Graciela DS

Helping Soul Led Entrepreneurs & Coaches


Searching, learning, and integrating, no one had to convince me or sell me my dream.

I made the moves, and I made myself resourceful.

One of my qualities as a mentor and as a woman is that I move.

I have been learning to go first.

When I decided to change my life & Disrupt the Status Quo:

→To be the first one in the family to break the barriers, the chains of poverty.

→Replacing The old school mode" of having a "safe job," " working hard," for having my own business and getting paid for my passion and my gifts.

→Disrupting the old story of Getting married, having kids, and living the same trivia day in and day out with no dreams, goals, or aspirations ... breaking away from that to create my life, my terms.

→Breaking away from all those limitations and replacing them with the ones I consciously decide to create HAS NOT BEEN easy, BUT oh, it has and still WORTH IT.

→I met myself on a whole new level.


ALL MY SERVICES HAVE THE SAME SPIRIT AND can only be experienced by the woman deciding to move, take responsibility, and start.

➣If this resonates with you and you want to explore ways to work together and take action toward what matters most to you.

Here are some ways to get together:

→Untethered our 12-week program
→1:1 Elite Mentorship & Coaching [ 1, 3,6 &12 ]
→VIP Day [ Half or Full Day]

Note: This is not for the woman who is only looking to " feel temporary motivation " or is not taking her life seriously.

Sorry, but not sorry.


📣📣📣If you are new here you can enjoy of new content at
The House of legends by Graciela
New page 🔥🔥🔥
thank you





If you are looking to learn about human design
And see how this ccan help you as a coach
JOIN ME ON APRIL 6 at 12: pm ct


We all have a unique blueprint that we can access that holds all the answers for us.

The one that once we establish this connection business becomes easier, and the decision-making and most of all this inner connection get to be established again.

The connection that knowing our unique blueprint gives us connects us with our inner mentor, our intuition, with the deepest of us…

One of the biggest challenges that we encounter is to have plenty of information and know what to do but for one reason or another " something is not clicking yet" only leading to overdoing, overthinking leading to burnout, and being overwhelmed…

I know how this has a big effect not only on the way that we feel about ourselves but also on our business.

The tool that is and has allowed me to get in touch with me is Human design.

What I love the most is that is not a belief system or something that you have to " do " actually is like a coming home feeling where you get to explore how your energy is meant to interact and this way liberate us to " be, do or act like others and give us to permission to be us…

Is a game changer for me and my clients, for this reason, I wanted to bring to you the opportunity to join me on APRIL 6, 2023 @12:00 PM CT I'll be hosting a masterclass:

“Discovering Your Unique Blueprint through Human Design " here you will learn about:

Your energy type ( there 5 types )
Your strategy ( the way that according to your energy, you are meant to interact with others)
Your authority ( This is one of the most powerful ones, here you will learn a new approach to decision-making this allows you to enter into opportunities that are according to your life, no more " asking others for what to do" )



An ideal life requires intention, self-responsibility, and planning.

If you are like me, you are no longer part of the mold, you are different and you know it.

You are here not only to live a simple life, you want an extraordinary life. You are in the right place.

You know that is not only about having a great idea or dream, you know that also is required to have the proper mindset, this is not just thinking positively shiny thought is way deeper than that, is also facing all the beliefs, the real sh&^!

Sh&^ that we know we must face it, no more getting distracted, entering into the victimhood mode, or saying to ourselves “ I’m working on it” but deep inside we know that we are bull sh&** ourselves, I know this is not the kind of thing that we want to hear or read, I’m all about positive and keep the vibe, but waking up seeing this is essential to wake up and to take self-responsibility without any judgment, and deciding for you for your life.

Also asking bigger questions, dreaming bigger, and planning ( acting ) having a plan, LOOK this doesn't mean that we gonna have all the steps, means that we know where we are heading, and then we can adjust and redirect, but if we don't have the base, we easily can drift into the day by day same routine going nowhere.

Can you feel me?
I bet you do, you know that this thing can happen so easily, our attention can drift and then we lose our intention, we lead into the “ Is happening to me” not owing our responsibility and then only thinking about “ having it all together to move” waiting for the “ perfect plan” or motivation.


If you feel the message is time to co-create with God, to decide to live an intentional life, to take full responsibility for yourself, and to plan out ( start moving)

E&E our Hybrid [ Program PLUS Mastermind ] could change the game for you, this is our six-month journey where we get dip MIndset, human design & emotional intelligence creating the base, the foundation that will allow you to fully step into your next level as a mentor, coach, here you will count also with the support of a mastermind making of this a complete and powerful experience.

To apply go to my bio.🚀

Photos from Graciela DS's post 03/29/2023

Having a strong emotional intelligence that allows you to NAVIGATE SITUATIONS, circumstances, & RELATIONSHIPS with others [ You HOLDING and owning the room by sustaining and maintaining a high level no matter what]

It has not been easy to walk the path through acquiring it.

It took me to be more than honest with myself, I took me to tears, times when I did not understand why I was still reacting by words, conversations, getting triggered AF…

I used to get caught and get in my way not knowing that I was letting my own emotions run the show.

This was leading me to keep postponing, delaying things that I knew were crucial for my business, or doing the things where I was deeply unconnected and feeding this loop again and again.

This also goes beyond business, when we do not prioritize work in our emotional intelligence, get curious about what certain things move us, why others not, and why some words, people even thoughts can have a huge effect, WE tend to think that is normal, that is just part of who we are [ which is not]

The day that I became aware of this [ all the things that I was not able to do fully because I was letting my emotions detect my days] was the day that I started to see amazing changes.

Changes that have transcended the business.

Able to lead despite situations that let's be honest are always present and still moving with ease, don't let them kick in.

Able to have those conversations with clients, and family members.

Able to act in your business, get shi&I* done and get it right, able to shift your mood THIS IS PRICELESS.

If you are a coach, mentor, or Visionaire you know that this work is essential and only can be done for you. The good news here is you don't have to do this alone, The E&E now is open for enrollment. This is a 12-week program that will touch deep into Emotional Intelligence together with Mindset & Human design all in one place.

Photos from Graciela DS's post 03/29/2023

This is the reason Why I incorporated Human design into my Mindset & Leadership business.

I see so many coaches and mentors like, women who are putting skin on the game, women that despite the odds, we have been working our way up not only in our journey but investing thousands of dollars in our growth.

Women who bet on themselves and launch our businesses where we had put our faith, our desire to serve and to make this a profitable business that not only provides for our families but the kind of service that transcends and gets to provide amazing transformations to our clients.

We know the work that we've been putting in, the long hours, the moments where we don't see anything happening and still moving forward, giving, providing to others… and we know what our message our service has the potential to go beyond of what is currently happening.

Maybe at this moment that you are reading this you can think to yourself " I'm doing that" " I'm that mentor, that coach"...

I used to do the work, to invest, to do what the expert was saying to me, but I had not seen the results yet, I had those moments where I was questioning myself " why If I was doing the things, I was feeling depleted, constantly questioning myself, feeling quiet not " feeling my way into the work" …

The answer came to me, I was doing the work but "the way that I was doing it was opposite" of how my energy ( me ) was meant to interact, to operate in the world.

Human design not only gives us our blueprint of who we are but also opens the door to integrating mindset in a whole new way.

Discovering Your Unique Blueprint through Human Design

Here you will discover :

✨Your unique design
✨Your strategy
✨Your authority

Grab your link on my bio!!!

Photos from Graciela DS's post 03/02/2023

Find a WHY strong enough that will make you show up no matter what.

A WHY that makes you remember WHO YOU ARE the one that is completely connected with what God put in your heart.

If you are here building a business, if you are a coach, a mentor, or a visionary you must keep this in mind you are here not only for a " paycheck " or to help some people, YOU ARE HERE TO BE PART OF THIS GREAT AWAKENING.

There will be a thousand situations, circumstances, family members that will try to hold you back, things not working the way that you want it or that the paste that you expected, people reminding you of the past WHO YOU WERE, all the things that you still not yet accomplish trying to bring guilt or shame for previous decisions or even yourself [ in the back of your mind, trying to punish yourself for the things that you have not done yet or all the things that you are not doing that you took you there faster ]

Let me tell you we all have this, even the ones that we see at the top.

What has changed the game for me, what has pulled me out again and again and again despite the apparent loss has been my faith in GOD and my WHY that goes beyond me " Graciela" I turned around.

My, why goes beyond my kids, helping my mom or dad, having that business, or helping clients, MY WHY HAS TRANCEDDENT.




LISTEN if you are a mentor, coach, or visionary with a great passion to serve to be part of this change, it can only be possible if YOU BECOME all that God wants you to be.

Your only job here is to reconnect with it.

Continue on the comments area⤵️


Without even knowing I was still doing this!

I was constantly getting five steps ahead and then six back, or getting to the same place.

I was staring seeing results and feeling good, but without even knowing one part of me still was “ linked” to the old paradigm. ( holy sh$&)

Can you relate?

Everything is going well in your business and then thoughts of “ I don’t know how long is gonna last” or “ let’s take a break in the middle of the week and that prolonged for days.

Or you're starting a fight with your partner, or you start to overthink once again.

All this goes at a subconscious level, can you believe it?

This happens because “ one part of you “ still is getting the REWARD, which sounds crazy but is true. [ THIS IS A PATTERN THAT WAS LEARNED OR ADOPTED AS US AT ONE POINT IN LIFE]

The reward of “ FEELING SAFE “ “ the ADRENALINE to feeling the ups and downs “ “ the Im here hustling look at me” …

For me was “ feeling safe “ my reward used to be “ feeling safe “ avoiding rejection, feeling safe still being half and half “

I started to discover one by one what was the reward behind it and turned around, understanding what was really going behind and this way getting my power back.

This is a process that you can incorporate right away, without any judgment towards you, understanding that most of this is happening at the unseeing level.

The empress & emperor is now here, here we go deep and help you to detect, to uncover to shift, this way you can stop shooting yourself in the foot.

Go to my bio to apply for 3 & 6 months available.


Here we must move from a servant mentality to a highly valuable service provider.

You've been setting yourself up as a servant, not as a highly valuable service provider…

Without even knowing you've been letting others define you, you're worth, and your value.

Despite knowing that you have a powerful message, a life-transforming product, or a service you have been letting the market or the competitor decide for you… not only how much you get to charge but also this had led you to HOLD AN IMAGE THAT FAR AWAY FROM THE ONE THAT GOD IN THE FIRST PLACE GIVE TO YOU…

The servant is the one that sees herself as the one that is chasing, convincing, or instead of seeing the true image which is the highly valuable woman who is bringing her talents, and her gifts through opportunities to the people that she is meant to provide.

This is one of the biggest reasons why many talented women are still not fully showing the way that they know their soul, and what their heart is asking for, and the image has to change first, this only comes when you decide and you go to work in you, start to question the beliefs, the thoughts that you been holding ABOUT YOURSELF [ most of this limiting beliefs that turned into limiting images are running at a subconscious level] there no visible but their effects are.

Time to seize, especially this month when we celebrate the woman history month, is time to stand up as the empress that you are, the one that gets to lead, the one that sees herself as this highly valuable woman who gets to make an impact and drop off the servant.

Only you can do it, but you don't have to do it alone!

The Empress & Emperor for the Visionary, Mentor, Or Coach that is ready to step into a new level.

Are you ready to join us?

Go to my bio, you will find an entire page with all the details, PLUS the opportunity to apply for the 6 or 3 months, and see if we are a good fit to work together.
[ $500 promo code extended until March 7]


Allow me to reintroduce myself

If you have been following me for a while or you are new here, I'm Graciela Alish a Mindset & Leadership Mentor who is now coming here as the revolutionary, innovative Mentor due to my Manifestor ⅓ essence.

I get to help and provide Coaches, Mentors & Visionaries the tools that will allow them to step into the Higher Version of themselves, knowing who they are at the deepest level this way stepping fully with confidence, and certainty into their leadership taking their true role in their business and life.

My journey has led me to understand that we all require different tools, I unsubscribe from the cookie-cutter mentality of having just one " method" " one tool" and " one way" which drives me nuts because it is not sustainable.

Creating services takes into consideration everything.

Here you get to find what works for you, our three pillars are Mindset, Human Design & Energetics.

Lavering them all!!!

As I mentioned before my essence as a Manifestor ⅓ through my life I have been in all types of jobs/ carries, the TRIAL GO ALL IN MENTALITY, from PROGRAMING COMPUTERS, COMPETING AT BODYBUILDING BIKINI COMPETITIONS, WORKING AT AS A DENTAL ASSISTANT, getting to LAUNCH MY FIRST BUSINESS AMAZON FBA… I can go on and on the point here is to get to know YOU.

I found my passion which is Mentoring and Coaching high achievers like me the fearless, the visionaries, and the blazers that are here to live and subscribe to the norm.

As a mom of three kids, I know that it is not always easy to " take the leap of faith and go to make your dreams come true, but is possible.

Here I'll leave you also a few ways to work with me, while I drink my Hot Cocoa [ I'm a chocolate lover… lol]:

E&E The Empress & Emperor
Six and three months are available.
One-on-One Irresistible Mentorship
75 minutes One on One Consultation

I'm finished off my cocoa. If you are ready to work together or you have any questions.


Transformation can only take place when we release the grip on our identity

Letting go of who you think you are.

Releasing layers and layers of conditioning that had kept you caught in a life, a business, in a body in relationships that never were you in the first place IS and always will be in my personal opinion the most POWERFUL gift that you can give to yourself.

This gift will cost you ALL but at the same time will bring you ALL that you ever dream of.

Almost three years ago I started this journey that has led me to discover me, the one that has allowed me to release years and years of deep conditioning, healing, doing the inner work, nights where I let the tears run down my face as a silent witness of all the pain that was feeling when the ego was dying, where there were two battles, feeling the resistance and still moving through…

Moving day by day, year by year despite the failures, the doubts, the betrayals, my own thoughts, and meeting this resilient, self-led, confident, powerful me, the one that I acknowledge not from a place of arrogance but instead from a place of deep love.

I am so grateful for who I was because it led me here to be in greater service to God and to the coaches, mentors, and visionaries that I get to help with my services.

We are here, the opportunity is now available for all of us to release the grip on our identity, to transform our lives, and our business TO GET TO KNOW WHO WE ARE …

Join me March 1 & 2 at 12:00 PM CT

I'll HOSTING TWO powerful pieces of training:

Designed to help you to shift the way that you see yourself you will identify what are the BELIEFS that you can start replacing to ALIGN with the things that you want to achieve and most of all with the woman that you know deep inside you came here to be.



Understanding my emotions and being able to navigate them ( watch I don't say ignore them or avoid them, suppress them) understanding them and letting myself feel them and go after my day has made the difference between me moving and acting not only in my business but also in my life….

At this point, ask yourself without judgment " How many days, hours, and opportunities have you given away because you had let " your emotions" keep you feeling in a certain way?

As you may notice, even the way that I approach this post is not even a conversation that we are having here… the robotic tips or perfection you can have reading the book here is the real human that many times we forgot is on the other side …

Going back to the point of mastering our emotional intelligence, getting to understand and leveraging our human design ( energetic blueprint ) allows the deconditioning ( mindset) to be more effective….

We don't have time to " just wish or wait"

You know That you have things to do, and people to help new EXPERIENCE to live and you want to FIGURE this out.

The E&E is now open for enrolment, here you will find the tools that will allow you to fully know yourself, leveraging the power of your human design along with the mindset and emotional intelligence, this way acting with CONFIDENCE, CERTAINTY as the leader that you came here to be, this way making the impact that you know came here to do.

Apply directly on my bio, there are two options, send us a DM if you have additional questions.


Discover here what you can accomplish by leveraging the power of your human design along with the mindset and emotional intelligence

You know That you have things to do, and people to help you with new EXPERIENCE to live and you want to FIGURE this out

You are no longer entertaining the trivia you are ready for more, if you are at this point as a mentor, coach, or visionary this is for you.

For the last three years, I have been doing the inner work, working with innumerable mentors, and still do, crafting my craft that has been leading me to where I'm now.

Had to admit here, it has not been easy, a lot of work, detours, and failures that now I see as a big part of acquired experiences that at this point are priceless because they give me the wisdom that was necessary to step into this new chapter of my life and business.

The point from where I have been leveraging my human design has allowed me to understand how my energy works making me more effective in my day to day, from the way that I make decisions to the way that enter into new opportunities too, no more regrets or feeling resentment towards opportunities or even myself ( can you feel me here)

While the first year I was only working on my mindset, I notice that many times I was letting ( without even knowing) getting into my way, letting my emotions dictate my day ( I did know back then) that I was not leveraging this, when I started to understand this part of the puzzle the game start to change…

To be continued in the next post⏭️

Photos from Graciela DS's post 02/26/2023

Are you coming to the party?

Photos from Graciela DS's post 02/25/2023

Find a WHY strong enough that will make you show up no matter what.

A WHY that makes you remember WHO YOU ARE the one that is completely connected with what God put in your heart.

If you are here building a business, if you are a coach, a mentor, or a visionary you must keep this in mind you are here not only for a " paycheck " or to help some people, YOU ARE HERE TO BE PART OF THIS GREAT AWAKENING.

There will be a thousand situations, circumstances, family members that will try to hold you back, things not working the way that you want it or that the paste that you expected, people reminding you of the past WHO YOU WERE, all the things that you still not yet accomplish trying to bring guilt or shame for previous decisions or even yourself [ in the back of your mind, trying to punish yourself for the things that you have not done yet or all the things that you are not doing that you took you there faster ]

Let me tell you we all have this, even the ones that we see at the top.

What has changed the game for me, what has pulled me out again and again and again despite the apparent loss has been my faith in GOD and my WHY that goes beyond me " Graciela" I turned around.

My, why goes beyond my kids, helping my mom or dad, having that business, or helping clients, MY WHY HAS TRANCEDDENT.




LISTEN if you are a mentor, coach, or visionary with a great passion to serve to be part of this change, it can only be possible if YOU BECOME all that God wants you to be.

Your only job here is to reconnect with it.

Continue on the comments area


This is the biggest secret that many entrepreneurs are still missing.

Everybody is out there trying to know more, while the only real job here is to become more of Who you are.

When I entered into my entrepreneurial journey, I used to spend endless hours trying to “ do “ what others were saying was working for them.

My attention was always outside…

I never focus on WHO I WAS.

Who I was as a woman, mentor, mom, daughter, and sister, you got the point.

This is the deal, the real secret is WHO WE ARE, WHO YOU ARE INSIDE.

What do you think all day long?

How do you feel?

The tipping point for me was becoming aware of this and choosing to walk the higher route, where I let go of who I was to let in Who I am.

You want a better life

A better business

Wonderful clients

More money

Go within. I decided to co-create a business, that holds the space, brings the sense of expansion, and allows GREAT LEADERS BECOME EXCEPTIONAL.

This life work of mine, I knew that had and must start with me. This is my lifetime commitment.

I went first, I said. I did.

Now while everybody is out there trying to know more, you know that your only real job here is to become more of Who you are.

Remember is not about what you do, it is about Who you are.

🚀🚀🚀E&E is now here on our revolutionary journey where you can develop and straighten your leadership this allows you to step into the next level of mentor, and coach in this way get to experience the impact that you desire, feeling confident, certain, and powerful because you know who you are and what you came here to do.


Your ability to lead and guide as a coach or mentor is not about what you have or what you have manifested

Is about WHO you are no matter what you have or manifested

This is ONE of the most important pieces of LEADERSHIP

Many of us still fall into the " illusion " that we must be or have all " the achievements in the world" before we can guide, lead or step into this life work that we know deep inside we are being called for.

Listen, what is required from you at all moments and times not only in your business but also in your life is to be able to LEAD NO MATTER WHAT.

Lead when nothing is " working the way that you thought or supposed to work"

Leading when things are coming from previous decisions and don't LET the guilt or shame take over you and stop.

Leading where there are things that you did not meet and finding solutions right away and don't fall into victimhood or paralyzed.

Leading when you are heartbroken, and despite this, you remain open-hearted to love and trust again.

Leading when money is not fully flowing but you still find the way and you don't shy away or go back to the old patterns.

Leading when the ego is yelling at you that you don't deserve this, that you are not " this or that " yet, and overrides it again and again.

Leading when other people have opinions of you " because they remind you of the way that you used to be" and don't let those affect you.

Leading from your heart and not only from the mind.

WHO you are is what matters here, not who you were before.

The ability to lead yourself, and to navigate at any moment and time is what will not only allow you to override the ego but also to give and guide or teach others with your example and your life work.

E&E The Empress & Emperor is now here, unlock your highest potential that will set you up at your NEXT level as a COACH, MENTOR & VISIONAIRE.

Join us and get to enjoy the Early Bird [ ending on Feb 27 ]

Send us a DM or apply direct on our bio.

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