AJ Luck- Author

AJ Luck- Author

Author of Shattered Perspectives. Available on Amazon.com
If you're interested in having AJ speak at an event please email [email protected]



Hi all. Just dropping in real quick. All is ok. Been taking some time to research depression/ medication/ anxiety before posting blog. Hoping to get something out soon. In the meantime, please KNOW that you matter. You ARE loved and you are important to me and most importantly to God.


Full transparency moment… I want to update with a new blog post but I’ve been struggling this week. I have started weaning off some meds slowly and not sure if there is a connection or not. Hoping to get something posted in the next day or so. In the meantime, will you remember me in your prayers? Grateful always-
💖, Aj



Where, When & Why 13/07/2022

Check out my latest blog post- today I ask some of the harder questions about Depression while following Jesus.

Where, When & Why Where does Depression start? One might say it begins in the brain. I might also add that it may start with ones medicine cabinet.



New blog post coming 7/13/22!
Stay tuned 💖


Good morning sunshine 08/07/2022

Check out my latest blog post.

Good morning sunshine So, what does depression look like? I can't answer that question for everyone. I can only attempt to answer it for me. Depression is strange. It's a moody lil cuss and the degree and dimension of the depression varies.

My dearest lil gallbladder, 06/07/2022

New blog post finally up!! Do you feel worthless, invisible? Me too.

My dearest lil gallbladder, As I sit here and begin to type, I find myself thinking about the gallbladder. Weird. I don't have a gallbladder anymore. When I had my gallbladder I can't recall it being very helpful or even necessary. It caused me a l...



You are the apple 🍎 of Gods eye!



Happy Tuesday!! Remember you are loved, you matter and you are enough! Tell me something you’re grateful for today. 💖

