Nolan Wildlife Services, Katy, TX Videos

Videos by Nolan Wildlife Services in Katy. Nolan Wildlife Control LLC is a family owned and oriented humane wildlife control company.

Nolan Wildlife Control offers services to repair damage, close entry points, and disinfect affected areas. After your home is secure, it is vital to restore your home. Rotted roofs, soffits, and facia boards are easy access to wildlife looking for shelter, here we are replacing soffit, and facia with hardi board. Hardi siding and soffit are wildlife proof, termite proof, and will never rot. Raccoons chewed a hole through the roof on this house, and in several areas of the soffit. After removal, we proceeded with a roof patch and complete soffit replacement, making this customers wildlife issues a thing of the past.

Call us today for a home inspection, and we can help eradicate wildlife from your home and property for good!

(832) 696-4129

Other Nolan Wildlife Services videos

Nolan Wildlife Control offers services to repair damage, close entry points, and disinfect affected areas. After your home is secure, it is vital to restore your home. Rotted roofs, soffits, and facia boards are easy access to wildlife looking for shelter, here we are replacing soffit, and facia with hardi board. Hardi siding and soffit are wildlife proof, termite proof, and will never rot. Raccoons chewed a hole through the roof on this house, and in several areas of the soffit. After removal, we proceeded with a roof patch and complete soffit replacement, making this customers wildlife issues a thing of the past. Call us today for a home inspection, and we can help eradicate wildlife from your home and property for good! (832) 696-4129

Red bellied wood pecker with its little fledgling that followed it out of the nest. There’s more of them I can hear them but can’t find the hole in the tree.. When they hatch, the babies are pink and bald; as they grow, they grow feathers like the red markings on the parent. 😁

Your package has arrived! Bucket O’ Coons


Moles are often confused with the similar-sounding vole, but they are quite different animals. Moles are most commonly found underground, and usually humans don't even come into contact with them. Homeowners can definitely experience extensive mole damage if proper management solutions aren't put into place. Molehills are common landscape damage, and they can be expensive in yards or commercial properties. Nolan Wildlife Services can help you remove moles from your property and keep them away for good! (832) 696-4129

Did you know that Houston Tx went from top 20 to top 10 of the rattiest city’s in the world? Nolan wildlife technicians are trained and certified in rodent removal and sanitation services. When it comes to a roof rat infestation, the quicker you address the situation the better! A colony of 8 can grow to 100 in as little as a months time. Call us to schedule an assessment (832) 696-4129 Schedule below

Bats are creatures of habit. They roost together in the the same place year after year. Bats will leave an oily brown stain on the entrance of their roost.. And guano droppings underneath the entrance to their roost area (as seen on glass and brick). These droppings may accumulate on a wall, windowsill, or porch, or other place directly below the place where the bats are entering your home. Guano resembles mouse droppings only larger. Inspect your attic windows for visible droppings and be on the look out for any obvious openings in the exterior where bats are getting in and out. It will probably be up high, but if the bat colony is large, it’ll be hard to miss the guano. Or their social chatter.. (turn up your volume and you can hear. If you suspect you may have bats call us to help! Bats are protected by state and federal laws and should be removed with the bats safety in mind! Call (832) 696-4129 to set up a free home inspection or schedule one below here:

This Fox squirrel came inside wanting to know what’s for dinner?

By flattening out their bodies, mice are able to squeeze through gaps as small as 6mm. That’s roughly the size of a pencil! Because of this, when it comes to preventing mice, it’s advised that you call a pest management professional to fully inspect your property for any gaps and holes these guys use to find their way indoors! Nolan Wildlife Services uses a variety of control measures that are humane, and extremely effective. A full encompassing exclusion will give you peace in knowing that nothing can creep into your home! Giving you back full control of your property! (832) 696-4129

Snakes aren’t all bad....except when they’re venomous. The danger posed by snakes can either be mild (raise your blood pressure) or as serious as death or loss of limbs. A non-venomous snake bite will only wound, but a venomous snake may kill. If you aren’t sure what kind of snake you’re dealing with, you need to give us a call right now! (832) 696-4129

Here are some signs of bat Infestation : 1. Oily stains on siding, brick, or facia boards leading to the entry point of their roost. —- Bats excrete oil or grease on the surface of their skin. And when they’re scurrying into and out of the small gap they use to enter your attic, odds are good they will leave a distinctive greasy stain (as seen in video). 2. Your attic has a strong pungent odour. — If you go up into your attic and can smell a pungent ammonia type of odour, you probably have a bat infestation. Bat droppings and urine can create a terribly strong odour that you don’t want to breath in and pretty much should avoid. When wildlife removal technicians perform attic restoration jobs, they wear masks and other protective clothing to ensure they don’t spread contamination or breathe in any dangerous waste particulates. 3. Dead Bat Sightings — One of the most common mistakes that is made by homeowners who are experiencing a bat infestation is if the dead bats they are finding by their residence are somehow related to some other home in their area. A dead bat that has been found on your property is likely to be a member of an entire family that is residing at your home. Pay close attention to your home as soon as you find any dead bats on the premises 4. Sound (squeaking (social chatter) or scratching within walls, chimney, or ceiling. — Bat colonies make a lot of noise (chit chat). It’s hard to describe what their social chatter sounds like when roosting. It almost sounds like birds chirpings at a very high pitch, mixed with the sound we make when blowing kisses. These sounds will increase in frequency and intensity right before dusk, before they fly out to feed. This is the best time you can hear them, and locate them. If you are noticing any of these signs around your home give us a call! The longer you wait the more damaging to your health, and the more damage they will do to your home! Bat guano and urine will eventually start to effec