Surya Vidiyala


self confidence
A businessman suffered serious loss in business. He was in debt. There was no way out of it.
Those who gave him loans started harassing him to repay the debt. The people who supplied him started calling him everyday to pay him.
In such circumstances he came to Indira Park one morning and sat down. He is thinking how to develop his business.
Just then a man came to him. He may be 70 years old. He noticed that the businessman was in some trouble.
'Are you in a lot of pain?' he asked. The businessman explained his situation. 'I can help you' said the man.
After asking the name of the businessman, he wrote a check for ten lakhs and gave it to him and said this.
Use this money if necessary. See you here exactly one year later. Then don't give me that money back'
Before the businessman could think, he was gone.
The businessman was surprised. He thought that God had sent him. If you see the signature of the person, his name is Subbarami Reddy.
The businessman thought that with this money my sufferings would go away. But he didn't want to use that check right away. He stored it in his iron safe and started running his business efficiently again. That check gave him the strength of a mountain. He thought he would use a check if it was so necessary.
He continued his business with great optimism. He made them believe that he would pay his creditors and distributors. A few months have passed. His business flourished. He got out of debt.
Exactly a year later he came again to Indira Park and came to the place where the person who gave the check met him. The man appeared there. Placing the check in his hand, he began to tell him how he had prospered in business. Just then a nurse ran over and held him tightly.
Mother! I caught him' cried the nurse.
'Is he annoying you! He always runs away from home. He is not paranoid. I see his good side. He always comes to this park. It has been the same for two years. The nurse took him and left.
The businessman was surprised. He was killed. With the courage that he had ten lakhs of rupees with him for a year, he effectively faced his creditors, customers and suppliers. I was able to convince them. I was able to get out of trouble.
After a while he understood. It was not money that drove him effectively. Self-confidence. Desire to achieve.
ఓ వ్యాపారవేత్త వ్యాపారంలో తీవ్రంగా నష్టపోయాడు. అప్పుల పాలయ్యాడు. అందులో నుంచి బయటపడటానికి ఎలాంటి మార్గమూ కన్పించలేదు.
అతనికి అప్పులు ఇచ్చిన వాళ్లు బాకీ తీర్చమని వేధించడం మొదలుపెట్టారు. అతనికి వస్తువులు సరఫరా చేసిన వాళ్లు డబ్బులు చెల్లించమని రోజూ ఫోన్లు చేయడం మొదలుపెట్టారు.
ఇలాంటి పరిస్థితుల్లో అతను ఓ రోజు ఉదయం ఇందిరా పార్క్‌కి వచ్చి తల పట్టుకు కూర్చున్నాడు. తన వ్యాపారాన్ని ఎలా అభివృద్ధి చేయాలా అని ఆలోచిస్తూ ఉన్నాడు.
అప్పుడే అతని దగ్గరకు ఓ వ్యక్తి వచ్చాడు. అతని వయసు 70 సంవత్సరాలు ఉండవచ్చు. వ్యాపారవేత్త ఏదో బాధలో వున్నట్టు అతను గమనించాడు.
‘చాలా బాధలో వున్నట్టున్నావు?’ ప్రశ్నించాడు. వ్యాపారవేత్త తన పరిస్థితిని వివరించాడు. ‘నీకు నేను సహాయం చెయ్యగలను’ చెప్పాడు ఆ వ్యక్తి.
వ్యాపారవేత్త పేరు అడిగి తెలుసుకొని పది లక్షలకి చెక్ రాసి అతనికిచ్చి ఇట్లా అన్నాడు.
‘ఈ డబ్బు అవసరమైతే వాడుకో. సరిగ్గా సంవత్సరం తరువాత ఇక్కడే కలుద్దాం. అప్పుడు ఆ డబ్బు నాకు తిరిగి ఇచ్చేద్దువు’
వ్యాపారవేత్త ఆలోచించేలోపే అతను అక్కడి నుంచి వెళ్లిపోయాడు.
వ్యాపారవేత్త ఆశ్చర్యపోయాడు. దేవుడే అతడిని పంపించాడని అనుకున్నాడు. ఆ వ్యక్తి సంతకాన్ని చూస్తే అతని పేరు సుబ్బరామిరెడ్డి అని ఉంది.
ఈ డబ్బుతో నా బాధలు తొలగిపోతాయని ఆ వ్యాపారవేత్త అనుకున్నాడు. కానీ ఆ చెక్కును అప్పుడే వాడుకోదల్చుకోలేదు. తన ఐరన్ సేఫ్‌లో భద్రపరిచి తన వ్యాపారాన్ని తిరిగి సమర్థవంతంగా కొనసాగించడం మొదలుపెట్టాడు. ఆ చెక్కు అతనికి కొండంత బలం ఇచ్చింది. అంతగా అవసరమైతే చెక్కును వాడుదామని అనుకున్నాడు.
చాలా ఆశావహంగా తన వ్యాపారాన్ని కొనసాగించాడు. తన బాకీదారులని, డిస్ట్రిబ్యూటర్లకి డబ్బు చెల్లిస్తానన్న నమ్మకం కలిగించాడు. కొన్ని నెలలు గడిచాయి. అతని వ్యాపారం అభివృద్ధి చెందింది. అప్పుల బాధ నుంచి అతను బయటపడ్డాడు.
సరిగ్గా సంవత్సరం తరువాత అతను మళ్లీ ఇందిరాపార్క్‌కి వచ్చి ఆ చెక్కు ఇచ్చిన వ్యక్తి కలిసిన ప్రదేశానికి వచ్చాడు. ఆ వ్యక్తి అక్కడ కన్పించాడు. ఆ చెక్కుని అతని చేతిలో పెట్టి తాను ఎలా వ్యాపారంలో అభివృద్ధి చెందానో అతనికి చెప్పడం మొదలుపెట్టాడు. సరిగ్గా అప్పుడే ఓ నర్సు అక్కడికి పరిగెత్తుకుంటూ వచ్చి అతన్ని గట్టిగా పట్టుకుంది.
‘అమ్మయ్యా! ఇతన్ని పట్టుకున్నాను’ అరిచింది ఆ నర్సు.
‘ఇతను నిన్ను విసిగిస్తున్నాడా! ఎప్పుడూ ఇంటి నుంచి పారిపోయి వస్తుంటాడు. ఇతనికి మతిస్థిమితం లేదు. ఇతని బాగోగులు నేను చూస్తుంటాను. ఎప్పుడూ ఈ పార్క్‌కే వస్తూ ఉంటాడు. రెండు సంవత్సరాలుగా ఇదే పని. ఎవరినీ ఏమీ అనడు’ అని చెప్పి అతన్ని తీసుకొని నర్స్ వెళ్లిపోయింది.
వ్యాపారవేత్త ఆశ్చర్యానికి లోనయినాడు. కొయ్యబారిపోయాడు. సంవత్సరంపాటు తన దగ్గర పది లక్షల రూపాయలు ఉన్నాయన్న ధైర్యంతో అప్పుల వాళ్లని, కస్టమర్లని, తనకు వస్తువులు సరఫరా చేసిన వ్యక్తులని సమర్థవంతంగా ఎదుర్కొన్నాను. వాళ్లని ఒప్పించగలిగాను. కష్టాల నుంచి బయట పడగలిగాను.
కొద్దిసేపటికే అతనికి అర్థమైంది. తనను సమర్థవంతంగా ముందుకు నడిపించింది డబ్బు కాదు. తనలో ఏర్పడ్డ ఆత్మవిశ్వాసం. సాధించాలన్న కాంక్ష.














Wisdom from legend


Absolutely yes


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞…
𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞?
Leadership isn't built in a day.
It's constructed brick by brick, just like John Wooden's Pyramid of Success.
This isn't just a basketball strategy.
It's a blueprint for excellence in any field.
Let's break it down:
1. The Foundation: Character
- Industriousness, Friendship, Loyalty, Cooperation, Enthusiasm
- Without these, your leadership is built on sand
2. The Heart: Skill and Spirit
- Condition, Skill, Team Spirit
- Technical prowess meets collective drive
3. The Mind: Poise and Confidence
- Self-control, Alertness, Initiative, Intentness
- Emotional intelligence in action
4. The Peak: Competitive Greatness
- Not about beating others, but being your best when your best is needed
But here's the game-changing insight:
Success isn't about trophies or titles.
It's about peace of mind.
Wooden defines success as "peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."
This isn't just feel-good philosophy.
It's a radical redefinition of leadership success.
When you lead with this mindset:
- Personal growth becomes the ultimate metric
- Your team strives for excellence, not just victory
- Sustainable success replaces fleeting wins
Now, you might be thinking:
"This sounds great in theory, but business is about results."
Here's the truth:
In today's complex business landscape, character-driven leadership isn't just noble.
It's necessary.
It's the difference between a team that performs and one that transforms.
So, ask yourself:
Are you building your leadership on a solid foundation of character?
Is your definition of success aligned with inner peace or external validation?
Are you fostering competitive greatness or just competitiveness?
The choice is yours.
But remember:
In a world obsessed with quick wins and shortcuts,
The leader who builds systematically doesn't just succeed.
They create legacies.
They don't just lead teams.
They inspire movements.
The question isn't whether you can afford to adopt these principles.
It's whether you can afford not to.
Are you ready to redefine success in your leadership?
To build your own pyramid of excellence?
Your team is waiting for a higher standard.
Your legacy is waiting to be defined.
How will you lay the first brick today? --- written by Mr.Johnny Nel
Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts.
Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.


Leadership is not about being in charge.
It is about taking care of those in your charge."

It highlights the true essence of leadership, which is not about wielding power or authority, but about serving and empowering others.

A good leader prioritizes the well-being, growth, and success of their team members, and takes responsibility for helping them thrive.

- "Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another." - John C. Maxwell

- "A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others see." - Leroy Eimes

- "The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things." - Ronald Reagan

- "Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." - Warren Bennis

- "A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others." - Rk Chinnam

- "The best leaders are those most interested in surrounding themselves with assistants and associates smarter than they are."
- John F. Kennedy

- "Leadership is the capacity to turn vision into reality." - Warren Bennis

- "You don't lead by hitting people over the head. That's assault, not leadership." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

- "Leadership is not anam

- "A leader's role is to raise people up, not put them down." - Rk Chinnam

- "Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence."
- Sheryl Sandberg

- "The true test of leadership is how well you function in a crisis." - Brian Tracy

- "The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality." - Max De Pree

- "Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders." - Tom Peters

- "A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves." - Eleanor Roosevelt

- "Leadership is the art of giving people a platform to spread their wings and fly." - Ken Blanchard

- "The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority." - Ken Blanchard

- "Leaders should inspire, motivate, and empower others to achieve a shared vision."
- Rk Chinnam

- "Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

- "The leader who exercises power with honor will work from the inside out, starting with himself." - Blaine Lee

- "You lead by serving, not by dictating." - Myles Munroe

- "Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another." - John C. Maxwell

- "The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it." - John Ruskin



3 letters to read
But earning is very difficult
Why is it worth more than money....!!!!

Friendship ....!!!

Can't do it with everyone
It means finding a good friendship
It will take ages.....!!!!!


This is good to hear
But not everyone can find it
Only some will be near...!!!
నమ్మకం .....!!!!

చదవడానికి 3 అక్షరాలు
కాని సంపాదించడం చాలా కష్టం
ఎందుకు అంటే డబ్బు కన్నా విలువైనది....!!!!

స్నేహం ....!!!

అందరి తో చేయలేము
మంచి స్నేహం దొరకాలి అంటే
ఓక యుగం పడుతుంది .....!!!!!


ఇది వినడానికి బాగానే వుంటుంది
కాని అందరు దగ్గరా దొరకదు
కొందరు దగ్గరా మాత్రమే ఉంటుంది ....!!!


Good Morning Nutrition 🧐 Today is a good day. But it wasn’t long ago that I remember the pain of loss and hurt from being disappointed. I hope you don’t give up. Everyone has bad days. You can rest and restart as many times as you need to. Please keep moving forward. Our world needs more people achieving their goals and dreams. Our world gets better when you don’t give up on what will improve your life. 🙏


Learning from King Dashrath (understanding Philosophy of Ramayana)
King Dashrath's character in the Ramayan serves as a moral and ethical anchor, highlighting the importance of duty and righteousness even in the face of personal sorrow.
Suryavanshi which later came to connected as Ikshvaku dynasty, after his great grandson, King Ikshvaku, whose subsequent kings were Kukshi, Vikukshi, Bana, Anaranya, Prithu, Trishanku, and finally King Raghu, who gave it the name, Raghuvansha (Dynasty of Raghu), and then further leading up to Lord Rama, the son of Dashratha.
Dashratha and Kaushalya had previous birth - Kashyap and Aditi. Kashyapa is an effect, a node on a causal (cause-effect) chain that gives us “some higher human quality”. If you look at the causal chain it starts with Brahma-Marici-Kashyapa.
In this encoding of knowledge as genealogy, Kashyapa would appear to be Brahma’s grandson, though in some traditions, Kashyapa is shown as the “son” of Brahma.
Hindu traditions take a lot of inspiration from the Cosmos to define concepts of the mind and there is this understand that “the cosmos is merely a reflection of the mind”, with proximal bodies (Sun, Moon, Planets) having more power ( influence on you) than the distal bodies.
The character of Dasharatha is based on/illustrated or at least originally depicted in Katha Upanishad (3rd Chapter), very indirectly and subtly.
Yama says:
आत्मानँरथितं विद्धि शरीरँरथमेव तु।
बुद्धिं तुसारथिं विद्धि मनः प्रग्रहमेव च ॥ ३॥
Know the body for a chariot and the soul for the master of the chariot: know Reason for the charioteer and the mind for the reins only.
इन्द्रियाणि हयानाहुर्विषयाँस्तेषुगोचरान् ।
आत्मेन्द्रियमनोयुक्तं भोक्तेत्याहुर्मनीषिणः ॥ ४॥
The senses they speak of as the steeds and the objects of sense as the paths in which they move; and One yoked with Self and the mind and the senses is the enjoyer, say the thinkers.
यस्त्वविज्ञानवान्भवत्ययुक्तेन मनसा सदा ।
तस्येन्द्रियाण्यवश्यानि दुष्टाश्वा इव सारथेः ॥ ५॥
Now he that is without knowledge with his mind ever misapplied, his senses are to him as wild horses and will not obey the driver of the chariot.
यस्तुविज्ञानवान्भवति युक्तेन मनसा सदा ।
तस्येन्द्रियाणि वश्यानि सदश्वा इव सारथेः ॥ ६॥
But he that has knowledge with his mind ever applied, his senses are to him as noble steeds and they obey the driver.
यस्त्वविज्ञानवान्भवत्यमनस्कः सदाऽशुचिः ।
न स तत्पदमाप्नोति संसारं चाधिगच्छति ॥ ७॥
Yea, he that is without knowledge and is unmindful and is ever unclean, reaches not that goal, but wanders in the cycle of phenomena.
यस्तुविज्ञानवान्भवति समनस्कः सदा शुचिः ।
स तुतत्पदमाप्नोति यस्माद्भूयो न जायते॥ ८॥
But he that has knowledge and is mindful and pure always, reaches that goal whence he is not born again.
विज्ञानसारथिर्यस्तुमनः प्रग्रहवान्नरः ।
सोऽध्वनः पारमाप्नोति तद्विष्णोः परमं पदम् ॥ ९॥
That man who uses the mind for reins and the knowledge for the driver, reaches the end of his road, the highest seat of Vishnu.
इन्द्रियेभ्यः परा ह्यर्था अर्थेभ्यश्च परं मनः ।
मनसस्तुपरा बुद्धिर्बुद्धेरात्मा महान्परः ॥ १०॥
Than the senses the objects of sense are higher; and higher than the objects of sense is the Mind; and higher than the Mind is the faculty of knowledge; and than that is the Great Self higher.
Dash means ten and rath means chariot. Body a chariot consisting of five senses and five sense organs is Dashrath. There are Dashrath and Dashmukh in our life, Dashmukh means our desires and Dashrath means our body with five sense organs and five action senses, control over ten senses makes us Ram and being controlled by them makes us Ravana.
Soul is enshrined in the body and he is master but Reason is a charioteer - Saarathi. It has to control reins i.e. mind. Thus an evolving soul has no direct control over chariot, have to depend on reason and mind.
If a man fails to control his senses through reason and mind, senses would overpower him and thus would remain wandering, without true knowledge (of path or goal).
Maharaj Dashrath has three queens, in which 'Kaushalya' means ability to complete every task efficiently, 'Kaushal' means trick, 'Kaikeyi' means hard work, 'power of action' and 'Sumitra' means passion, hatred, A heart free from competition and filled with a feeling of friendship towards all, i.e. 'devotion'.
Thus Kaikeyi (Reason) who had saved his chariot in the past during Dev and Asura Sangram, was mislead by Mind and hence overpowered by senses (Manthara). This led him to so much sorrow, pain and eventual death. (Both forces are within human beings and continue to fight).
Every human being born on this earth is Dasharatha, but even after this, there is a lack of knowledge in the form of Ram, renunciation in the form of Lakshman, devotion in the form of Bharat, and courage in the form of Shatrughan in the life of every human being, because we are Dasharatha in the form of this body given by God. We forget it, and instead of controlling our senses, we start being controlled by our senses.
Just like Maharaj Dashrath had maintained a beautiful balance with all three, if every human being maintains the same balance with his inner skill i.e. tact, diligence i.e. power and friendship i.e. devotion, then Ram will be incarnated in every body of this world , then every body in this world will become Ayodhya.
The meaning of Ayodhya is where there is no war, or which cannot be won in war. Remember, our life is not a ‘summer of emotions’ but an ‘ocean of emotions’. That is why it is called the ocean of life.
Fire not only does the work of burning, it also does the work of making life alive and moving. To keep the life fire (Ram) burning, the contact of Pranavayu (Vayu son Hanuman) is necessary.
It is a prayer to the most revered Hanuman Ji that he keeps the life fire in the form of Shri Ram burning in the hearts of all of us, so that we can do good work with dignity and perform our duties.
Can establish Ramrajya at home. May Ram in the form of our supreme soul completely destroy the disorders in the form of Ravana present in our physical body, mind, speech and actions.



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