Boys & Girls Club of Janesville, Janesville, WI Videos

Videos by Boys & Girls Club of Janesville in Janesville. Boys & Girls Club of Janesville is a safe and welcoming place for kids after school and during summer

Shout Out from Charlie Berens

Thank you Charlie Berens, for giving a shout out for our Capital & Endowment Campaign.

To get involved or to make a gift, please visit our website below.


Other Boys & Girls Club of Janesville videos

Shout Out from Charlie Berens
Thank you Charlie Berens, for giving a shout out for our Capital & Endowment Campaign. To get involved or to make a gift, please visit our website below. #GreatFuturesStartHere

Club Alumni Keeanu Benton
Former Janesville Club member Keeanu Benton, encourages the next generation of Club kids to make the most of their youth. #greatfuturesstarthere #GreatFutures #PittsburghSteelers #WhateverItTakes #NFL #SteelersNation

Campaign Video Part 3!
Campaign Video Part 3: Why our community needs a new Boys & Girls Club facility. Thank you Schumacher Wealth Management, for believing in our mission for over 20 years. #GreatFuturesStartHere

Campaign Video Part 2
Watch part 2 of our campaign video to learn why we need more space. #GreatFuturesStartHere

Campaign Short
Our Club members were excited to work on our campaign video for our Capital & Endowment Campaign to raise money for a new facility. #GreatFuturesStartHere

Club spotlight
Meet Emily, one of our Be Great Graduate teens.

Meet Ellie, one of our Club teens.

Club Member Spotlight
Meet Etta, one of our elementary Club members. The programming our members love is possible because of community support from businesses like Schumacher Wealth Management. #GreatFuturesStartHere

Thank You Basics Cooperative
The Boys & Girls Club of Janesville was selected by Basics Cooperative to receive donations during their September Round Up event. The Club wants to thank the individuals who rounded up their transactions while shopping at Basics last month. We also want to thank Basics for selecting us as their non-profit and Basics staff for their efforts. Basics staff raised over $750 as part of everyone’s willingness to give! #GreatFutures #WhateverItTakes

One of the ways we celebrated #BGCWeek was working together in groups to create AWESOME chants/cheers about our Club and say what we love about it! 💙 They did a great job!😊🤩 The other videos are posted in the comments. Take a look!👀😄 #GreatFuturesStartHere #inspiregreatness #BGCWeek

The Boys & Girls Club hot spot as part of Janesville's Jolly Jingle is in full swing! We’re here until 6pm, so come see us and participate in some carnival games, a coloring contest sponsored by Culver's, and hot chocolate for $1! #GreatFuturesStartHere #janesvillejollyjingle #inspiregreatness

Staff Spotlight