Cub Scouts La Vergne Pack 2223, La Vergne, TN Videos

Videos by Cub Scouts La Vergne Pack 2223 in La Vergne. This page is designed for leaders, parents and members to be able to communicate as questions and id

Pack 340’s Webelos and Arrow of light dens earned their Aquanauts Advancement today. Let’s say they are a little excited. Even had some Scouts from Troop 340 help and earn some advancement as well. Overall great day for our Pack. Very proud of all our Scouts!!!

Other Cub Scouts La Vergne Pack 2223 videos

Pack 340’s Webelos and Arrow of light dens earned their Aquanauts Advancement today. Let’s say they are a little excited. Even had some Scouts from Troop 340 help and earn some advancement as well. Overall great day for our Pack. Very proud of all our Scouts!!!

Today we closed out our Summertime Pack Award with a potluck at Camp Skinner. We have officially met the requirements as a Pack for our SECOND year in a row!! To celebrate the day, we closed out the afternoon with a parents vs. Cub tug of war! Watch and see who took the win!