Osceola Library System, Kissimmee, FL Videos

Videos by Osceola Library System in Kissimmee. Books are just the beginning! osceolalibrary.org

Other Osceola Library System videos

The Osceola Library System wants to thank all of you for helping us celebrate National Library Week!

¡Muchísimas gracias al congresista Darren Soto por apoyar a la biblioteca no sólo en el "Día De Acción Para Las Bibliotecas en ", sino todos los días! #SemanaNacionaldelaBiblioteca #DiaDeAccionParaLasBibliotecas

A big thank you to Congressman Darren Soto for supporting the library not just on "Take Action for Libraries Day," but every day! #NationalLibraryWeek #NLW #TakeActionForLibrariesDAY

Here’s to another trip around the world! Thank you to everyone who came on the journey with us! We hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday season! 🥳🎉🪅🎊

Sidewalk Challenge: West Osceola Sidewalk Obstacle Course

Curbside Pickup Service
Did you hear about our new Curbside Pickup service? Enjoy easy contactless pickup of Library materials at all of our branches! Here's a quick how-to video of how the service works. For more information, visit osceolalibrary.org/curbside-pickup

Art in Public Places - Mike Valentine Art Exhibit
In partnership with Osceola Arts's Art in Public Places, Hart Memorial Library will house Mike Valentine's Art Exhibit throughout November and December 2019. Mike Valentine has worked as a caricature artist for Disney, an artist for DC Comics, and as a children's book illustrator. View his beautiful works before they're gone!