbor told me to be careful because their inside and I came outside with a frying pan lol. he also told me if anything happens to come and get him. As I started mowing I heard activity in the house. what do you think this homeowner's reaction was?? was he happy? or did they come out with a frying pan and try to hit me ?? stay tuned and find out. There's a surprise at the end of the video that you will not expect so enjoy!!!!


Her PRAYERS Were Answered - FREE Overgrown Lawn Transformation
In this heartwarming video, I had the incredible opportunity to transform an overgrown lawn and make a difference in someone's life. As I stumbled upon this random home, I was greeted by a kind elderly lady who was in awe when I offered to mow her overgrown lawn for free. Little did I know, I was about to answer her prayers.

After a brief conversation, I wasted no time and embarked on the biggest project I've ever undertaken. The front yard was filled with overgrown bushes that needed trimming desperately. I carefully tackled each one, determined to restore the beauty of her home. The side of her house was engulfed in unruly vines that had even found their way inside, a daunting sight that needed immediate attention. With great care, I removed the vines, freeing her windows from their grip.

Then came the real challenge—the 3-foot-tall grass. Armed with my mower, I meticulously worked my way through the jungle-like terrain, reclaiming the once hidden beauty beneath. The transformation was remarkable, and I couldn't be prouder of the results.

I invite you to witness this incredible journey of compassion and transformation as I bring joy to this kind elderly lady. It's moments like these that remind us of the power of kindness and the impact we can have on someone's life


We drove past this yard and noticed it was super overgrown so we thought we would stop and see if someone lived there so we could mow it. It looked abandoned at first but after we went and talked to the neighbor she told us someone actually does live there. He just works so much he doesn’t have time to mow so now it has got beyond what his push mower can handle. We told her we would take care of it for free and then she warned us that we might change our mind when we see how bad the backyard is. As always we are up for a challenge and we are excited how this one came out. He is going to be absolutely shocked when he gets home and sees his yard!


ANGRY Homeowner FREAKED OUT and is THREATENING to Sue Me! This homeowner FREAKED out and is now Trying to sue me after ive been at her property for 4 days straight free of charge!!! So this video was supposed go be a fun video of me and AP collabing on this awesome yard that was super neglected and had a CRAZY overgrown driveway that took the majority of the day to makeover BUT THERE WAS A BAD TURN IN THE PLANS. We mowed most of the yard and only had the sidewalk left when I got a ALERT on my phone of this homeowner threatening to sue me!! She gets very heated and I tried to defuse the situation which I usually can in most but she wasn't having it and wouldn't even give me a chance to talk then kicked us off the poperty. On the other had this Yard is a amazing transformation and I one rotten apple don't ruin the good deed that was done and hope y'all enjoy.. I LOVE YALL VERY MUCH!! thanks for all the love and support!!!


ANGRY MAN SPITS at Me while I was helping GRANDPA with Overgrown PROPERTY
We were contacted by a Grandpa who is nearing the end of his time and he was wondering if we could use our brush mower and clean up the Overgrown property by the road so he could see the wildlife while riding down the property on a golf cart.

We arrived at the Vacant property and mowed, and mulched a lot of the overgrown grass and brush. We ended up getting a Massive Log stuck in the Mulcher and spent over an hour trying to get it out. Before I knew it, the sun was going down.

Just as the sun was starting to go down, we had someone pull in with flashing lights and an Angry Man got out cursing at us and asking what we were doing on the property, he mentioned we were screwing up his hunting. He explained that he owned the property which we found out later, maybe wasn't the case. Moments later he decided to spit at me while threatening to call the cops.


A city worker STOPPED me when he saw me at this UNUSED home
I saw this unkempt lawn and knocked on the door but got no answer. I spoke with the neighbors right across the street and they told me that it has been vacant for quite some time now. The city will mow the yard 1 time a year but most of the time it is crazy overgrown. While I was finishing up at the property, a city worker pulled up and stopped me.

Check out the link video in the comment below


I Gave This Veteran $10k and TRANSFORMED His Entire Yard for FREE - Overgrown Yard Cleanup

After one of my videos went viral throughout my social media platforms, everyone fell in love with this man and his story. I got hundreds of comments from people wanting a way to donate. So, I started a GoFundMe and said I would match the first $500.

On the first day, we raised $6,000! A few days after that, we made it to $10,000! That is an unbelievable amount and I couldn't have done it without all of your support.

Initially, when I met this man, I offered to mow his overgrown lawn completely free. He was SO appreciative and told me that he didn't have a penny to his name. He isn't able to get out to take care of it because he's had 2 heart attacks and 3 strokes. He also let me know that he was in the Army for 9 years and did 3 different tours.

So I worked all day on his front yard and got it looking AMAZING. Today, I went back to give him 2 surprises. I transformed his backyard and I gave him $10,000!

His reaction was AWESOME and he appreciated it more than you could know! He immediately went and paid his water, gas, and electric bills which hadn't been on for 3 months. He is also getting someone to fix his backdoor and the windows around his home.

I'm so happy I was able to help this man out to the best of my ability. I wanted to give a huge thank you to anyone who donated or anyone who supports me by watching my videos. I couldn't do it without you!


ANGRY Karen CONFRONTS Me while Mowing Elderly's Yard..
I’ve never experienced an angry Karen like this before while helping folks for free. I was contacted by some neighbors that this family could use some help as their overgrown lawn hadn’t been mowed in a couple months and their lawnmower was broken.

As snow/rain was in the forecast, I drove over this way and knocked on the door but no answer and no vehicles around so I decided to just cut it anyway. I noticed the grass was extremely tall, and started to lay over due to the wetness and wind. The bushes were also overgrown and I had a lot of weed-whacking to do.

I went around weed-eating the yard and unloaded the mower, after about 10 minutes I was approached by an Angry Karen and she was very frustrated, she asked why in the heck I was mowing this yard, this family always gets free help. I’ve never experienced anything like this, wait until you see her actions, what would you do?



This neighbor wasn't making the noise my equipment was making and came over pretty angry! He suggested I use hand tools instead 😂. Well, I definitely was not expecting this interaction today and it caught me way off guard. I had to hurry up and finish though, because he threatened to call the cops if I didn't get out of there soon...


COP APPROACHES me while mowing DESERTED HOME and tells me THIS

This house had citations all over the front door and the yard was getting out of control. I thought it was going to be a quick job until I found the patio underneath the back lawn that took me quite a while to uncover with my shovel. It was a super satisfying reveal and in the middle of doing the work, a cop pulled up to the house to tell me this...


ANGRY Homeowner CONFRONTS Me While Mowing this VACANT Home.
This was an encounter that I had never experienced before. I came across this super overgrown lawn while driving around with my wife, so I decided to knock on the door. Everything about this house looked like it was abandoned. There were broken windows, the grass and weeds were extremely overgrown, and there was a padlock on the door. I knocked anyway to make sure and there was no answer.

After this, I decided to knock on a few of the neighbor's doors to get some more information about the house. Every single one of them told me it was vacant and have never seen anyone there in years.

So, I went back the next day and cleaned up the sidewalks and lawn to make the neighborhood look better. In the middle of blowing a sidewalk off, the owner of the home showed up and he was not happy...


The homeowner PULLED a KNIFE ON ME! I mow this lawn for absolutely FREE without the homeowner knowing it. This lawn had some seriously tall grass and it made for an amazing transformation. I came at the perfect time because the homeowner's A/C unit had just been covered by tree limbs from a recent storm - so I started by clearing that out. After I almost finished the job, the homeowner came back from work and thought I was stealing something from his house, he immediately pulled a knife on me. But after I explained everything to him that I was doing all the cleanup for FREE and it was only for Facebook video, he then calmed down and apologized. He also invited me for dinner.

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Videos (show all)

Family struggles to maintain lawn after family member died
I knocked on this random door and TRANSFORMED their yard for FREE
Elderly neighbor reported it to the city and surprised I’m mowing it for free
Free backyard storm debris cleanup and tall lawn mowing for elderly man
Free lawn restoration and cleanup of NEGLECTED yard
Family struggles to maintain lawn after family member died
This is one of the tallest yards I have ever mowed.
I had to mow another driveway
Free lawn restoration and cleanup of NEGLECTED yard




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