Be Beautiful: Creating Your Healthiest You

Be Beautiful: Creating Your Healthiest You

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Helping to Encourage, Educate and Empower healthier lifestyles through inspiring programs! It's time to be your healthiest you: body, mind and soul!


Normally I’m a summer sun and fun beach girl. But this summer has been extremely busy and I haven’t had much time for many things, including God.

2022 began with a lot of changes….
But where did the time go?

Fall is coming…. I’m excited!
This will be a great time to fall back and reset, restore and to rejuvenate!

Time to focus on God more and being fruitful now, in order to be fulfilled in the future!
Trust me when I say that being busy can be a lie. Because it can and will distract you. You can lose yourself and your focus.

So I am smiling, taking a deep breath, and shifting to stay centered in Christ!



I love you to the moon and back baby girl…..
Always 🤞🏽 and never ✌🏽
Keep growing and learning and loving….
you are The King’s Daughter!


Living and loving life.
So grateful for having intentional moments with the ones we love! 🙌🏽❤️🙏🏽🥰


As a woman ages, her hair turns gray, wrinkles start to appear, a new beauty begins to blossom through her.
Her wisdom, her grace, her
intimate knowledge of the very nature of life and love turns her into a radiating goddess. If
she fully embraces her aging, every wrinkle,
every grey hair, then she will only feel more youthful, more alive, more playful, and a divine innocence will protect her at all times. 🙌🏽❤️🙏🏽

Taking notes from some Beautiful Sisters of mine.

And a few others….
I’m still coloring my grays, 😬, but probably will learn to embrace them fully by 50, we shall see. 😂
In any case, gosh oh my, I’ve been enjoying some time with little cute people the past 2 weeks, and loving it.
Embracing time with family.
Things are just so much different as you approach 50. I was panicked at first, but oh the wisdom and joy and peace that comes is truly amazing and inspiring and healing!
It really is an enlightenment!
Like, wow, you see so much more in such a different light.
You live in a different way, walk and talk differently. I can’t fully describe it, but I like it!

PS, and I’ll see you tomorrow at your salon to color these grays again…. 😜😆🥰

Photos from Be Beautiful: Creating Your Healthiest You's post 05/25/2022

I was going to make this heart-felt post yesterday about how .mays and I have been having so much fun and doing all sorts of stuff.

I am a mother, grandmother, aunt, have been a babysitter and worked with so many young children Al that I absolutely just love and adore.

The sadness and anger I feel every time I hear of these mass school shootings, is overwhelming.
I really do not care what political affiliation you’re a part of, etc.

We have a problem as a country when we cannot protect our youth, our future, that we send off each morning to a place, that is supposed to be one of the safest places for them. A place where they can learn and play and come home to us safe.

Why are we the only country that suffers through repeated mass shootings?

I don’t understand why we can’t, as parents, as aunts and uncles and grandparents, and caretakers, come together to truly put a stop to these massacres!!!

If the government can make us start changing our passwords to include all sorts of pain in the butt letters and “special”characters and numbers, for our “safety” of not being hacked……
Freaking for the love of the families of these executed victims, why, WHY, can’t we change things and vote to make those in office, change laws to make it more difficult to get a hold of these deadly weapons???

What will it take? Because we tend to just really not care and think it won’t ever happen to “us” until it does! You may hold your breath and pray it doesn’t happen at your child’s nice suburban school or private school, but why should it be happening at any school? Why is it still happening ?

So, what will it take for us to really put aside our differences, and say “yes, our schools (every school in America) should be a safe place for children to go to and return home from, without the fear of being gunned down??!

MAY GOD HELP US AND GOD BLESS the sweet innocent souls lost yesterday and those 2 adults, and their families!


I seriously do love this part of growing up in life! This is the part that you awaken, like all your senses explode!!!
I am watching and I am learning and growing.
It’s a redirection, I’m being reset with intention and living in a new light!
I feel refreshed, my spirit is restored with a renewed energy that encourages me in a peaceful position .
My position is in God, that is my security!

Hair Color by
Lashes & Brows by
Jewelry by


I got up and was so grateful this morning. Excited to see the sun! So I said my prayers and jumped up brushed my teeth changed my clothes and started my 5 miles. I knew I forgot something. I forgot to come my hair. But who cares. 🤷🏽‍♀️🥰.
I just wanted to get moving in this nice cool breeze and sunshine!
I really love to love and cherish and choose happiness and joy and smiles and hugs and kindness every day any day all day. I know it’s not always like that in the world, but ask my parents and and ,
I was born this way! 😬❤️🙏🏽


Photos from Be Beautiful: Creating Your Healthiest You's post 04/08/2022

Oh Happy Day Beautiful People! ❤️

Side note, seriously, I love having my out and I ❤️ being on the !
I am truly feeling so much healthier and it really feels good! Thank you all for such amazing support and all your prayers of healing and loving messages!! Such amazing positivity out there! 🙏🏽🥰

- “I have absolutley no limits on what I intent to create.”
-Wayne W. Dyer

Joy by
Hair by Sunglasses by
Necklace by
Dress by

Photos from Be Beautiful: Creating Your Healthiest You's post 04/04/2022

Left Photo is a year ago with

Right Photo is a week ago after having my silicone breast implants removed.

I suffered through a lot of but, back then no one spoke about and it’s symptoms (whether it was a lack of knowledge or something else) so I was clueless. I was really confused about what was suddenly happening to me.
I sought out doctors and explanations of what and why my body was going through so many problems that seemed to have just “happened overnight”!
-Daily chronic fatigue
-Cognitive dysfunction (brain fog, difficulty concentrating)
-Muscle aches, pain, and weakness
-Joint pain and soreness
-Hair loss
-Dry skin, eyes, mouth, hair
-Extreme weight gain
-Easy/frequent bruising
-Temperature intolerance
-Heart palpitations (a condition I also suffered from as a child though)
-Oral thrush (white tongue)
-Night sweats/hot flashes
-Skin rashes that eventually became daily.
-Premenopausal (hormonal imbalance)
-Tingling or numbness in the arms and legs
-Burning pain around the chest wall (my left breast specifically)
-Cold and discolored hands and feet (fingers/toes)
-Muscle twitching
-Reoccurring yeast infections (persistent candida)
-Nail changes (cracking, splitting, slow growth, etc.)
-Skin freckling, pigmentation changes (melasma)
-Edema (swelling) around eyes
-Slow muscle recovery after activity
-Low kidney function
-Chronic inflammation
-Mood swings, emotional instability
-Symptoms of fibromyalgia
-Symptoms of RA

As of now, almost 9 weeks this coming Thursday, more than half of my symptoms are now gone. Some of the others I know will take time. And I am joyously working on healing my body!

None of this has been easy, but, I believe our messes become our messages!
Not everyone may or will suffer from breast implants.
I am not ANTI IMPLANTS But be sure to KNOW YOUR WHY of your need, and NOT your want, because it is a CHOICE that you truly live with INSIDE YOU!
And, be sure to listen to your body and EDUCATE YOURSELF on ALL THINGS!!! ❤️

Photos from Be Beautiful: Creating Your Healthiest You's post 03/24/2022


So these were the silicone implants that I had removed on January 27. 2022, 8 weeks exactly from today!
I had my silicone implants from 2009. Prior to the silicone implants, I had saline implants since 2001.

This past Tuesday was my first day back in the gym training with weights. And it felt so good!! I felt so proud!! My surgeon gave me clearance a couple weeks ago, but we went on vacation. But, Dr. Wallace at mentioned that it was helpful that I had a a background of training and particularly chest….. and that he did not see a need for a lift along with my explant! 😬. That’s right, thanks to my always still “chest day” these puppies are nice and firm. NOW…. He Aldo’s mentioned that after allowing time and healing, if I change my mind, then I can always have a lift. But other than not having that “profile” without a push up bra, I’m okay for now.

So let me tell you, the differences that I feel already are truly amazing!!!

So far I’m taking time to lose my weight the right way and to keep it off.

But let me tell you, I no longer suffer from the extreme inflammation I had previously with the implants.

Also, I no longer have hot flashes and sweats!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽.

I no longer have daily rashes and breakouts…..

I feel even more energetic, although currently I’m still recovering from vacation 😜

Overall, I’m sooooo happy having my natural itty bitties! My scars are healing nicely and and their whole staff have been truly so incredibly warm and encouraging!!

I am looking forward to so many new things in my life. A new level of health, new adventures with , new ways of devotions and giving back!!!
A new level of living life and experiencing ways in which I can help others! ❤️🙏🏽🙌🏽🥰


Until our next chapter…..

Passion Twists By

Brows and Lashes By


This time, we’re focused, on life, the aftermath of years grinding and sacrifices that are never meant to be easy, because it’s true, nothing worthy or good comes easy in life.
But when 2 are together, it’s truly worth reaping thy fruits of labor.
and I are living with gratitude and blessings and taking things slow, smelling the roses and not tilapia and tan! 😂😂

Life before was his destiny I believed and being his helper to achieve……

Now, this is our life of purpose!

Thank you God for your everlasting love, grace and guidance! Thank you for hearing our heartfelt prayers every morning and every night and for being an omnipresent God!


Little out of focus, but then again, we’re are truly enjoying retirement……!

God is good! We are surrounded by good people and good times, living in good health!

my love, let’s live our best life!


Prayer changes things. It opens the door for God to come into our situations and reminds us that He has the answers we need. Would you join us in praying for Eastern Europe? Pray that God would bring His peace to this region of the world and that He would comfort all those who are affected in these difficult times.



I want to thank everyone for messaging me well wishes and a speedy recovery.
When I first decided to get breast implants, I was in highschool. Well, I at least knew then that I wanted some. But I couldn’t afford them.
It was not until about 2002, after I breastfed, that I decided to go ahead and do it. Back then Silicone Implants had a bad rep and no one was really doing them. So I got saline. I had my saline implants for 8 years. Then 12 years ago I switched to silicone. No one was discussing back then. I was competing still and a very lean 112-115 pounds, 5’3, and originally they could only fit 375 CC when they put in my saline implants. That put me at about a C Cup. After my explant, I found out that when I switched to silicone, they went up to 500 CC even though I asked them to keep me at the same size.

About 5 years after my switch to silicone, that is when I began having rapid unexplained weight gain and other hormonal changes as well as being diagnosed with . It seems like it all began so randomly and although I knew something was wrong, I was told by my gynecologist and a “hormone specialist”, that it was all a part of getting older. I was told I was premenopausal, at 36, even though I still had a regular monthly menstruation.
So go figure.
Other symptoms also included:




What a journey!!!!
Back in 2014, I began to talk about my struggle with unexplained weight gain, as each year after that I started having an onset of symptoms that was really tough to swallow. But I never gave up on living as healthy as I can.

Okay, fast forward to today, I am on Day 5 post explant surgery.

My journey and my decision to remove my breast implants was based on finally realizing that all of my symptoms (old and new ones) were related to negative reactions from my silicone breast implants.

My decision was not made after a couple of hours or days or weeks, but over some years (even after a couple of strangers warned me about ) of suffering through many different symptoms, going to different doctors and blood work, and recurring symptoms that recently popped up again.
Let me clarify that I am not ANTI BREAST IMPLANTS, I am however all about sharing my own personal experience and also about women being self educated on what they do to their bodies. We have to be more educated and better aware!

I am looking forward to a NEW BEGINNING, knowing I’m in this for the long haul.


One of the best personal trainers and group fitness instructor I know! I can’t wait to try this class!! 🔥🔥
every Tuesday evening at 6:30pm. Everyone’s welcome, non members $25 at the front desk, members $20 at the front desk and class members free. Room is heated to help warm up the body better and faster. Sign up at the front desk
Bring your own mat, towel, & water.
Kids club open til 8pm, $5/kid


Thank you so much for being so much to me and ..
You know we love you and that you’re always and forever family!! Everything you have done and given to so many over the years. Sharing not only your talent, but working your ass off in an industry you became a part of as a competitor, an innovator, expert for posing and suits and stage looks, a judge and a promoter, and then some! Giving back in so many ways to all the athletes! You are an inspiration and I love you sis.
You’re truly one of a kind and the best!

Be sure to follow and contact them to look your best on stage in 2022!! 💪🏽

Photos from Be Beautiful: Creating Your Healthiest You's post 01/11/2022

Being raised by Caribbean folks that can both cook incredibly, as taught me a lot!
I didn’t take an interest in cooking until I was away in college. My parents at one point in time owned a Caribbean/Latina restaurant.
Despite growing up in low income neighborhoods in Brooklyn, we were fortunate and never ate canned or processed foods much. Back then, my mon was able to go to the bodegas and buy fresh ingredients to make us good fresh foods. And Caribbean people don’t cook with a lot of salt and butter (although we love some soda crackers with butter and cheese like a whole meal 😂).
But I love to cook. And I love cooking fresh meals that are yummy filled with flavors and are savory from herbs and spices. Especially from my fathers Trini side which is heavily influenced by Indian cooking which is aromatic and so amazing to the senses. 🥰

I like to think of my cooking as yummy and healthy. My goal is to learn how to make other hearty dishes in a more healthy really yummy way so that it doesn’t feel like you’re missing out, but at the same time is fulfilling without the guilt. 😂
No, not gluten free and all that stuff, but with ingredients that are very good in a nutritious way. So that your palette is satisfied and your body gets the healthy nutrients it needs.
So we’re not setting restrictions, but enjoying a balance in the meal itself.




Living this retired life is oh so nice!

Enjoying everyone and everything.

Loving and living to the fullest joy that we are so blessed and grateful for!
, I’m truly loving every moment with you in this next chapter of our life!

Dear , please put me on your books asap for coloring this gray next week 😩

And , we need to get on yours too, your fellow is about to be another year older, he really needs it. 😂😜😘


So, my number one favorite thing is traveling. I grew up flying and traveling since I was a baby. My dad worked for TWA in NYC, then for in Jeddah and then Dhahran.

I was bless to travel growing up, and with

But now, I really plan on doing a lot more in 2022. Whether it’s with Dex or or whoever or by my dang self,

I want to see places, meet people, learn the history, eat the food, and all that jazz!
I wanna live life in this great world 🌎❤️


My girl is a fellow sis and one of the best I know. She slayed my makeup for the last year and this year! She does weddings, travels, all that jazz… or if you’re in Orlando and need a good for any occasion. But she books up quickly so get at her ahead of time.

Now my girls is Jacksonville,

Jax Microblading & Ombré Brows] 𝐓 𝐈 𝐅 𝐅 𝐀 𝐍 𝐘] and Kelly McEntee Weary] at Frangipani Hair Studio]

They are always laying the foundation of me being my best at 46!!!

Best brows and lash lift and tint, I can’t look so good without Jax Microblading & Ombré Brows]
I booked all my times with her for the rest of 2021 because she is that damn good and books up fast.

Kelly McEntee Weary] keeps my hair color with the highlights and those gray hairs, looking like I’m still freshly sun kissed by summer! She’s a master colorist at Frangipani Hair Studio] and also books out fast!

Now, Dexter "The Blade" Jackson] and I are officially regulars with esthetician 𝐓 𝐈 𝐅 𝐅 𝐀 𝐍 𝐘]
She made our skin soooo smooth and glowing that Dexter "The Blade" Jackson] kept talking about it all weekend. 😂
So, once a month we will be going to her for facials and derma-planing for me 🥰

Holidays 2021, I plan to be looking and feeling my best?
How about you?!?
Here’s to 2022 and a better healthier tomorrow for all of us!


Photo by .dehaan

Photos from Be Beautiful: Creating Your Healthiest You's post 09/26/2021

You are the very best parts of us.
And you’re still becoming such an amazing human!!!
We love you so much.
I love that you’re confident in your natural skin…
That you’re intelligent…..
That you never back down,
And how in your heart, you know you’re a child of God and choose to do what is right.
You are so loyal and you know who you are!
At 22, the world is yours, so keep discovering it!
It’s a big world out there, and I want you to see and learn as much as you can.
Keep being you!
and I will always be so proud of you and always have your back!


Oh yessss!

It’s Fall, Autumn.

This excites me.
The Harvest Moon,
Change is weather,
Family holidays are coming,
I mean, I know I am a Summertime Gal, but,
Time to let go the old, and prepare for the new that will come. Yaaaas!
What do you love most about this time of year?


It’s World Gratitude Day 🙏🏽❤️🙌🏽

A little bit of gratitude can go a very long way. It is important for people to feel appreciated for everything that they do. There are also many other benefits that are associated with giving gratitude. Did you know that it is actually good for your own health too? Being thankful results in a whole host of emotional and physical benefits. For instance, you can boost your immune system, lower stress levels and improve sleep by being thankful.
If that was not enough, gratitude can also help to improve self-esteem and lower symptoms of depression. If all of this was not enough, you can enhance your professional and social skills too. Who knew that expressing gratitude could offer so many amazing benefits?

Photos from Be Beautiful: Creating Your Healthiest You's post 09/11/2021

Gone, but….

I will always rep my city and be proud to be from Brooklyn NYC.

A senseless tragic attack that murdered so many loved ones and forever changed our lives, my prayers are fervent!

For everyone that lost someone on September 11, 2001, 20 years ago, we will never forget you or your lost one.

For those that survived and are suffering emotionally, physically and mentally,
I send my prayers and love to you and your families for continued healing and strength.

To all of the courageous first responders, thank you for your amazing bravery! 🙏🏽❤️
And thank you to our military men and women continuing to make sacrifices every day to keep us safe! Our prayers are with you for the Lord’s constant protection!

A prayer for all those effected on and from 9-11-2001, (sent from my beautiful Bible Study Sister Florica…)

Heavenly Father, Son of God and Holy Spirit, we ask for Your healing presence and for peace in all our hearts and the hearts of all your children, for we know you are omnipotent, omnipresent , and that Divine Love can heal the past, the present and the future.


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