City of King

City of King

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Kris Jenner
Kris Jenner

The heart of South Monterey County, meeting the needs of our entire community. The 5-member City Council is elected by districts to 4-year staggered terms.

The City of King is a full-service City with a Council-Manager form of government. It provides its own police, fire, community development, recreation, public works and waste water services. Other agencies with offices and facilities within King City include the King City High School and Union School Districts, Department of Motor Vehicles, Highway Patrol, County Sheriff’s Department, Cal Fire, Na


Blood Donations Needed

There is currently a serious blood shortage in Monterey County due to a decrease in donations during the summer months. Please consider helping to save lives by participating in an upcoming blood drive sponsored by the City of King on Wednesday, August 7th in the Bloodmobile at the Recreation Center. Please see the attached flyer for more details on how to participate.


Paseo Comunitario de King City

Únase a nosotros para la Caminata Comunitaria de esta semana el jueves a las 6 p.m. en Town Square junto a King City Cinemas. Gracias a Kasey's Fitness por ser el patrocinador de esta semana. ¡Disfruta de una divertida caminata, actividades de calentamiento, refrigerios saludables y premios de rifas! Te traigo a tu familia y amigos.


King City Community Walk

Join us for this week’s Community Walk Thursday at 6 p.m. at Town Square next to King City Cinemas. Thank you to Kasey’s Fitness for being this week’s sponsor. Enjoy a fun walk, warmup activities, healthy snack, and raffle prizes! Bring you family and friends.

Photos from City of King's post 07/10/2024

Blue Zones Project Community Walk Sponsored by Hestia Cafe

Thank you Hestia Cafe, who will be the sponsor of this week’s Blue Zones Project Community Walk! Join us for this week’s walk by meeting at Town Square next to King City Cinemas at 6 p.m. tomorrow, July 11th. Following the walk will be Blue Zones snacks and gift certificates from Hestia Cafe.

Caminata comunitaria del proyecto Blue Zones patrocinada por Hestia Cafe

¡Gracias a Hestia Cafe, que será el patrocinador de la caminata comunitaria del proyecto Blue Zones de esta semana! Acompañanos en la caminata de esta semana en Town Square, a un lado de King City Cinemas, mañana, 11 de julio a las 6 p. m. Después de la caminata, habrá bocadillos y certificados de regalo de Blue Zones de Hestia Cafe.



Echo Housing is holding their monthly King City office hours today at City Hall from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for anyone experience housing discrimination or fair housing violations or issues.


Echo Housing mantiene su horario mensual de oficina de King City hoy en el Ayuntamiento de 1:00 p.m. a 4:30 p.m. para cualquier persona que experimente discriminación en la vivienda o violaciones o problemas de vivienda justa.



The City Council recently adopted an ordinance streamlining the taxi service permitting process. As a result, King City now has taxi service for the first time in many years. This also means King City seniors are eligible for the countywide taxi voucher program. If you are 65 years old and provide proof of age and residency, you may register at City Hall to receive 10 vouchers in the mail each month from Monterey – Salinas Transit (MST). Customers pay a $3.00 co-pay with each taxi voucher and can travel up to the equivalent meter reading of $17.00. Veterans and persons with disabilities are also eligible for other taxi voucher programs. Contact City Hall at 831-385-3281 for information on how to apply for those programs.


El Ayuntamiento adoptó recientemente una ordenanza para agilizar el proceso de permiso de servicio de taxi. Como resultado, King City ahora cuenta con servicio de taxi por primera vez en muchos años. Esto significa que los adultos mayores de edad de King City son elegibles para el programa de vales de taxi del condado. Si tienes 65 años y proporcionas prueba de edad y residencia, puedes registrarte en el Ayuntamiento para recibir 10 vales por correo cada mes de Monterey – Salinas Transit (MST). Los clientes pagan un copago de $3.00 con cada vale de taxi y pueden viajar hasta el equivalente de $17.00 en el medidor. Los veteranos y las personas con discapacidades también son elegibles para otros programas de vales de taxi. Comunícate con el Ayuntamiento al 831-385-3281 para obtener información sobre cómo solicitar esos programas.

Photos from City of King's post 07/05/2024

Housing Choice Voucher Rental Assistance Program

The Housing Authority of Monterey County has announced they have opened the Housing Choice Voucher Program wait list for new applicants. If you are in need of rental assistance, please consider applying for this program. See the attached flyer for more information.

Anuncio de Apertura de la Lista de Espera de Vale de Eleccion de Vivienda

La Autoridad de Vivienda del Condado de Monterey (HACM, por sus siglas en inglés) está abriendo la lista de espera para el Programa de Vales de Elección de Vivienda para nuevos solicitantes. Si necesita asistencia de alquiler, por favor considere solicitar este programa. Vea el folleto adjunto para más información.


Resultados de la encuesta de opinión de la comunidad de King City 2024

Los resultados provienen de la Encuesta de Opinión de la Comunidad Bilingüe de King City de 2024, que se distribuyó a todos los hogares y negocios. Gracias a los 260 participantes que respondieron con sus aportes. Uno de los ítems pedía a los encuestados que priorizaran 30 objetivos de la Ciudad. Las 10 principales prioridades del público fueron las siguientes:

1. Esfuerzos para establecer la estabilidad financiera a largo plazo
2. Reparaciones y mejoras en las calles
3. Esfuerzos para mejorar la seguridad pública
4. Balance del presupuesto y pago de la deuda
5. Atracción de tiendas que ofrecen opciones de compra
6. Aplicación de la ley de edificios deteriorados e inseguros
7. Alumbrado público
8. Apoyo a las pequeñas empresas
9. Esfuerzos para abordar la falta de vivienda
10. Programas de Recreación Juvenil

La buena noticia es que estos resultados coinciden estrechamente con los elementos a los que se apunta el Plan de Necesidades Prioritarias No Financiadas de la Ciudad, que incluye estrategias para obtener fondos para mejoras a las principales necesidades prioritarias durante el próximo período de 12 años.

Consulte el enlace a continuación para obtener más información sobre el Plan de Necesidades Prioritarias No Financiadas. Gracias.


2024 King City Community Opinion Survey Results

The results are in from the 2024 King City Bilingual Community Opinion Survey, which was distributed to every household and business. Thank you to the 260 participants who responded with their input. One of the items requested respondents to prioritize 30 City objectives. The top 10 priorities of the public were the following:

1. Efforts to Establish Long-Term Financial Stability
2. Street Repairs and Improvements
3. Efforts to Improve Public Safety
4. Balance Budget and Repay Debt
5. Attraction of Stores that Provide Shopping Options
6. Enforcement of Blighted and Unsafe Buildings
7. Street Lighting
8. Support for Small Businesses
9. Efforts to Address Homelessness
10. Youth Recreation Programs

The good news is these results closely match the items targeted in the City’s Unfunded Priority Needs Plan, which includes strategies to obtain funding for improvements to major priority needs over the next 12-year period!

Please view the link below to learn more about the Unfunded Priority Needs Plan. Thank you.



El Departamento de Policía ampliará las actividades de aplicación de la ley a partir de esta noche, incluido el aumento de personal de patrullaje y el uso de drones. Las infracciones resultarán en una multa de $1,000, que se emitirá a la persona que enciende los fuegos artificiales o al dueño de la propiedad si no se puede determinar la persona que enciende los fuegos artificiales. ¡No se proporcionarán advertencias! Los fuegos artificiales ilegales incluyen aquellos que no se venden en puestos de fuegos artificiales permitidos localmente o espectáculos profesionales de fuegos artificiales aéreos. Por favor, respete a sus vecinos siguiendo todas las restricciones de fuegos artificiales. Los fuegos artificiales ilegales crean una grave amenaza de incendio, perturban la paz de los demás, afectan negativamente a nuestros veteranos y dañan a nuestras mascotas. No te arriesgues a ser la persona responsable de destruir la casa de alguien o que reciba una multa de $1,000.



The Police Department will expand enforcement activities beginning tonight, including increased patrol staffing and use of drones. Violations will result in a $1,000 fine, which will be issued either to the person igniting the fireworks or to the property owner if the person igniting the fireworks cannot be determined. No warnings will be provided! Illegal fireworks include those that are not sold at local permitted fireworks stands or professional aerial fireworks shows. Please respect your neighbors by following all fireworks restrictions. Illegal fireworks create a serious fire threat, disrupt the peace of others, negatively affect our veterans, and harm our pets. Don’t risk being the person responsible for destroying someone’s home or who receives a $1,000 fine.

Photos from City of King's post 07/03/2024
Photos from King City Police Department's post 07/03/2024
Photos from City of King's post 07/03/2024

Happy Independence Day! 🇺🇸
Celebrate the 4th of July with us!

July 3rd Fireworks Show 🎆
📍 Stampede Arena
⏰ Gates open at 7:00 PM

4th of July Parade 🎊
📍 Broadway St
⏰ 10:30 AM

Feliz Día de la Independencia! 🇺🇸
Celebra el 4 de julio con nosotros!

Show de Fuegos Artificiales el 3 de julio 🎆
📍 Stampede Arena
⏰ Las puertas abren a las 7:00 PM

Desfile del 4 de julio 🎊
📍 Broadway St
⏰ 10:30 AM

Photos from City of King's post 07/02/2024

City Hall Office Will Be Closed for Fourth of July
Please note that City Hall office will be closed on July 4th in observance of Independence Day. Normal office hours will resume on July 5th.

We wish everyone a happy and safe Fourth of July!

Oficina del Ayuntamiento estara cerrada el 4 de Julio
Por favor, tenga en cuenta que la oficina del Ayuntamiento estará cerrada el 4 de julio en observancia del Día de la Independencia. El horario normal se reanudará el 5 de julio.

Les deseamos a todos un feliz y seguro Cuatro de Julio!

Photos from City of King's post 07/02/2024

🔊 Attention! Cooling Station is open to help everyone stay safe and cool during this heatwave. 💧

🔊 ¡Atención! Estación de Enfriamiento esta abierto para ayudar a todos a mantenerse seguros y frescos durante esta ola de calor. 💧

Photos from City of King's post 07/01/2024


The Police Department will expand enforcement again this year for discharge of illegal fireworks, including increased patrol staffing and use of drones. Violations will result in a $1,000 fine, which will be issued either to the person igniting the fireworks or to the property owner if the person igniting the fireworks cannot be determined.
Illegal fireworks include those that are not sold at local permitted fireworks stands or professional aerial fireworks shows. Please respect your neighbors by following all fireworks restrictions. Illegal fireworks create a serious fire threat, disrupts peace of others, and creates particularly harm to pets. If you witness individuals discharging illegal fireworks, please report it to the non-emergency dispatch number at 831-385-8311.
Everyone is encouraged to celebrate the July 4th holiday by attending the Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture annual aerial fireworks show, participating in the July 4th parade, and support local non-profit organizations by purchasing safe and sane fireworks from local fireworks stands. The Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture aerial fireworks show takes place on July 3rd at 9:00 p.m. at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds Stampede Arena, and the July 4th parade starts at 10:30 a.m. on July 4th on Broadway Street in the downtown area.



El Departamento de Policía ampliará la aplicación de la ley nuevamente este año para la descarga de fuegos artificiales ilegales, incluido el aumento del personal de patrullaje y el uso de drones. Las infracciones resultarán en una multa de $1,000, que se emitirá a la persona que enciende los fuegos artificiales o al dueño de la propiedad si no se puede determinar la persona que enciende los fuegos artificiales.

Los fuegos artificiales ilegales incluyen aquellos que no se venden en puestos de fuegos artificiales permitidos localmente o espectáculos profesionales de fuegos artificiales aéreos. Por favor, respete a sus vecinos siguiendo todas las restricciones de fuegos artificiales. Los fuegos artificiales ilegales crean una grave amenaza de incendio, perturban la paz de los demás y causan un daño particular a las mascotas. Si es testigo de que personas descargan fuegos artificiales ilegales, infórmelo al número de despacho que no es de emergencia al 831-385-8311.

Se anima a todos a celebrar el feriado del 4 de julio asistiendo al espectáculo anual de fuegos artificiales aéreos de la Cámara de Comercio y Agricultura, participando en el desfile del 4 de julio y apoyando a las organizaciones locales sin fines de lucro comprando fuegos artificiales seguros y sanos en los puestos de fuegos artificiales locales. El espectáculo de fuegos artificiales aéreos de la Cámara de Comercio y Agricultura se llevará a cabo el 3 de julio a las 9:00 p.m. en el Salinas Valley Fairgrounds Stampede Arena, y el desfile del 4 de julio comienza a las 10:30 a.m. el 4 de julio en la calle Broadway en el centro de la ciudad.



The Police Department will expand enforcement again this year for discharge of illegal fireworks, including increased patrol staffing and use of drones. Violations will result in a $1,000 fine, which will be issued either to the person igniting the fireworks or to the property owner if the person igniting the fireworks cannot be determined.
Illegal fireworks include those that are not sold at local permitted fireworks stands or professional aerial fireworks shows. Please respect your neighbors by following all fireworks restrictions. Illegal fireworks create a serious fire threat, disrupts peace of others, and creates particularly harm to pets. If you witness individuals discharging illegal fireworks, please report it to the non-emergency dispatch number at 831-385-8311.
Everyone is encouraged to celebrate the July 4th holiday by attending the Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture annual aerial fireworks show, participating in the July 4th parade, and support local non-profit organizations by purchasing safe and sane fireworks from local fireworks stands. The Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture aerial fireworks show takes place on July 3rd at 9:00 p.m. at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds Stampede Arena, and the July 4th parade starts at 10:30 a.m. on July 4th on Broadway Street in the downtown area.

Photos from City of King's post 06/27/2024

King City Fire Chief Russ Nichols has resigned after 39 and a half years with the KCFD the last 5 years as chief of the department.

Congratulations Fire Chief Russ Nichols and we want to express our appreciation for your dedication.

Photos from City of King's post 06/20/2024

Beautification Week 2024 ✨

When: June 21-23

Join us in a citywide effort to maintain King City’s picture perfect charm this summer ☀️

All Garage Sale Permit Fees will be waived no permit necessary.

Semana de Embellecimiento 2024 ✨

Cuando: Del 21 al 23 de junio

Unase a nosotros en un esfuerzo de toda la ciudad para mantener el encanto perfecto de King City este verano! ☀️

No se cobraran permiso de Venta de garage, no necesita obtener permiso.


Ruta 101 – Patrocinador de la Semana de la Caminata Comunitaria del Proyecto Zonas Azules

Gracias a Ruta 101 Sports Apparel en 200 Broadway Street, Suite 10, por ser nuestro patrocinador de la semana para la Caminata Comunitaria del Proyecto Blue Zones. ¡Acompáñenos esta noche a las 6:00 p.m. en Town Square para la caminata de esta semana y también tenga la oportunidad de ganar certificados de regalo para ropa deportiva en Ruta 101!


Ruta 101 – Blue Zones Project Community Walk Sponsor of the Week
Thank you to Ruta 101 Sports Apparel at 200 Broadway Street, Suite 10, for being our sponsor of the week for the Blue Zones Project Community Walk. Join us this evening at 6:00 p.m. at Town Square for this week’s walk and also have a chance to win gift certificates for sports apparel at Ruta 101!

Photos from City of King's post 06/18/2024

Blue Zones Project Community Walk
Please join us for this week’s Community Walk at 6 p.m. at the Town Square by King City Cinemas. Entertainment will include music by Steve Harrison and Catherine Frazier. The 30-minute walk will be followed with a snack and raffle prizes. Don’t miss out!

Caminata Comunitaria del Proyecto Zonas Azules
Únase a nosotros para la Caminata Comunitaria de esta semana a las 6 p.m. en Town Square por King City Cinemas. El entretenimiento incluirá música de Steve Harrison y Catherine Frazier. La caminata de 30 minutos será seguida con un refrigerio y una rifa de premios. ¡No te lo pierdas!

Want your organization to be the top-listed Government Service in King City?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

King City Police Department Press Conference
Tu opinión es importante! ¡Vota por tu "Proyecto de Rutas Seguras a la Escuela" favorito! 🚲🚶‍♀️Cualquier persona mayor d...
Your opinion matters! Vote on your favorite “Safe Routes to School Project”. 🚲🚶‍♀️ Anyone 12 years and older can partici...
Please join us Monday, October 9th at 10 a.m. at City Hall at 10:00 a.m. to express our appreciation to State Senator An...
General Plan Land Use workshop
King City Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem Spanish Coronavirus PSA
Del Rey 5th grade tour with the King City Fire Department
2019 Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat night October 31, 2018 was a great success! We appreciate all the Sponsors.
Some great memories from yesterday’s Amgen Tour of California Stage Start 3 in King City yesterday.  Thanks to those who...



212 S Vanderhurst Avenue
King City, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Other Government Organizations in King City (show all)
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6747 King City, California Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6747 King City, California
599 Bitterwater Road
King City, 93930

Sgt. Frank Lillard Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars located in King City, California