Renew Network

Renew Network

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ICNA Sisters Ottawa

Seeking, Sharing, and Serving...Christ. A Women's Ministry Network for United Methodists. Visit us at

RENEW is a network of evangelical women and men, clergy and laity, within the United Methodist Church. We promote the acceptance of a variety of women's ministry options for the local church and help women in forming Christ-centered programs. We are in ministry to the women of the UMC and are in advocacy for the women of the UMC.

Thoughts on the Asbury Awakening - Timothy Tennent 14/02/2023

Thoughts on the Asbury Awakening - Timothy Tennent Something special happened last Wednesday in the chapel of Asbury University chapel. The Lord began to move in the lives of a group of students. These embers have now been fanned into flame and there is clearly a definite move of God in our midst. We should not spend too much time looking for human....

Bishop Scott Jones Joins Global Methodist Church - Good News Magazine 14/01/2023

Bishop Scott Jones Joins Global Methodist Church - Good News Magazine By Walter Fenton, Global Methodist Church --

1. The United Methodist Church is Divided and Dividing 07/10/2022

A must see! Don’t miss any one of these six 10-15 minute videos.

1. The United Methodist Church is Divided and Dividing The Rev. Rob Renfroe explains the theological and spiritual issues surrounding the division within The United Methodist Church.

That Time Has Come! | Affiliation 26/07/2022

That Time Has Come! | Affiliation For over four generations the roots of Methodism have run deep in the soil of my family. Beginning with my great-grandfather Peter, my grandfather Edward, and my father Robert, the only spiritual home that me and my ancestors have known has been the Methodist Church. As a young boy, to this day I ca...



July 22, 2022

Vero Beach FL: The Wesleyan Covenant Association – Florida Regional Chapter (“WCA-Florida”) confirmed it has been twelve (12) weeks since the WCA FL team partnered with the National Center for Life and Liberty and requested formal negotiations with Bishop Carter. They respectfully requested that he negotiate an agreement for churches that wish to leave the denomination amicably, utilizing par 2548.2 of our Book of Discipline. “We are saddened that as of this writing we have not heard from our Florida conference leadership. We are, however, excited to report that more and more Florida churches are signing up for this process in an effort to contend for the faith entrusted to us,” said Jeremy Rebman, President of the WCA-Florida.

Rebman went on to say: “We know that many traditional UMC pastors, laity and churches feel trapped and alone right now. We have clearly been rejected by our conference. We are seen as an impediment to their new liberal agenda. There is an unwillingness on the part of UM leaders to work with churches that cannot afford to depart under 2553, and yet, desire to be released. Therefore, we are launching a new website that will enable us to come together and speak with one voice."

Rebman’s team has designed a new website,, to allow folks who believe the whole Bible is the inspired Word of God and believe that we should follow the current UMC Book of Discipline, to sign their names and stand together. is offered to everyone who wants to sign their name in support of churches being able to depart the UMC in a way that is possible and fair for all churches who wish to leave.
LetUsGo is designed to let the United Methodist leadership know all signers are eager to end the fighting and partner with Methodist organizations where we share like-minded goals and missions.

Rebman concluded by saying that: “We promise to report the number of signatures to you from time to time and celebrate milestones. Remember, you are not alone as you contend for our faith. We only want our United Methodist Leadership to agree to Let us go!”


Renew has always stood for life and is thankful for news today that our highest court has decided to stand for life after 50 years of unrestricted abortion. We are mindful of the threats and calls for violence, and ask that all our supporters join us in prayer that anger at this decision will not lead to destruction.

Is the General Conference Delay Legal? — Firebrand Magazine 17/05/2022

Is the General Conference Delay Legal? — Firebrand Magazine The further delay of the United Methodist Church General Conference raises a number of questions. One of those questions is whether the Church’s Constitution has been violated. We were told by the Commission on General Conference in March that the already delayed meeting of the 2020 General Confer...

Timeline photos 05/05/2022

We are thrilled to launch the Global Methodist Church this month! Thank you for your prayers and support leading up to this. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we walk into this new season God has for us.

What is being taught in our seminaries?? 04/05/2022

Jan shines light on the extreme, self indulgent, anti-Christian ideas of our culture that have been accepted by the church. How sad. How apostate.

What is being taught in our seminaries?? Concerns continue to arise from the deepening conflict in the UMC. Many churches are now taking a closer look at what is being taught in the 13 United Methodist accredited seminaries, which receive millions of dollars in apportionment support each year. There has been shock and surprise at the hir...

10 Reasons to Consider the Global Methodist Church 29/04/2022

10 Reasons to Consider the Global Methodist Church Jeff Greenway gives 10 reasons to join the GMC. From March 26th.


Magna est veritable, et prevalent.
“Truth is most powerful, and will
ultimately prevail. “

The Politics of Postponement and the 2020 General Conference — Firebrand Magazine 09/03/2022

Let the truth be known. Some of our UMC leadership has lost all credibility.

The Politics of Postponement and the 2020 General Conference — Firebrand Magazine The United Methodist General Conference has been postponed until 2024.  For a brief, gleaming moment it looked as if we might be able to resolve our differences in the UMC without further hostility. The Protocol for Reconciliation and Grace through Separation provided a way beyond our ec

Timeline photos 09/03/2022

While we eagerly anticipate the beginning of , we invite you to learn more about who we are and to begin making plans to join brothers and sisters around the world for a bright and bold new future!

Judicial Council clarifies disaffiliation process | Good News Magazine 19/02/2022

Judicial Council clarifies disaffiliation process | Good News Magazine By Thomas Lambrecht – In a series of six decisions handed down this week, the Judicial Council has brought greater clarity to the disaffiliation process enacted by the 2019 General Conference. Under that new ¶ 2553, local churches may vote to withdraw from The United Methodist Church by satisfyin...

Where There’s a Will There’s a Way 12/02/2022

Where There’s a Will There’s a Way By Keith Boyette February 11, 2022 In recent weeks, there has been a notable increase in anxiety across The United Methodist Church. There is no mystery as to the reason. Will we or will we not have a General Conference from August 29-September 6, 2022? The Commission on General Conference (COGC) me...

The Structure of Things - Good News Magazine 24/09/2021

Another great article by Tom Lambrecht.

The Structure of Things - Good News Magazine By Thomas Lambrecht-

Timeline photos 21/08/2021

Renew Network- Let us join Anne and Christians around the world praying for Afghanistan.

While I am intensely preparing for my Cove seminar this weekend, I cannot shake the very heavy burden I feel to pray for Afghanistan. The following is a summary of how I am praying as I pour out my heart before God. Please join me if you feel led:

Creator of the Universe. Ruler of All. Lord of the Nations.

Are You not the Judge of all the earth? If my heart is broken…shattered…over what’s taking place in Afghanistan, what must Your great heart feel? So I come to You and plead Your mercy for Your people who are now hiding in basements, caves, any hole they can find, knowing that demonic forces will not stop until Your people are found and slaughtered. So I pray for Your people…followers of Jesus…to be supernaturally protected and delivered. Send Your angel armies to surround Your people, as You did for Elisha (2 Kings 6). Blind the enemy so they cannot locate Your people in hiding. Didn’t You teach us Yourself that when we pray, we are to pray that we would be delivered from evil? (Matthew 6) So. Deliver Your people. By any means. Please.

But if You do not, and if You allow Your people to be slaughtered, then I pray that You would give dying grace to each and every one of them. Men. Women. Children. Fill them with Your supernatural peace. Give them a vision of Heaven opened for them, as You did for Stephen in Acts 7. Open their eyes to see You, Lord Jesus, standing at the right hand of the Father, waiting to welcome them Home and give them a martyr’s crown.

And then I pray…yes I do… for the fullness of Your wrath to fall on the evil perpetrators, whether they are in Kabul or Tehran or Washington, DC. Holy God. Avenge Your people.

I know You hear this prayer. Now I wait to see how You will answer.

Even so, come Lord Jesus. Surely it’s time for You to be glorified in all the earth.

For the sake of Your great name,


Love that Transforms: How Recovering the Story of Scripture Informs the Human Sexuality Debate — Firebrand Magazine 17/07/2021

Love that Transforms: How Recovering the Story of Scripture Informs the Human Sexuality Debate — Firebrand Magazine “Love is love.” “Why can’t people just love one another?” “How can a committed, loving relationship be wrong?” Who wants to argue with love? The problem with quick clichés and 280-character Tweets, however, lies in the lack of a nuanced definition of love. Every Christian is called to...

Ten Reasons Why I'll Join the Global Methodist Church - All God's Love 04/06/2021

Ten Reasons Why I'll Join the Global Methodist Church - All God's Love This recent season in the life of The United Methodist Church has been challenging. It feels like we’re stuck in limbo as we wait another 15 months for General Conference and watch senior UMC leaders make decisions that violate our covenant.  Local churches – especially ones that lean tradition...

A Thinking Christian's Response to "Adam Hamilton Comes to Birmingham" | New Methodist Movement 18/05/2021

Excellent article for sorting sound teaching from the false and manipulated.

A Thinking Christian's Response to "Adam Hamilton Comes to Birmingham" | New Methodist Movement Thank you for being gracious in your words toward persons who have chosen to be a part of the Wesleyan Covenant Association and those who will align with the future Global Methodist Church. In an era where there is much venom and mistrust in our denomination and our culture, we note your tone is one...

WCA plans new denomination | United Methodist News Service 08/05/2021

WCA plans new denomination | United Methodist News Service The traditionalist Wesleyan Covenant Association met in person and online to shape a proposed Global Methodist Church and to blast certain United Methodist bishops for appointments decisions.

One Has to Wonder - Good News Magazine 08/05/2021

One Has to Wonder - Good News Magazine By Rob Renfroe —

There is a Simple Solution 23/04/2021

There is a Simple Solution By Carolyn Moore April 23, 2021 An ironic take on an old story keeps coming to mind. In this version, Old Mother Hubbard’s sad tale of an empty cupboard and hungry dog goes viral. An outcry of concern ripples through the community. Who would leave a dog without a bone? Was it stolen? Who would ......

Easter 2021 | Renew 03/04/2021

Easter 2021 | Renew Lent, which culminates in Holy Week, is such a special time for the church. It differs from Advent in that it is not accompanied by the hustle and extra activity of the Christmas season. It is a time of contemplation and fasting for some. It is an opportunity to go deeper into the love of God and wh...