Assyrian Aid Society of America, Kensington, CA Videos

Videos by Assyrian Aid Society of America in Kensington. The Assyrian Aid Society of America, a non-profit California corporation, is a 501(c)(3) charitable o

Baghdeda Tragedy: All contributions, whether large or small, are helping Assyrian Aid Society-Iraq to support our people in Baghdeda during this devastating time.

Other Assyrian Aid Society of America videos

Baghdeda Tragedy: All contributions, whether large or small, are helping Assyrian Aid Society-Iraq to support our people in Baghdeda during this devastating time.

Updates from Mr. Younan Lazar, President of the Assyrian Aid Society-Iraq, as well as Mr. Baraa Jabbo, President of the AAS-Iraq Baghdeda chapter, who are on the ground supporting the relief efforts In Baghdeda.

Check out the Assyrian Aid Society Projects Analysis page on our website! This is an opportunity for the AAS team to share the annual AAS projects and their impact on the community in Iraq. Click here for further information:

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