Concilium Inc.

Concilium Inc.

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Global Christian ministry providing security resources to missionaries and persecuted Christians.


PARIS, FRANCE: Concilium to Hold a Public Security Update, Live from Paris!

In the past several weeks, Concilium has received multiple requests for guidance for conducting ministry at the Olympic Games in Paris. The stakes are high for those sharing the Gospel as they consider the potential threats surrounding the Olympic Games across France.

Concilium is offering a unique opportunity for our friends and supporters to hear from, and engage with, Concilium's security team in Paris! Whether you are attending the Olympic games or are just interested in the security threats surrounding the Olympic games this year, join us at 10:00 AM Central Time/5:00 PM Paris Time for an informative briefing on security and gospel engagement during the next 20 days of the Olympic Games!

For more information, email [email protected]

To join the Microsoft Teams meeting at 10:00 AM Central Time, 5:00 PM Paris Time, click on the link below:

Meeting ID: 225 466 734 397


Bringing realism to training isn’t just about guns and explosions. It’s also about reproducing the bureaucratic mentality. 😁

In this case, learning that patience and humility are key virtues as one answers questions of presence during an interview at a foreign airport is an important life lesson!

Concilium’s RACE (Restricted Access/Complex Engagement) Training provides those working in restricted access counties key learning opportunities on how to navigate both legal bureaucracy and police scrutiny. It’s a powerful training for those called to the nations!


The son of Concilium's President, who is currently completing his second internship with Concilium, recently wrote a security analysis paper for Concilium subscribers. That paper was a review of terrorist attacks prior to the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris. In that paper, Aden made a key statement addressing theology of risk. In context of the paper Aden stated:

"The threats and challenges surrounding the Olympics are not new challenges, merely different circumstances for which to prepare. This should not deter attendance or efforts to advance the Great Commission."

That statement is not only relevant to the Olympics, it is relevant to global ministry and the call of the Great Commission!

Well done, Aden. We look forward to more great work from you in the future!


SARASOTA, FLORIDA: Concilium Leading RACE Training for Restricted Access Gospel Workers.

Concilium is asking for prayer for Concilium’s 2-Day RACE (Restricted Access/Complex Engagement) course for restricted access workers serving in 10+ nations around the world.

Concilium President, Scott Brawner has a unique prayer request for this course:

“As some may have heard, there have been significant travel disruptions today due to a computer software issue. 3/5 of our team members are impacted by those disruptions! Please pray that our team members could make it to the training. Pray that paths would be made straight and the Lord would get to Sarasota those He would have for this training.”

Please join Scott in praying for Concilium’s team members. Please also pray for our students in the course! Please pray that they might study to show themselves approved working under Christ Jesus who correctly handle the word of truth and its application in times of risk and crisis.

God is good!


Concilium is pleased to release our latest security benchmarking survey with our partners in Haiti. Some of the data might surprise you.

The survey had 18 respondents representing 17 organizations serving across three sectors. This includes: 12 Faith Based Organizations, 3 Non Governmental Organizations, and 2 International Organizations.

As a Christ-centered organization, we thank the Lord for the favor He has shown Concilium in both the public and private sectors addressing security and crisis management concerns around the world.

As we seek to allow the excellence of our work to build the credibility of our witness, please pray that Concilium would continue to grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man.

For more information on the survey, please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected]

Photos from Concilium Inc.'s post 07/13/2024

BUTLER, PA: President Trump Shot During an Assassination Attempt.

At 6:12 PM Eastern Time, multiple gunshots were heard and President Trump fell to the ground.

Trump was giving a speech at a rally in Butler, PA (north of Pittsburgh).

Secret Service rushed the stage and began escorting Trump away.

Trump stood on his own, pumped his fist into the air and was saying something to the crowd.

Blood was noticeable on the side of his head (his right).

It appears that a bullet may have struck him in the right cheek (his right) and traveled out near his ear.




Concilium is excited to announce the release of our latest theo-security resource, "Faithful Calling: Stay-Go Decisions and the Challenge of Duty of Care."

This document examines the the challenges and opportunities of personal calling in stay-go decision making and duty of care decisions for Great Commission organizations. This valuable resource will help pastors and mission leaders process risk decisions that acknowledge the calling of their people while avoiding negligence in the final decision making process.

You can download this new resource as well as other valuable tools that empower security in the context of ministry for free at our website:

Check it out!




The numbers are in! Concilium had a busy 2023, and the world is not slowing down in 2024.

The impact of Concilium's global ministry is significant. But we cannot and will not be successful without your prayers and financial support!


The Olympics are coming! Friday, July 26 are the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris, France. Needless to say, there are genuine concerns for safety this summer at the games.

Concilium is excited to announce that we are deploying a field security team to the Paris Olympics in support of our ministry partners. Concilium is providing FREE resources and support for those attending the games. Concilium has assessed that physical security threats including civil unrest, rioting, and various acts of terrorism could well cause disruption and harm during the games. Because of these concerns, Concilium has been quietly working to resource and support our ministry partners in Paris.

At last check, around one thousand missionaries and gospel workers are coming to serve in various capacities during the games. Also, there is a coordinated effort among Paris churches near the various Olympic venues to open their doors to visitors and spectators during the games. There is a LOT of ministry taking place during the 2024 games!

If your or your church/organization is going to Paris for the games and have not already connected with Concilium for support, please email [email protected] and ask to be connected to Concilium’s Olympic security team. Our team has many resources available to help you prepare and serve well at the games.

Concilium is seeking to raise both prayer and financial support for our team members going to Paris. Please donate to Concilium’s International Projects Fund to support our Olympic security team. We are excited for this opportunity to serve in such a great way at the games but we need your help to do so!

Please give online at:


So often the focus of security management is on the negative consequences of risk. But with risk there is also opportunity. Apart from identifying weaknesses and vulnerabilities associated with risk, security risk management programs should help organizational leaders capitalize on the opportunities found in risk. That is to say, security risk managers can help the organization exploit opportunities that arise by helping leaders streamline decision making by removing uncertainty from strategy decisions toward success.

Concilium is committed to helping our partners exploit opportunities that fulfill the mission and vision of their organizations. Concilium's strategic guidance helps our partners make positive decisions towards success by helping remove the uncertainty in their strategy decisions and ensuring that opportunity is achieved through positive decisions that include the use and implementation of new methodologies, technologies, and strategies toward mission fulfillment.


A powerful word from Scott Brawner on the consequences of risk and the reality of the Lord’s love for His people.

Experience has taught me this principle not from the risks I have taken around the world, but from being deeply wounded in ministry by other Christians.

But what I learned most of through the years is that I should never equate Jesus’ lovingkindness toward me to an expectation physical, emotional, or spiritual protection from the abuse of those around me. Why? Because Jesus' suffering on the cross was never about supernaturally lowering my vulnerabilities to the threats I face in the world. Instead Jesus' suffering was about my reconciliation to the Creator of the Universe Who meets me in my pain and suffering and turns my eyes toward Heaven! Jesus in Hos love for me did for me what I could never do for myself!

Friends, far too many today have believed a lie that says "If you love Jesus (or if Jesus loves you...) He will protect you from harm." That lie has created a false expectation for care that has left people angry, disillusioned, and ultimately deconstructing their faith. You can hear it when they make statements like, "I will never follow God because a Christian hurt me," or, "If God was real He would not have let me suffer," or “I am who I am and if the God of the Bible wants to say I am wrong then forget Him," and similar statements.

Friends this is the heartbreaking place many people fiend themselves today. And this condition will never be resolved by followers of Jesus simply saying "God bless you," or "Jesus loves you” to these people. It will require Christians who are willing to come alongside these people with love and longsuffering, meeting them in their circumstances, and speaking the truth in love while serving them in their hours of greatest need.

The truth is that ministry is messy because it's a messed up world. But the rewards of this kind of ministry are truly heavenly and worth the risk!


LA PAZ: BOLIVIA: Coup D'etat Underway In Bolivia's Capital.

Concilium is consulting our partners on a coup currently underway in Bolivia.

At present, Concilium recommends that expats in Bolivia avoid Plaza Murillo in La Paz. Christian expatriates in La Paz should shelter in place and collect local information about roadblocks and
protests. Christian expatriates outside La Paz should assess the need for local movements while collecting local information about roadblocks and protests. Christian expatriates should be prepared to shelter in place for multiple days. They should not make statements of political opinion in person or online, including in
ministry newsletters.

We are also recommending postponing normal Wednesday night ministry activities for June 26 in the capital as well.

Please pray for the peace of Shalom to be upon leaders in Bolivia. Pray that decisions being made toward socio-political change would be rooted in wisdom and that bloodshed would be avoided.

Pray that, even in this time of unrest, the lost might be saved!


DAGESTAN, SOUTHERN RUSSIA: A Tragic Day of Islamist Attacks on Churches and Synagogues


On June 23rd, at around 1800 hours, in two cities in Dagestan, Russia, nearly synchronized and coordinated attacks occurred against churches and synagogues. These religious centers were targeted with incendiary devices and gunfire. The attacks were followed up by several exchanges of gunfire with local authorities, as police
responded to the incident.

In the city of Derbent, attackers set fire to a Jewish synagogue, and to a nearby Russian Orthodox Church. The attackers entered the church, killed a security guard, then killed Father Nikolai by slitting his throat. At the same time in the capital city of Makhachkala, attackers set fire to a synagogue, then engaged authorities by shooting at responding police cars.

Multiple violent confrontations and gun battles with the authorities have occurred following these initial attacks. Authorities have been working to eliminate the attackers, make arrests and aggressively investigate the incidents. Initial reports state that 15 police officers, 7 civilians, and six attackers have been killed, with an unknown number of
injured parties. These numbers will likely increase as more accurate information becomes available.


At this point many of the attackers have been identified, and are reported to be from the village of Sergokala. A police vehicle was attacked in the village of Sergokala, during the initial investigation. An aggressive investigation and “clean up” operations are ongoing throughout the region. Authorities are making arrests, and setting up checkpoints, as they work to locate any remaining attackers or accomplices.

Further attacks against authorities and religious centers in the future cannot be ruled out. Since October 2023 with the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, Russia’s Jewish community in particular has faced increasing threats. On October 29th, 2023, a mob of hundreds stormed the airport in Makhachkala, seeking to block a flight from Tel Aviv from landing. The Russian Orthodox Church has also experienced several incidents in recent years of being targeted by Muslim extremists in Southern Russia.


In the event of having proximity to these types of incidents, Concilium recommends optimizing your outcomes by considering the following principles:

Get to Safety. When faced with violent incidents of this nature, the primary goal is to get yourself and your family/team to safety. Sheltering in place in a safe location is always a good decision. There are a number of videos being circulated by those who sought
shelter and then recorded the incidents underway from a distance. While we do not recommend exposing yourself to danger to get a photo or video, several of the videos document good principles for sheltering in place away from fighting.

Maintain Accountability. When getting to safety, maintaining accountability of individuals is critical. Whether those individuals be friends, family, or a team, quick accountability of their whereabouts and physical condition is critical in determining next steps in a crisis.

Call for Help. We have a saying in Concilium: “Never suffer in silence.” Whenever field personnel face a critical incident such as facing violence, detained by authorities, become isolated, or otherwise sense danger or have a concern, the old AT&T commercial jingle is a good principle to follow: “Reach out and touch someone.” That is to say, prioritize contacting your supervisor, another team member, security focal point, or even local authorities for help if the situation dictates and permits.


LEBANON: Considerations for Possible Open Conflict Between Israel and Hezbollah


There is a growing concern among international leaders for a broader confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon that could see the current low-intensity conflict mushroom into a full-scale conflict that could include an Israeli ground operation inside Lebanon.

While the current conflict between Israel and Hezbollah had
remained somewhat limited in scope, there has been a marked
escalation of rhetoric and action in the past few weeks. Israel has successfully targeted senior Hezbollah leaders in Lebanon while Hezbollah has increased strike distances from roughly 4 KM to 35 KM from the Blue Line separating Israel and Lebanon, including attacks that have burned more than 7400 acres of forest and farmland in northern Israel.


Since the October 7 Hamas attacks, Hezbollah has been trading fire with Israel, essentially in parallel with the Gaza war. However, since June 19 there has been a marked increase in threatening rhetoric from both Hezbollah and Israeli leaders that has triggered foreign governments to recommend their citizens depart Lebanon. Specifically, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threated to attack both Israel and Cyprus with “no restraint and no rules and no ceilings.” In reply, Israeli military leaders stated that plans to invade southern Lebanon have been “approved and validated.”

To be clear, neither Israel nor Hezbollah have declared concrete steps/actions toward an expanded conflict. However, it is tough to escalate reciprocal rhetoric any higher without some sort of reciprocal action. But, in the midst of the fiery rhetoric on both sides, Hassan Nasrallah stated that Hezbollah did not want
full-scale war with Israel and viewed Hezbollah's current actions as support for Hamas in Gaza. Likewise senior Israeli civilian leaders shared their fears for catastrophic damage to Israel in an all out war with Hezbollah.

Driving concerns for escalation in Lebanon is logistics. Specifically Lebanon hosts an extremely high number of expatriates with only one international airport to enter and depart the country by air. Many escalation scenarios suggest a likelihood of commercial air carriers canceling flights or the airspace in Lebanon being shut down due to military activity. The result of either could leave tens of thousands of expats stranded and in danger. In a worst-case scenario, an Israeli ground invasion could trigger a non-combatant evacuation operation (NEO) similar to what was seen in Lebanon in 2006 when the USA evacuated thousands of its citizens from Lebanon during the month-long conflict.


Stay-Go Considerations. Decision making in risk management often comes down to likelihood vs impact. To help with that decision making process, Concilium recommends organizations consider calculated decisions in three areas:

What is the likelihood of an escalation by Israel in the near term (next 2-5 weeks) significantly interrupting programming in Lebanon and/or exposing personnel to greater threat of harm?

What impact would an escalation have on the ability for personnel to accomplish ministry goals and continue to thrive in Lebanon in this season?

Based on #1 and #2, does staying create a benefit or opportunity for personnel or local partners? Or, should organizations order the departure of their expat personnel in the near term understanding that it would be less expensive and safer to take available commercial flights vs waiting and pursuing other more expensive/dangerous evacuation options if commercial flights are discontinued?

Considerations for Staying. For those operating in areas and neighborhoods with a strong Hezbollah or anti-Israel/anti-Western sentiment, apart from stockpiling key necessities, consider decision-making towards limiting program activities based on local threat intelligence. Also, continue efforts to change up patterns and routines to decrease vulnerability to being detained and/or exploited. Finally, if there is an air strike or other attack near your area of operation, consider limiting personal movement in the vicinity of the attack 48 hours to decrease potential for
accusations of some sort of involvement (being a spy for Israel, etc.).


Thresholds for Departure/Benchmarks for Return
Choosing to Stay
For more helpful resources, visit


On the latest episode of "On the Path: The Concilium Podcast," our director of analysis discusses Concilium Insight's new paper, "Violence during U.S. Church Activities from 2019 to 2023." The 5-year study contains some important takeaways to help churches calibrate their security ministries.


This post from Scott Brawner points squarely at the need for Gospel workers to understand the rich theology, the Bible contains concerning risk, suffering, and persecution.

It also points to the fact that, Just as with other areas of theology and its application to our lives, there is a right way and a wrong way to apply and practice biblical theology toward our decisions toward risk and suffering.

We hope this is a book in the making!


Recently, Concilium completed our largest hostile observation course ever in Southeast Asia. More than 50 students and role players took part in this multi-day training.

Just today, feedback on the training has started coming in. We are utterly humbled and thankful for such appreciative feedback:

"Thank you for the time, attention, and intentionality that you dedicated to training our teams. The content and exercises that we received were very illuminating, and we have consistently received glowing reviews from our team members. In my eighteen years of involvement in various facets and models of world missions, I have experienced a range of approaches to security training. This training orchestrated by the Concilium team exceeded all of my previous training experiences and has now set the standard for how I hope to equip myself and team members going forward. From the planning stages of this training to its ex*****on, your desire to provide training catered to our needs, the professionalism and quality of the product, the effectiveness and implementation of the inoculation techniques, and, especially, the conscientiousness with which you engaged our team members spoke volumes about your ministry and the heart that you have for it. Your training has allowed me to rest assured that we are equipping our teams to the best of our ability and fulfilling our duty to shepherd our personnel. I am grateful to have connected [with your specific team members], for the week that we had together, and for the training that we received."

From missionaries and humanitarian workers to the many gospel workers serving in restricted areas around the world, Concilium stands ready to equip Christians to thrive where Jesus has called them as they remain effective where He has planted them!


Because it is now public knowledge, this is what you are praying for: The repatriation of the remains of Davy and Natalie Lloyd to the USA is now underway. They are safely out of Haiti and will soon land in Miami and then on to the Midwest. It is an answer to prayer and allows the next step in the grieving process to begin.

Please continue to pray!


Please pray today!


Scott Brawner has made an excellent point concerning the calling and mission of Concilium.

The reality is, if you don’t want to be victimized overseas, don’t go overseas–problem solved! But what if the Lord Jesus has called you to go? This is where Concilium comes in.

Every day around the world, Concilium is helping expatriate gospel workers and persecuted Christians thrive where the Lord has called them and succeed with He has planted them. We cannot do this without your prayers and financial support!

Support the ministry of Concilium, please give at:

There is an adage that helps describe the work of Concilium Inc.

“A man saw a snake burning to death and decided to take it out of the fire. When he did, the man was burned and the snake bit him, both causing excruciating pain. Due to his injuries, the man dropped the snake back into the fire. Determined, the man looked around and found a metal pole and used it to keep himself from being both burned and bitten as he saved the snake’s life by removing it from the fire.

“Someone who was watching approached the man and said: ‘That fire burned you and the snake bit you. Why did you seek to save a snake from a fire?’ The man replied: ‘The nature of fire is to burn, and the nature of the snake is to bite. But neither of them are going to change my nature, which is to help.’”

Some people (even Christians) might say to the man, “You’re a fool for helping a snake and deserve what you got.” Others might say, “There’s no way I’d reach my hand in a fire to help anyone, let alone a snake.” But as one who is called to go to hard places to share the Gospel with the “snakes,” I have survived many dangerous places to tell of God’s faithfulness in these endeavors. That said, I’ve also made a lot of mistakes along the way that led to unnecessary risks and consequences that could well have been avoided had I been a little wiser. In other words, I have empathy for the man who desired to save the snake. That’s why I desired to start Concilium.

Concilium deals with good people who are willing to lay down their lives for others and go to hard and dangerous places to do so. However, some of those people are like the man who stuck is unprotected hand into the fire; in their exuberance to help they entered an environment they were unprepared for and suffered the consequences. Still others Concilium serves are like the man when he was bit by the snake; these folks do not yet understand that those they are called reach don’t always appreciate their work and will even physically war against their calling.

The ministry of Concilium is like the pole in the adage. In other words, we help the called to decrease their vulnerability to the world’s snakes and fires. We also help them increase their effectiveness on the mission field by helping them thrive in hard environments.

There really is no other ministry like Concilium. We are committed to helping those who are called by Jesus to thrive where the Lord has called them and to remain effective where He has planted them.

We depend on our friends for both prayer and financial support. The ministry of Concilium is impossible without your help. I want people to know how much we need them and how much we appreciate the prayers and giving they provide.

Thank you for helping us equip, train, empower, and respond to the needs of those who Jesus has called into the fire to reach those who, at present, are often ungrateful for the sacrifice of those called to go. Your help makes this ministry possible!


PORT AU PRINCE, HAITI: Remembering Judes Montis, Missions in Haiti Director

Concilium is thankful for the prayers and financial support that have poured in for the slain missionaries serving with Missions in Haiti. With the tragic murder of Davy and Natalie Lloyd, we also want highlight that Missions in Haiti Director, Judes Montis, was also murdered in the attack. Jude leaves behind a wife and two children, ages 2 and 6, and a brother who was present the night that the killings occurred.

Judes faithfully served Missions in Haiti more than 20 years, managing the Missions in Haiti program along with the House of Compassion, the orphanage operated by Missions that housed 36 children. Missions in Haiti also operated a school, bakery, and church, serving more than 240 people.

Those wishing to support Judes' family after this tragic event, please send donations to Missions In Haiti, P.O. Box 2996, Claremore, OK 74018 with memo. "for Jude's wife."


FLASH-HAITI: Two Americans and One Haitian Missionary Murdered in Port au Prince.

Concilium is heartbroken to share that three missionaries were killed in Port Au Prince overnight.

On the evening of Thursday, May 23, two American missionaries from Missions in Haiti, Davy and Natalie Lloyd, and the organization's Haitian Head of Staff Jude Montis, were killed in a gang attack on the Missions In Hope compound in the Bon Repos neighborhood of Greater Port-au-Prince.

A public Facebook post by the ministry while the incident was in progress indicated the missionaries were ambushed by a gang as they left a church meeting. They were taken to a house on their compound, which the gang looted. At some point, a second gang arrived, ostensibly to help the missionaries. Gunfire broke out, and a gang member was killed. Specific circumstances are unclear, but the CEs and staff member were subsequently killed as one of the gangs went into “full attack mode,” according to the post:

Concilium President Scott Brawner was quoted in a statement:

"My heart breaks for Missions In Haiti and the many Haitians and American families impacted by this senseless tragedy. Missions In Haiti has been a strategic partner for many ministries and humanitarian organizations in Haiti for three decades and a champion of the Haitian people since the founding of the organization. The Lloyd family has maintained a godly witness in Haiti for such a very long time. I am humbled by their commitment and heartbroken for their loss. The Concilium family grieves with and for all the families and friends of Missions In Haiti who lost loved ones last night."

Concilium is calling for its friends and followers to please be in prayer for Missions In Haiti, their staff, and the families of the slain victims. Please pray for a peace that surpasses all understanding and for hope in the midst of despair.

But if Not.

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National Hostage Policy Roundtable January 19, 2024! Free Admission!
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Today we are praising God for His faithfulness to answer prayer!Concilium President, Scott Brawner, shares three princip...
Concilium’s president,Scott Brawner, might be jet lagged, but what a great compliment to receive on the CAST-RACE course...
Concilium, president, Scott Brawner, with an exciting story of a young lady who has come to our field security course in...
Concilium’s Morning Devotion at FSC!
RUSSIA CHURCH UPDATE: Earlier today we posted a picture of Ukrainian Christians who fled to Georgia worshiping together....
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An update on needs at border crossings that the team has observed in Poland and Slovakia. Essentially, governments and ...
A prayer update from Concilium president Scott Brawner, from the Ukraine border in Slovakia.  Concilium‘s team continues...


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