Meant To Manifest

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Meant To Manifest, Astrologist & Psychic, 2253 Lakeside Drive, Kissimmee, FL.


When you manifest change I want for ✅️ I AM...
it's already yours 🌻
Avoid to say
❌️no and ❌️don't.


DEDICADO A ELLOS... Como madre de 2 varones, con un solo hermano y rodeada de amigos que admiro muchisimo 🤗💙

A ellos que muchas veces nadie les pregunta como están, como estuvo su día, si se han sentido bien, si desean conversar, si desean tiempo para descansar, si necesitan su espacio por un momento para estar a solas.

Ellos que también desean ser admirados, valorados, respetados y reconocidos por una mujer.

Ellos que muchas veces en silencio guardan su tristezas, sus inseguridades, sus frustraciones, sus inquietudes, sus miedos, sus tropiezos, su errores.

Ellos que van por ahí siendo una máquina de trabajo, simples proveedores nadie ve el esfuerzo, los sacrificios, el esfuerzo que hacen para dar lo mejor en un hogar.

Ellos que intentan controlar sus emociones para que nadie los vea llorar, porque crecieron en un mundo donde no debían llorar por el simple hecho de ser hombre.

Ellos que se hacen los valientes, los fuertes, cuando posiblemente en su interior se sienten abatidos con angustia tratando de liberarse de alguna tormenta vivida y necesitan contención.

Ellos que también han sufrido alguna desilusión, algún engaño, alguna infidelidad que le ha destrozado el corazón.

Ellos que también sienten, que necesitan ser rescatados, ser salvados, ser cuidados, una mano que los sostenga, un hombro que les permita llorar y poder desahogarse, un abrazo un consejo, un te quiero un te amo, un todo estará bien.

Ellos no solo son imagen de macho recio, que todo lo soluciona, que todo el tiempo debe trabajar.

Ellos también son emocionalmente sensibles, desean ser aceptados, desean expresar sus emociones, desean ser reconocidos, desean ser amados y respetados, también necesitan de demostraciones, de detalles, ser enamorados, ser consentidos, ser mimados, etc,...

Ellos no siempre deben dar seguridad, contención, comprometerse, prometer, preocuparse de un hogar, pagar cuentas, llevar a pasear, invitar a un cine, o un restaurante, no siempre debe ser él que lleva las flores y el que conquista, el que toma la iniciativa en el amor.

Ellos también necesitan, igual que la mujer tienen emociones y un corazón...



Si alguien quiere hacerte daño,
mira el dolor que esconde.

Si alguien quiere mentirte,
es por que guarda un vacio.

Si alguien quiere traicionarte,
fíjate en la soledad que carga.

Si alguien se burla de ti,
observa sus traumas.

Si alguien te menosprecia,
sabrás cuán grande es su miseria.

Si alguien te envidia,
muestra su frustración interior.

No te sientas ofendido por los defectos ajenos, trabaja por corregir los tuyos, corrígete a ti mismo tanto como puedas, sé amable y bondadoso con quienes más lo necesitan.

No te preocupes tanto por alimentar tu ego y empieza a alimentar tu alma, tu corazón y tu espíritu. Llenalo y rodealo de cosas buenas 🤗🌻


🌟También existen mujeres que se emocionan con las cosas sencillas de la vida, que no las conquistas solo con regalos y palabras vacias, a ellas las tienes que conquistar con el corazón.

Para algunos son mujeres soberbias, caprichosas y díficiles 🥱 para otros son una obra de arte 🖼🖌

Les enamora un corazón sin miedos a entregarlo todo y amar desnudo sin armaduras ni límites 💓

👉Que no se enganchan en trivialidades,
a las que no les importa vestir elegante,
ni hablar de temas intelectuales.

🎶Ellas son romanticas y les aburre lo común, les encanta el hombre apasionado, romántico y aventurero, abierta a descubrir nuevos caminos.

🧘‍♀️Las que disfrutan el sónido de los pájaros, los arboles y las olas.

Hay mujeres raras que les gusta ir a tomar un café o a un parque y solo hablar de estrellas y planetas 😍

Las que rompen esquemas y ríen como locas, aves libres que todo lo que tocan se vuelve cielo ✨️🤗✨️


The Rise of the Goddess..

The Collective Sacred Feminine is a Vast Ocean of Consciousness that is Currently undergoing Radical Shifts in Frequency.

This Light Force - the Divine Feminine Heart - is now in deep process of re-establishing Her-Self in Earth's vibrational field. She is also bringing incredibly deep and powerful "codes" of sacred feminine wisdom.

Many identify this shift as "the rise, or reawakening, of the Goddess". Many Souls, who have karmic responsibility and sacred contracts to be a part of this vital rebirth of awareness and devotion to "Her", have already been contacted by Spirit - and are being given their missions accordingly.

A whole new frequency of Feminine Light is now available. This is because so many Light-Carriers of the Feminine Torch have been working diligently to open up very ancient sacred Feminine codes all over this planet. This energy work has had a profound effect.

Now is a time for great re-integration, and of great re-building. We always repeat, over and over, that old structures and relationships that do not serve the Goddess will be removed and broken.

This Work that you are midwifing, the Great ReBirth that you are heralding - will reward you beyond your imagination.

Trust in this temporary process of realignment.
You may feel that you are falling down, or apart, or have no energy left. But you are preparing for a radical shift that will take your breath away with
it's elegance.

AWAKENED: The Goddess Ascension ✨️


"Do you love Me?" Alice asked.

"No, I don't love you!" replied the White Rabbit.

Alice frowned and clasped her hands together as she did whenever she felt hurt.

"See?" replied the White Rabbit. "Now you're going to start asking yourself what makes you so imperfect and what did you do wrong so that I can love you at least a little.

You know, that's why I can't love you. You will not always be loved Alice, there will be days when others will be tired and bored with life, will have their heads in the clouds, and will hurt you.

Because people are like that, they somehow always end up hurting each other's feelings, whether through carelessness, misunderstanding, or conflicts with themselves.

If you don't love yourself, at least a little, if you don't create an armor of self-love and happiness around your heart, the feeble annoyances caused by others will become lethal and will destroy you.

The first time I saw you I made a pact with myself:

"𝗜 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳"


The empath without boundaries "holds space" for the chaotic expression of somebody else's fear, shame and negativity, unknowingly absorbing it like rain into her skin, receiving the garment of somebody else's darkness.
She thinks she is being understanding and compassionate, and forgets herself in the shadow of somebody else's pain.

The empath without boundaries places herself as a doormat at the feet of those unable or unwilling to see their own inner landscape as the source of their misery, instead pointing fingers at anyone and everything, distorting the reality of the empath.
Who she once trusted, she now doubts, who she once loved, she dislikes.

Her own wounds and weaknesses are entered by the darkness that she willingly opens herself up to, adding fuel to fire, thinking that she can heal it, help it, fix it, but is herself in need of her own presence, her own self, her own love.

The bond created between her and her stressed out parent/family member as a child recreates itself in this delusion based friendship as she enables and confirms the fear based reality being portrayed as truth, in the hopes of the approval, respect and acceptance from that person.

But by the end of it all, she feels depleted and empty, after nights and days of just sitting and receiving the bombardment of negative information that actually has no basis in her own reality. When she tries to express her authentic self, she is treated as naive, less experienced, inferior, and can easily trigger a traumatising response, which she is so terrified of for she depends on the acceptance and approval of this person.

The empath without boundaries’ codependency is poisonous, and drains her life force, until she suddenly becomes aware of this unhealthy, unconscious pattern within herself and her relationships.

At first she is angry at all those who have been taking and taking from her energy without giving back in the same measure. Those who took advantage of her weakness and treated her poorly. Then she realises that it was her own self that allowed for it to happen, that she consistently gave of herself out of a severe fear of being alone.

She always wanted to "be there for" someone, as being the “therapist" was the only love language she could recognize, after a childhood of being the peacekeeper/maker in her conflict fuelled family.
She begins to recognize how her lack of boundaries has only lead to her own pain and suffering, and how being a martyr only served the other and enabled their refusal to take responsibility for their own feelings and process.

She recognizes how her desperation for somebody else's approval has left her wounded and empty, for they cannot even approve of themselves, let alone anyone else. She took both their praise and their poison so personally, flying to the highest heights only to be dropped all the way back down. She placed her happiness in their hands, and they themselves did not know of such a thing.

The empath without boundaries begins to realise that she has been mistaking abuse for love, self sacrifice for love, toxic soul ties and agreements for love. She has been justifying the ill actions of others out of fear of being alone, leading to her own repressed anger and sadness, that lead to her mistreating others.
Blaming the other is not enough to shift this paradigm, taking self responsibility would be the first step.

The empath without boundaries begins to form her first boundary by saying that she no longer wishes to be a dumping ground for other people's unprocessed turmoil, and is no one's therapist, unless some kind of specific agreement has been drawn up and agreed upon.

She recognises how she wishes to be treated in a friendship, relationship, etc, and begins to prioritise her own wellbeing, serving her own needs and desires first, and stopping someone dead in their tracks when they begin to insert negative narratives into her reality without her consent.

She begins to recognise what and what is not her responsibility, and does not carry what is not hers to bear.

She does not accept the fear and shame of others as a truth in her own reality, instead questioning where it has come from, and whether it is a reality that can be changed for the better.

She recognises that everything is a choice, and that she is not cursed to endure a reality that does not align with her true spirit and soul.
She acknowledges that what she sees in those around her are all reflections of her inner landscape, and that even those who were taking from her energetically, are teachers and lessons that she signed up for so that she could level up to the next phase of her self discovery.
What she is not happy with in her reality can be changed by addressing the feelings that are triggered because of those things.
What she accepts will relent, and what she resists will persist.

She no longer just absorbs what the other is saying, but points out possible points for reflection and questioning, and instead of just enabling and accepting ego stories so as not to cause conflict, she encourages further growth and introspection in both herself and others.

She welcomes challenges to her own paradigm and ideas, embracing healthy debate that doesn't leave her stagnant in her own comfort zone of delusion.
She is not scared to trigger people in case they get up and leave her, for she would prefer having friends who are able to take responsibility for their own triggers and who aren't scared to look at themselves, for those are the qualities she wishes to nurture within herself.

She is also no longer afraid to be alone, and trusts that the right company will stick and stay throughout this process of growth, as they are busy growing themselves.

The Empath is a powerful individual whose greatest tool is Self Love. Once she begins to nurture her own inner garden, the scent of her roses waft through the streets and her sweetness inspires those around her to follow suit.
She transmutes her own pain into wisdom, and becomes a great friend, lover and community member.

The path of self discovery can be exceptionally painful once we begin to become aware of our unconscious behaviors and patterns, but the process of clearing debris from the pure river of love that flows through us, is priceless, and the reward is endless.

"I am an empath with better healthy boundaries blissfully swimming in the river of pure love"



¿Alguna vez has conocido a alguien que era 'súper espiritual' pero su vida personal era un poco como un spaghetti?

Sabes a lo que me refiero, tenían muchos problemas o tal vez simplemente eran críticos o hipócritas.

Todos somos seres divinos y perfectos en el nivel de la conciencia de Cristo, pero a menos que nos ocupemos de nuestras "cosas" personales, nuestra espiritualidad tiende a perderse en la traducción cuando se trata de nuestra vida cotidiana.

En el momento en que nuestra pura verdad e inspiración atraviesa todos los filtros de nuestras creencias subconscientes, traumas personales y filtros colectivos y culturales, es una versión gravemente distorsionada de la verdad y la perfección.

No hay juicio en esto. Así es como estamos conectados y TODOS tenemos estos filtros.

Cuantas más limitaciones curamos y resolvemos (es decir, con modalidades como la hipnosis y la terapia regresiva de vidas pasadas), más reflejan nuestras vidas la pureza de nuestra divina belleza interior.



El Alma Gemela es esa persona que conoce todo de ti. Es esa persona que llego para terminar lo que quedo pendiente. Te ayuda a trascender y evolucionar cumpliendo el propósito y se retira. Ya sabrán los 2 el momento exacto. Y como dicen por ahí hasta el próximo viaje o hasta la próxima vida...

El Amor de tu Vida vendrá ayudarte en este plano para aprender; conocerte y mostrarte amar de otra manera, en una vibra espiritual y te ayudará a sanar y completar tu transformación.

Uno es el amor carnal y el otro amor es a otro nivel... espiritual.

Desgraciadamente no todos alcanzan a entender ya que no pasan todas las pruebas que el universo les pone y a muchos les gana el ego.

Es un proceso que puede tardar años, incluso vida tras vida y no pueden encontrarse pero siempre se buscan.

Es una relación desafío y podrías decir hasta imposible.

Una vez conozcas a tu alma gemela, si es q la encuentras, tu vida cambiará 180 grados y se destruirá por completo para reinventarte y empezar de cero.

Es una prueba dificil y muchos renuncian a mitad del proceso.

Lo sabrás con el tiempo, tu alma gemela es todo junto, no es cuento de hadas, es vivir el cielo y el in****no pero es la más hermosa experiencia.

Si hay pacto en esta vida, se unirán y si no solo es un aprendizaje para tu despertar.

La misión de las almas gemelas van más allá de lo romántico y tienen una misión que descubrirán con el tiempo.

Es un propósito divino... luego estarás lista y divinamente transformada para conocer al verdadero amor de tu vida ♥️


🌟You try and you never give up! If you don't try, you'll never know


Cuando estés dispuesto a despertar y sanar por tí mismo para agradarle solo a Dios y no al mundo es cuando encontrarás una real transformación 🦋


NADIE viene a salvarte... ¡LEVÁNTATE! 💙
Todo esta en tu mente


NOBODY is coming to save you... GET UP!
You got this!


👉Si eres una persona de buen corazón y te satisface dar, tienes que ponerte LÍMITES ✋️porque sino ¡SE APROVECHARÁN DE TI!


Physical attraction is not as important as finding someone who takes you to another level... spiritual, mentally and
goes on the same frequency as you!


La atracción física no es tan importante como encontrar a alguien que te lleve a otro nivel... espiritual, mental y que vaya en la misma frecuencia que tú!


Inner Child Healing 💙

💙Inner child work is a way to address our needs that haven't been met as children and heal the attachment wounds we've developed.


because TAKERS won't





🔥Las velas del bizcocho o pastel de cumpleaños se soplan porque se pide lo que se desea ALEJAR

🔥Es todo lo contrario a lo que se cree,
si pides algo que deseas NO se te va a cumplir, si soplas la vela, porque el fuego se encarga de LLEVARSE las p***s

🔥Es por eso que se le debe hablar al fuego mientras le platicas tus tristezas y quemas lo que deseas ALEJAR



"Todo lo que sea para ti, te encontrará...
Mientras tanto respira, sonríe, agradece y guarda silencio. Camina tranquilo, disfrutando del paisaje y del camino sin hacer del sendero un medio para un fin. Zambúllete en el viaje hacia este instante eterno aquí y ahora, y retírate dentro de ti mismo, sobre todo, cuando necesites compañía.
Suelta. Sólo suelta... No persigas a nada ni a nadie, porque al perseguirlo lo ahuyentas, lo alejas. Deja que el universo ordene las energías y tú, relájate... disfruta del concierto de imágenes, de la orquesta de sabores, y de la sublime sinfonía de aromas y sonidos.

Todo lo que esté destinado a NO suceder, no sucederá, por más esfuerzos que se hagan. Todo lo que esté destinado a suceder, sucederá, por más esfuerzos que se hagan para impedirlo.
Ésta es la única y santa verdad. Todo lo que sea para ti, te encontrará. Pues aunque aún no lo creas y todavía no lo sientas: TODO EN ESTE SUEÑO YA ESTÁ ESCRITO.

Mientras tanto respira, sonríe, agradece, guarda silencio... y deja que la Divinidad, simplemente, haga su trabajo. Tan sólo deja que el cosmos orqueste su plan divino."

Déjate sorprender por la vida y confía que tú plan del alma es perfecta

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2253 Lakeside Drive
Kissimmee, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 3pm
5pm - 7pm
Tuesday 10am - 3pm
5pm - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 2pm
4pm - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 2pm
Saturday 12pm - 5pm

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