Integrated Public Safety Commission - Indiana, Indianapolis, IN Videos

Videos by Integrated Public Safety Commission - Indiana in Indianapolis. Promoting Local, State and Federal Interoperable Communications

A wet and cool start for our Communications Strike Team supporting The Mill Run Race in Columbus this morning. CACHE radio deployment was in full swing for Public Safety providing a large Interoperable Communications footprint for Hoosier Public Safety.

Other Integrated Public Safety Commission - Indiana videos

A wet and cool start for our Communications Strike Team supporting The Mill Run Race in Columbus this morning. CACHE radio deployment was in full swing for Public Safety providing a large Interoperable Communications footprint for Hoosier Public Safety.

Monday Mythbuster! You cannot have a patch on the SAFE-T system - FALSE! You can adopt temporary patches to aid in interoperability for the duration of a mutual aid incident. Permanent patches are not allowed though - as they contribute to busies. Keep in mind the audio can be delayed/distorted with patching. #mondayvibes #MythBusterMonday

It's the Final Countdown!! 10 Days left until the Total Solar Eclipse (TSE) in Indiana. With hundreds of thousands of visitors expected we're reminding first responders that you may have to modify your normal radio operations to ensure that everyone who needs to talk can talk. INTEROPERABILITY requires everyone working together 🌚🌕🌖🌗🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔

Monday Mythbuster! A talkgroup is a channel or frequency, and if there is an available talkgroup it means I have an open talk path. NO! On the SAFE-T P25 trunked system a talkgroup (like Police Dispatch) is a virtual "chat room" (think 1999 AOL🤓). Your actual channels and frequencies are at the tower sites - so you could have 20 talkgroups, but your tower only has 5 channels and it's the channel that allows you to talk, not the talkgroup. Too many talkgroups cause system busies. #busyfriday #winterstorm ❄️

transmitting love
Happy Valentines Day!❤️❤️❤️🤓

No matter where you are in the state you can radio to your home dispatch center - NO! Local talkgroups, like your dispatch talkgroup, are only valid at tower sites in your county and counties that border you. You can maintain connection with your dispatch center on a Regional or Statewide Mutual Aid talkgroup if you go outside of your normal area. Want to know more?? Contact IPSC for FREE radio training! 317-234-1540 or [email protected].

61 Days until the Total Solar Eclipse will be here - it's a great time to think about how visitors to the State will impact your local emergency operations. Now's the time to make your plan - don't wait!

Monday Myth Buster - You have to ask permission to use Regional Mutual Aid or Statewide Mutual Aid talkgroups. NO! They are there for agencies to use as needed, when needed for interoperability. BUT they are shared resources so you have to be a good team player when using one and make sure you are using the resource appropriately. REMEMBER - Regional Mutual Aid 1 (A-MA1 to O-MA1) have ‼️PRIORITY‼️ at the towers sites in your region and 1 tower ring around your region so you could negatively impact an agency near you if you're being a Chatty Cathy/Chuck! #mythbusters #mondayvibes #mondayfunday

Monday Myth Buster
Monday Myth Buster - Site Trunking means the radio system is "broken." NO! Site Trunking is a feature of the system that allows towers to still operate and pass radio traffic even if they lose connection to the main system. BUT... it does mean that you will have to change your daily operations until the connection is restored. #MondayMyth #funfacts

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the tower, All the creatures were chewing and interrupting the power. The antennas were hung by the technicians with care, In hopes that no birds would build their nests there. The firefighters were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of SmartConnect danced in their heads. The dispatchers were ready to answer the calls, And officers were online shopping last minute deals at Galls. When out of the radio arose that annoying beeping, To announce site trunking was here for the keeping. “Hey dispatch please fix it!” the officers cried, “Trust us we can’t – we’ve tried, and we’ve tried!” Dispatch called IPSC and were told to use a site trunking plan, It’s the only thing that can help get you out of this jam. A ticket has been opened to get the tower fixed, Use your plan to stay connected in the betwixt. You don’t have a plan? Well, that can cause trouble, You should call your Outreach Coordinator quick - on the double. Call Amanda, Kolleen, Adam, or Erin, They can help with your plan and reduce all the swearin’. They will show you how to work the radios better, Especially when it gets busy because of bad weather. But for now, just know we’re watching your site, Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Happy 4th of July to our amazing first responders! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to keep your communities safe. And we want everyone to have a happy and SAFE-T holiday.

Hey Dispatchers!! Have you been to FREE Pursuit Training at Indiana Law Enforcement Academy ? We have openings for training in July. Contact Adam Philpott [email protected] to schedule!