Janesville-Beloit Kennel Club, Janesville, WI Videos

Videos by Janesville-Beloit Kennel Club in Janesville. JBKC is a non-profit organization. We specialize in dog training, dog events, and community outreach.

Doing hand touch exercise in family dog class

Other Janesville-Beloit Kennel Club videos

Doing hand touch exercise in family dog class

Doing “ neutral dog” exercise in family dog class

A few peeks at our first bombproof class tonight!

So Friday at rally graduation I played a little joke on the students… After their first run, I went out and replaced the regular signs with some “ fun” signs! Here are some highlights 😁

Tonight during the 3 minute down…a very entertaining young ( at heart) man was telling us jokes 🥰

Canine Good Citizen-Urban class at Farm and Fleet last night. The shoppers in the store helped us by greeting the dogs and everyone did a great job.!

Jennifer and Maples second run was much improved. And Jennifer is such a good sport.

So Jennifer and maple had a couple issues on their first run, watch this and then watch the next reel for improvements

Rally class on Friday. Here’s Michelle with Ida !

Friday night at rally class. Here’s Jamie and Jessie !

Friday nights rally class. Here’s Sarah with Badger!

Rally Friday night. Here’s Kobey with Tracey!

Last nights reactive dog class doing the spiral exercise. Everyone did so well!

Fit Dog 1 with Ghost-front paw targeting ( yes, she’s an overachiever ☺️)

Fit Dog 2- pivot over a pvc pole with Ryker

Family Dog class week 4, working on stay with distractions ( flirt pole in this case)

Last night in Rally Novice. Trish and Laynie in her very first rally class!

Last night at Rally Novice class. Here’s Michele and Ida

Last night in Novice Rally. Here’s Jamie and Jess

Last nights novice rally with Jennifer and Maple