Shannon Dubberly, Keller City Councilman

As your Councilman, I want to hear your opinion and represent your interests. Keller is a great place to live, work and play.

It’s a community with beautiful parks, trails, safe playgrounds, clean streets and growing local businesses – a shining example of the American dream. My goal is to be your voice and ears on the Council while keeping your property taxes low and our city great.


Congrats, Austen!! We’re all so proud!

She did it! Austen brings home the Bronze for Team USA in women’s s***t! We are so proud of Austen’s grit, determination, and the manner in which she represented Keller and our nation on the global stage! Only 23 and a bright future ahead!

Next up: The mixed-team competition tomorrow.


Well said

It is a tradition for Keller High School seniors to paint over their parking spots. Painting a parking spot with the image of a former U.S. President, is neither controversial or inappropriate.

If we have the images of several former Presidents on U.S. currency, then surely the image of a President at a parking spot should be allowed.

I trust that Keller ISD leadership will correct the situation.


Mayor Armin Mizani

No one is actually surprised. We all knew this would happen the night after the debate.

But if you want to know what’s an actual threat to democracy…it’s the media class pushing the sitting President of the United States not to run for reelection and dismissing the 14 million plus voters who already voted for their candidate in the primary.

Now a handful of electors in a convention will select their party’s nominee and not the millions of voters who participated in the process.

Photos from Mayor Armin Mizani's post 07/14/2024

First things first, prayers for President Trump and his family. I can’t imagine. And well said, Mayor Armin Mizani.

This is all getting out of hand and needs to stop now.


🇺🇸💥 🇺🇸💥 🇺🇸💥🇺🇸💥🇺🇸💥🇺🇸
Happy Independence Day! I hope everyone had a blast at Keller Lights last night! I’d like to thank staff and Ellie Breaux for doing an outstanding job! I’d also like to thank Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne and Nate Schatzline For Texas for stopping by and supporting us!

And Mayor Armin Mizani, great speech. It’s important we remember what we’re celebrating and why it is so important and unique! God bless America!!


We saved the clock tower!

After months of being down and out, taken to its proverbial knees by a power cord dropped by a contractor decorating Keller Town Hall slipping into its gears (dang holiday lights), we’re delighted to share that the clock that adorns the face of Keller Town Hall is back up and running.

Why does it take months to fix a clock? Well, because the folks who built Town Hall decided to go fancy with this baby, and it’s a Verdin. That company has roughly one service tech in the world (not really, but you get the idea), so getting on their schedule takes some doing.

We’ll be honest; it was touch-and-go there for a bit. One resident even suggested that the mayor replace the clock with a photo of himself, and we thought about it! But let’s be real: The amount of sun the clock tower gets would no doubt cause us some maintenance issues down the line with a photograph of that size, so we settled on waiting for the service tech as 8:40 stared down on us week after week.

In case you were curious: NO, we won’t allow any holiday light connections to be installed near the clock this year; YES, the contractor that did the damage paid for the repair; and YES, we may reconsider the photo idea if this thing breaks again.


So proud of my Ags. TN earned the title, but that ump’s strike zone was nuts…


One win away!!



Please inform your 2nd born to stop stealing city vehicles!

We’re looking forward to celebrating the official start of the season with you all at Keller Summer Nights this evening, but first, we need to have a little chat.

Scooch over and settle in. So, parents. Ya know how some kids are those sweet, rule-following, never-get-in-trouble, cry-at-the-mere-indication-they-may-be-in-trouble types, and others wake up every morning and choose violence?

We know you do. You probably have both types in your family. (And why is your beloved hellion your second born? Just us? Ok, moving on.)

Anywaaay, we’ve been having a problem at Keller Summer Nights this year, and we’re hoping you all can help us out. Because the hellions are winning, y’all.

In these past couple of weeks, we’ve had attendees injured by kids wreaking havoc on motorized scooters, we’ve had kids shooting water guns at the folks working the food trucks and vendor tables, and last week, we had a pair of young teens luck upon some keys, steal a Parks & Recreation Department Kubota and take a joy ride around Keller Town Center. (Before you ask: Yes, they were arrested. No, city leaders decided not to pursue what would have been felony charges.)

City staff had a chat this week about whether we needed to adjust our special events policies and add some parental supervision requirements, but we’ll be honest: We love that Keller is such a safe community for children, and we love that so many parents feel comfortable dropping their kiddos off for an evening of fun with us. We also want to avoid restrictions that would impact children who aren’t causing any of the problems.

But to avoid that, we need your help! The hellions CANNOT win! We do NOT want to be back here later this year starting a post with “this is why we can’t have nice things.”

- Leave motorized vehicles (scooters, skateboards, golf carts) at home
- Leave water guns and other projectile toys at home
- Have your kiddos move away from the main crowd to throw around balls, frisbees, etc.
- Use (and have your kids use) the designated bathroom facilities instead of your favorite nearby tree
- Talk to your kids about appropriate behavior at city events
- Keep your dogs leashed (yes, we need your fur babies behaving appropriately, too)
- Remind everyone around you not to steal city vehicles

Deal? Great. We’ll see y’all at 7:30 p.m. tonight here at Keller Town Hall. We have a special treat for you this evening with J’s Dueling Pianos on stage and our throwback film, “Jumanji,” scheduled for the big screen around 9 p.m. We’ll also have a great mix of food trucks and vendors.


Let’s go Aggies!!!

On to the Championship game!!

Photos from Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare's post 06/18/2024

This is historic and timely! Special thank you to Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare, Tarrant County Commissioner Manny Ramirez and Tarrant County Commissioner Gary Fickes!

This will help Keller, and county, taxpayers during this time of inflation!


A major goal was to have this completed before the new school year. Another one ahead of schedule!

Shady Grove Road has reopened between Rapp and Keller Smithfield roads following this spring's rehab efforts, and she's a beaut!

The contractor on this project is still wrapping up some sod along the edges of the street, so keep an eye out for workers and occasional heavy equipment along this stretch for the next couple of weeks.

Photos from City of Keller Government's post 06/05/2024

Great news! Thank you Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare and Tarrant County Commissioner Gary Fickes for your investment in, and support of, Keller!

Photos from Shannon Dubberly, Keller City Councilman's post 05/25/2024

What a night last night, Keaton’s team won the Keller 9u Championship Tournament! What a season too, 10-1!?! I’m so proud of him and this team…they made it easy and fun to coach!

And Luka hit the 3 for the Mavs win too!


I’m old hat, but come on out and see Greg Will for Keller sworn in next week!

City Council will canvass the results of the May 4 election next week, and family, friends, and residents are invited to attend as Place 1 Councilman Shannon Dubberly and Place 2 Councilman-Elect Greg Will are sworn in for their three-year terms.

The Oaths of Office will take place at a special meeting kicking off at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 15 at Keller Town Hall, 1100 Bear Creek Pkwy. See you there!

Photos from City of Keller Government's post 05/09/2024

I know a lot of families that are going to be excited about this. It will be located on the north side of the softball fields and funded by SALES taxes dollars via the Keller Development Corporation (KDC) fund, not property taxes!

Photos from City of Keller Government's post 05/08/2024

This is a long time coming. This is not just great for Keller and the Sports Park, but the region!

Photos from Shannon Dubberly, Keller City Councilman's post 05/06/2024

Pre-game at Keller’s new Coco Shrimp on the 2nd level!

Swing by, it’s great!!


It is an honor to have the opportunity to serve Keller and its citizens for another three years. I am truly humbled. I look back in awe over the past three years…the friendships I’ve made, the kindness and civic-mindedness of Keller’s citizens, and the accomplishments we’ve made as a city.

I’d like to thank Mayor Armin Mizani, Ross McMullin, Keller City Councilman, Tag Green for America, Jessica Juarez for Keller City Council, Sean Hicks Keller City Council Place 2 and Chris Whatley for their service as well. I’ve enjoyed working with you and look forward to continuing to do so.

And Greg Will for Keller, congratulations on your win. You’re a good man, friend and Aggie who truly has a servant’s heart. That will fit in well on this Council!


Hope to see you there!

Join me this Saturday at 8am as we run/ walk alongside friends and neighbors at Bear Creek Greenbelt parkrun in support of Nina and her family. As is every Saturday, the run is free and the meet up is near the Keller Dog Park and the Keller Pointe playground.


Top 25! This says a lot about not just our KPD and KFD, but our citizens and ISD as well. It’s a team effort!

Safewise recently released its 10th-anniversary Safest Cities report, and we're proud to continue our tradition of making the cut!

Keller ranked #25 this year, and we're in great company. The Top 25 includes area communities like Colleyville ( #5), Trophy Club ( #9) and Flower Mound ( #15), with neighbors like Southlake ( #36) and Roanoke ( #48) making it into the Top 50.

Thank you for all you do in partnering with us to keep Keller among the safest cities in Texas. We couldn't do it without you. (And y'all, be nice to Safewise's graphic designer on this one; some of the pinpoints appear to have gone rogue.)

Learn more and see the full list here:

Photos from Ross McMullin, Keller City Councilman's post 05/02/2024

I’m proud Keller got to host the inaugural ‘Tarrant County National Day of Prayer Luncheon’!

Special thanks to Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare for leading this and being an amazing County Judge!


Bring your bunnies by Keller Town Hall. Heather Washington, Keller ISD Board of Trustees Pl. 7 will clip their nails for you while you vote! 🐰 🐰 🐇 🐇


I am proud to endorse Dr. Charles Randklev, Keller ISD Board of Trustees, Place 6 and Heather Washington, Keller ISD Board of Trustees Pl. 7 for Keller ISD School Board. I know both very well. They truly care about all students, taxpayers and families and work ceaselessly for all of them.

I got to know Charles well over the past three years. He is literally just a father who was willing to raise his hand and get involved. He’s smart and great to work with as I found out as we improved Keller ISD’s student safety and funded more School Resource Officers (SRO). He is also an amazing father, husband and friend. If you don’t know him, just reach out…he makes the time.

Heather is the quintessential KISD hard working PTA mother with a strong business background. Anyone who has worked with Heather on KISD Committees, 4H or the myriad other groups she volunteers her time for discovered she always shows up, knows her stuff and is a great listener. She’s also willing to help my kids trim their bunnies’ nails….which is nice because we still aren’t the best at it!

Public service is a noble calling. I appreciate these two KISD parents who are willing to volunteer their time and expertise towards our kids’ education. Please go vote for them today! Early voting started and Election Day is May 4th.

Photos from Shannon Dubberly, Keller City Councilman's post 04/15/2024

At the Keller Republican Club listening to the four candidates for Keller City Council, Place 2 debate their ideals and goals!


For all y’all who see the coyotes! Please read!

MEEP MEEP! Let’s talk coyotes, y’all.

It’s springtime and residents are seeing (and hearing) more of our wildlife friends out and about town, so here’s a quick refresher on these furry neighbors lovingly nicknamed “song dogs.”

First things first: These are wild animals, and they were here first. Coyotes have adapted extremely well to suburban environments thanks to a lack of predators and ample food sources, but if the coyote you encounter is acting like a normal coyote, no action is needed.

Normal coyote things: walking around, running around, staring at you, being curious about your property, digging in your trash for last night’s leftovers, howling with friends and family, and the list goes on. We’ll also add that following you from a safe distance is normal, especially if you have a dog with you. Coyotes follow potential threats to help ensure they stay away from their territory — and away from their den and pups, which is why this behavior is common in the springtime.

While coyotes are typically considered nocturnal, they’ve become a lot more opportunistic over the years. That means seeing a coyote out during the daytime, in and of itself, is not a cause for concern. Again, that is especially true in the spring as they hunt for food for their pups.

If you’re trying to keep a coyote away from your property, make sure you’re not providing easy food and water sources for it. You can also “haze” it, meaning you can shine a light at it or make noise to scare it off. Just be sure not to haze it if it’s in a confined area, as it may become aggressive out of self-defense, or while it’s already doing what you want by walking away. And of course, please do NOT do anything that could hurt the coyote; it’s just a wild animal that’s wild-animaling.

Why isn’t Animal Services trapping and relocating the coyotes? In addition to the fact that trapping them is tricky because they’re terribly wily, live coyotes are under a statewide quarantine that prohibits them from being transported. That means our officers have two options when we catch them: Release them here in town on public property (meaning they’ll be home by supper) or euthanize them. We hope we can all agree that euthanizing healthy wildlife isn’t a great option.

So when should you be concerned? Animal Services is interested in hearing about a coyote if it’s:

- Acting aggressive: This is not to be confused with acting curious about you or your pets or acting scared, such as if you nearly hit one with your car.
- Sick or injured: We’re talking about clearly disoriented, extremely lethargic or injured so badly that it can’t move. Here, we’ll add that we have a well-known coyote in Keller who walks with a limp after a paw injury; he’s adapted and would not fall into this category.
- Stuck somewhere: For example, if you encounter a coyote that got itself tangled in a soccer net or trapped in a shed.
- Stocking up on ACME products and tunnel-painting supplies. Self-explanatory.

Hope this helps, folks. Spread the word for us, would you?

Photos from Shannon Dubberly, Keller City Councilman's post 04/06/2024

The ISMS Big Event at the Keller Library was a success! Created a soundproof wall mural for children with sensory issues. All of the kids were great, as well as staff!

Donate to Help Support Nina's Road to Recovery!, organized by Beatriz Alvarez 04/05/2024

Please donate! This was a horrible tragedy.

Donate to Help Support Nina's Road to Recovery!, organized by Beatriz Alvarez On Thursday evening, 14-year-old Nina was struck by a drunk driver while out run… Beatriz Alvarez needs your support for Help Support Nina's Road to Recovery!


This is a great event that will help instill public/community service into our youth! Thank you Brittany Ogletree Whitacre and Stephanie for organizing!

Raise your hand if you're participating🤚

Area residents should expect to see a LOT of activity around Keller ISD campuses, parks, nonprofits and more this Saturday, April 6!

Modeled after a popular, long-running program at Texas A&M University, The BIG Event in Keller ISD is a one-day service project open to all district students, their parents and guardians, teachers and staff members from all 42 campuses.

Designed to unite the district through service and tangibly say "thank you" to community supporters, The BIG Event volunteers are expected to impact about 150 organizations on Saturday.

City Council was proud to proclaim this Saturday "The BIG Event Day" here in the City of Keller! Learn more at


Happy Easter!! He is risen!

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Vote for Shannon Dubberly May 1



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