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He Page he Mara Reih nata Châ alaihsei via thei nawpa nata hmah asie via thei nawpa ta taopa a châ.



Tazâ liata live vaw pathlie awpa ei chhuahpa kha chhohkha la vachhiena vâta weekend liata pathlie hri awpa ta ei vaw pasie haw chyh bei. M-vision manôh zydua nama pachâ thaina sachaipa ei châ hawh ei.



M-Vision manôh zy nama tlâh khai bao ma? Tahma noh he Myanmar tawhta USA lâ achu pazaona F-1 Visa chôchah nata a zaopa ta chyhsa thokha hiahrina ei daopa vâta Phiata(October) 16,2023 Myanmar time 8:00am liata M-Vision page tawhta keima pahnona rakha ta live tawhta eivaw reih pasia awh. A khopa zydua nama vaw nathlie chyu awpa ta ei cha hrua khai ei.


Tao daihti a châ..

Marasaw pi he hmo atao thaipa hlâta areih thaipa eima hluh via. He he eima hmasie thai leina sâkha a châ hra. Tahmâ Revolution liata Marasaw eima ngia chaipa cha areih thaipa châ leipa ta atao thaipa he a châ. Hmo taona a hlao leipa ta Chipho kyh ei pachâ na tah khiata la a haihi pa na châ. Chipho kyh na pachâna he Châ rohpa ngâla châ khao leipa sala taona ta palâsa daihti a châ.

Chavâta Marasaw zy hmo taona liata arâpasua bâ su vei. Bie reih thaipa hlâta hmo taona ta a palâsa thaipa zy he zah ama chhi via.


Ama tâh? Ama reih ?

Marasaw thokha hluh via pi he Social Media liata Châ eima post pa he bie siano leipa chyhsa ta “ama tâh/ama reih” tahpa he a hlu kaw. He heta eima Chi pho likawh liata a theichheina nata a eichhiana thata maniah a tlôhkhei. Atanoh taihta he hawhta eima pohkha thei leina sâkha chhao a châ hra. Châvata zawpi pahno awpa ta thatih na phua kho khiata la thatih châna research a phapa ta tao la, evidence siapa na hnei khai tawhta phuah tyh mah y.

Na châ rohpa tawhta khei hawhpa chyhsa e na châ tahpa he a lâ pasia ngasâ.


Ahy e Zawpi Pheisai?

Myanmar Spring Revolution 2021 vâta Chi pho chyuta sahchhiepa MAH Pheisai adyu awpa nata Zawpi thlah palôh awpa ta ‘Defence Force’ ama padua chyu. Cha liata thokha defence force nawh he ama chhuahna liata a sia leipa ama lyu. Phupy moh defence force a tah tlôhta peih hria leipa Râh zawpi rie a pathei thlâha pa nawh he Zawpi Pheisai eima tah thei aw mâ?

Khotalaina eima kho pa vâta MAH biehneina pahnie awpa ta eima dyu. Cha nohta MAH ei dyu tah tlôhta MAH pheisai adyu awpa hlâta Râh zawpi rie apathei thlâha pa he kheita MAH a pahnie thei awh? He hawhta ama pie lyu thlâh khiata la amo he Zawpi Chariah chichhi chaipa lâta ama vaw lie aw.


Khazia nama chali saih thlâ?

Tahmâ la Mara Pasaihpha Pupa. Saihmô(L) thina chôchah liata Nochhi Mara NGO’s tawhta taokheina statement nata a zaopa ta khâpa Châ hmâ vaw hmô tlâh leipa nata no-ah ei tah hmeisei. Awnanopa lâta MEC local secretary a chakao haipa châta MTP liata Advisor a chakao ngâ haipa tlaihta atanoh taihta khâpa statement hmâ ama pâpua leipa he khâpa vâta maw? A chyhsa châna liata nama taokhei kho leipa chhao Râh kyh a pachâna nata a chakaona vâta taokhei awpa aphu hmeisei.

MCC-USA nata Râh hropa MCC chhao he thina chôchah liata reihkah thei awpa a y leipa he ngiachhie a chhie hmeisei. MCC-USA chhochhi ama former member pakha avaw châ chiepa a châ taraw bao. He tluhta Mara Râh châta thina taihta ngâchhih kawpa ta a duakhei tuhpa thina chôchah liata eima chali saih thlâha pa he paloh pasa achhi tuhaw. Mo pakha tah la eima paloh pasa zi nata taokhei zi eima roh khai , deikua Phupy tawhta taokheina Statement a y leipa he ei reih kho chaina a châ. He hawhpa thina daihti liata Statement nama tao lei khia khati nama tao bâ awh? A daihti lia la ahy chyhsa hmia hmô leipa ta Phupy châna tawhta paloh phao palâsa lyma awpa a phachai.

*Kei ei pahno pha leipa ta statement nama vaw tao khiata la pachâ thaina ei châ haw ei.


Samaw 🤝

M-Vision Manôh zydua Samaw ei cha hlâ khai ei. He page he ei chuna nata chakaona raih vâta kô-2 hlei daihmâ vaw active thei khao leipa nata pei ei tah ngasâ. Tanoh tawhta ei theina rakha ta Mara Reih, Châ nata Râh châta abyuna hawhta ei vaw hmâ pathie hei awh. He he ‘News page’ châ leipa ta ‘Personal page’ a châ tahpa he nama vaw pahno chyu bei awpa ta ei cha haw ei.

Manôh zydua thapatlô pa ta eina vaw deichhy pazao heih awpa ei chita KRISTA moh ta ei cha haw ei. Paw Khazohpa ta nama yna su chyu liata hlaotlohna, hnatlâhna nata thlaochhina byhna chapie maw ei sy.


Photos from Mara Community Committee USA-Branch GA's post 10/12/2022

MCC-USA Georgia Branch nama taopha hmeisei. He hawhta a chuhaipa zy saih heihna hneina chôta “Education Trip” nama hnei khei theipa he a mopatlâh nama châ hmeisei. He he a chuhaipa zy châta thei phapa a pathei cheingei aw tahpa he ei hnabeisei.

Branch hropa zy chhao he hawhta Program he vaw pachhuahpanoh chyu bei teh u.

MCC-USA Georgia tlâh parei maw sy.


Khizaw suto liata a ypa Mara saw a chuhaipa zydua “Mentee Application Form” he apply nama vaw tao khai chyu awpa ta ei cha hrua ei. He he eima nôpaw pa Saya Elaisa Vahnie hmâlana ta BACI tawhta pachhuapanohpa a châ. He liata a sao thei awpa zy cha high school tawhta graduate student taihta a châ awh. He program he mentor chhithana ryh liata USA university kia nawpa liata a byu hiapa nata a patopatiah dâh zy pachu khaipa a châ.

He daihti phapa he Mara saw a chuhaipa zydua nama vaw patu thai bei awpa ta khokheina ei cha hnei ei.

We are pleased to announce the release of mentee application form for the Mentorship Program through the NUUM's English and College Preparation Program. The Program aims to assist the multicultural students of Myanmar with guidance about navigating the challenges of university studies in the midst of a global pandemic and military coup. Students will be supported with advice about academics and college and career planning by individual mentors of NUUM and will be provided with personalized and sensitive support for academic, personal, and social development.

Participants will maintain regular weekly contact with mentors and must perform appropriate culturally-responsive, respectful, professional English communication, cooperation, intentions and interactions. They will also have the opportunity to enhance educational and career opportunities as a student while at the same time enhancing leadership, team building, and communication skills.

To apply, please complete the Mentee Application Form https://forms.gle/cJEqbwGh4svCrKR58 by September 15, 2022 (Myanmar Time).


MIY nama taopha hmeisei. Eima Nawtae nawh a chuna châta vaw hria hualua lyma bei mu vy.

Fight for Freedom - Maraland Artists ft David Lai 10/07/2021

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Thank You Maraland Artists Ft David Lai

Fight for Freedom - Maraland Artists ft David Lai မြန်မာနိုင်ငံမှာ ကျနော်တို့ရဲ့ညီကိုသွေးသားတွေ ဒီမိုကရေစီအတွက် တိုက်ပွဲဝင်ရင်း ရပ်ရွာစွန့်ခွာပြီး ဒုက္ခဆ....



Tahmâ hla chhôh eima Via râh nata Chin state chhôh liata hmo a tlôhpa thatih eima pahno khai. NUG ta Thlarâh 7, D-Day a phuah tawhta a tanoh taihta Via râh su nanopa liata PDF/CDF nata Junta(Pheisai) adyuna aru via lymâ. He vâna hetâ keimo Mara saw chhao eima boh thei nawpa ta â kathu viapa ta eima pachâ ba awpa a peimawh.

Atliata tawhna khata Chin State su nanopa liata adyuna chhao a hlu via lymâ. Pheisai zy ta khih thokha kiapa lia bomb zy pachho eita, khih thokha mei zy ama rao tahpa thatih eima thei. Chavâta a bona su tluapa ta India Râh la a raepa(refugee) chhao noh kha nata noh kha ama pô via rili. Pheisai sawhkha ta adyuna chhaichhi zy hma thei awpa ta khihpi viapa su liata a sôkhai hawba hra. He vâna hetâ amo Pheisai la chhao ama riahpha via ta,pei hriana chhao a hlu via. Eima kiapa liata adyuna zy y hrasala,Khazohpa chhithana vâta Mara Râh deikua atanoh taihta thatih chhiepa thei awpa y ma vei.

Anodeikua la eima Râh chhao he khati noh raih adyuna avaw tlô thei hra awpa a châ. He vâna heta eima Râh nôpaw nata khih nôpaw zy eima theina kao chyu tawhta a chhuanona eima hnei chhili awpa a pha. He hawhta eima tana chhâpa he eima Râh lia adyuna avaw tlô tlamaw tita eima bo thei nawpa ta a châ. Chavâta khih nôpaw zy strategy phapa vaw tao khai ula , khihsaw zy hnohta nama chho pasia khai awpa a châ. He hawhpa daihti noh he hmia pahno leipa khichhai tawhta nama vaih pha chyu awpa a peimawh. Khichhai pakha vâta khih raona taihta a tlôkhei thei awh.

CDF-MARA avaw padua tuhpa nata hriatuhpa zydua eima châ ly. Anodeikua keimo nata keimo likawh lia paloh raona nata hria parao khona hlâta Phupy moh liata eima bua thlaha chyhpa he hmo phapa cha thlyu aw vei. Myanmar râh chhôh Phupy nanopa nata Ethnic Army zydua paloh rao kawpa ta Pheisai biehneina adyu awpa ta ama hria kho ngana daihti liata he hawhta keimo Mara saw chhôh liata a kaoraona a y thei leipa he ngiachhie a chhie hmeisei. He hetâ keimo nata keimo likawh liata rairuna a tlôkhei thei aw, he vâna heta a hawh hlâta eima tao pathie cheingei awpa abyu.

He hawhta keimo chhôh liata hria parao khona a y leipa vâna hetâ râh hropa lâta a ypa Thyutlia paloh chhao a pabua hmeisei. A lâna dâh liata la CDM nata MPC/CDF-MARA likawh liata hria parao khona hlâta amo py moh chyu siekheipa ta raihria awpa ama kho viapa hawhta a lâ. He he thatlôna nata hmasiena hlâta buabana a tlôkhei via awh. Zâhnia CDF-MARA Sawhmo nata Pathei tlâh bia tawhta MPC kholeina statement ama vaw tao heih. He liata alâ pasia ngasâpa cha Mara saw eima pohkha lei zie a cha. He hawh heta la hmasiena lathloh a chhi thei bei aw mapi.

Tahmâ daihti he Phupy moh nata châna(position) liata bua daihti châ tiara khao vei . Kheita ma tao ei sila eima râh a thlaloh thei awpa tahpa nata Pheisai biehneina eima pahnie thei aw tahpa he eima peimawh chaipa nata a ngia chaipa a châ. Chavâta eima nôpaw zachhihpa zy saih u ngiachhiepa ta dawka kha liata avaw tyu kho bei ula eima râh aboh thei nawpa nata thlaloh thei nawpa ta strategy phapa vaw tao kho bei ula hmaokha ta raih vaw hria kho bei teh u. Chakhiata la râh hropa liata a pahrapa nôpaw nata thyutlia zy chhao ama thapaw awta, ama theina kao chyu tawhta Mara Râh châta ama vaw loh papua thei awh.

Achhâ chaina liata CDF-MARA thyutlia zydua eima râh aboh nawpa he nama nata keima ku lia apahnie. Chavâta eima râh lia Pheisai nawh ku ama hy hlâta la namo lâ tawhta ku vaw hy tua bei khao vei. Khazohpa ta eima chhâ acha chhôhta la chi leipa ta pahniena eima to lyma aw tahpa he vaw my khao vy.


M Vision

Pic: Buan Lung Khih meikahpa

Photos from M-Vision's post 09/18/2021

What’s happening in Thantlang
September 18,2021

Thantlang, Chin state on September 18, 2021 the Junta started the fire inside the town of Thantlang, and more than 19 houses have been burned down. In addition, one youth pastor has been shot by the Junta while trying to protect and stop the situation.

How painful and heartbroken to see the burning pictures. Please continue to pray for Thantlang.

be strong Thantlang
are with you

Crd: Zalen

Photos from M-Vision's post 09/15/2021

Esther Ze Naw & Ei Thinzar Maung

Three fingers aloft, faces aglow, clad in their bright-red shirts—a nod to the Karen ethnic minority—Esther Ze Naw Bamvo (who is Kachin) and Ei Thinzar Maung (who is Shan-ni) were a vision of strength, honor and justified anger as they led people on the very first anti-military protest in Yangon just five days after the Feb. 1 coup that violently robbed Myanmar of its freedom.

The fierceness of Myanmar’s women has long been suppressed by its military, so this brave new generation sent a surge of pride through us all.

Through their work, both activists have broken new ground. Esther is a leader of the Kachin Peace Network and was one of the few people in the past who were courageous enough to speak up for the Rohingya; Ei Thinzar, also a longtime activist on ethnic minority rights, has been named as Myanmar’s youngest-ever deputy minister in the National Unity Government, an exiled group formed by members of parliament ousted in the coup.

It’s thanks to these women and others like them, that we finally have hope for the future of Myanmar.

Well deserved & congratulations to our bravery ladies who stand & speak up for our country. Myanmar proud to have a bravery women like you .

Crd:ABC News@

Photos from M-Vision's post 09/15/2021

U KYAW MOE TUN AT United Nations

Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun participates in the closing session of the 75th Session and opening session of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

The closing session of the seventy-fifth United Nations General Assembly was held at General Assembly Hall of the United Nations at 3:00 p.m. on 14 September 2021. At the meeting, Secretary-General of the United Nations H.E. Mr. António Guterres gave a statement and President of the seventy-fifth UN General Assembly H.E. Mr. Volkan Bozkir also gave his farewell statement. Then, President-elect of the seventy-sixth session of the United Nations H.E. Mr. Abdulla Shahid took the oath of office.

The 1st plenary meeting of the seventy-sixth session of the General Assembly was held following the closing of the seventy-fifth session. The 1st plenary meeting was opened by the President of the General Assembly H.E. Mr. Abdulla Shahid following the appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee. The 9 member Credentials Committee was formed consisting of the Bahamas, Bhutan, Chile, China, Russia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sweden and the United States.

Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations participated in the closing session of the 75th United Nations General Assembly and the opening and first plenary meeting of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

14 September 2021
Permanent Mission of Myanmar to the United Nations
New York

Pic Crd


Never surrender under the dogs.
We rather to die instead of surrendering under the dogs

စစ်ခွေးတွေက >ဖမ်းမိတဲ့( pdf )လေးတွေကို မသတ်ခင်❗
မင်တို့နောက်ဆုံးအနေနဲ့ ဘာကိုတောင်ဆိုချင်သလဲလို့ မေးလိုက်တဲ့အခါ လက်၃ချောင်ထောင်ပြီ (အရေတော်ပုံ အောင်ရမည်)ဆိုတဲ့စကားအဆုံးမှာ > ပစ်သတ်ခံလိုက်ရပါတယ်😥😥။ မအလတွေ တစ်နေ့မင်းတို့အလှည့်ရောက်မယ်။

Profile pictures 09/09/2021

ta like & follow vaw tao hra bei mah y

Photos from The Hakha Post's post 09/09/2021


Photos from M-Vision's post 09/08/2021


Precautions For D-Day announced by NUG of Myanmar 🇲🇲. I encourage all the people of Myanmar 🇲🇲 who currently live in Myanmar to follow the precautions from the pictures.

Crd: .com


Please save Hakha


National Unity Government of Myanmar has been launched a war against military regime on September 7, 2021 to remove the power of the Junta. NUG urgently requested all the civilian people not to travel and not to go outside if there is no emergency. In addition, NUG warns all the people to prepare and stock all the daily needs (foods,medicines, etc…) ahead.

Please pray for our PDF ( people defense force) . May God save our motherland and people. With God, the War will win.


NUG declares War on Military Regime

Dear God, please safe our defense force and the people of Myanmar 🇲🇲

Photos from National Unity Government of Myanmar's post 09/07/2021

Please support National Unity Government of Myanmar

Photos from Chin Youth Organization of North America's post 09/04/2021

Our Chin Genius Talented Artist’s

Photos from M-Vision's post 07/20/2021

Justice For Dr. Kyaw Kyaw Thet

A legendary outstanding alumnus from University of Medicine, Mandalay got detained 5 days ago. Back in the university, he is the top student , and only person who passed his 7 years of degree with flying colors ( all D) throughout the entire Myanmar in medical history. According to his family and friends, they still don’t know the reason why he got arrested.

He is a devoted doctor, kind, senior, and a peaceful person for everyone. He never tired of helping the sick and needy even though he is out of the duty . He is a responsible person for his family, and take care of his mother and sister.

It is regret to know that the f**king dogs has been detaining doctors who has been giving and helping their life for others . We urgently requested the junta to release all the detaining doctors.

Pic Crd: (mandalay)

Photos from M-Vision's post 07/19/2021

Myanmar Martyrs’ Day
July 19

On this day seventy-two years ago , General Aung San ( who is known as the Father of Myanmar) was assassinated along with seven of his colleagues and a bodyguard by Galon U Saw and some British officials. Since then, Myanmar has observed this day July 19 as Martyrs’ Day in remembrance of our heroes. Even though their body has burned and buried, their actions and names would always be in the heart of Myanmar 🇲🇲 forever.

At the same time, today let’s take a moment to remember, salute and pay respect to the Fallen Heroes of Myanmar Spring Revolution. We sincerely send our condolence to their entire families and friends. One day, their bloodshed will turn the country into peace, freedom and justice.

We deeply salute, respect and remember all our martyrs’ who devoted and lost their precious life for the country.

“The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the nation “ (Mahatma Gandhi ).

✍️ : M-vision
11:11 am

Photos from M-Vision's post 07/18/2021


Since Feb 01, 2021 Myanmar Government has been robbed by the military coup. The dogs were torturing, killing and arresting the civilian people who speak and fight for democracy. According to NUG, more than 900 civilian people died on the hands of the f**king dogs. As a result, thousands of people fled over to the jungle and other neighbour country. Children, pregnant women and old people were dying due to lack of medical care in the jungle.

Meanwhile, COVID 19 third Wave has been hitting the whole country recently. Under the Military Coup, there is no proper treatment and place for positive people. In addition, the Military Coup closed the oxygen company, and taken away the oxygen from the company. Even they tortured and detained the volunteers who are helping and donating for the positive people. As a result, COVID has been spreading very fast in the community, and many people are dying due to lack of oxygen. While his people can’t breathe, the f**king coup still torture and arrest his people.

For the people of Myanmar 🇲🇲, this is the darkest situation ever in History. We have two sides, Military Coup and COVID are killing us😅 everyday. We can’t breathe, but the world still remains silent.

We the people of Myanmar begs Oxygen for Life.

May God save and heal Myanmar 🇲🇲

Pic crd: Mizzima - News in Burmese


Meet with Miss universe Myanmar


Meet With Miss Universe Myanmar

Photos from M-Vision's post 04/18/2021

Where is Human Rights?

The military coup(dogs) have tortured, beaten and abducted the young men and women who are younger than 20. Every day and night, the situation is becoming worse , and we continue to loss our heroes. Even in our own house and apartment, there is no safe place. On an account of Burmese New Year Celebrations, they released thousands of smugglers, attackers and robberies. On the other hand, they abducted the civilian people, young men and women who didn’t commit any crime. This is an unacceptable 😡😡.

Where is Human Rights? What is Criminal?
I urgently call UN and international human rights to save our people, and take serious actions against the military coup(dogs).

The below pictures prove the truth.


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