Rice University Materials Science and Nanoengineering, Houston, TX Videos

Videos by Rice University Materials Science and Nanoengineering in Houston. Materials science at Rice has a history of discovery and innovation, going back to the discovery of

Annual Rice competition renamed Huff OEDK Engineering Design Showcase

Rice's annual Engineering Design Showcase and Poster Competition, coordinated by the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK), will now be known as the Huff OEDK Engineering Design Showcase.

The OEDK faculty and staff elected to rename the showcase in honor of Harrell Huff and his late wife, alumna Carolyn Huff, who have supported dozens of teams in the competition over the years. https://bit.ly/3MWPetC

Other Rice University Materials Science and Nanoengineering videos

Annual Rice competition renamed Huff OEDK Engineering Design Showcase
Rice's annual Engineering Design Showcase and Poster Competition, coordinated by the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK), will now be known as the Huff OEDK Engineering Design Showcase. The OEDK faculty and staff elected to rename the showcase in honor of Harrell Huff and his late wife, alumna Carolyn Huff, who have supported dozens of teams in the competition over the years. https://bit.ly/3MWPetC

Axial stress in nanotubes over 10 cycles
Nanotube fibers stand strong — but for how long? Rice materials scientists calculate how carbon nanotubes and their fibers experience fatigue: https://bit.ly/3zmSkOw

Owl drop test
Coating ceramic schwarzites, 3D-printed lattices, with a thin polymer helps keep them from shattering under pressure, according to Rice Engineering material scientists. 🔗 https://bit.ly/3ACRdKW

Synthesis of 2D molybdenum disulfide
In this new study, the lab of Rice materials theorist Boris Yakobson simulated the molecular transitions that take place inside a furnace to create a 2D material that could find a home in next-generation electronics. https://bit.ly/3pZfYfA

Neural nets used to rethink material design
The microscopic structures and properties of materials are intimately linked, and customizing them is a challenge. The Rice Engineering lab of materials scientist Ming Tang is determined to simplify the process through machine learning. https://bit.ly/3eda7ik

2017: An unforgettable year
2017 was quite the ride. The Rice community endured a record-breaking storm, celebrated a world championship and relished in a rare December snowfall— a year we won’t soon forget!