Christ Church Women, Irving, TX Videos

Videos by Christ Church Women in Irving. Women's Ministry at Christ Church Irving

Women in the Word groups kick off the week of September 10th and run through October 22nd. For the 2023/2024 school year, CHRIST Church Women will be focusing on prayer. This Fall, we will be going through the study "When You Pray." Watch the trailer below to learn more about it and then register at We have multiple groups meeting at various days and times ( even one online group) to accommodate everyone's schedules!

Other Christ Church Women videos

Women in the Word groups kick off the week of September 10th and run through October 22nd. For the 2023/2024 school year, CHRIST Church Women will be focusing on prayer. This Fall, we will be going through the study "When You Pray." Watch the trailer below to learn more about it and then register at We have multiple groups meeting at various days and times ( even one online group) to accommodate everyone's schedules!

Merry Christmas from Christ Church Women!

For far too long, O God, I have chased the magic of the Christmas season rather than beholding the wonder of the Incarnation.

Name him Jesus, he'll light the way.

God as a fetus. Holiness sleeping in a womb. The creator of life being created.

Come and worship.

You came like a winter snow.

O come, O Come Emmanuel And ransom captive Israel

Sing it out loud, sing it out clear. Christmas is here!

Let every heart prepare him room.

Merry Christmas from Christ Church Women! Every day from now until Christmas, we'll be posting a video from Christmas with Christ Church Women to help get you in the Christmas spirit. And what better way to kick off the Twelve Days of Christmas (or rather, the Twelve Days Leading up to Christmas) than with a welcome from our favorite Co-Pastors?

Dwell Night is almost here!
Dwell Night is TOMORROW and we want to see you there! Doors open at 6:30 for trivia and door prizes and we officially kick off at 7:00. Grab your friends and come hang out with us! 1750 E. Airport Fwy, Irving

Gratitude Week 8: Restoration
It's our final week in our gratitude series and we're wrapping up in John 21, grateful for the restoration we've been given through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Gratitude Week 7: Victory
It's gratitude week seven and we are in John 19 talking about the victory that we have through Jesus' death and resurrection.

Gratitude Week 6: Truth
We're a little late posting this one- it actually goes with last week's scripture and study! This video goes with Gratitude week six and this week we're in John 14 talking about gratitude for the truth that Jesus brings.

Gratitude Week 5: Resurrection.
Gratitude Week 5: Resurrection. It's gratitude week five and we're in John 11 learning about resurrection through the story of Lazarus.

We've talked so much lately about the importance that gratitude plays in our lives. Keeping a Gratitude Journal is a great way to keep tabs of some of the wonderful faith builders God places into your life. Whether it be the small daily blessings or some of God's greater miracles, keeping a physical list of what you're grateful for can be an important reminder of how He has worked in your life, particularly in those moments where you may be feeling a bit lost or overwhelmed. This week, I'm especially grateful for the incredible support group that God has gifted me by way of my Flourish group. When we started our study, I could've never imagined what a source of restoration and spiritual growth our group of women would introduce into my routine. That being said, we want to hear from you! Comment below on one or many of the things you're most grateful for this month. Hearing about the ways that God is working in all of our lives is so encouraging and uplifting. So please, if you feel comfortable, share with us some of the things on your Gratitude list and let's start off this Thursday right! #gratitudejournal #gratitude #christchurchwomen #christchurch #womenwhopray #letstalk #christchurchirving #womenoffaith

Gratitude Week 4: Compassion
Gratitude Week 4: Compassion. It's gratitude week four and we're in John 8 learning about the radical compassion of Jesus.

Gratitude Week 3: Provision
Gratitude Week 3: Provision. It's gratitude week three and we're in John 6 learning about the ABUNDANT provision that comes from God.

Gratitude Week Two: Eternal Life
It's Gratitude week two and we're focusing on the gift of eternal life. Jump into John 3:1-21 with us today!